82 research outputs found

    Solar activity beyond the disk and variations of the cosmic ray gradient

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    Part of galactic cosmic rays (CR) observed near the Earth and on the Earth come from beyond-disk regions of circumsolar space. But CR of those energies which undergo substantial modulation cover too large a path across the lines of force of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) in order that they could provide an effective transfer of information about beyond-disk solar activity. And if it is still possible, the most probable channel for transferring such information must be a neutral layer of heliomagnetosphere in which the transverse CR transport is facilitated by their drift in an inhomogeneous magnetic field. A simple diffusion model for an expected CR variation in a neutral layer near the Earth is discussed. It is of importance that variations of the CR gradient are not at all always accompanied by considerable variations of IMF and solar wind velocity at the point of observation

    Ground increase of cosmic ray intensity on February 16, 1984

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    The event of February 16, 1984 is one of the two largest ground increases of solar cosmic rays (CR) in the last two cycles of solar activity. This event happended at a decrease of the 21-st cycle against a quiet background. Although at the beginning of 1984 the observed indices of solar activity were higher than those at the end of 1983, the day of February 16 16 may be characterized as very quiet. On that day the geomagnetic perturbance (Sigma F sub p = 14, A sub p = 7) was the lowest in February. After a small Forbush decrease due to the magnetic storm of February 12-13, the CR intensity almost completely recovered by February 16. Thus, the solar particles that came to the Earth on February 16 got into a practically unperturbed magnetosphere, and the variations of secondary CR induced by these particles were not superimposed on any other substantial variations of extraterrestrial or magnetospheric origin

    Nanotechnologies: A Review of Inventions and Utility Models. Part V

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    The article provides an abstract review of patents. The results of creative activity of scientists, engineers and specialists, including inventions in the field of nanotechnology and nanomaterials, being implemented, allow achieving a significant effect in construction, housing and community services, and related sectors of the economy. For example, the invention A method to produce dry construction mixtures refers to manufacturing of building materials, in particularly, to manufacture of dry construction mixtures (DCM) by the method of joint mechanoactivation of cement and dolomite, with further modification of them with carbon nanostructures (CNT). The technical result of the given method of mixing CNT and main component of dry construction mixtures cement - is that it makes possible to use microquantities (0.005%) of CNT in DCM. That allows decreasing product cost of obtained mixture. Moreover, due to increased strength, faster hardening of materials one can reduce consumption of these mixtures. That is additional factor affecting decrease of mixture product cost. The results obtained after application of mechanoactivation of basic mixture components were different practically by all indicators from the mixtures prepared by simple mixing. Compression strength and tensile strength increased by 10-15%, adhesion strength increased too. Along with increasing of strength characteristics such an important indicator of DCM as air permeability has decreased. Reduction of total volume of pores in dense structure of cement matrix caused dramatic slow-up of moisture diffusion rate. The specialists can also be interested in the following inventions in the area of nanotechnologies: a method of laser building-up welding for metal coatings, high RAP in WMA surface mixture containing nanoglass fibers, a device to apply nanoparticles of metal oxides on metal surface under normal conditions, multifunctional nanostructured additive for coatings, experimental assessment of cement mortar using nanooxide compounds, a composition for setting constructional layers of road pavements, a method to obtain composite films of nanofibers, nano-engineering of construction materials using molecular dynamics simulations, cast and self-compacting concrete mixture for cast-in-situ concrete and prefabricated reinforced units, a method to obtain photocatalyst based on nanotubular titanium dioxide et al

    Inventions in the Area of Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies. Part I

