7,236 research outputs found

    Comparative Analysis of Non-thermal Emissions and Study of Electron Transport in a Solar Flare

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    We study the non-thermal emissions in a solar flare occurring on 2003 May 29 by using RHESSI hard X-ray (HXR) and Nobeyama microwave observations. This flare shows several typical behaviors of the HXR and microwave emissions: time delay of microwave peaks relative to HXR peaks, loop-top microwave and footpoint HXR sources, and a harder electron energy distribution inferred from the microwave spectrum than from the HXR spectrum. In addition, we found that the time profile of the spectral index of the higher-energy (\gsim 100 keV) HXRs is similar to that of the microwaves, and is delayed from that of the lower-energy (\lsim 100 keV) HXRs. We interpret these observations in terms of an electron transport model called {\TPP}. We numerically solved the spatially-homogeneous {\FP} equation to determine electron evolution in energy and pitch-angle space. By comparing the behaviors of the HXR and microwave emissions predicted by the model with the observations, we discuss the pitch-angle distribution of the electrons injected into the flare site. We found that the observed spectral variations can qualitatively be explained if the injected electrons have a pitch-angle distribution concentrated perpendicular to the magnetic field lines rather than isotropic distribution.Comment: 32 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journa

    Metal-insulator transition in three dimensional Anderson model: universal scaling of higher Lyapunov exponents

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    Numerical studies of the Anderson transition are based on the finite-size scaling analysis of the smallest positive Lyapunov exponent. We prove numerically that the same scaling holds also for higher Lyapunov exponents. This scaling supports the hypothesis of the one-parameter scaling of the conductance distribution. From the collected numerical data for quasi one dimensional systems up to the system size 24 x 24 x infinity we found the critical disorder 16.50 < Wc < 16.53 and the critical exponent 1.50 < \nu < 1.54. Finite-size effects and the role of irrelevant scaling parameters are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Understanding Heisenberg's 'Magical' Paper of July 1925: a New Look at the Calculational Details

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    In July 1925 Heisenberg published a paper [Z. Phys. 33, 879-893 (1925)] which ended the period of `the Old Quantum Theory' and ushered in the new era of Quantum Mechanics. This epoch-making paper is generally regarded as being difficult to follow, perhaps partly because Heisenberg provided few clues as to how he arrived at the results which he reported. Here we give details of calculations of the type which, we suggest, Heisenberg may have performed. We take as a specific example one of the anharmonic oscillator problems considered by Heisenberg, and use our reconstruction of his approach to solve it up to second order in perturbation theory. We emphasize that the results are precisely those obtained in standard quantum mechanics, and suggest that some discussion of the approach - based on the direct computation of transition amplitudes - could usefully be included in undergraduate courses in quantum mechanics.Comment: 24 pages, no figures, Latex, submitted to Am. J. Phy

    Effectiveness of an inlet flow turbulence control device to simulate flight noise fan in an anechoic chamber

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    A hemispherical inlet flow control device was tested on a 50.8 cm. (20-inch) diameter fan stage in the NASA-Lewis anechoic chamber. The control device used honeycomb and wire mesh to reduce turbulence intensities entering the fan. Far field acoustic power level results show about a 5 db reduction in blade passing tone and about 10 dB reduction in multiple pure tone sound power at 90% design fan speed with the inlet device in place. Hot film cross probes were inserted in the inlet to obtain data for two components of the turbulence at 65 and 90% design fan speed. Without the flow control device, the axial intensities were below 1.0%, while the circumferential intensities were almost twice this value. The inflow control device significantly reduced the circumferential turbulence intensities and also reduced the axial length scale

    Multifractal properties of critical eigenstates in two-dimensional systems with symplectic symmetry

