200 research outputs found

    Signature extension for sun angle, volume 1

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Within a restricted zenith sun angle range of 35 - 50 degrees, it was empirically observed that canopy reflectance is mainly Lambertian. Reflectance changes with crop stage were simple shifts in scale in the sun angle range. It was noted that sun angle variations depend on canopy characteristics. Effects of the vegetative canopy were most pronounced at the larger solar zenith angles (20 %). The linear sun angle correction coefficients demonstrate a dependency on both crop stage (15-20 %) and crop type (10-20 %). The use of canopy reflectance modeling allowed for the generation of a simulated data set over an extremely broad envelope of sun angles

    Signature extension for sun angle, volume 2

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    Excitation of Single Quasiparticles in a Small Superconducting Al Island Connected to Normal-Metal Leads by Tunnel Junctions

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    We investigate the dynamics of individual quasiparticle excitations on a small superconducting aluminum island connected to normal metallic leads by tunnel junctions. We find the island to be free of excitations within the measurement resolution. This allows us to show that the residual heating, which typically limits experiments on superconductors, has an ultralow value of less than 0.1 aW. By injecting electrons with a periodic gate voltage, we probe electron-phonon interaction and relaxation down to a single quasiparticle excitation pair, with a measured recombination rate of 16 kHz. Our experiment yields a strong test of BCS theory in aluminum as the results are consistent with it without free parameters.Peer reviewe

    The influences of vegetation and water features on the perception of urban streets

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    This study aims to examine the influence of natural sound (i.e. water sound and birdsong) on the perception of the enclosure in urban street canyons with varying height-to-width ratios (H/W). A 27- meter wide street was selected as a typical urban street and three levels of H/W ratios (0.5, 2, and 4) were modelled by changing the height of buildings on both sides of the street. Vegetation and water features were added to the street as visual components, while synthesized car pass-by sounds, water sounds, and bird songs were introduced as sound stimuli. A laboratory experiment was conducted in a virtual reality (VR) environment with normal hearing participants. The experiments consisted of three sessions: 1) an audio-only condition, 2) a combined audio-visual condition, and 3) a visual-only condition. Participants were asked to rate their subjective responses to stimuli in terms of the perceived pleasantness and perceived source width for the audio-only condition, the perceived enclosure, perceived spaciousness, perceived pleasantness, and perceived source width for the audio-visual combined condition, the perceived enclosure, perceived spaciousness, perceived pleasantness for the visual-only condition. Additionally, the participant's physiological responses were monitored during the experiment in terms of facial electromyography and heart rate

    The influences of vegetation and water features on the perception of urban streets

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    This study aims to examine the influence of natural sound (i.e. water sound and birdsong) on the perception of the enclosure in urban street canyons with varying height-to-width ratios (H/W). A 27- meter wide street was selected as a typical urban street and three levels of H/W ratios (0.5, 2, and 4) were modelled by changing the height of buildings on both sides of the street. Vegetation and water features were added to the street as visual components, while synthesized car pass-by sounds, water sounds, and bird songs were introduced as sound stimuli. A laboratory experiment was conducted in a virtual reality (VR) environment with normal hearing participants. The experiments consisted of three sessions: 1) an audio-only condition, 2) a combined audio-visual condition, and 3) a visual-only condition. Participants were asked to rate their subjective responses to stimuli in terms of the perceived pleasantness and perceived source width for the audio-only condition, the perceived enclosure, perceived spaciousness, perceived pleasantness, and perceived source width for the audio-visual combined condition, the perceived enclosure, perceived spaciousness, perceived pleasantness for the visual-only condition. Additionally, the participant's physiological responses were monitored during the experiment in terms of facial electromyography and heart rate

    Genetic selection for bovine chromosome 18 haplotypes associated with divergent somatic cell score affects postpartum reproductive and metabolic performance

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    The susceptibility of animals to periparturient diseases has a great effect on the economic efficiency of dairy industries, on the frequency of antibiotic treatment, and on animal welfare. The use of selection for breeding cows with reduced susceptibility to diseases offers a sustainable tool to improve dairy cattle farming. Several studies have focused on the association of distinct bovine chromosome 18 genotypes or haplotypes with performance traits. The aim of this study was to test whether selection of Holstein Friesian heifers via SNP genotyping for alternative paternal chromosome 18 haplotypes associated with favorable (Q) or unfavorable (q) somatic cell scores influences postpartum reproductive and metabolic diseases. Thirty-six heifers (18 Q and 18 q) were monitored from 3 wk before calving until necropsy on d 39 (± 4 d) after calving. Health status and rectal temperature were measured daily, and body condition score and body weight were assessed once per week. Blood samples were drawn twice weekly, and levels of insulin, nonesterified fatty acids, insulin-like growth factor-I, growth hormone, and β-hydroxybutyrate were measured. Comparisons between the groups were performed using Fisher's exact test, chi-squared test, and the GLIMMIX procedure in SAS. Results showed that Q-heifers had reduced incidence of metritis compared with q-heifers and were less likely to develop fever. Serum concentrations of β-hydroxybutyrate were lower and insulin-like growth factor-I plasma concentrations were higher in Q- compared with q-heifers. However, the body condition score and withers height were comparable between haplotypes, but weight loss tended to be lower in Q-heifers compared with q-heifers. No differences between the groups were detected concerning retained fetal membranes, uterine involution, or onset of cyclicity. In conclusion, selection of chromosome 18 haplotypes associated with a reduced somatic cell score resulted in a decreased incidence of postpartum reproductive and metabolic diseases in this study. The presented data add to the existing knowledge aimed at avoiding negative consequences of genetic selection strategies in dairy cattle farming. The underlying causal mechanisms modulated by haplotypes in the targeted genomic region and immune competence necessitate further investigation

