394 research outputs found

    Visualization and Characterization of Agricultural Sprays Using Machine Learning based Digital Inline Holography

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    Accurate characterization of agricultural sprays is crucial to predict in field performance of liquid applied crop protection products. Here we introduce a robust and efficient machine learning (ML) based Digital In-line Holography (DIH) to accurately characterize the droplet field for a wide range of agricultural spray nozzles. Compared to non-ML methods, our method enhances accuracy, generalizability, and processing speed. Our approach employs two neural networks: a modified U-Net to obtain the 3D droplet field from the numerically reconstructed optical field, followed by a VGG16 classifier to reduce false positives from the U-Net prediction. The modified U-Net is trained using holograms generated using a single spray nozzle at three spray locations; center, half-span, and the spray edge to create training data with various number densities and droplet size ranges. VGG16 is trained via the minimum intensity projection of the droplet 3D point spread function. Data augmentation is used to increase the efficiency of classification and make the algorithm generalizable for different measurement settings. The model is validated via NIST traceable glass beads and six agricultural spray nozzles representing various spray characteristics. The results demonstrate a high accuracy rate, with over 90% droplet extraction and less than 5% false positives. Compared to traditional spray measurement techniques, our method offers a significant leap forward in spatial resolution and generalizability. In particular, our method can extract the real cumulative volume distribution of the NIST beads, where the laser diffraction is biased towards droplets moving at slower speeds. Additionally, the ML-based DIH enables the estimation of mass and momentum flux at different locations and the calculation of relative velocities of droplet pairs, which are difficult to obtain via conventional techniques.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figure

    Mapping giant magnetic fields around dense solid plasmas by high resolution magneto-optical microscopy

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    We investigate distribution of magnetic fields around dense solid plasmas generated by intense p-polarized laser (~10^{16} W.cm^{-2}, 100 fs) irradiation of magnetic tapes, using high sensitivity magneto optical microscopy. We present evidence for giant axial magnetic fields and map out for the first time the spatial distribution of these fields. By using the axial magnetic field distribution as a diagnostic tool we uncover evidence for angular momentum associated with the plasma. We believe this study holds significance for investigating the process under which a magnetic material magnetizes or demagnetizes under the influence of ultrashort intense laser pulses.Comment: 17 pages of text with 4 figure

    Elucidating the structural composition of a Fe-N-C catalyst by nuclear and electron resonance techniques

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    Fe–N–C catalysts are very promising materials for fuel cells and metal–air batteries. This work gives fundamental insights into the structural composition of an Fe–N–C catalyst and highlights the importance of an in‐depth characterization. By nuclear‐ and electron‐resonance techniques, we are able to show that even after mild pyrolysis and acid leaching, the catalyst contains considerable fractions of α‐iron and, surprisingly, iron oxide. Our work makes it questionable to what extent FeN4 sites can be present in Fe–N–C catalysts prepared by pyrolysis at 900 °C and above. The simulation of the iron partial density of phonon states enables the identification of three FeN4 species in our catalyst, one of them comprising a sixfold coordination with end‐on bonded oxygen as one of the axial ligands

    Assessing labour migration patterns in marine fisheries sector across the coastal States of Gujarat and Maharashtra

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    Assessing the demographic characteristics of migrant fisher folks of coastal states of Gujarat and Maharashtra, with special focus on causes of migration, challenges and achievements in livelihood. Methods: The primary statistical tool of descriptive analysis, percentage analysis, Garrette ranking etc. have been carried out to assess various parameters of the study. Binary logistic regression was carried out to analyse the determinants for predicting willingness for continuing migration of fishermen. Findings: The expected rise in income and anticipated desire of enjoying a better standard of living and the seasonality are the key factors which necessitate the fishermen to migrate . The study identified unemployment as the main problem faced by the workers in fishing industry which necessitates the need for the labour migration. Moreover, income inequality, climate change, demographic shift and conflicts also contributed towards labour migration, in search of employability and security. Novelty: Marine fisheries sector is one of the most important sectors contributing much for the Indian economy but still facing disguised unemployment. Income inequalities, climate change, demographic shift and conflicts had contributed much for the migration of labour in search of employment and security. This proposed study is an investigative research over the labour migration and alternative avocation in the marine fisheries sector of the districts of Gujarat and Maharashtra as labour migration has become an adaptive or coping strategy of fishermen of the study area which scrutinizes the relevance of this study

    Drug Susceptibility in Leishmania Isolates Following Miltefosine Treatment in Cases of Visceral Leishmaniasis and Post Kala-Azar Dermal Leishmaniasis

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    Resistance to antimonials has emerged as a major hurdle to the treatment and control of VL and led to the introduction of Miltefosine as first line treatment in the Indian subcontinent. MIL is an oral drug with a long half-life, and it is feared that resistance may emerge rapidly, threatening control efforts under the VL elimination program. There is an urgent need for monitoring treatment efficacy and emergence of drug resistance in the field. In a set of VL/PKDL cases recruited for MIL treatment, we observed comparable drug susceptibility in pre- and post-treatment isolates from cured VL patients while MIL susceptibility was significantly reduced in isolates from VL relapse and PKDL cases. The PKDL isolates showed higher tolerance to MIL as compared to VL isolates. Both VL and PKDL isolates were uniformly susceptible to PMM. MIL transporter genes LdMT/LdRos3 were previously reported as potential resistance markers in strains in which MIL resistance was experimentally induced. The point mutations and the down-regulated expression of these transporters observed in vitro could, however, not be verified in natural populations of parasites. LdMT/LdRos3 genes therefore, do not appear to be suitable markers so far for monitoring drug susceptibility in clinical leishmanial isolates

    A Review of Metallothionein Isoforms and their Role in Pathophysiology

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    The Metallothionein (MT) is a protein which has several interesting biological effects and has been demonstrated increase focus on the role of MT in various biological systems in the past three decades. The studies on the role of MT were limited with few areas like apoptosis and antioxidants in selected organs even fifty years after its discovery. Now acknowledge the exploration of various isoforms of MT such as MT-I, MT-II, MT-III and MT-IV and other isoforms in various biological systems