130 research outputs found

    Influence of branch points in the complex plane on the transmission through double quantum dots

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    We consider single-channel transmission through a double quantum dot system consisting of two single dots that are connected by a wire and coupled each to one lead. The system is described in the framework of the S-matrix theory by using the effective Hamiltonian of the open quantum system. It consists of the Hamiltonian of the closed system (without attached leads) and a term that accounts for the coupling of the states via the continuum of propagating modes in the leads. This model allows to study the physical meaning of branch points in the complex plane. They are points of coalesced eigenvalues and separate the two scenarios with avoided level crossings and without any crossings in the complex plane. They influence strongly the features of transmission through double quantum dots.Comment: 30 pages, 14 figure

    The brachistochrone problem in open quantum systems

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    Recently, the quantum brachistochrone problem is discussed in the literature by using non-Hermitian Hamilton operators of different type. Here, it is demonstrated that the passage time is tunable in realistic open quantum systems due to the biorthogonality of the eigenfunctions of the non-Hermitian Hamilton operator. As an example, the numerical results obtained by Bulgakov et al. for the transmission through microwave cavities of different shape are analyzed from the point of view of the brachistochrone problem. The passage time is shortened in the crossover from the weak-coupling to the strong-coupling regime where the resonance states overlap and many branch points (exceptional points) in the complex plane exist. The effect can {\it not} be described in the framework of standard quantum mechanics with Hermitian Hamilton operator and consideration of SS matrix poles.Comment: 18 page

    Two-color interference stabilization of atoms

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    The effect of interference stabilization is shown to exist in a system of two atomic levels coupled by a strong two-color laser field, the two frequencies of which are close to a two-photon Raman-type resonance between the chosen levels, with open channels of one-photon ionization from both of them. We suggest an experiment, in which a rather significant (up to 90%) suppression of ionization can take place and which demonstrates explicitly the interference origin of stabilization. Specific calculations are made for H and He atoms and optimal parameters of a two-color field are found. The physics of the effect and its relation with such well-known phenomena as LICS and population trapping in a three-level system are discussed.Comment: the paper includes 1 TeX file and 16 picture

    Dynamics of quantum systems

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    A relation between the eigenvalues of an effective Hamilton operator and the poles of the SS matrix is derived which holds for isolated as well as for overlapping resonance states. The system may be a many-particle quantum system with two-body forces between the constituents or it may be a quantum billiard without any two-body forces. Avoided crossings of discrete states as well as of resonance states are traced back to the existence of branch points in the complex plane. Under certain conditions, these branch points appear as double poles of the SS matrix. They influence the dynamics of open as well as of closed quantum systems. The dynamics of the two-level system is studied in detail analytically as well as numerically.Comment: 21 pages 7 figure

    S-matrix theory for transmission through billiards in tight-binding approach

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    In the tight-binding approximation we consider multi-channel transmission through a billiard coupled to leads. Following Dittes we derive the coupling matrix, the scattering matrix and the effective Hamiltonian, but take into account the energy restriction of the conductance band. The complex eigenvalues of the effective Hamiltonian define the poles of the scattering matrix. For some simple cases, we present exact values for the poles. We derive also the condition for the appearance of double poles.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figures, submitted to J. Phys. A: Math. and Ge

    High resolution X-ray emission spectra from picosecond laser irradiated Ge targets

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    Investigations of a high resolution X-ray emission spectrum in the range 0.66–0.75 nm obtained by irradiating a Germanium target with high-power p-polarized, 40 picosecond laser radiation at 532 nm wavelength was done. Spectra in the wavelength region of 2l-4l′ and 2l-5l′ L-shell transitions in F-like, Ne-like and Na-like germanium ions were recorded using the FSSR-2D spectrometer equipped with a spherically bent quartz crystal with a spectral resolution λ/Δλ better than 5000. Spectral lines were compared with theoretical values obtained using the LANL plasma kinetic code ATOMIC. Fair agreement between experimental and theoretical spectral lines has been observed, which allowed to measure enough high bulk electron temperature values of 560 eV and electron density of ∼1021 cm−3 in Ge plasma irradiated by rather small commercial high repetition rate Nd:YAG laser system

    Effective Hamiltonian and unitarity of the S matrix

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    The properties of open quantum systems are described well by an effective Hamiltonian H{\cal H} that consists of two parts: the Hamiltonian HH of the closed system with discrete eigenstates and the coupling matrix WW between discrete states and continuum. The eigenvalues of H{\cal H} determine the poles of the SS matrix. The coupling matrix elements W~kcc\tilde W_k^{cc'} between the eigenstates kk of H{\cal H} and the continuum may be very different from the coupling matrix elements WkccW_k^{cc'} between the eigenstates of HH and the continuum. Due to the unitarity of the SS matrix, the \TW_k^{cc'} depend on energy in a non-trivial manner, that conflicts with the assumptions of some approaches to reactions in the overlapping regime. Explicit expressions for the wave functions of the resonance states and for their phases in the neighbourhood of, respectively, avoided level crossings in the complex plane and double poles of the SS matrix are given.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure

    Projective Hilbert space structures at exceptional points

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    A non-Hermitian complex symmetric 2x2 matrix toy model is used to study projective Hilbert space structures in the vicinity of exceptional points (EPs). The bi-orthogonal eigenvectors of a diagonalizable matrix are Puiseux-expanded in terms of the root vectors at the EP. It is shown that the apparent contradiction between the two incompatible normalization conditions with finite and singular behavior in the EP-limit can be resolved by projectively extending the original Hilbert space. The complementary normalization conditions correspond then to two different affine charts of this enlarged projective Hilbert space. Geometric phase and phase jump behavior are analyzed and the usefulness of the phase rigidity as measure for the distance to EP configurations is demonstrated. Finally, EP-related aspects of PT-symmetrically extended Quantum Mechanics are discussed and a conjecture concerning the quantum brachistochrone problem is formulated.Comment: 20 pages; discussion extended, refs added; bug correcte

    Interfering resonances in a quantum billiard

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    We present a method for numerically obtaining the positions, widths and wavefunctions of resonance states in a two dimensional billiard connected to a waveguide. For a rectangular billiard, we study the dynamics of three resonance poles lying separated from the other ones. As a function of increasing coupling strength between the waveguide and the billiard two of the states become trapped while the width of the third one continues to increase for all coupling strengths. This behavior of the resonance poles is reflected in the time delay function which can be studied experimentally.Comment: 2 pages, 3 figure

    Formation of the X-ray line emission spectrum of excimer laser-produced plasmas

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    Time- and space-integrated emission spectra measurements have been performed in plasma produced by 308 nm wavelength XeCl laser radiation (IL = (4–10)·1012 W/cm2, τ = 10 ns) and by 248 nm wavelength KrF laser pulse train radiation (IL = 5·1015 W/cm2, τ = 7 ps, 16 pulses in train) on CF2 plane target. Theoretical modelling of Lyman series and He-like ion resonance series of fluorine and its fit of experimental data show considerable differences in the absorption of laser radiation in the two plasmas