    Terapeuti e social media: Utilizzo di principi di base professionali ed etici nella sfera mediale

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    Im Zuge der Digitalisierung findet immer mehr private und öffentliche Kommunikation im Raum der sogenannten sozialen Medien statt. Auch das Thema der psychischen Gesundheit wird dort lebendig bewegt. Im Rahmen dieser Entwicklung sind auf verschiedenen digitalen Plattformen (z. B. Instagram) zahlreiche Accounts therapeutisch arbeitender Menschen entstanden, die sich diesem Thema widmen. Die Professionalität in der Umsetzung des öffentlichen Auftritts variiert dabei erheblich. Auch approbierte Psychotherapeut*innen nutzen soziale Medien mehr und mehr, um auf ihre Arbeit aufmerksam zu machen, aufzuklären oder Berufspolitik zu betreiben. Bislang ist dieser öffentliche Raum für Therapeut*innen kaum reguliert. Umso wichtiger ist es, sich der professionellen Verantwortung bewusst zu sein, die auch dort ihre Gültigkeit hat. Diese beinhaltet insbesondere, therapeutische Prinzipien von Abstinenz und Neutralität auch auf das digitale Verhalten anzuwenden und dem potenziellen narzisstischen Sog der Plattformen zu widerstehen. Eine hilfreiche und verpflichtende Orientierung bieten die vier medizinethischen Prinzipien. Die Autorin reflektiert diese neue Entwicklung im vorliegenden Artikel aus psychodynamischer Perspektive und vor dem Hintergrund ihrer mehrjährigen Erfahrung mit ihrem eigenen Praxisprofil auf Instagram. Damit lädt sie ein zu einem fachlichen Diskurs, der eine professionellere Gestaltung des medialen Raums zum Ziel hat.In the context of digitalization, more and more private and public communication takes place in the space of so-called social media. The topic of mental health is also vividly moved there. In the context of this development, numerous accounts of therapeutically working people have emerged on various digital platforms (e. g. Instagram), which are dedicated to this topic. The professionalism in the implementation of the public appearance varies considerably. Licensed psychotherapists are also using social media more and more to draw attention to their work, to educate or to pursue professional politics. So far, this public space for therapists has hardly been regulated. It is therefore all the more important to be aware of the professional responsibility that also applies there. This includes, in particular, applying therapeutic principles of abstinence and neutrality to digital behavior and resisting the potential narcissistic pull of the platforms. The four medical ethical principles offer a helpful and obligatory orientation. In this article, the author reflects on this new development from a psychodynamic perspective and against the background of her several years of experience with her own practice profile on Instagram. In doing so, she invites a professional discourse aimed at a more professional design of the media space.Con l’avvento della digitalizzazione un numero sempre crescente di comunicazioni private e pubbliche avviene all’interno dei cosiddetti social media e anche il tema della salute psichica vi viene affrontato con frequenza. A fronte di questo sviluppo, su diverse piattaforme digitali (ad es. Instagram) sono comparsi numerosi account di persone che lavorano come terapeuti e che si dedicano a questo tema, ma la professionalità collegata a questi profili pubblici varia in maniera molto significativa. Anche gli psicoterapeuti abilitati utilizzano sempre più spesso i social media per attirare l’attenzione sul loro lavoro, informare o portare avanti politiche professionali. Ad oggi questo spazio pubblico praticamente non prevede regole da rispettare per i terapeuti: tanto più importante è, quindi, che questi siano consapevoli della loro responsabilità professionale, valida anche sui social network. In particolare devono ricordare che i principi terapeutici dell’astinenza e della neutralità vanno applicati anche ai comportamenti digitali e che devono resistere alla potenziale deriva narcisistica a cui possono portare queste piattaforme. I quattro principi dell’etica medica offrono un valido aiuto per orientarsi e agire nel rispetto dei propri obblighi professionali. Nel presente articolo l’autrice riflette su questo nuovo sviluppo da un punto di vista psicodinamico, alla luce della sua esperienza pluriennale con un profilo professionale su Instagram. Invita così a promuovere un confronto tecnico che mira a strutturare in modo più professionale lo spazio mediale in cui ci si muove
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