3,418 research outputs found

    Bicrossproduct structure of the null-plane quantum Poincare algebra

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    A nonlinear change of basis allows to show that the non-standard quantum deformation of the (3+1) Poincare algebra has a bicrossproduct structure. Quantum universal R-matrix, Pauli-Lubanski and mass operators are presented in the new basis.Comment: 7 pages, LaTe

    Towards Spinfoam Cosmology

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    We compute the transition amplitude between coherent quantum-states of geometry peaked on homogeneous isotropic metrics. We use the holomorphic representations of loop quantum gravity and the Kaminski-Kisielowski-Lewandowski generalization of the new vertex, and work at first order in the vertex expansion, second order in the graph (multipole) expansion, and first order in 1/volume. We show that the resulting amplitude is in the kernel of a differential operator whose classical limit is the canonical hamiltonian of a Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmology. This result is an indication that the dynamics of loop quantum gravity defined by the new vertex yields the Friedmann equation in the appropriate limit.Comment: 8 page

    Almost commutative Riemannian geometry: wave operators

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    Associated to any (pseudo)-Riemannian manifold MM of dimension nn is an n+1n+1-dimensional noncommutative differential structure (\Omega^1,\extd) on the manifold, with the extra dimension encoding the classical Laplacian as a noncommutative `vector field'. We use the classical connection, Ricci tensor and Hodge Laplacian to construct (\Omega^2,\extd) and a natural noncommutative torsion free connection (,σ)(\nabla,\sigma) on Ω1\Omega^1. We show that its generalised braiding \sigma:\Omega^1\tens\Omega^1\to \Omega^1\tens\Omega^1 obeys the quantum Yang-Baxter or braid relations only when the original MM is flat, i.e their failure is governed by the Riemann curvature, and that \sigma^2=\id only when MM is Einstein. We show that if MM has a conformal Killing vector field τ\tau then the cross product algebra C(M)τRC(M)\rtimes_\tau\R viewed as a noncommutative analogue of M×RM\times\R has a natural n+2n+2-dimensional calculus extending Ω1\Omega^1 and a natural spacetime Laplacian now directly defined by the extra dimension. The case M=R3M=\R^3 recovers the Majid-Ruegg bicrossproduct flat spacetime model and the wave-operator used in its variable speed of light preduction, but now as an example of a general construction. As an application we construct the wave operator on a noncommutative Schwarzschild black hole and take a first look at its features. It appears that the infinite classical redshift/time dilation factor at the event horizon is made finite.Comment: 39 pages, 4 pdf images. Removed previous Sections 5.1-5.2 to a separate paper (now ArXived) to meet referee length requirements. Corresponding slight restructure but no change to remaining conten

    Quantum Deformations of Space-Time Symmetries with Mass-Like Deformation Parameter

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    The difficulties with the measurability of classical space-time distances are considered. We outline the framework of quantum deformations of D=4 space-time symmetries with dimensionfull deformation parameter, and present some recent results.Comment: 4 pages, LaTeX, uses file stwol.sty, to be published in the Proceedings of XXXII International Rochester Conference in High Energy Physics (Warsaw, 24.07-31.07 1996

    Braided Matrix Structure of the Sklyanin Algebra and of the Quantum Lorentz Group

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    Braided groups and braided matrices are novel algebraic structures living in braided or quasitensor categories. As such they are a generalization of super-groups and super-matrices to the case of braid statistics. Here we construct braided group versions of the standard quantum groups Uq(g)U_q(g). They have the same FRT generators l±l^\pm but a matrix braided-coproduct \und\Delta L=L\und\tens L where L=l+SlL=l^+Sl^-, and are self-dual. As an application, the degenerate Sklyanin algebra is shown to be isomorphic to the braided matrices BMq(2)BM_q(2); it is a braided-commutative bialgebra in a braided category. As a second application, we show that the quantum double D(\usl) (also known as the `quantum Lorentz group') is the semidirect product as an algebra of two copies of \usl, and also a semidirect product as a coalgebra if we use braid statistics. We find various results of this type for the doubles of general quantum groups and their semi-classical limits as doubles of the Lie algebras of Poisson Lie groups.Comment: 45 pages. Revised (= much expanded introduction

    Braided structure of fractional Z3Z_3-supersymmetry

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    It is shown that fractional Z3Z_3-superspace is isomorphic to the qexp(2πi/3)q\to\exp(2\pi i/3) limit of the braided line. Z3Z_3-supersymmetry is identified as translational invariance along this line. The fractional translation generator and its associated covariant derivative emerge as the qexp(2πi/3)q\to\exp(2\pi i/3) limits of the left and right derivatives from the calculus on the braided lineComment: 8 pages, LaTeX, submitted to Proceedings of the 5th Colloquium `Quantum groups and integrable systems', Prague, June 1996 (to appear in Czech. J. Phys.

