2,156 research outputs found

    A high-resolution full-field range imaging system

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    There exist a number of applications where the range to all objects in a field of view needs to be obtained. Specific examples include obstacle avoidance for autonomous mobile robots, process automation in assembly factories, surface profiling for shape analysis, and surveying. Ranging systems can be typically characterized as being either laser scanning systems where a laser point is sequentially scanned over a scene or a full-field acquisition where the range to every point in the image is simultaneously obtained. The former offers advantages in terms of range resolution, while the latter tend to be faster and involve no moving parts. We present a system for determining the range to any object within a camera's field of view, at the speed of a full-field system and the range resolution of some point laser scans. Initial results obtained have a centimeter range resolution for a 10 second acquisition time. Modifications to the existing system are discussed that should provide faster results with submillimeter resolution

    Toward-1mm depth precision with a solid state full-field range imaging system

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    Previously, we demonstrated a novel heterodyne based solid-state full-field range-finding imaging system. This system is comprised of modulated LED illumination, a modulated image intensifier, and a digital video camera. A 10 MHz drive is provided with 1 Hz difference between the LEDs and image intensifier. A sequence of images of the resulting beating intensifier output are captured and processed to determine phase and hence distance to the object for each pixel. In a previous publication, we detailed results showing a one-sigma precision of 15 mm to 30 mm (depending on signal strength). Furthermore, we identified the limitations of the system and potential improvements that were expected to result in a range precision in the order of 1 mm. These primarily include increasing the operating frequency and improving optical coupling and sensitivity. In this paper, we report on the implementation of these improvements and the new system characteristics. We also comment on the factors that are important for high precision image ranging and present configuration strategies for best performance. Ranging with sub-millimeter precision is demonstrated by imaging a planar surface and calculating the deviations from a planar fit. The results are also illustrated graphically by imaging a garden gnome

    Characterization of modulated time-of-flight range image sensors

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    A number of full field image sensors have been developed that are capable of simultaneously measuring intensity and distance (range) for every pixel in a given scene using an indirect time-of-flight measurement technique. A light source is intensity modulated at a frequency between 10–100 MHz, and an image sensor is modulated at the same frequency, synchronously sampling light reflected from objects in the scene (homodyne detection). The time of flight is manifested as a phase shift in the illumination modulation envelope, which can be determined from the sampled data simultaneously for each pixel in the scene. This paper presents a method of characterizing the high frequency modulation response of these image sensors, using a pico-second laser pulser. The characterization results allow the optimal operating parameters, such as the modulation frequency, to be identified in order to maximize the range measurement precision for a given sensor. A number of potential sources of error exist when using these sensors, including deficiencies in the modulation waveform shape, duty cycle, or phase, resulting in contamination of the resultant range data. From the characterization data these parameters can be identified and compensated for by modifying the sensor hardware or through post processing of the acquired range measurements

    Characterizing an image intensifier in an full-field range image system

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    We are developing a high precision full-field range imaging system. An integral component in this system is an image intensifier, which is modulated at frequencies up to 100 MHz. The range measurement precision is dictated by the image intensifier performance, in particular, the achievable modulation frequency, modulation depth, and waveform shape. By characterizing the image intensifier response, undesirable effects can be observed and quantified with regards to the consequence on the resulting range measurements, and the optimal operating conditions can be selected to minimize these disturbances. The characterization process utilizes a pulsed laser source to temporally probe the gain of the image intensifier. The laser is pulsed at a repetition rate slightly different to the image intensifier modulation frequency, producing a continuous phase shift between the two signals. A charge coupled device samples the image intensifier output, capturing the response over a complete modulation period. Deficiencies in our measured response are clearly identifiable and simple modifications to the configuration of our electrical driver circuit improve the modulation performance

    Full field image ranger hardware

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    We describe the hardware designed to implement a full field heterodyning imaging system. Comprising three key components - a light source, high speed shutter and a signal generator - the system is expected to be capable of simultaneous range measurements to millimetre precision over the entire field of view. Current modulated laser diodes provide the required illumination, with a bandwidth of 100 MHz and peak output power exceeding 600 mW. The high speed shutter action is performed by gating the cathode of an image intensifier, driven by a 50 Vpp waveform with 3.5 ns rise and fall times. A direct digital synthesiser, with multiple synchronised channels, provides high stability between its outputs, 160 MHz bandwidth and tuning of 0.1 Hz

