24 research outputs found

    Classical and quantum decay of one dimensional finite wells with oscillating walls

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    To study the time decay laws (tdl) of quasibounded hamiltonian systems we have considered two finite potential wells with oscillating walls filled by non interacting particles. We show that the tdl can be qualitatively different for different movement of the oscillating wall at classical level according to the characteristic of trapped periodic orbits. However, the quantum dynamics do not show such differences.Comment: RevTeX, 15 pages, 14 PostScript figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Decay of the Sinai Well in D dimensions

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    We study the decay law of the Sinai Well in DD dimensions and relate the behavior of the decay law to internal distributions that characterize the dynamics of the system. We show that the long time tail of the decay is algebraic (1/t1/t), irrespective of the dimension DD.Comment: 14 pages, Figures available under request. Revtex. Submitted to Phys. Rev. E.,e-mail: [email protected]

    Interaction-induced chaos in a two-electron quantum-dot system

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    A quasi-one-dimensional quantum dot containing two interacting electrons is analyzed in search of signatures of chaos. The two-electron energy spectrum is obtained by diagonalization of the Hamiltonian including the exact Coulomb interaction. We find that the level-spacing fluctuations follow closely a Wigner-Dyson distribution, which indicates the emergence of quantum signatures of chaos due to the Coulomb interaction in an otherwise non-chaotic system. In general, the Poincar\'e maps of a classical analog of this quantum mechanical problem can exhibit a mixed classical dynamics. However, for the range of energies involved in the present system, the dynamics is strongly chaotic, aside from small regular regions. The system we study models a realistic semiconductor nanostructure, with electronic parameters typical of gallium arsenide.Comment: 4 pages, 3ps figure

    Decay of Classical Chaotic Systems - the Case of the Bunimovich Stadium

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    The escape of an ensemble of particles from the Bunimovich stadium via a small hole has been studied numerically. The decay probability starts out exponentially but has an algebraic tail. The weight of the algebraic decay tends to zero for vanishing hole size. This behaviour is explained by the slow transport of the particles close to the marginally stable bouncing ball orbits. It is contrasted with the decay function of the corresponding quantum system.Comment: 16 pages, RevTex, 3 figures are available upon request from [email protected], to be published in Phys.Rev.

    Slow relaxation in weakly open vertex-splitting rational polygons

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    The problem of splitting effects by vertex angles is discussed for nonintegrable rational polygonal billiards. A statistical analysis of the decay dynamics in weakly open polygons is given through the orbit survival probability. Two distinct channels for the late-time relaxation of type 1/t^delta are established. The primary channel, associated with the universal relaxation of ''regular'' orbits, with delta = 1, is common for both the closed and open, chaotic and nonchaotic billiards. The secondary relaxation channel, with delta > 1, is originated from ''irregular'' orbits and is due to the rationality of vertices.Comment: Key words: Dynamics of systems of particles, control of chaos, channels of relaxation. 21 pages, 4 figure

    Electron recombination with multicharged ions via chaotic many-electron states

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    We show that a dense spectrum of chaotic multiply-excited eigenstates can play a major role in collision processes involving many-electron multicharged ions. A statistical theory based on chaotic properties of the eigenstates enables one to obtain relevant energy-averaged cross sections in terms of sums over single-electron orbitals. Our calculation of the low-energy electron recombination of Au25+^{25+} shows that the resonant process is 200 times more intense than direct radiative recombination, which explains the recent experimental results of Hoffknecht {\em et al.} [J. Phys. B {\bf 31}, 2415 (1998)].Comment: 9 pages, including 1 figure, REVTe