9,514 research outputs found

    Implications of Particle Acceleration in Active Galactic Nuclei for Cosmic Rays and High Energy Neutrino Astronomy

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    We consider the production of high energy neutrinos and cosmic rays in radio-quiet active galactic nuclei (AGN) or in the central regions of radio-loud AGN. We use a model in which acceleration of protons takes place at a shock in an accretion flow onto a supermassive black hole, and follow the cascade that results from interactions of the accelerated protons in the AGN environment. We use our results to estimate the diffuse high energy neutrino intensity and cosmic ray intensity due to AGN. We discuss our results in the context of high energy neutrino telescopes under construction, and measurements of the cosmic ray composition in the region of the ``knee'' in the energy spectrum at ∼107\sim 10^7 GeV.Comment: 37 pages of compressed and uuencoded postscript; hardcopy available on request; to be published in Astroparticle Physics; ADP-AT-94-

    Quantum Black Holes, Elliptic Genera and Spectral Partition Functions

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    We study M-theory and D-brane quantum partition functions for microscopic black hole ensembles within the context of the AdS/CFT correspondence in terms of highest weight representations of infinite-dimensional Lie algebras, elliptic genera, and Hilbert schemes, and describe their relations to elliptic modular forms. The common feature in our examples lie in the modular properties of the characters of certain representations of the pertinent affine Lie algebras, and in the role of spectral functions of hyperbolic three-geometry associated with q-series in the calculation of elliptic genera. We present new calculations of supergravity elliptic genera on local Calabi-Yau threefolds in terms of BPS invariants and spectral functions, and also of equivariant D-brane elliptic genera on generic toric singularities. We use these examples to conjecture a link between the black hole partition functions and elliptic cohomology.Comment: 42 page

    Hierarchic plate and shell models based on p-extension

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    Formulations of finite element models for beams, arches, plates and shells based on the principle of virtual work was studied. The focus is on computer implementation of hierarchic sequences of finite element models suitable for numerical solution of a large variety of practical problems which may concurrently contain thin and thick plates and shells, stiffeners, and regions where three dimensional representation is required. The approximate solutions corresponding to the hierarchic sequence of models converge to the exact solution of the fully three dimensional model. The stopping criterion is based on: (1) estimation of the relative error in energy norm; (2) equilibrium tests, and (3) observation of the convergence of quantities of interest

    Induced Dilaton in Topologically Massive Quantum Field Theory

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    We consider the conformally-invariant coupling of topologically massive gravity to a dynamical massless scalar field theory on a three-manifold with boundary. We show that, in the phase of spontaneously broken Lorentz and Weyl symmetries, this theory induces the target space zero mode of the vertex operator for the string dilaton field on the boundary of the three-dimensional manifold. By a further coupling to topologically massive gauge fields in the bulk, we demonstrate directly from the three-dimensional theory that this dilaton field transforms in the expected way under duality transformations so as to preserve the mass gaps in the spectra of the gauge and gravitational sectors of the quantum field theory. We show that this implies an intimate dynamical relationship between T-duality and S-duality transformations of the quantum string theory. The dilaton in this model couples bulk and worldsheet degrees of freedom to each other and generates a dynamical string coupling.Comment: 26 pages RevTeX, 1 figure, uses epsf.st

    Octopamine increases the excitability of neurons in the snail feeding system by modulation of inward sodium current but not outward potassium currents