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    Introduction. Advanced technologies impress people’s imagination demonstrating the latest achievements (materials, methods, systems, technologies, devices etc.) that dramatically change the world. This, first of all, concerns nanotechnological inventions designed by scientists, engineers and specialists from different countries. Main part. The article provides an abstract overview of inventions of scientists, engineers and specialists from different countries: Germany, Iraq, China, Russia, USA, Ukraine, Sweden, Japan et al. The results of the creative activity of scientists, engineers and specialists, including inventions in the field of nanotechnology and nanomaterials allow, when introduced to industry, achieving a significant effect in construction, housing and communal services, and related sectors of the economy. For example, the invention «Nanomodified building mortar» refers to construction materials and can be used in masonry of ceramic stones, ceramic bricks, hollow bricks in dry and hot climate. The novelty, in respect to the existing construction mortars, is the combination of known components of Portland cement, sand for construction works, amorphous nanomodified silica dioxide, superplasticizer С-3, cure retarders of Portland cement, air-entraining resin. The given qualitative and quantitative composition of nanomodified construction mortar makes it possible to obtain the mentioned mixtures in a simple way: for example, in gravity mixer, with evenly distributed components in volume, which is characterized with specified flowability, water-retaining property, controlled hardening period and can be used in dry and hot climate with air temperature up to 40-50°С. The following inventions in the field of nanotechnology can also be interesting for specialists: a composition of self-compacting construction concrete on the basis of cement matrix, a method of producing polarization-sensitive nanocomposite film on the basis of copper selenide, a method of producing porous moulded article in the form of insulation plaster layer, a method to obtain amorphous nanostructured diamond-like coating, a method of cement surface modification, a system to produce carbon nanotubes, et al. Conclusion. One of the most challenging tasks the economy of every country faces is to increase industrial competitiveness through technological upgrade. From the side of the state and companies the principal object to control in this process are the people and enterprises dealing with introduction of inventions and new technologies

    Inventions in the Area of Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies. Part III

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    Introduction. Advanced technologies inspire people by demonstrating the latest achievements (materials, methods, systems, technologies, devices etc.) that dramatically change the world. This, first of all, concerns nanotechnological inventions designed by scientists, engineers and specialists from different countries. Main part. The article provides an abstract overview of inventions of scientists, engineers and specialists from different countries: Russia, USA, Turkmenistan, Japan et al. The results of the creative activity of scientists, engineers and specialists, including inventions in the field of nanotechnology and nanomaterials allow, when introduced to industry, achieving a significant effect in construction, housing and communal services, and related sectors of the economy. For example, the invention «Modifying additive» is related to the road construction and can be applied in production of asphalt-concrete, including that with utilizing of nanotechnologies. To improve performance characteristics of bitumen and asphalt concrete one can use modifying additive which comprises a mix of carbon nanomaterials. The aim of the invention is to solve the task of creating new technology which could provide obtaining of asphalt concrete with enhanced performance characteristics. The following inventions in the field of nanotechnology can also be interesting for specialists: a method to obtain multi-layered nanocomposite coating; a method of laser surface treatment for steel products; a device to obtain graphene-containing suspension; a method to obtain nanocrystal silicon powder; a self-cleaning material with chemical and biological protection properties; a method of obtaining nanostructured composite material on the basis of aluminum; a device control system with the shape memory effect to manipulate micro- and nanoobjects; a method to form plasmon nanostructures on the object surfaces to provide non-destructive analysis of low concentrations of chemical compounds by Raman spectroscopy et al. Conclusion. One of the most challenging tasks the economy of every country face is to increase industrial competitiveness through technological upgrade. From the side of the state and companies the principal object to control in this process are the people and enterprises dealing with introduction of inventions and new technologies

    On possibility of measurement of the electron beam energy using absorption of radiation by electrons in a magnetic field

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    The possibility of the precise measurement of the electron beam energy using absorption of radiation by electrons in a static and homogeneous magnetic field in a range up to a few hundred GeV energies, was considered in [1]. With the purpose of experimental checking of this method in a range of several tens MeV energies, the possibility of measurement of absolute energy of the electron beam energy with relative accuracy up to 10^{-4} is examined in details.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figure

    Features of vanadium geochemistry in oils from the oil and gas fields of Eastern region of Ukraine

