149 research outputs found

    Formation of fatty acids in photochemical conversions of saturated hydrocarbons

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    Abiogenic synthesis of fatty acids was studied in photochemical conversions of saturated hydrocarbons. It was shown that, in a hydrocarbon water CaCO3 suspension, the action of 254 nm UV rays caused the formation of fatty acids with a maximum number of carbon atoms in the chain not exceeding that in the initial hydrocarbon. Synthesis of acetic, propionic, butyric, valeric, caproic, enanthic and caprylic (in the case of octane) acids occurs in heptane water CaCO3 and octane water CaCO3 systems


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    The article uses a clinical case of primary hyperparathyroidism in young patient with hyperplastic parathyroid gland localization in tissues of thyroid gland as an example to study the matters of cytological, histological, clinical and laboratory diagnostics of such pathology. It provides a literature reference on the difficulties of establishing a cytological and histological diagnoses, sets out the peculiarities of morphological pattern, discusses the tactical matters of primary hyperparathyroidism management, indications for surgical treatment and case follow-up of patients

    Taxonomic structure of bacterial communities in sourdoughs of spontaneous fermentation

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    The article is devoted to the study of the microbiome of spontaneously fermented sourdoughs. The aim of the work was to study the influence of the technological parameters of sourdough propagations on the taxonomic structure of the microbiome of spontaneously fermented sourdoughs. Two spontaneously fermented sourdoughs were studied: dense rye sourdough and liquid rye sourdough, both prepared using the same batch of peeled rye flour. To study the taxonomic structure of the sourdough microbiome in dynamics, the method of high-throughput sequencing of 16S rRNA gene fragments of microorganisms was used. It was shown that the technological parameters of sourdough (humidity, temperature) do not affect the taxonomic composition of the microbiome of dense rye or liquid rye sourdough at the phylum/class/genus level. It was found that during the first three days of propagations, bacteria from the phyla Proteobacteria and Firmicutes dominated in the microbial community. In the phylum Proteobacteria, microorganisms from the order Enterobacterales took a large share, which persisted for three days of backslopping. The phylum Firmicutes was represented by lactic acid bacteria of the genera Weissella, Lactobacillus, Leuconostoc, Pediococcus, Lactococcus. It was established by classical microbiological methods that after a day of fermentation, the number of lactic acid bacteria cells was significantly higher in liquid rye sourdough compared to dense one. However, with further propagation of sourdoughs, the number of cells was comparable, while significant changes occurred at the level of genera and species. It was shown that as the relative number of lactic acid bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus increased, a gradual displacement of the coccal forms of Lactococcus, Leuconostoc, Weissella, Pediococcus happened. With further propagation of sourdough after 10 days, the position of the dominant groups of bacteria was occupied by representatives of the phylum Firmicutes, lactic acid bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus. The influence of the mode and parameters of the sourdough on the species composition of lactobacilli, which demonstrated a low bacterial diversity, is shown. In the first three days of propagations, lactobacilli L. curvatus, L. brevis, and Lactiplantibacillus sp. dominated in both sourdoughs. After a month of backslopping, Fructilactobacillus sanfranciscensis and Companilactobacillus sp. dominated in dense rye sourdough, and L. pontis dominated in liquid rye sourdough

    System Approach to the Development of Intelligent Complexes of Oncological Diagnostics

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    The system approach to the development of intellectual complexes in cancer diagnosis are discussed in the article. Distinctive features of this approach: the participation of pathologist at the stage of description of recognizable images (the description is based on traditional assessments of quality informative features of tumors); the set of the most similar probabilistic diagnoses is forming on the classification stage of recognition; final histological diagnosis is made by pathologist. The proposed approach has been successfully tested in clinical practice. Keywords: image processing, image description, image classification, pattern recognition, qualitative attributes of tumor images, interactive recognition, cancer diagnosis, decision support syste

    Трансформированный вариант диффузной В-клеточной крупноклеточной лимфомы желудка у пациентки с сочетанием болезни Шегрена и системной склеродермии (описание случая и обзор литературы)

