624 research outputs found

    Temperature Scales and the "Lithium Problem"

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    The discovery of the Spite plateau in the abundances of 7Li for metal-poor stars led to the determination of an observationally deduced primordial lithium abundance. However, with the determination of the baryon density, Omega_B_h^2, from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) data, a discrepancy arose between observationally determined and theoretically determined abundances of 7Li. This is what has become known as the “lithium problem”. Of all the uncertain factors in determining a stellar Li abundance, the effective temperature is the most important. This thesis is concerned with determining an accurate effective temperature scale for metal-poor halo dwarfs, paying specific attention to eliminating any possible systematic errors. This is done by utilising the exponential term, Chi/T, of the Boltzmann equation. Two assumptions are adopted; firstly the simplifying assumptions of local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE), and secondly the more sophisticated techniques of non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE). The temperature scales are compared to others derived using different techniques; a photometric scale, where I find comparable Teff in LTE and hotter temperatures by an average of ~ 150 K in NLTE; a scale derived using Balmer lines, for which I have comparable values in LTE and hotter Teff values, by typically 110 K – 160 K, in NLTE; and finally a scale derived using an infrared flux method (IRFM). Here I find their Teff values are hotter by ~ 250 K for LTE and ~ 190 K in NLTE. Lithium abundances are then calculated for the program stars and a mean Li abundance is derived. I find values ranging from A(Li) = 2.10 dex – 2.16 dex with the LTE scales and A(Li) = 2.19 dex – 2.21 dex for the NLTE scales. These mean Li abundances are compared to other observationally deduced abundances, for which I find comparable results in LTE and higher values in NLTE, and to the WMAP + big bang nucleosynthesis calculated Li abundance. I find that my new values are still considerably lower than the WMAP value and are therefore unable to reconcile the lithium problem. Second to this primary investigation, I use Ti as an independent test of the derived Teff values and log g’s. I find that Ti is not a useful constraint on the temperatures or, therefore, on the lithium problem. I also assess the impact of the new Teff scales on the different models of Galactic chemical evolution (GCE), comparing newly calculated abundances with GCE determined abundances. It was found that trends exist in several of the elements; however, these were not statistically relevant. Also a larger degree of scatter was found in the abundances compared to the Arnone et al. (2005). This scatter was not to the degree found in the Argast et al. (2000). Reasons for the differences have been discussed

    Mechanism of Actin Polymerization in Cellular ATP Depletion

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    Cellular ATP depletion in diverse cell types results in the net conversion of monomeric G-actin to polymeric F-actin and is an important aspect of cellular injury in tissue ischemia. We propose that this conversion results from altering the ratio of ATP-G-actin and ADP-G-actin, causing a net decrease in the concentration of thymosinactin complexes as a consequence of the differential affinity of thymosin β4 for ATP- and ADP-G-actin. To test this hypothesis we examined the effect of ATP depletion induced by antimycin A and substrate depletion on actin polymerization, the nucleotide state of the monomer pool, and the association of actin monomers with thymosin and profilin in the kidney epithelial cell line LLC-PK1. ATP depletion for 30 min increased F-actin content to 145% of the levels under physiological conditions, accompanied by a corresponding decrease in G-actin content. Cytochalasin D treatment did not reduce F-actin formation during ATP depletion, indicating that it was predominantly not because of barbed end monomer addition. ATP-G-actin levels decreased rapidly during depletion, but there was no change in the concentration of ADP-G-actin monomers. The decrease in ATP-G-actin levels could be accounted for by dissociation of the thymosin-G-actin binary complex, resulting in a rise in the concentration of free thymosin β4 from 4 to 11 ΟM. Increased detection of profilin-actin complexes during depletion indicated that profilin may participate in catalyzing nucleotide exchange during depletion. This mechanism provides a biochemical basis for the accumulation of F-actin aggregates in ischemic cells

    HID-1 controls formation of large dense core vesicles by influencing cargo sorting and trans-Golgi network acidification

