1,292 research outputs found

    Divergences of Discrete States Amplitudes and Effective Lagrangian in 2D String Theory

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    Scattering amplitudes for discrete states in 2D string theory are considered. Pole divergences of tree-level amplitudes are extracted and residues are interpreted as renormalized amplitudes for discrete states. An effective Lagrangian generating renormalized amplitudes for open string is written and corresponding Ward identities are presented. A relation of this Lagrangian with homotopy Lie algebra is discussed

    NN-point amplitudes for d=2 c=1 Discrete States from String Field Theory

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    Starting from string field theory for 2d gravity coupled to c=1 matter we analyze N-point off-shell tree amplitudes of discrete states. The amplitudes exhibit the pole structure and we use the oscillator representation to extract the residues. The residues are generated by a simple effective action. We show that the effective action can be directly deduced from a string field action in a special transversal-like gauge.Comment: 12 pages, latex, 1 figur

    Application of Protein Membranes with Magnetic Nanoparticles for Co-Cultivation of Cell Cultures by Levitation in a Magnetic Field

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    Financial support was received from Ural Center for Modern Nanotechnologies of the Ural Federal University (UCMN, Yekaterinburg, Russia). This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project 19-74-00081

    Non-equilibrium statistical mechanics of classical nuclei interacting with the quantum electron gas

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    Kinetic equations governing time evolution of positions and momenta of atoms in extended systems are derived using quantum-classical ensembles within the Non-Equilibrium Statistical Operator Method (NESOM). Ions are treated classically, while their electrons quantum mechanically; however, the statistical operator is not factorised in any way and no simplifying assumptions are made concerning the electronic subsystem. Using this method, we derive kinetic equations of motion for the classical degrees of freedom (atoms) which account fully for the interaction and energy exchange with the quantum variables (electrons). Our equations, alongside the usual Newtonian-like terms normally associated with the Ehrenfest dynamics, contain additional terms, proportional to the atoms velocities, which can be associated with the electronic friction. Possible ways of calculating the friction forces which are shown to be given via complicated non-equilibrium correlation functions, are discussed. In particular, we demonstrate that the correlation functions are directly related to the thermodynamic Matsubara Green's functions, and this relationship allows for the diagrammatic methods to be used in treating electron-electron interaction perturbatively when calculating the correlation functions. This work also generalises previous attempts, mostly based on model systems, of introducing the electronic friction into Molecular Dynamics equations of atoms.Comment: 18 page

    The Using of Electron Microscopy in the Diagnosis of Amphibian Pathologies

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    Studying of amphibian tissues and cells by modern microscopy methods can reconstruct functional background of organs and systems patholody