128 research outputs found

    Regeneration of garlic plants (Allium sativum L., cv. "Chonan") via cell culture in liquid medium.

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    Cochlea-Implantation: Konzept, Therapieergebnisse und Lebensqualität

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    Cochlea-Implantate stellen heute eine unverzichtbare Methode zur auditiven Rehabilitation hochgradig hörgeschädigter Patienten dar. Durch die rasante Entwicklung der Implantat-technologie haben sich die Hörergebnisse erheblich verbessert, ca 80% der Patienten können telefonieren und Kinder erreichen eine nahezu normale Hör- und Sprachentwicklung. Das hat zu einer Indikationsausweitung hin zu Patienten mit Hochtontaubheit und einseitiger Taubheit geführt. Zur Zeit sind aber nur etwa 60 000 der ca 1 Million CI-Kandidaten implantiert. Zukünftig werden multimodale universelle Hörimplantate für die kombinierte elektro-mechanische Stimulation zur Verfügung stehen, die fortlaufend eine Anpassung der Stimulationsstrategie an den jeweiligen Funktionszustand von Haarzellen und Hörnerven auch bei progredienter Schwerhörigkeit ermöglichen. Brain-Computer-Interfaces erlauben die automatisierte Anpassung an die Hörsituation und eine Optimierung der Signalverarbeitung zur Erzielung eines bestmöglichen Hörvermögens. Binaurale Hörsysteme erlauben eine Verbesserung von Richtungshören und Hören im Störgeräusch. Advanced Implants besitzen additiv gefertigte individualisierte Elektroden, die sich nach atraumatischer robotisch assistierter Insertion aktiv der Anatomie der Cochlea anpassen. Sie sind in Abhängigkeit von der Pathophysiologie mit integrierten biologischen Komponenten ausgestattet, unterstützen die Erhaltung des Restgehörs und ermöglichen die Regeneration neuraler Elemente zur Verbesserung der Elektroden-Nerven-Schnittstelle. Dadurch lassen sich die heutigen grundsätzlichen Grenzen der CI-Technologie überwinden und in Richtung des physiologischen Gehörs verschieben. Das Bionische Ohr ist somit in Reichweite. Durch konsequente Weiterentwicklung mit Vereinfachung der Versorgung, hörerhaltender Implantation unter Lokal-Anästhesie und Anwendung robotischer Systeme werden zukünftig mehr Patienten von dem neuen physiologischen Hören profitieren

    Fully digital data processing during cardiovascular implantable electronic device follow-up in a high-volume tertiary center

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    Background Increasing numbers of patients with cardiovascular implantable electronic devices (CIEDs) and limited follow-up capacities highlight unmet challenges in clinical electrophysiology. Integrated software (MediConnect®) enabling fully digital processing of device interrogation data has been commercially developed to facilitate follow-up visits. We sought to assess feasibility of fully digital data processing (FDDP) during ambulatory device follow-up in a high-volume tertiary hospital to provide guidance for future users of FDDP software. Methods A total of 391 patients (mean age, 70 years) presenting to the outpatient department for routine device follow-up were analyzed (pacemaker, 44%; implantable cardioverter defibrillator, 39%; cardiac resynchronization therapy device, 16%). Results Quality of data transfer and follow-up duration were compared between digital (n = 265) and manual processing of device data (n = 126). Digital data import was successful, complete and correct in 82% of cases when early software versions were used. When using the most recent software version the rate of successful digital data import increased to 100%. Software-based import of interrogation data was complete and without failure in 97% of cases. The mean duration of a follow-up visit did not differ between the two groups (digital 18.7 min vs. manual data transfer 18.2 min). Conclusions FDDP software was successfully implemented into the ambulatory follow-up of patients with implanted pacemakers and defibrillators. Digital data import into electronic patient management software was feasible and supported the physician’s workflow. The total duration of follow-up visits comprising technical device interrogation and clinical actions was not affected in the present tertiary center outpatient cohort

    Multicentre evaluation of the NaĂ­da Ci Q70 sound processor: Feedback from cochlear implant users and professionals

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    The aim of this survey was to gather data from both implant recipients and professionals on the ease of use of the NaĂ­da CI Q70 (NaĂ­da CI) sound processor from Advanced Bionics and on the usefulness of the new functions and features available. A secondary objective was to investigate fitting practices with the new processor. A comprehensive user satisfaction survey was conducted in a total of 186 subjects from 24 centres. In parallel, 23 professional questionnaires were collected from 11 centres. Overall, there was high satisfaction with the NaĂ­da CI processor from adults, children, experienced and new CI users as well as from professionals. The NaĂ­da CI processor was shown as being easy to use by all ages of recipients and by professionals. The majority of experienced CI users rated the NaĂ­da CI processor as being similar or better than their previous processor in all areas surveyed. The NaĂ­da CI was recommended by the professionals for fitting in all populations. Features like UltraZoom, ZoomControl and DuoPhone would not be fitted to very young children in contrast to adults. Positive ratings were obtained for ease of use, comfort and usefulness of the new functions and features of the NaĂ­da CI sound processor. Seventy-seven percent of the experienced CI users rated the new processor as being better than their previous sound processor from a general point of view. The survey also showed that fitting practices were influenced by the age of the user

    HEAR AFRICA! Implementierung des Neugeborenenhörscreenings in Tanzania - erste Ergebnisse

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    Sprachverständlichkeit im hohen Alter nach Cochlea-Implantation

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    Henicoxiphium redactum, a new cyclopoid copepod associated with an ascidian in Florida and North Carolina

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    Volume: 83Start Page: 569End Page: 57

    Sprachverstehen von einseitig ertaubten Jugendlichen

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