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    This article describes a case of a transformed diffuse large B-cell lymphoma of the stomach in a patient with Sjogren’s disease (SjD) and systemic sclerosis (SSc), as well as a brief review of the literature on lymphoproliferative diseases in SjD and SSc.Представлены описание случая трансформированного варианта диффузной В-клеточной крупноклеточной лимфомы желудка у пациентки с болезнью Шегрена (БШ) и лимитированной системной склеродермией (ССД), а также краткий обзор литературы, посвященной лимфопролиферативным заболеваниям при БШ и ССД. Обсуждаются связи между указанными состояниями

    Формирование сложных радиационных дефектов в облучаемых материалах

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    The principles of formation of the complex vacancy defects (V-clusters), their ensembles and patterns of formation of superlattices of the V-clusters are determined. The inclusion of the drift component of the elementary defects into the field of elastic stresses of the V-cluster in the analysis allowed describing its genesis and development adequately. The mechanisms of motion of the V-clusters in the material are described in detail, considering their interaction with each other. The authors have developed the original physical and mathematical formalism within which it has become possible to describe the order-disorder phase transition when an ensemble of clusters chaotically distributed in the irradiated solid transforms into an ordered coherent superlattice. The critical point of the phase transition and the parameters of the defect lattice itself are determined. They are confirmed by the experimental results. The ordering process in this system is understood as the motion of the undamped wave of order parameter through the material, while other configuration states of the V-cluster ensemble constitute rapidly damping fluctuations. The article also shows the mechanism of linking the symmetry of the V-cluster superlattice to the symmetry of the initial crystal.Установлены принципы образования сложных вакансионных дефектов (V-кластеров), их ансамблей и закономерности формирования сверхрешеток V-кластеров. Учет дрейфовой составляющей элементарных дефектов в поле упругих напряжений V-кластера позволил адекватно описать его зарождение и развитие. Детально описаны механизмы движения V-кластеров в материале с учетом их взаимодействия друг с другом. Предложен оригинальный физико-математический формализм, в рамках которого оказалось возможным описать фазовый переход беспорядок–порядок, когда ансамбль хаотически распределенных в облучаемом твердом теле V-кластеров переходит в упорядоченное когерентное состояние – сверхрешетку. Строго определена критическая точка фазового перехода и параметры самой решетки дефектов, которые подтверждаются результатами эксперимента. Процесс упорядочения в данной системе представляется движением по материалу незатухающей волны параметра порядка, в то время как другие конфигурационные варианты состояния ансамбля V-кластеров являются быстрозатухающими флуктуациями. Показан механизм связи симметрии сверхрешетки V-кластеров и симметрии исходного кристалла

    Formation of complex radiation defects in irradiated materials

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    Установлены принципы образования сложных вакансионных дефектов (V-кластеров), их ансамблей и закономерности формирования сверхрешеток V-кластеров. Учет дрейфовой составляющей элементарных дефектов в поле упругих напряжений V-кластера позволил адекватно описать его зарождение и развитие. Детально описаны механизмы движения V-кластеров в материале с учетом их взаимодействия друг с другом. Предложен оригинальный физико-математический формализм, в рамках которого оказалось возможным описать фазовый переход беспорядок–порядок, когда ансамбль хаотически распределенных в облучаемом твердом теле V-кластеров переходит в упорядоченное когерентное состояние – сверхрешетку. Строго определена критическая точка фазового перехода и параметры самой решетки дефектов, которые подтверждаются результатами эксперимента. Процесс упорядочения в данной системе представляется движением по материалу незатухающей волны параметра порядка, в то время как другие конфигурационные варианты состояния ансамбля V-кластеров являются быстрозатухающими флуктуациями. Показан механизм связи симметрии сверхрешетки V-кластеров и симметрии исходного кристалла. The principles of formation of the complex vacancy defects (V-clusters), their ensembles and patterns of formation of superlattices of the V-clusters are determined. The inclusion of the drift component of the elementary defects into the field of elastic stresses of the V-cluster in the analysis allowed describing its genesis and development adequately. The mechanisms of motion of the V-clusters in the material are described in detail, considering their interaction with each other. The authors have developed the original physical and mathematical formalism within which it has become possible to describe the order-disorder phase transition when an ensemble of clusters chaotically distributed in the irradiated solid transforms into an ordered coherent superlattice. The critical point of the phase transition and the parameters of the defect lattice itself are determined. They are confirmed by the experimental results. The ordering process in this system is understood as the motion of the undamped wave of order parameter through the material, while other configuration states of the V-cluster ensemble constitute rapidly damping fluctuations. The article also shows the mechanism of linking the symmetry of the V-cluster superlattice to the symmetry of the initial crystal

