4,073 research outputs found

    Kinematic alpha effect in isotropic turbulence simulations

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    Using numerical simulations at moderate magnetic Reynolds numbers up to 220 it is shown that in the kinematic regime, isotropic helical turbulence leads to an alpha effect and a turbulent diffusivity whose values are independent of the magnetic Reynolds number, \Rm, provided \Rm exceeds unity. These turbulent coefficients are also consistent with expectations from the first order smoothing approximation. For small values of \Rm, alpha and turbulent diffusivity are proportional to \Rm. Over finite time intervals meaningful values of alpha and turbulent diffusivity can be obtained even when there is small-scale dynamo action that produces strong magnetic fluctuations. This suggests that small-scale dynamo-generated fields do not make a correlated contribution to the mean electromotive force.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter

    Turbulent transport in hydromagnetic flows

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    The predictive power of mean-field theory is emphasized by comparing theory with simulations under controlled conditions. The recently developed test-field method is used to extract turbulent transport coefficients both in kinematic as well as nonlinear and quasi-kinematic cases. A striking example of the quasi-kinematic method is provided by magnetic buoyancy-driven flows that produce an alpha effect and turbulent diffusion.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, topical issue of Physica Scripta on turbulent mixing and beyon

    The inverse cascade and nonlinear alpha-effect in simulations of isotropic helical hydromagnetic turbulence

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    A numerical model of isotropic homogeneous turbulence with helical forcing is investigated. The resulting flow, which is essentially the prototype of the alpha^2 dynamo of mean-field dynamo theory, produces strong dynamo action with an additional large scale field on the scale of the box (at wavenumber k=1; forcing is at k=5). This large scale field is nearly force-free and exceeds the equipartition value. As the magnetic Reynolds number R_m increases, the saturation field strength and the growth rate of the dynamo increase. However, the time it takes to built up the large scale field from equipartition to its final super-equipartition value increases with magnetic Reynolds number. The large scale field generation can be identified as being due to nonlocal interactions originating from the forcing scale, which is characteristic of the alpha-effect. Both alpha and turbulent magnetic diffusivity eta_t are determined simultaneously using numerical experiments where the mean-field is modified artificially. Both quantities are quenched in a R_m-dependent fashion. The evolution of the energy of the mean field matches that predicted by an alpha^2 dynamo model with similar alpha and eta_t quenchings. For this model an analytic solution is given which matches the results of the simulations. The simulations are numerically robust in that the shape of the spectrum at large scales is unchanged when changing the resolution from 30^3 to 120^3 meshpoints, or when increasing the magnetic Prandtl number (viscosity/magnetic diffusivity) from 1 to 100. Increasing the forcing wavenumber to 30 (i.e. increasing the scale separation) makes the inverse cascade effect more pronounced, although it remains otherwise qualitatively unchanged.Comment: 21 pages, 26 figures, ApJ (accepted

    Mean-field transport in stratified and/or rotating turbulence

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    We investigate the mean electromotive force in the kinematic framework, that is, ignoring the back-reaction of the magnetic field on the fluid velocity, under the assumption of axisymmetric turbulence determined by the presence of either rotation, density stratification, or both. We use an analogous approach for the mean passive scalar flux. As an alternative to convection, we consider forced turbulence in an isothermal layer. When using standard ansatzes, the mean magnetic transport is then determined by nine, and the mean passive scalar transport by four coefficients. We give results for all these transport coefficients. We use the test-field method and the test-scalar method, where transport coefficients are determined by solving sets of equations with properly chosen mean magnetic fields or mean scalars. These methods are adapted to mean fields which may depend on all three space coordinates. We find the anisotropy of turbulent diffusion to be moderate in spite of rapid rotation or strong density stratification. Contributions to the mean electromotive force determined by the symmetric part of the gradient tensor of the mean magnetic field, which were ignored in several earlier investigations, turn out to be important. In stratified rotating turbulence, the α\alpha effect is strongly anisotropic, suppressed along the rotation axis on large length scales, but strongly enhanced at intermediate length scales. Also the \OO\times\meanJJ effect is enhanced at intermediate length scales. The turbulent passive scalar diffusivity is typically almost twice as large as the turbulent magnetic diffusivity. Both magnetic and passive scalar diffusion are slightly enhanced along the rotation axis, but decreased if there is gravity.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, A&A, publishe

    Mean-field diffusivities in passive scalar and magnetic transport in irrotational flows

