774 research outputs found

    Development and Validation of a Submodel for Thermal Exchanges in the Hydraulic Circuits of a Global Engine Model

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    [EN] To face the current challenges of the automotive industry, there is a need for computational models capable to simulate the engine behavior under low-temperature and low-pressure conditions. Internal combustion engines are complex and have interconnected systems where many processes take place and influence each other. Thus, a global approach to engine simulation is suitable to study the entire engine performance. The circuits that distribute the hydraulic fluids -liquid fuels, coolants and lubricants- are critical subsystems of the engine. This work presents a 0D model which was developed and set up to make possible the simulation of hydraulic circuits in a global engine model. The model is capable of simulating flow and pressure distributions as well as heat transfer processes in a circuit. After its development, the thermo-hydraulic model was implemented in a physical based engine model called Virtual Engine Model (VEMOD), which takes into account all the relevant relations among subsystems. In the present paper, the thermo-hydraulic model is described and then it is used to simulate oil and coolant circuits of a diesel engine. The objective of the work is to validate the model under steady-state and transient operation, with focus on the thermal evolution of oil and coolant. For validation under steady-state conditions, 22 operating points were measured and simulated, some of them in cold environment. In general, good agreement was obtained between simulation and experiments. Next, the WLTP driving cycle was simulated starting from warmed-up conditions and from ambient temperature. Results were compared with the experiment, showing that modeled trends were close to those experimentally measured. Thermal evolutions of oil and coolant were predicted with mean errors between 0.7 °C and 2.1 °C. In particular, the warm-up phase was satisfactorily modeled.This research has been partially funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement 723976 (“DiePeR”) and by the Spanish government under the grant agreement TRA2017-89894-R. Josep SalvadorIborra was supported by Universitat Politècnica de València through the contract FPI-S2-2016-1357 of the program PAID01-16. The authors wish to thank Renault SAS, especially P. Mallet and E. Gaïffas, for supporting this research. Jaime Monfort San Segundo is acknowledged for his helpful collaboration in the code implementationBroatch, A.; Olmeda, P.; Martín, J.; Salvador-Iborra, J. (2018). Development and Validation of a Submodel for Thermal Exchanges in the Hydraulic Circuits of a Global Engine Model. SAE Technical Papers. https://doi.org/10.4271/2018-01-0160


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    This work addresses the bubble generation mechanism at multi-orifice distributors in gas-solid fluidized beds (FB). Different measurements techniques such as high speed video camera and Kistler pressure transducers were applied to obtain information from both local, and global bed dynamics. Pressure fluctuation time series are used for dynamic diagnosis of the 2-D facility used during the study. The bed was operated with different distributor plates at several bubbling conditions leading to different bubble flow patterns characterized by digital image analysis of both the dense and the bubble phases. In order to explain the bubble pattern developed within the bed and the measured bubble dynamics, a phenomenological discrete bubble model is used. This model proposes an activation region (AR) mechanism for multi-orifice bubble generation. The underlying hypothesis is that the bubble formation can be placed in a region above the distributor plate where the initial bubble size is the result of the dynamical interaction of neighbour orifices. From the analysis of the experimental results, it is observed how for two different uniform gas distribution across the distributor plate, bubble dynamics interactions play the main role as the driver of the resulting bubble flow pattern developed within the bed. Moreover, when the activation region hypothesis is used as a bubble generation mechanism in a phenomenological discrete bubble model, it is seen that the proposed activation region mechanism, explains the observed bubble generation phenomena at multi-orifice distributors, and leads to a substantial decrease of the computational cost to simulate bubbling FB dynamics

    The use of branch piles to assist in the restoration of degraded semiarid steppes

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    Desertification is a major environmental problem in arid and semiarid regions. Tree plantation has been commonly employed to foster the recovery of degraded areas. However, this technique is costly, and their outcomes are often uncertain. Therefore, we evaluated an alternative method for the restoration of degraded semiarid steppes that involved the construction of branch piles to attract frugivores as potential seed-dispersing birds, promoting seed rain, and fostering the formation of woody patches. We measured the success of branch piles in terms of the number of bird visits and seed input compared to naturally occurring shrub patches. Generally, frugivorous birds visited branch piles less frequently than shrub patches. Yet, branch piles accumulated seeds of patch-forming shrub species. Seed rain was higher under patches of the dominant shrub Rhamnus lycioides than under branch piles. In contrast, woody patches and branch piles did not differ in seed input of the less abundant Pistacia lentiscus shrub. Our study demonstrates that branch piles are used by frugivorous birds and accumulate seeds of patch-forming shrubs. Branch piles may be a suitable method to promote the expansion of bird-dispersed plant species and restore semiarid wooded steppes. However, their efficiency largely depends on pile persistence and economic cost

    Simulation of fuel particles motion in a 2D fluidized bed using a hybrid-model considering wall friction