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    Large dense core vesicles (LDCVs) mediate the regulated release of neuropeptides and peptide hormones. They form at the trans-Golgi network (TGN), where their soluble content aggregates to form a dense core, but the mechanisms controlling biogenesis are still not completely understood. Recent studies have implicated the peripheral membrane protein HID-1 in neuropeptide sorting and insulin secretion. Using CRISPR/Cas9, we generated HID-1 KO rat neuroendocrine cells, and we show that the absence of HID-1 results in specific defects in peptide hormone and monoamine storage and regulated secretion. Loss of HID-1 causes a reduction in the number of LDCVs and affects their morphology and biochemical properties, due to impaired cargo sorting and dense core formation. HID-1 KO cells also exhibit defects in TGN acidification together with mislocalization of the Golgi-enriched vacuolar H+-ATPase subunit isoform a2. We propose that HID-1 influences early steps in LDCV formation by controlling dense core formation at the TGN.</jats:p

    The barium isotopic fractions in five metal-poor stars

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    We provide measurements of the Ba isotopic fractions for five metal-poor stars derived with an LTE analysis using 1D model stellar atmospheres. We use high resolution (R\equiv{\lambda}/\Delta{\lambda}=90000-95000), very high signal-to-noise (S/N>500) spectra to determine the fraction of odd Ba isotopes (fodd) by measuring subtle asymmetries in the profile of the Ba ii line at 4554 {\AA}. We also use two different macroturbulent broadening techniques, Gaussian and radial-tangential, to model the Fe lines of each star, and propagate each technique to model macroturbulent broadening in the Ba 4554 {\AA} line. We conduct a 1D non-LTE (NLTE) treatment of the Fe lines in the red giant HD122563 and the subgiant HD140283 in an attempt to improve the fitting. We determine [Ba/Eu] ratios for the two giants in our study, HD122563 and HD88609, which can also be used to determine the relative contribution of the s- and r-processes to heavy-element nucleosynthesis, for comparison with fodd. We find fodd for HD122563, HD88609 and HD84937, BD+26\circ3578 and BD-04\circ3208 to be -0.12\pm0.07, -0.02\pm0.09, and -0.05\pm0.11, 0.08\pm0.08 and 0.18\pm0.08 respectively. This means that all stars examined here show isotopic fractions more compatible with an s-process dominated composition. The [Ba/Eu] ratios in HD122563 and HD88609 are found to be -0.20\pm0.15 and -0.47\pm0.15 respectively, which indicate instead an r-process signature. We report a better statistical fit to the majority of Fe profiles in each star when employing a radial-tangential broadening technique during our 1D LTE investigation. We have shown that, from a statistical point of view, one must consider using a radial-tangential broadening technique rather than a Gaussian one to model Fe line macroturbulences when working in 1D. No improvement to Fe line fitting is seen when employing a NLTE treatment.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, 6 tables. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Evaluation of the Impact of a Public Bicycle Share Program on Population Bicycling in Vancouver, BC

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    Public bicycle share programs have been implemented in cities around the world to encourage bicycling. However, there are limited evaluations of the impact of these programs on bicycling at the population level. This study examined the impact of a public bicycle share program on bicycling amongst residents of Vancouver, BC. Using an online panel, we surveyed a population-based sample of Vancouver residents three times: prior to the implementation of the public bicycle share program (T0, October 2015, n=1111); in the early phase of implementation (T1, October 2016, n=995); and one-year post implementation (T2, October 2017, n=966). We used difference in differences estimation to assess whether there was an increase in bicycling amongst those living and/or working in close proximity (≤500 m) to Vancouver\u27s Mobi by Shaw Go public bicycle share program, compared to those living and working outside this area. Results suggest that only living or only working inside the bicycle share service area was not associated with increases in bicycling at T1 or T2 relative to those outside the service area. Both living and working inside the bicycle share service area was associated with increases in bicycling at T1 (OR: 2.26, 95% CI: 1.07, 4.80), however not at T2 (OR: 1.37, 95% CI: 0.67, 2.83). These findings indicate that the implementation of a public bicycle share program may have a greater effect on bicycling for residents who both live and work within the service area, although this effect may not be sustained over time.&nbsp

