11 research outputs found

    Algebraic Properties of Qualitative Spatio-Temporal Calculi

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    Qualitative spatial and temporal reasoning is based on so-called qualitative calculi. Algebraic properties of these calculi have several implications on reasoning algorithms. But what exactly is a qualitative calculus? And to which extent do the qualitative calculi proposed meet these demands? The literature provides various answers to the first question but only few facts about the second. In this paper we identify the minimal requirements to binary spatio-temporal calculi and we discuss the relevance of the according axioms for representation and reasoning. We also analyze existing qualitative calculi and provide a classification involving different notions of a relation algebra.Comment: COSIT 2013 paper including supplementary materia

    Variations on an Ordering Theme with Constraints

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    Computational complexity of propositional linear temporal logics based on qualitative spatial or temporal reasoning

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    International audienceWe consider the language obtained by mixing the model of the regions and the propositional linear temporal logic. In particular, we propose alternative languages where the model of the regions is replaced by different forms of qualitative spatial or temporal reasoning. In these languages, qualitative formulas describe the movement and the relative positions of spatial or temporal entities in some spatial or temporal universe. This paper addresses the issue of the formal proof that for all forms of qualitative spatial and temporal reasoning such that consistent atomic constraint satisfaction problems are globally consistent, determining of any given qualitative formula whether it is satisfiable or not is PSPACE-complete

    Den rettslige situasjonen for barn i utlendingsinternatet pÄ Trandum - Er internering av barnefamilier i strid med menneskerettighetene utledet av Grunnloven, Den europeiske menneskerettskonvensjonen og FNs Barnekonvensjon?

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    Utlendingsinternatet pÄ Trandum benyttes i stor grad som et siste stoppested for utlendinger som skal tvangsreturneres ut av Norge. Dette er utlendinger som har fÄtt endelig avslag pÄ sine sÞknader om oppholdstillatelse, men likevel ikke reist ut av Norge innen den utreisefristen de ble tildelt. PÄ tross av at det finnes regler i norsk rett som hjemler internering av utlendingbarn uten lovlig oppholdstillatelse i Norge, har internering vist seg problematisk hva gjelder flere menneskerettigheter. Avhandlingen inneholder en systematisk gjennomgang av barnets beste, retten til frihet og sikkerhet, forbud mot tortur, umenneskelig og nedverdigende behandling og retten til privat- og familieliv - og en vurdering av hvorvidt internering av barn og barnefamilier er i strid med disse rettighetene. Rettighetene finnes nedfelt i Grunnloven, Den europeiske menneskerettskonvensjonen og FNs Barnekonvensjon

    Double-Crossing: Decidability and Computational Complexity of a Qualitative Calculus for Navigation

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    The Double Cross calculus has been proposed for the purpose of navigation based on qualitative information about spatial configurations. Up until now, however, no results about algorithmic properties of this calculus are known. First, w