303 research outputs found

    Casimir Force on Real Materials - the Slab and Cavity Geometry

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    We analyse the potential of the geometry of a slab in a planar cavity for the purpose of Casimir force experiments. The force and its dependence on temperature, material properties and finite slab thickness are investigated both analytically and numerically for slab and walls made of aluminium and teflon FEP respectively. We conclude that such a setup is ideal for measurements of the temperature dependence of the Casimir force. By numerical calculation it is shown that temperature effects are dramatically larger for dielectrics, suggesting that a dielectric such as teflon FEP whose properties vary little within a moderate temperature range, should be considered for experimental purposes. We finally discuss the subtle but fundamental matter of the various Green's two-point function approaches present in the literature and show how they are different formulations describing the same phenomenon.Comment: 24 pages, 11 figures; expanded discussion, one appendix added, 1 new figure and 10 new references. To appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Theo

    Calculation of the Casimir Force between Similar and Dissimilar Metal Plates at Finite Temperature

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    The Casimir pressure is calculated between parallel metal plates, containing the materials Au, Cu, or Al. Our motivation for making this calculation is the need of comparing theoretical predictions, based on the Lifshitz formula, with experiments that are becoming gradually more accurate. In particular, the finite temperature correction is considered, in view of the recent discussion in the literature on this point. A special attention is given to the case where the difference between the Casimir pressures at two different temperatures, T=300 K and T=350 K, is involved. This seems to be a case that will be experimentally attainable in the near future, and it will be a critical test of the temperature correction.Comment: 23 latex pages, 12 figures. Introductory section expanded, 4 new references. To appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Ge

    Vacuum fluctuation forces between ultra-thin films

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    We have investigated the role of the quantum size effects in the evaluation of the force caused by electromagnetic vacuum fluctuations between ultra-thin films, using the dielectric tensor derived from the particle in a box model. Comparison with the results obtained by adopting a continuum dielectric model shows that, for film thicknesses of 1-10 nm, the electron confinement causes changes in the force intensity with respect to the isotropic plasma model which range from 40% to few percent depending upon the film electron density and the film separation. The calculated force shows quantum size oscillations, which can be significant for film separation distances of several nanometers. The role of electron confinement in reducing the large distance Casimir force is discussed

    Casimir forces and non-Newtonian gravitation

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    The search for non-relativistic deviations from Newtonian gravitation can lead to new phenomena signalling the unification of gravity with the other fundamental interactions. Various recent theoretical frameworks indicate a possible window for non-Newtonian forces with gravitational coupling strength in the micrometre range. The major expected background in the same range is attributable to the Casimir force or variants of it if dielectric materials, rather than conducting ones, are considered. Here we review the measurements of the Casimir force performed so far in the micrometre range and how they determine constraints on non-Newtonian gravitation, also discussing the dominant sources of false signals. We also propose a geometry-independent parameterization of all data in terms of the measurement of the constant c. Any Casimir force measurement should lead, once all corrections are taken into account, to a determination of the constant c which, in order to assess the accuracy of the measurement, can be compared with its more precise value known through microscopic measurements. Although the last decade of experiments has resulted in solid demonstrations of the Casimir force, the situation is not conclusive with respect to being able to discover new physics. Future experiments and novel phenomenological analysis will be necessary to discover non-Newtonian forces or to push the window for their possible existence into regions of the parameter space which theoretically appear unnatural.Comment: Also available at http://www.iop.org/EJ/abstract/1367-2630/8/10/23

    Thermal corrections to the Casimir effect

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    The Casimir effect, reflecting quantum vacuum fluctuations in the electromagnetic field in a region with material boundaries, has been studied both theoretically and experimentally since 1948. The forces between dielectric and metallic surfaces both plane and curved have been measured at the 10 to 1 percent level in a variety of room-temperature experiments, and remarkable agreement with the zero-temperature theory has been achieved. In fitting the data various corrections due to surface roughness, patch potentials, curvature, and temperature have been incorporated. It is the latter that is the subject of the present article. We point out that, in fact, no temperature dependence has yet been detected, and that the experimental situation is still too fluid to permit conclusions about thermal corrections to the Casimir effect. Theoretically, there are subtle issues concerning thermodynamics and electrodynamics which have resulted in disparate predictions concerning the nature of these corrections. However, a general consensus has seemed to emerge that suggests that the temperature correction to the Casimir effect is relatively large, and should be observable in future experiments involving surfaces separated at the few micrometer scale.Comment: 21 pages, 9 eps figures, uses iopart.cls. Final version to be published in New Journal of Physics, contains Conclusion and clarified remark

    An assessment of the Indian Ocean mean state and seasonal cycle in a suite of interannual CORE-II simulations

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    We present an analysis of annual and seasonal mean characteristics of the Indian Ocean circulation and water masses from 16 global ocean–sea-ice model simulations that follow the Coordinated Ocean-ice Reference Experiments (CORE) interannual protocol (CORE-II). All simulations show a similar large-scale tropical current system, but with differences in the Equatorial Undercurrent. Most CORE-II models simulate the structure of the Cross Equatorial Cell (CEC) in the Indian Ocean. We uncover a previously unidentified secondary pathway of northward cross-equatorial transport along 75 °E, thus complementing the pathway near the Somali Coast. This secondary pathway is most prominent in the models which represent topography realistically, thus suggesting a need for realistic bathymetry in climate models. When probing the water mass structure in the upper ocean, we find that the salinity profiles are closer to observations in geopotential (level) models than in isopycnal models. More generally, we find that biases are model dependent, thus suggesting a grouping into model lineage, formulation of the surface boundary, vertical coordinate and surface salinity restoring. Refinement in model horizontal resolution (one degree versus degree) does not significantly improve simulations, though there are some marginal improvements in the salinity and barrier layer results. The results in turn suggest that a focus on improving physical parameterizations (e.g. boundary layer processes) may offer more near-term advances in Indian Ocean simulations than refined grid resolution

    The Norwegian Earth System Model, NorESM1-M – Part 1: Description and basic evaluation of the physical climate

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    The core version of the Norwegian Climate Center's Earth System Model, named NorESM1-M, is presented. The NorESM family of models are based on the Community Climate System Model version 4 (CCSM4) of the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, but differs from the latter by, in particular, an isopycnic coordinate ocean model and advanced chemistry–aerosol–cloud–radiation interaction schemes. NorESM1-M has a horizontal resolution of approximately 2° for the atmosphere and land components and 1° for the ocean and ice components. NorESM is also available in a lower resolution version (NorESM1-L) and a version that includes prognostic biogeochemical cycling (NorESM1-ME). The latter two model configurations are not part of this paper. Here, a first-order assessment of the model stability, the mean model state and the internal variability based on the model experiments made available to CMIP5 are presented. Further analysis of the model performance is provided in an accompanying paper (Iversen et al., 2013), presenting the corresponding climate response and scenario projections made with NorESM1-M
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