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    The multifractal properties of electronic eigenstates at the metal-insulator transition of a two-dimensional disordered tight-binding model with spin-orbit interaction are investigated numerically. The correlation dimensions of the spectral measure D~2\widetilde{D}_{2} and of the fractal eigenstate D2D_{2} are calculated and shown to be related by D2=2D~2D_{2}=2\widetilde{D}_{2}. The exponent η=0.35±0.05\eta=0.35\pm 0.05 describing the energy correlations of the critical eigenstates is found to satisfy the relation η=2D2\eta=2-D_{2}.Comment: 6 pages RevTeX; 3 uuencoded, gzipped ps-figures to appear in J. Phys. Condensed Matte

    Critical regime of two dimensional Ando model: relation between critical conductance and fractal dimension of electronic eigenstates

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    The critical two-terminal conductance gcg_c and the spatial fluctuations of critical eigenstates are investigated for a disordered two dimensional model of non-interacting electrons subject to spin-orbit scattering (Ando model). For square samples, we verify numerically the relation σc=1/[2π(2D(1))]e2/h\sigma_c=1/[2\pi(2-D(1))] e^2/h between critical conductivity σc=gc=(1.42±0.005)e2/h\sigma_c=g_c=(1.42\pm 0.005) e^2/h and the fractal information dimension of the electron wave function, D(1)=1.889±0.001D(1)=1.889\pm 0.001. Through a detailed numerical scaling analysis of the two-terminal conductance we also estimate the critical exponent ν=2.80±0.04\nu=2.80\pm 0.04 that governs the quantum phase transition.Comment: IOP Latex, 7 figure

    Is it possible to observe experimentally a metal-insulator transition in ultra cold atoms?

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    Kicked rotors with certain non-analytic potentials avoid dynamical localization and undergo a metal-insulator transition. We show that typical properties of this transition are still present as the non-analyticity is progressively smoothed out provided that the smoothing is less than a certain limiting value. We have identified a smoothing dependent time scale such that full dynamical localization is absent and the quantum momentum distribution develops power-law tails with anomalous decay exponents as in the case of a conductor at the metal-insulator transition. We discuss under what conditions these findings may be verified experimentally by using ultra cold atoms techniques. It is found that ultra-cold atoms can indeed be utilized for the experimental investigation of the metal-insulator transition.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Failure of single-parameter scaling of wave functions in Anderson localization

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    We show how to use properties of the vectors which are iterated in the transfer-matrix approach to Anderson localization, in order to generate the statistical distribution of electronic wavefunction amplitudes at arbitary distances from the origin of Ld1×L^{d-1} \times \infty disordered systems. For d=1d=1 our approach is shown to reproduce exact diagonalization results available in the literature. In d=2d=2, where strips of width L64 L \leq 64 sites were used, attempted fits of gaussian (log-normal) forms to the wavefunction amplitude distributions result in effective localization lengths growing with distance, contrary to the prediction from single-parameter scaling theory. We also show that the distributions possess a negative skewness SS, which is invariant under the usual histogram-collapse rescaling, and whose absolute value increases with distance. We find 0.15S0.300.15 \lesssim -S \lesssim 0.30 for the range of parameters used in our study, .Comment: RevTeX 4, 6 pages, 4 eps figures. Phys. Rev. B (final version, to be published

    Tunneling edges at strong disorder

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    Scattering between edge states that bound one-dimensional domains of opposite potential or flux is studied, in the presence of strong potential or flux disorder. A mobility edge is found as a function of disorder and energy, and we have characterized the extended phase. "paper_FINAL.tex" 439 lines, 20366 characters In the presence of flux and/or potential disorder, the localization length scales exponentially with the width of the barrier. We discuss implications for the random-flux problem.Comment: RevTeX, 4 page

    Anderson transitions in three-dimensional disordered systems with randomly varying magnetic flux

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    The Anderson transition in three dimensions in a randomly varying magnetic flux is investigated in detail by means of the transfer matrix method with high accuracy. Both, systems with and without an additional random scalar potential are considered. We find a critical exponent of ν=1.45±0.09\nu=1.45\pm0.09 with random scalar potential. Without it, ν\nu is smaller but increases with the system size and extrapolates within the error bars to a value close to the above. The present results support the conventional classification of universality classes due to symmetry.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.