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    Certain aspects of the mean-field theory of turbulent passive scalar transport and of mean-field electrodynamics are considered with particular emphasis on aspects of compressible fluids. It is demonstrated that the total mean-field diffusivity for passive scalar transport in a compressible flow may well be smaller than the molecular diffusivity. This is in full analogy to an old finding regarding the magnetic mean-field diffusivity in an electrically conducting turbulently moving compressible fluid. These phenomena occur if the irrotational part of the motion dominates the vortical part, the P\`eclet or magnetic Reynolds number is not too large, and, in addition, the variation of the flow pattern is slow. For both the passive scalar and the magnetic cases several further analytical results on mean-field diffusivities and related quantities found within the second-order correlation approximation are presented, as well as numerical results obtained by the test-field method, which applies independently of this approximation. Particular attention is paid to non-local and non-instantaneous connections between the turbulence-caused terms and the mean fields. Two examples of irrotational flows, in which interesting phenomena in the above sense occur, are investigated in detail. In particular, it is demonstrated that the decay of a mean scalar in a compressible fluid under the influence of these flows can be much slower than without any flow, and can be strongly influenced by the so-called memory effect, that is, the fact that the relevant mean-field coefficients depend on the decay rates themselves.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, published on PR

    Imprints of magnetic power and helicity spectra on radio polarimetry statistics

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    Statistical properties of turbulent magnetic fields in radio-synchrotron sources should imprint on the statistics of polarimetric observables. In search of these imprints, we calculate correlation and cross-correlation functions from a set of observables containing the total intensity I, the polarized intensity P and the Faraday depth phi. The correlation functions are evaluated for all combinations of observables up to fourth order in the magnetic field B. We derive these as far as possible analytically and from first principles only using some basic assumptions such as Gaussian statistics of the underlying magnetic field in the observed region and statistical homogeneity. We further assume some simplifications to reduce the complexity of the calculations, as for a start we were interested in a proof of concept. Using this statistical approach, we show that it is in principle possible to gain information about the helical part of the magnetic power spectrum, namely via the correlation functions and . Using this insight, we construct an easy-to-use test for helicity, called LITMUS (Local Inference Test for Magnetic fields which Uncovers heliceS). For now, all calculations are given in a Faraday-free case, but set up in a way so that Faraday rotational effects could be included later on.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figures; typos corrected; additional explanations in section 1 and 2; revised and extended derivation in section 5, results unchange

    Dissociation in a polymerization model of homochirality

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    A fully self-contained model of homochirality is presented that contains the effects of both polymerization and dissociation. The dissociation fragments are assumed to replenish the substrate from which new monomers can grow and undergo new polymerization. The mean length of isotactic polymers is found to grow slowly with the normalized total number of corresponding building blocks. Alternatively, if one assumes that the dissociation fragments themselves can polymerize further, then this corresponds to a strong source of short polymers, and an unrealistically short average length of only 3. By contrast, without dissociation, isotactic polymers becomes infinitely long.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Orig. Life Evol. Biosp

    Apparent suppression of turbulent magnetic dynamo action by a dc magnetic field

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    Numerical studies of the effect of a dc magnetic field on dynamo action (development of magnetic fields with large spatial scales), due to helically-driven magnetohydrodynamic turbulence, are reported. The apparent effect of the dc magnetic field is to suppress the dynamo action, above a relatively low threshold. However, the possibility that the suppression results from an improper combination of rectangular triply spatially-periodic boundary conditions and a uniform dc magnetic field is addressed: heretofore a common and convenient computational convention in turbulence investigations. Physical reasons for the observed suppression are suggested. Other geometries and boundary conditions are offered for which the dynamo action is expected not to be suppressed by the presence of a dc magnetic field component.Comment: To appear in Physics of Plasma

    Simulations of galactic dynamos

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    We review our current understanding of galactic dynamo theory, paying particular attention to numerical simulations both of the mean-field equations and the original three-dimensional equations relevant to describing the magnetic field evolution for a turbulent flow. We emphasize the theoretical difficulties in explaining non-axisymmetric magnetic fields in galaxies and discuss the observational basis for such results in terms of rotation measure analysis. Next, we discuss nonlinear theory, the role of magnetic helicity conservation and magnetic helicity fluxes. This leads to the possibility that galactic magnetic fields may be bi-helical, with opposite signs of helicity and large and small length scales. We discuss their observational signatures and close by discussing the possibilities of explaining the origin of primordial magnetic fields.Comment: 28 pages, 15 figure, to appear in Lecture Notes in Physics "Magnetic fields in diffuse media", Eds. E. de Gouveia Dal Pino and A. Lazaria