142 research outputs found

    Multilayer mirrors for attosecond pulses in the water window spectral range

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    Real-time and Sub-wavelength Ultrafast Coherent Diffraction Imaging in the Extreme Ultraviolet

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    Coherent Diffraction Imaging is a technique to study matter with nanometer-scale spatial resolution based on coherent illumination of the sample with hard X-ray, soft X-ray or extreme ultraviolet light delivered from synchrotrons or more recently X-ray Free-Electron Lasers. This robust technique simultaneously allows quantitative amplitude and phase contrast imaging. Laser-driven high harmonic generation XUV-sources allow table-top realizations. However, the low conversion efficiency of lab-based sources imposes either a large scale laser system or long exposure times, preventing many applications. Here we present a lensless imaging experiment combining a high numerical aperture (NA=0.8) setup with a high average power fibre laser driven high harmonic source. The high flux and narrow-band harmonic line at 33.2 nm enables either sub-wavelength spatial resolution close to the Abbe limit (Delta r=0.8 lambda) for long exposure time, or sub-70 nm imaging in less than one second. The unprecedented high spatial resolution, compactness of the setup together with the real-time capability paves the way for a plethora of applications in fundamental and life sciences

    Tabletop nonlinear optics in the 100-eV spectral region

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    Nonlinear light-matter interactions in the extreme ultraviolet (XUV) are a prerequisite to perform XUV-pump/XUV-probe spectroscopy of core electrons. Such interactions are now routinely investigated at free-electron laser (FEL) facilities. Yet, electron dynamics are often too fast to be captured with the femtosecond resolution of state-of-the-art FELs. Attosecond pulses from laser-driven XUV-sources offer the necessary temporal resolution. However, intense attosecond pulses supporting nonlinear processes have only been available for photon energy below 50 eV, precluding XUV-pump/XUV-probe investigation of typical inner-shell processes. Here, we surpass this limitation by demonstrating two-photon absorption from inner electronic shells of xenon at photon energies around 93 eV and 115 eV. This advance opens the door for attosecond real-time observation of nonlinear electron dynamics deep inside atoms

    Water-Window X-Ray Pulses from a Laser-Plasma Driven Undulator

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    Femtosecond (fs) x-ray pulses are a key tool to study the structure and dynamics of matter on its natural length and time scale. To complement radio-frequency accelerator-based large-scale facilities, novel laser-based mechanisms hold promise for compact laboratory-scale x-ray sources. Laser-plasma driven undulator radiation in particular offers high peak-brightness, optically synchronized few-fs pulses reaching into the few-nanometer (nm) regime. To date, however, few experiments have successfully demonstrated plasma-driven undulator radiation. Those that have, typically operated at single and comparably long wavelengths. Here we demonstrate plasma-driven undulator radiation with octave-spanning tuneability at discrete wavelengths reaching from 13nm to 4nm. Studying spontaneous undulator radiation is an important step towards a plasma-driven free-electron laser. Our specific setup creates a photon pulse, which closely resembles the plasma electron bunch length and charge profile and thus might enable novel methods to characterize the longitudinal electron phase space