    Использование вегетативного индекса NDVI для прогноза урожайности зерновых культур

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    The need for unified approaches to determining the phenological phase of a reliable indicator of the vegetative index is one of the critical problems of early forecasting of crop yields using satellite monitoring. Several works of domestic and foreign researchers formulate different estimates of the correlation relationship between NDVI and yield. This study aimed to obtain predictive models for the product of winter wheat and spring barley using indicators that are adequate for formalizing the tasks of predicting the trend section of the vegetative index NDVI of crops within the experimental farm of the Oryol State Agrarian University. Based on the analysis of the dynamics of the vegetation index NDVI, based on multi-year studies, the maximum mean annual values of the vegetation index, 0.72 for winter wheat and 0.56 for spring barley, were determined.The maximum NDVI values of the 2021 season for these crops are 0.78 and 0.58. It was found that the peaks of NDVI values correspond to the earing phase of crops with possible variation from 1 to 13 days. The correlation coefficients between the maximum values of NDVI and productivity of crops were 0.79 and 0.75 for winter wheat and spring barley, respectively, which suggests the possibility of reliable prediction of crop yield based on the data of their peak NDVI values. The authors obtained predictive crop yield models based on polynomial (second-degree) functions. A reliable yield forecast expands the scope of reasonable estimates and the implementation of plans aimed at the progressive development of the individual farm. Furthermore, it contributes to the food security of Russia as a whole.Одна из ключевых проблем раннего прогнозирования урожайности сельхозкультур с использованием спутникового мониторинга заключается в отсутствии единых подходов к определению фенофазы достоверного показателя вегетативного индекса. Рядом работ отечественных и зарубежных исследователей формулируются различные оценки корреляционной зависимости между показателями NDVI и урожайностью. Цель настоящего исследования состояла в получении прогностических моделей урожайности пшеницы озимой и ячменя ярового с использованием показателей наиболее адекватного для формализации задач прогноза участка тренда вегетативного индекса NDVI посевов в пределах опытного хозяйства Орловского ГАУ. На основе анализа динамики изменения вегетационного индекса NDVI, по данным многолетних исследований, определены максимальные среднемноголетние значения вегетативного индекса, составляющие 0,72 для озимой пшеницы и 0,56 для ярового ячменя. Максимальные значения NDVI сезона 2021 г. для этих культур – 0,78 и 0,58. Установлено, что пики значений NDVI соответствуют фазе колошения культур при возможном варьировании от 1 до 13 дней. Коэффициенты корреляции между максимальными значениями NDVI и продуктивностью культур составили 0,79 и 0,75 для пшеницы озимой и ярового ячменя соответственно, что дает основание утверждать о возможности достоверного прогноза урожайности культур на основе данных их пиковых значений NDVI. Получены прогностические модели урожайности культур на основе полиномиальных (второй степени) функций. Достоверный прогноз урожайности расширяет область возможностей обоснованных оценок и реализации планов, направленных на поступательное развитие отдельного хозяйства, и способствует повышению продовольственной безопасности России в целом

