1,043 research outputs found

    The Influence of Competence and Teamwork on Employee’s Performance of Agriculture, Crops and Horticulture Service, South Sumatera Province

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    Agriculture, Crops and Horticulture Service, South Sumatera Province has a big responsibility to reach crop production target. It is very much influenced by the performance of employees. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of competence and teamwork on the performance of the civil servants of Agriculture, Crops and Horticulture Service, South Sumatera Province. The sample of this study were 101 civil servants from some different divisions those are Secretary, Crop Production, Infrastructure for Agricultural Production and Management and Agricultural Trade. The data were obtained through questionnaire, analyzed by using multiple regression test at α = 0,05. Explanatory approach was done to analyze the Influence of Competence and Teamwork on the civil servants of Agriculture, Crops and Horticulture Service, South Sumatera Province. The result of this study showed that partially, competence had no significant influence meanwhile teamwork had. Simultaneously, competence and teamwork had positive and significant influence on the civil servants performance. Teamwork has more dominant influence compared to the competence on the employee performanc

    The Dynamic Aspects of Criminal Act and Criminal Liability in Money Laundering Practices

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    The criminal conduct and mental elements are two components required for establishing a criminal conviction. The question arises, however, how these two components ought to be applied to the complicated and sophisticated process such as money laundering. It is demonstrated that money laundering crime may be conducted by, through, or under the cover of corporate entities raising difficult issues over the proof of these two components. This article applies an analytical approach on how theoretical studies and court practices encounter these problems. This article then argues the interest of developing models and theories use to justify imposing criminal liability of money laundering on individuals as well as corporations. Three models of corporate liability that were elaborated in this article are adaptation or imitation model, aggregation or collective knowledge model, and the faulty organization model

    Mekanisme Penetapan Nomor Urut Calon Legislatif Dprd Provinsi Riau Daerah Pemilihan Kota Pekanbaru Tahun 2014 (Studi Kasus pada Partai Persatuan Pembangunan)

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    Political parties today is conducted openly at the crawl stage but in the selection of candidates and their establishment of Political Parties that do tend to be closed. Political parties only involve a number of elite administrators regional level without involving the participation of the community in the form of opportunities for the public to participate in assessing candidates to be promoted, as is known by consensus agreement of the Chairman of DPW PPP PPP Number: 074 / PPP.IX / NO.URUT / 2012 on Technical Guidelines for Determination of Number of Riau Provincial Council Member Candidates PPP it is known in article 3, said determination sequence number of candidates in the set based on the position and the positions in the party organization and further discussed in the Congress Party, the next can be seen in the following table Candidate name DPRD Pekanbaru based Dapil I Pekanbaru. To find out how the mechanism penetepan serial number by the United Development Party Determination of the serial number of candidates for legislators Riau Province of PPP it is done by way of deliberation and consensus which seuanya carried out according to the rules, among others, as contained in article 3 of the Technical Guidelines for the Determination of Number of Candidates Riau Provincial Assembly Members To find out how the mechanism penetepan serial number by the United Development Party Determination of the serial number of candidates for legislators Riau Province of PPP it is done by way of deliberation and consensus which seuanya carried out according to the rules, among others, as contained in article 3 of the Technical Guidelines for the Determination of Number of Candidates Riau Provincial Assembly Members Keywords: Mechanisms, Determination, Serial Number, Legislative Candidates Keywords: Mechanisms, Determination, Serial Number, Legislative Candidate

    Integrated Marketing Communications Musro The Sunan Hotel Solo (Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Kegiatan Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Terpadu Musro The Sunan Hotel Solo)