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    The results of long-term studies of the geochemical features of vanadium in the oil from 36 deposits of the Eastern oil and gas region of Ukraine. Based on the results of correlation and regression analyses, the nature and forms of the relationship between the vanadium content in oil and nickel, zinc, chromium, manganese, cobalt, iron, mercury, aluminum and the total content of these metals were determined; average capacity of the productive horizon; oil density value; oil viscosity value; resin content; the density of formation water from the productive horizon; sulfur content in oil; actual depth of the productive horizon; actual temperature of the productive horizon; actual pressure of the productive horizon; oil boiling point; paraffin content; the value of mineralization for formation water from the productive horizon; content of asphaltenes. Correlation coefficients, pairwise linear regression equations as well as curves that illustrate relationships between these parameters are obtained. Based on the results of the cluster analysis, a dendrogram of the results for clustering by means of the weighted centroid method of the considered fields by the content of vanadium in the oils was elaborated. Based on the results of clustering by means of the weighted centroid method, the first natural classification of oil and gas fields of eastern region of Ukraine according to the content of vanadium in oils was developed. It has been proven that heteroatomic low-molecular sulfur-containing components of the petroleum system are the main concentrators of vanadium in the oil for the studied deposits. It has been shown that, based on the results of the cluster analysis, sample average values of vanadium concentrations that vary significantly between individual deposits or groups of deposits for established ranges could be interpreted in terms of qualitative assessment as follows: abnormally low; low; below average; average; above average; high; abnormally high. The implementation of this kind of approach makes it possible to visually compare and interpret in terms of geology various scale and various indicators of oil deposits obtained by means of experimental study

    Состояние безопасности дорожного движения в Арктической зоне Российской Федерации

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    The article deals with the issue of road safety in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation.The analysis of road traffic accidents over the past 10 years that occurred in the Arctic zone of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) was carried out for the first time ever. The study refers to the total number of road traffic accidents, accidents due to the fault of pedestrians, accidents due to the unsatisfied condition of streets and roads, accidents involving children under 16 years of age, accidents involving drivers with signs of alcohol intoxication and accidents committed by drivers without the right to drive vehicles. Based on the data obtained, a coefficient K was proposed that characterises the state of road safety in the Arctic regions in comparison with traffic safety in general in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).The analysis of road traffic accident statistics has shown that many accidents are the fault of drivers without a driver’s license and revealed the districts with respectively the highest and lowest number of accidents as per their types listed above.Despite the huge territory and the small number of inhabitants, and consequently the low population density, the number of accidents in the Arctic zone of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) has been increasing every year necessitating efforts to improve road safety.В статье рассмотрен вопрос по безопасности дорожного движения в Арктической зоне Российской Федерации.Впервые проведён анализ дорожно-транспортных происшествий, произошедших на территории Арктической зоны Республики Саха (Якутия) за последние десять лет. Проанализировано общее количество ДТП, ДТП по вине пешеходов, ДТП из-за неудовлетворительного состояния улиц и дорог, ДТП с участием детей до 16 лет, ДТП с участием водителей с признаками опьянения и ДТП, допущенных водителями без права на управление транспортными средствами.На основе полученных данных был предложен коэффициент «К», который характеризует состояние безопасности дорожного движения в Арктических районах по сравнению с безопасностью движения в целом по Республике Саха (Якутия).Проведённый анализ статистики ДТП показал, что большое количество ДТП происходит по вине водителей без прав на управление транспортными средствами. Также были выявлены районы с наиболее высоким и низким количеством произошедших ДТП по перечисленным выше видам. Несмотря на огромную территорию и небольшое число жителей, а, соответственно, и низкую плотность населения, количество ДТП в Арктической зоне Республики Саха (Якутия) увеличивается с каждым годом, что диктует целесообразность проведения мероприятий по повышению безопасности дорожного движения

    Features of the composition and deformation of rock within the Marmarosh massif (in Ukraine)

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    Microscopic study of rocks from fault zones reveals different types of dynamometamorphic microstructures, which were formed under compression and shear conditions: micro boudinage, mylonitization, deformation bands, subparallel zones of intragranular microcracks, etc. Сhanges in the optical properties of minerals (wavy extinction of quartz), processes of recrystallization of minerals (quartz, calcite), deformational twinning (calcite), new formations of stress minerals (muscovite along the mylonitization zone) are described. All these phenomena are clearly linked with the deformation regimes of compaction and transpression reconstructed in the study area