    The stages of rendering of medical aid to patients with disorders of the veins

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    The article presents the results of analysis of organization of medical aid to patients with disorders of the veins in the Orenburg region. The insufficient provision of population with physicians, surgeons (10 thousand to 1,37) and cardiovascular surgeons (0,15 per 10 thousand), which is lower than the national average and, as a consequence of the low staffing data specialists in the departments of vascular surgery. Among the organizational problems of medical care are leading to the absence of a day hospital for surgical treatment of this disease; not enough widespread introduction of less traumatic methods of surgical treatment and the low percentage of patients in the departments of vascular surgery on the background of their high average duration of hospital stay. For changes and improvements suggested are the stages of rendering of medical aid to this category of patients.В статье представлены результаты анализа состояния организации медицинской помощи пациентам с патологией вен в Оренбургской области. Установлена недостаточная обеспеченность населения врачами-хирургами (1,37 на 10 тыс.) и сердечно-сосудистыми хирургами (0,15 на 10 тыс.), что привело к низкой укомплектованности отделений сосудистой хирургии данными специалистами. Среди организационных проблем оказания медицинской помощи пациентам с патологией вен ведущими являются: отсутствие в регионе дневного стационара для хирургического лечения данной патологии; недостаточно широкое внедрение малотравматичных методов хирургического лечения; низкая доля пациентов с венозной патологией в отделениях сосудистой хирургии. Для изменения и улучшения ситуации разработаны этапы оказания медицинской помощи данной категории пациентов

    Diagnosis of IgG4 - related ophthalmic disease in a group of patients with various lesions of the eye and orbits

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    Purpose of the study. To provide demographic, clinical, laboratory, ultrasound, radiological, morphological/ immunomorphological phenotype of IgG4-related ophthalmic diseases, which allowsmaking a differential diagnosis with granulomatous, autoimmune, inflammatory, endocrine and hematologic diseases affecting the eye and orbits. Materials and methods. From 2004 to 2016 108 (78.2%) of the 138 patients were diagnosed with non-tumoral lesions of eye and orbits. In 48 patients (35%) at admission and 5 patients in the follow were diagnosed IgG4-related ophthalmic disease. In the analysis of 82 (f-44, m-38) patients with IgG4-related disease, localization of lesions in orbit observed in 53 (f-36, m-17) and it was the most frequent involvement in patients with IgG4-related disease (64.5%). Only 7 patients had isolated IgG4-related ophthalmic disease, whereas 46 patients (87%) had involvement of 2-7 locations, as a manifestation of IgG4-related systemic disease.During the examination, the average age of patients with IgG4-related ophthalmic disease was 47.5 years (19-73 years). Median time to diagnosis was 52.8 months before 2004 and 36 months 2004-2016. Results. We noted the predominance of females in the ratio 2: 1 inthe group of patients with IgG4-related ophthalmic disease. Edema of the eyelids, nasal congestion (55-60%), tumor-like formations of the upper eyelids and increased lacrimation prevailed at the onset of the disease, whereas such functional impairment like limited mobility and pain in eyeballs, exophthalmos, ptosis and diplopia appeared later at 15-38% with a loss visual acuity in one case. Bilateral lesion (86%), mainly affecting the lacrimal glands (93.5%), infiltration of the extraocular muscles (83.5%) and retrobulbar tissue with a thickening of the optic nerve in one third of patients were the main localizations IgG4-related ophthalmic disease. Clinical symptoms were accompanied by the appearance of moderate inflammatory activity (38%), increased levels IgG (44%), IgG4(88%) and IgE (61%). Indicators of autoimmune disorders observed in 6-22% of patients, most often in patients with simultaneous involvement of the salivary glands. Significant lymphoplasmacytic infiltration (94%) with a ratio of plasma cells (IgG4/IgG) secreting IgG4> 40% (90%) with fibrosis formation (94%) and follicle formation (71%) with a moderate amount of eosinophils (34%) were the major morphological / immunomorphological manifestations of IgG4-related ophthalmic disease. Signs of vasculitis and obliterative phlebitis were found in a small amount of patients. Conclusion. Determination of elevated levels of IgG-4 / IgE in patients with edema, pseudotumor of the eyelid, sinusitis and increase of the palpebral lobe of the lacrimal gland suggests the presence of IgG4-related ophthalmic disease. Minimally invasive incisional biopsy of lacrimal glands and salivary glands followed by morphological / immunomorphological research is needed for the correct diagnosis. Diagnostic orbitotomy in ophthalmic hospitals in such cases is inexpedient, since it leads to the development of dry eye. Massive lymphoplasmacytic infiltration with IgG4 / IgG ratio more than 40%, advanced fibrosis in biopsiesof the orbits tissue or salivary glands when combined lesions are required for the making the diagnosis of IgG4-related ophthalmic disease