    An Efficient Automatic Mass Classification Method In Digitized Mammograms Using Artificial Neural Network

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    In this paper we present an efficient computer aided mass classification method in digitized mammograms using Artificial Neural Network (ANN), which performs benign-malignant classification on region of interest (ROI) that contains mass. One of the major mammographic characteristics for mass classification is texture. ANN exploits this important factor to classify the mass into benign or malignant. The statistical textural features used in characterizing the masses are mean, standard deviation, entropy, skewness, kurtosis and uniformity. The main aim of the method is to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the classification process in an objective manner to reduce the numbers of false-positive of malignancies. Three layers artificial neural network (ANN) with seven features was proposed for classifying the marked regions into benign and malignant and 90.91% sensitivity and 83.87% specificity is achieved that is very much promising compare to the radiologist's sensitivity 75%.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    Noncommutative Harmonic Analysis, Sampling Theory and the Duflo Map in 2+1 Quantum Gravity

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    We show that the \star-product for U(su2)U(su_2), group Fourier transform and effective action arising in [1] in an effective theory for the integer spin Ponzano-Regge quantum gravity model are compatible with the noncommutative bicovariant differential calculus, quantum group Fourier transform and noncommutative scalar field theory previously proposed for 2+1 Euclidean quantum gravity using quantum group methods in [2]. The two are related by a classicalisation map which we introduce. We show, however, that noncommutative spacetime has a richer structure which already sees the half-integer spin information. We argue that the anomalous extra `time' dimension seen in the noncommutative geometry should be viewed as the renormalisation group flow visible in the coarse-graining in going from SU2SU_2 to SO3SO_3. Combining our methods we develop practical tools for noncommutative harmonic analysis for the model including radial quantum delta-functions and Gaussians, the Duflo map and elements of `noncommutative sampling theory'. This allows us to understand the bandwidth limitation in 2+1 quantum gravity arising from the bounded SU2SU_2 momentum and to interpret the Duflo map as noncommutative compression. Our methods also provide a generalised twist operator for the \star-product.Comment: 53 pages latex, no figures; extended the intro for this final versio

    Waves on Noncommutative Spacetime and Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    Quantum group Fourier transform methods are applied to the study of processes on noncommutative Minkowski spacetime [xi,t]=ıλxi[x^i,t]=\imath\lambda x^i. A natural wave equation is derived and the associated phenomena of {\it in vacuo} dispersion are discussed. Assuming the deformation scale λ\lambda is of the order of the Planck length one finds that the dispersion effects are large enough to be tested in experimental investigations of astrophysical phenomena such as gamma-ray bursts. We also outline a new approach to the construction of field theories on the noncommutative spacetime, with the noncommutativity equivalent under Fourier transform to non-Abelianness of the `addition law' for momentum in Feynman diagrams. We argue that CPT violation effects of the type testable using the sensitive neutral-kaon system are to be expected in such a theory.Comment: 25 page

    Quantum Field Theory with Nonzero Minimal Uncertainties in Positions and Momenta

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    A noncommutative geometric generalisation of the quantum field theoretical framework is developed by generalising the Heisenberg commutation relations. There appear nonzero minimal uncertainties in positions and in momenta. As the main result it is shown with the example of a quadratically ultraviolet divergent graph in ϕ4\phi^4 theory that nonzero minimal uncertainties in positions do have the power to regularise. These studies are motivated with the ansatz that nonzero minimal uncertainties in positions and in momenta arise from gravity. Algebraic techniques are used that have been developed in the field of quantum groups.Comment: 52 pages LATEX, DAMTP/93-33. Revised version now includes a chapter on the Poincare algebra and curvature as noncommutativity of momentum spac