    The CEOS Recovery Observatory Pilot

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    Over the course of the last decade, large populations living in vulnerable areas have led to record damages and substantial loss of life in mega-disasters ranging from the deadly Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004 and Haiti earthquake of 2010; the catastrophic flood damages of Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and the Tohoku tsunami of 2011, and the astonishing extent of the environmental impact of the Deepwater Horizon explosion in 2009. These major catastrophes have widespread and long-lasting impacts with subsequent recovery and reconstruction costing billions of euros and lasting years. While satellite imagery is used on an ad hoc basis after many disasters to support damage assessment, there is currently no standard practice or system to coordinate acquisition of data and facilitate access for early recovery planning and recovery tracking and monitoring. CEOS led the creation of a Recovery Observatory Oversight Team, which brings together major recovery stakeholders such as the UNDP and the World Bank/Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery, value-adding providers and leading space agencies. The principal aims of the Observatory are to: 1. Demonstrate the utility of a wide range of earth observation data to facilitate the recovery and reconstruction phase following a major catastrophic event; 2. Provide a concrete case to focus efforts in identifying and resolving technical and organizational obstacles to facilitating the visibility and access to a relevant set of EO data; and 3. Develop dialogue and establish institutional relationships with the Recovery phase user community to best target data and information requirements; The paper presented here will describe the work conducted in preparing for the triggering of a Recovery Observatory including support to rapid assessments and Post Disaster Needs Assessments by the EO community

    Brain metabolic sensing and metabolic signaling at the level of an astrocyte

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    Astrocytes support neuronal function by providing essential structural and nutritional support, neurotransmitter trafficking and recycling and may also contribute to brain information processing. In this article we review published results and report new data suggesting that astrocytes function as versatile metabolic sensors of central nervous system (CNS) milieu and play an important role in the maintenance of brain metabolic homeostasis. We discuss anatomical and functional features of astrocytes that allow them to detect and respond to changes in the brain parenchymal levels of metabolic substrates (oxygen and glucose), and metabolic waste products (carbon dioxide). We report data suggesting that astrocytes are also sensitive to circulating endocrine signals-hormones like ghrelin, glucagon-like peptide-1 and leptin, that have a major impact on the CNS mechanisms controlling food intake and energy balance. We discuss signaling mechanisms that mediate communication between astrocytes and neurons and consider how these mechanisms are recruited by astrocytes activated in response to various metabolic challenges. We review experimental data suggesting that astrocytes modulate the activities of the respiratory and autonomic neuronal networks that ensure adaptive changes in breathing and sympathetic drive in order to support the physiological and behavioral demands of the organism in ever-changing environmental conditions. Finally, we discuss evidence suggesting that altered astroglial function may contribute to the pathogenesis of disparate neurological, respiratory and cardiovascular disorders such as Rett syndrome and systemic arterial hypertension

    Slip in twinned copper crystals

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/31974/1/0000016.pd

    Astrocytes modulate baroreflex sensitivity at the level of the nucleus of the solitary tract

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    Maintenance of cardiorespiratory homeostasis depends on autonomic reflexes controlled by neuronal circuits of the brainstem. The neurophysiology and neuroanatomy of these reflex pathways are well understood, however, the mechanisms and functional significance of autonomic circuit modulation by glial cells remain largely unknown. In experiments conducted in male laboratory rats we show that astrocytes of the nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS), the brain area that receives and integrates sensory information from the heart and blood vessels, respond to incoming afferent inputs with [Ca2+]i elevations. Astroglial [Ca2+]i responses are triggered by transmitters released by vagal afferents, glutamate acting at AMPA receptors and 5-HT acting at 5-HT2A receptors. In conscious freely behaving animals blockade of Ca2+-dependent vesicular mechanisms in NTS astrocytes by virally driven expression of a dominant-negative SNARE protein (dnSNARE) increased baroreflex sensitivity by 70% (p<0.001). The effect of compromised astroglial function was specific to the NTS as expression of dnSNARE in astrocytes of the ventrolateral brainstem had no effect. ATP considered the principle gliotransmitter and is released by vesicular mechanisms affected by dnSNARE expression. Consistent with this hypothesis, in anesthetized rats, activation P2Y1 purinoceptors in the NTS decreased baroreflex gain by 40% (p=0.031), while blockade of P2Y1 receptors increased baroreflex gain by 57% (p=0.018). These results suggest that glutamate and 5-HT released by NTS afferent terminals trigger Ca2+-dependent astroglial release of ATP to modulate baroreflex sensitivity via P2Y1 receptors. These data add to the growing body of evidence supporting an active role of astrocytes in the brain information processing
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