    Image intensifier characterization

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    An image intensifier forms an integral part of a full-field image range finder under development at the University of Waikato. Operating as a high speed shutter with repetition rates up to 100 MHz, a method is described to characterise the response, both temporally and spatially, of the intensifier in order to correct for variations in the field of view and to optimise the operating conditions. A short pulse of visible light is emitted by a laser diode, uniformly illuminating the image intensifier, while a CCD camera captures the output from the intensifier. The phase of the laser pulse is continuously varied using a heterodyne configuration, automatically producing a set of samples covering the modulation cycle. The results show some anomalies in the response of our system and some simple solutions are proposed to correct for these

    Characterizing an image intensifier in an full-field range image system

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    We are developing a high precision full-field range imaging system. An integral component in this system is an image intensifier, which is modulated at frequencies up to 100 MHz. The range measurement precision is dictated by the image intensifier performance, in particular, the achievable modulation frequency, modulation depth, and waveform shape. By characterizing the image intensifier response, undesirable effects can be observed and quantified with regards to the consequence on the resulting range measurements, and the optimal operating conditions can be selected to minimize these disturbances. The characterization process utilizes a pulsed laser source to temporally probe the gain of the image intensifier. The laser is pulsed at a repetition rate slightly different to the image intensifier modulation frequency, producing a continuous phase shift between the two signals. A charge coupled device samples the image intensifier output, capturing the response over a complete modulation period. Deficiencies in our measured response are clearly identifiable and simple modifications to the configuration of our electrical driver circuit improve the modulation performance

    A synchronised Direct Digital Synthesiser

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    We describe a Direct Digital Synthesiser (DDS) which provides three frequency-locked synchronised outputs to generate frequencies from DC to 160 MHz. Primarily designed for use in a heterodyning range imaging system, the flexibility of the design allows its use in a number of other applications which require any number of stable, synchronised high frequency outputs. Frequency tuning of 32 bit length provides 0.1 Hz resolution when operating at the maximum clock rate of 400 MSPS, while 14 bit phase tuning provides 0.4 mrad resolution. The DDS technique provides very high relative accuracy between outputs, while the onboard oscillator’s stability of ±1 ppm adds absolute accuracy to the design

    A high resolution full-field range imaging system for robotic devices

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    There has been considerable effort by many researchers to develop a high resolution full-field range imaging system. Traditionally these systems rely on a homodyne technique that modulates the illumination source and shutter speed at some high frequency. These systems tend to suffer from the need to be calibrated to account for changing ambient light conditions and generally cannot provide better than single centimeter range resolution, and even then over a range of only a few meters. We present a system, tested to proof-of-concept stage that is being developed for use on a range of mobile robots. The system has the potential for real-time, sub millimeter range resolution, with minimal power and space requirements

    Improved linearity using harmonic error rejection in a full-field range imaging system

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    Full field range imaging cameras are used to simultaneously measure the distance for every pixel in a given scene using an intensity modulated illumination source and a gain modulated receiver array. The light is reflected from an object in the scene, and the modulation envelope experiences a phase shift proportional to the target distance. Ideally the waveforms are sinusoidal, allowing the phase, and hence object range, to be determined from four measurements using an arctangent function. In practice these waveforms are often not perfectly sinusoidal, and in some cases square waveforms are instead used to simplify the electronic drive requirements. The waveforms therefore commonly contain odd harmonics which contribute a nonlinear error to the phase determination, and therefore an error in the range measurement. We have developed a unique sampling method to cancel the effect of these harmonics, with the results showing an order of magnitude improvement in the measurement linearity without the need for calibration or lookup tables, while the acquisition time remains unchanged. The technique can be applied to existing range imaging systems without having to change or modify the complex illumination or sensor systems, instead only requiring a change to the signal generation and timing electronics