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    The mixing of fuel particles is a key issue on the performance of fluidized bed reactors. In this work, the motion of a non-reactive fuel particle in a 2D bubbling fluidized bed at ambient conditions is simulated employing a hybrid-model. The hybrid-model, implemented in the code MFIX, simulates the dense and gas phases using a Two-Fluid Model (TFM) while the fuel particles are modeled using a Discrete Element Method (DEM). The importance of the present hybrid-model is that the interaction of the continuum phases with the fuel particles behavior is fully coupled. In a previous study, Hernández-Jiménez et al. (1) compared the fuel particles motion obtained from the simulation with experimental results measured in a cold 2D fluidized bed by Soria-Verdugo et al. (2, 3). The simulation results related to the location of the fuel particle in the bed were similar to the experimental data (Figure-1). Nevertheless, some discrepancies were found in important parameters such as the circulation time of the fuel particles. These discrepancies were associated to the overprediction of the simulated solids velocity. In the present work, in order to improve the accuracy of the simulated fuel particle motion in a bubbling fluidized bed, a friction term accounting for the effect of the walls of the bed on the continuum solid phase is introduced in the hybrid-model, as proposed by Hernández-Jiménez et al. (4). According to the results, prediction of the fuel circulation time is clearly improved when the friction term is included in the simulation (Figure-2). REFERENCES Hernández-Jiménez F. , Garcia-Gutierrez L.M., Soria-Verdugo A., Acosta-Iborra A. 2015. Fully coupled TFM-DEM simulations to study the motion of fuel particles in a fluidized bed, Chem. Eng. Sci.,134, 29, 57-66. Soria-Verdugo, A., Garcia-Gutierrez, L.M., Sánchez-Delgado, S., Ruiz-Rivas,U., 2011a. Circulation of an object immersed in a bubbling fluidized bed. Chem. Eng. Sci. 66, 78–87. Soria-Verdugo, A., Garcia-Gutierrez, L.M., García-Hernando, N., Ruiz-Rivas, U., 2011b. Buoyancy effects on objects moving in a bubbling fluidized bed. Chem. Eng. Sci.66, 2833–2841. Hernández-Jiménez, F., Cano-Pleite, E., Sánchez-Prieto, J., Garcia-Gutierrez, L.M., Acosta-Iborra, A. Development of an empirical wall-friction model for 2D simulations of pseudo-2D fluidized beds. Submitted for publication. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Global variability in gene expression and alternative splicing is modulated by mitochondrial content

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    Noise in gene expression is a main determinant of phenotypic variability. Increasing experimental evidence suggests that genome-wide cellular constraints largely contribute to the heterogeneity observed in gene products. It is still unclear, however, which global factors affect gene expression noise and to what extent. Since eukaryotic gene expression is an energy demanding process, differences in the energy budget of each cell could determine gene expression differences. Here, we quantify the contribution of mitochondrial variability (a natural source of ATP variation) to global variability in gene expression. We find that changes in mitochondrial content can account for ∼50% of the variability observed in protein levels. This is the combined result of the effect of mitochondria dosage on transcription and translation apparatus content and activities. Moreover, we find that mitochondrial levels have a large impact on alternative splicing, thus modulating both the abundance and type of mRNAs. A simple mathematical model in which mitochondrial content simultaneously affects transcription rate and splicing site choice can explain the alternative splicing data. The results of this study show that mitochondrial content (and/or probably function) influences mRNA abundance, translation, and alternative splicing, which ultimately affects cellular phenotypeThe authors would like to thank the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (Spain) (Grant numbers BFU2009-10792 and BFU2013-45918-R) and The Medical Research Council (U.K.) for supporting this work. We thank the Fundação Ciência e Tecnologia (Portugal) for funding R.P.N. A.R. held a postgraduate fellowship (FPU) from the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. The CBMSO receives an institutional grant from Fundación Ramón Arece

    Experimental study of the influence of exhaust gas recirculation on heat transfer in the firedeck of a direct injection diesel engine

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    [EN] Emissions control is a key topic for internal combustion engine development. One of the most widespread technologies to reduce the formation of nitrogen oxides is the recirculation of exhaust gas to the engine intake. Besides, carbon dioxide emissions from internal combustion engines can be reduced by increasing engine efficiency. A relevant factor for engine efficiency is heat rejection. The interaction between heat transfer and exhaust gas recirculation is not fully understood. In this paper, an experimental study is presented which aims to shed light on the influence of high pressure exhaust gas recirculation on heat transfer. Three operating points were analyzed. Heat flux was calculated at several locations of the firedeck from temperature measurements. The results showed that the influence of exhaust gas recirculation on heat transfer was significant. Reductions of heat flux up to 18% were observed. The largest reduction was found in the area near the center of the firedeck. To contextualize the findings in the framework of emissions reduction, the trade-off between nitrogen oxides and carbon dioxide was assessed for all test points.The authors acknowledge General Motors Global R&D for supporting this research. The equipment used in this work was partially supported by FEDER project funds Dotación de infraestructuras científico técnicas para el Centro Integral de Mejora Energética y Medioambiental de Sistemas de Transporte (CiMeT), (FEDER-ICTS-2012-06) , framed in the operational program of unique scientific and technical infrastructure of the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain. Josep Salvador-Iborra was partially supported through contract FPI-S2-2016-1357 of Programa de Apoyo para la Investigación y Desarrollo (PAID-01-16) of Universitat Politècnica de València.Torregrosa, AJ.; Broatch, A.; Olmeda, P.; Salvador-Iborra, J.; Warey, A. (2017). Experimental study of the influence of exhaust gas recirculation on heat transfer in the firedeck of a direct injection diesel engine. Energy Conversion and Management. 153:304-312. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2017.10.003S30431215

    Critical Evaluation of Euler-Euler and Euler-Lagrangian Modelling Strategies in a 2-D Gas Fluidized Bed

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    Two-phase granular systems are commonly encountered in industry, and fluidized beds are particularly important due to their excellent heat and mass transfer characteristics. Here, we critically evaluate the differences between two modelling strategies, Euler-Euler and Euler-Lagrangian models. Euler-Euler simulations were performed using MFIX and an in-house code was used for Euler-Lagrangian simulations. A 2D bed of width, height and transverse thickness of respectively, 0.2 m, 0.5 m and 0.01 m, served as a test case. The settled bed height was H0 = 0.2 m. Particles of density ρ = 1000 kg/m³ and diameter dp = 1.2 mm were fluidized with air. The drag-law proposed by Benyahia et al. (10) was used in both models. Comparison between the simulation results was based on both instantaneous and time-averaged properties. A particular focus of this study was the influence of the coefficients of restitution and friction on the simulation results