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    Musro merupakan sebuah Public bar dari sebuah outlet dari The Sunan Hotel. Tempat yang menawarkan hiburan malam seperti Public Bar bertolak belakang dengan karakteristik kota Solo yang menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai budaya. Pada umumnya Public bar merupakan sebuah tempat dimana orang berpesta dengan volume musik keras, minum minuman beralkhohol sampai pagi.Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui strategi kegiatan IMC Musro untuk mencapai segmentasinya dan menjaga loyalitas konsumennya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dimana penulis menyajikan data dengan cara memaparkan dalam bentuk narasi atau deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kegiatan wawancara, observasi, dan menelusuran dokumen. Dalam melakukan kegiatan promosi Musro tidak menggunakan agency iklan atau biro iklan, melainkan menggunakan in-house PR sebagai pengkonsep dan eksekutor kegiatan Integrated Marketing Communications di Musro dalam menjangkau segmentasinya dan menjaga loyalitas konsumennya. Musro menciptakan sebuah pesan sebagai tempat hiburan dikota Solo satu satunya yang representatif yang berijiwa muda dan Musro mempuyai kelas sendiri. sebuah pesan tersebut oleh In-house PR akan mendistribusikan dan mensinergikan ke lima elemen IMC yaitu Advertising, Public Relations, Personal selling, Direct marketing, dan Sales promotion. Hasil dari penelitian ini diantaranya adalah Musro berhasil mengkomunikasikan pesan dan mencapai segmentasi yang di inginkan. Peran seorang Public Relations yang mampu mengkoordinir semua saluran komunikasi mampu menciptakan loyalitas konsumen terhadap Musro dan menghindari gesekan-gesekan sosial yang terjadi saat Musro melakukan strategi komunikasi terpadu dengan lima instrumen IMC

    Penggunaan Economic Value Added (Eva) Untuk Mengukur Kinerja Dan Penentuan Struktur Modal Optimal Pada Perusahaan Telekomunikasi (Go Publik) (Studi Kasus : PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk Dan PT. Indosat, Tbk)

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    The purpose of this research was to analyze the implementation of Economic Value Added (EVA) as a tool to measure company’s performance based on the financial report at PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk and PT. Indosat, Tbk and also to determine optimal capital structur. The metodh analyze was the financial report of both companies that had been go public The period of measurement of company’s performance was 5 years, from 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 till 2011. The research finding are. (1) EVA of PT. Telkom, Tbk and PT. Indosat, Tbk during research processes is positive in value and indicated decreasing drastically, which this condition are influenced by NOPAT & WACC. (2) Optimal measurement of capital structure maximal EVA for PT. Telkom, Tbk and PT. Indosat, Tbk in 2007, 2008, and 2009

    Pulse detonation assessment for alternative fuels

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    The higher thermodynamic efficiency inherent in a detonation combustion based engine has already led to considerable interest in the development of wave rotor, pulse detonation, and rotating detonation engine configurations as alternative technologies offering improved performance for the next generation of aerospace propulsion systems, but it is now important to consider their emissions also. To assess both performance and emissions, this paper focuses on the feasibility of using alternative fuels in detonation combustion. Thus, the standard aviation fuels Jet-A, Acetylene, Jatropha Bio-synthetic Paraffinic Kerosene, Camelina Bio-synthetic Paraffinic Kerosene, Algal Biofuel, and Microalgae Biofuel are all asessed under detonation combustion conditions. An analytical model accounting for the Rankine-Hugoniot Equation, Rayleigh Line Equation, and Zel’dovich–von Neumann–Doering model, and taking into account single step chemistry and thermophysical properties for a stoichiometric mixture, is applied to a simple detonation tube test case configuration. The computed pressure rise and detonation velocity are shown to be in good agreement with published literature. Additional computations examine the effects of initial pressure, temperature, and mass flux on the physical properties of the flow. The results indicate that alternative fuels require higher initial mass flux and temperature to detonate. The benefits of alternative fuels appear significant

    African Peer Review Mechanism and Crisis of Good Governance in Africa

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    The transformation of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) into the African Union (AU) in July 2002 at the Heads of State Summit in Durban, South Africa increased hopes for the African continent as it grappled with a broad range of challenges. These hopes were further bolstered with the adoption of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) as the AU’s framework for development. NEPAD recognises governance, peace and security as central precondition for development. The African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) by which African countries are judged on their compliance with stated norms of governance is a remarkable innovation designed to facilitate the delivery not only of good governance but also peace and security. Moreover, security within the context of a new African Union has taken on a broader meaning since the end of the cold war from a traditional state-centric and ideologically- inspired concept to encompassing a human security approach. From this holistic perspective, the threats to human security in Africa remain a challenge for the AU and NEPAD. Similarly, failure to manage Africa’s diverse peoples and resources has resulted in devastating conflicts across the continent. While governance and security are not the only challenges in Africa, it seems clear that the process towards the continent’s renewal would need to proceed on a sound governance and security base. Moreover, as the dominantinstitutions and programmers representing the collective vision of the continent, success in dealing with Africa’s security and governance issue will largely depend on the AU/NEPAD and its programmes that is, APRM. Keywords: NEPAD, peer review mechanism,good governanc