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    Background: Although octopamine has long been known to have major roles as both transmitter and modulator in arthropods, it has only recently been shown to be functionally important in molluscs, playing a role as a neurotransmitter in the feeding network of the snail Lymnaea stagnalis. The synaptic potentials cannot explain all the effects of octopamine-containing neurons on the feeding network, and here we test the hypothesis that octopamine is also a neuromodulator. Results: The excitability of the B1 and B4 motoneurons in the buccal ganglia to depolarising current clamp pulses is significantly (P << 0.05) increased by (10 mu M) octopamine, whereas the B2 motoneuron becomes significantly less excitable. The ionic currents evoked by voltage steps were recorded using 2-electrode voltage clamp. The outward current of B1, B2 and B4 motoneurons had two components, a transient I-A current and a sustained I-K delayed-rectifier current, but neither was modulated by octopamine in any of these three buccal neurons. The fast inward current was eliminated in sodium - free saline and so is likely to be carried by sodium ions. 10 mu M octopamine enhanced this current by 33 and 45% in the B1 and B4 motoneurons respectively (P << 0.05), but a small reduction was seen in the B2 neuron. A Hodgkin-Huxley style simulation of the B1 motoneuron confirms that a 33% increase in the fast inward current by octopamine increases the excitability markedly. Conclusion: We conclude that octopamine is also a neuromodulator in snails, changing the excitability of the buccal neurons. This is supported by the close relationship from the voltage clamp data, through the quantitative simulation, to the action potential threshold, changing the properties of neurons in a rhythmic network. The increase in inward sodium current provides an explanation for the polycyclic modulation of the feeding system by the octopamine-containing interneurons, making feeding easier to initiate and making the feeding bursts more intense

    Thermal measurement and modeling of multi-die packages

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    Thermal measurement and modeling of multi-die packages became a hot topic recently in different fields like RAM chip packaging or LEDs / LED assemblies, resulting in vertical (stacked) and lateral arrangement. In our present study we show results for a mixed arrangement: an opto-coupler device has been investigated with 4 chips in lateral as well as vertical arrangement. In this paper we give an overview of measurement and modeling techniques and results for stacked and MCM structures, describe our present measurement results together with our structure function based methodology of validating the detailed model of the package being studied. Also, we show how to derive junction-to-pin thermal resistances with a technique using structure functions.Comment: Submitted on behalf of TIMA Editions (http://irevues.inist.fr/tima-editions

    Radiation Generated by Charge Migration Following Ionization

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    Electronic many-body effects alone can be the driving force for an ultrafast migration of a positive charge created upon ionization of molecular systems. Here we show that this purely electronic phenomenon generates a characteristic IR radiation. The situation when the initial ionic wave packet is produced by a sudden removal of an electron is also studied. It is shown that in this case a much stronger UV emission is generated. This emission appears as an ultrafast response of the remaining electrons to the perturbation caused by the sudden ionization and as such is a universal phenomenon to be expected in every multielectron system.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    The Bravyi-Kitaev transformation for quantum computation of electronic structure

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    Quantum simulation is an important application of future quantum computers with applications in quantum chemistry, condensed matter, and beyond. Quantum simulation of fermionic systems presents a specific challenge. The Jordan-Wigner transformation allows for representation of a fermionic operator by O(n) qubit operations. Here we develop an alternative method of simulating fermions with qubits, first proposed by Bravyi and Kitaev [S. B. Bravyi, A.Yu. Kitaev, Annals of Physics 298, 210-226 (2002)], that reduces the simulation cost to O(log n) qubit operations for one fermionic operation. We apply this new Bravyi-Kitaev transformation to the task of simulating quantum chemical Hamiltonians, and give a detailed example for the simplest possible case of molecular hydrogen in a minimal basis. We show that the quantum circuit for simulating a single Trotter time-step of the Bravyi-Kitaev derived Hamiltonian for H2 requires fewer gate applications than the equivalent circuit derived from the Jordan-Wigner transformation. Since the scaling of the Bravyi-Kitaev method is asymptotically better than the Jordan-Wigner method, this result for molecular hydrogen in a minimal basis demonstrates the superior efficiency of the Bravyi-Kitaev method for all quantum computations of electronic structure

    3D-2D crossover in the naturally layered superconductor (LaSe)1.14(NbSe2)

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    The temperature and angular dependencies of the resistive upper critical magnetic field Bc2B_{c2} reveal a dimensional crossover of the superconducting state in the highly anisotropic misfit-layer single crystal of (LaSe)1.14_{1.14}(NbSe2_2) with the critical temperature TcT_c of 1.23 K. The temperature dependence of the upper critical field Bc2∥ab(T)B_{c2\parallel ab}(T) for a field orientation along the conducting (ab)(ab)-planes displays a characteristic upturn at 1.1 K and below this temperature the angular dependence of Bc2B_{c2} has a cusp around the parallel field orientation. Both these typical features are observed for the first time in a naturally crystalline layered system.Comment: 7 pages incl. 3 figure
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