46 research outputs found

    Thermal energy storage

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    The general scope of study on thermal energy storage development includes: (1) survey and review possible concepts for storing thermal energy; (2) evaluate the potentials of the surveyed concepts for practical applications in the low and high temperature ranges for thermal control and storage, with particular emphasis on the low temperature range, and designate the most promising concepts; and (3) determine the nature of further studies required to expeditiously convert the most promising concept(s) to practical applications. Cryogenic temperature control by means of energy storage materials was also included

    Improved catalysts by low-G processing

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    The advantages of space for manufacturing more perfect microcrystalline morphologies and structures will be investigated. Production of smaller silver and palladium crystals with enhanced catalytic properties is discussed. The elimination of convection accompanying electrodeposition of fine metallic powders at high overvoltages in a low gravity environment is outlined

    Conjugating binary systems for spacecraft thermal control

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    The materials search was directed to liquid pairs which can form hydrogen bonds of just the right strength, i.e., strong enough to give a high heat of mixing, but weak enough to enable phase change to occur. The cursory studies performed in the area of additive effects indicate that Conjugating Binary (CB) performance can probably be fine-tuned by this means. The Fluid Loop Test Systems (FLTS) tests of candidate CBs indicate that the systems Triethylamine (TEA)/water and propionaldehyde/water show close to the ideal, reversible behavior, at least initially. The Quick Screening Tests QSTs and FLTS tests, however, both suffer from rather severe static due either to inadequate stirring or temperature control. Thus it is not possible to adequately evaluate less than ideal CB performers. Less than ideal performers, it should be noted, may have features that make them better practical CBs than ideal performers. Improvement of the evaluation instrumentation is thus indicated

    Poland's 2011 Online Election Campaign: New Tools, New Professionalism, New Ways to Win Votes

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    This article analyzes the use of the online environment within the context of the Polish parliamentary election of 2011. Using traditional methods of content analysis, we find that parties tend to adhere to a professionalized model of campaigning, and adapting online tools to suit the objectives of the campaign. There also appears to be a recognition that their most likely visitors to these online presences would be converts, and so they attempt to mobilize supporters rather than convert browsers. New parties and candidates are more likely to target browsers, with the latter offering a more personalized experience to online visitors. Importantly, when analyzing the outcome of the contest, we find that being online matters for candidates when controlling for all other variables. Equally, the reach the candidate has, which may well influence their vote share, is dependent on offering a more personalized, representational image and having a frequently updated online presence that should encourage repeat visits. Cumulatively, we suggest the future of online campaigning must not only focus on having a presence, but on using it in a way that appeals to a range of visitors, encouraging repeat visits, and that this strategy could have a positive impact on election outcomes. 漏 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

    How thermodynamics and mechanics see microscopic and molecular nature of wetting

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    Najnowsze badania, dotycz膮c problemu zwil偶alno艣ci doprowadzi艂y do dw贸ch najistotniejszych wniosk贸w: 1) opis zwil偶alno艣ci wymaga znajomo艣ci nie tylko makroskopowych k膮t贸w zwil偶ania, lecz tak偶e poznania natury r贸wnowagowych film贸w (warstewek) wody o molekularnej grubo艣ci, kt贸re nawet przy nieznacznej wilgotno艣ci wzgl臋dnej, tworz膮 si臋 samorzutnie na powierzchniach wszystkich cia艂 sta艂ych; 2) r贸wnowaga mechaniczna w procesie zwil偶ania ustala si臋 znacznie szybciej ni偶 r贸wnowaga termodynamiczna w tym samym uk艂adzie, co powoduje, 偶e zmierzone, makroskopowe k膮ty zwil偶ania mog膮 r贸偶ni膰 si臋 od k膮t贸w r贸wnowagowych, dop贸ki uk艂ad nie osi膮gnie r贸wnowagi termodynamicznej wymagaj膮cej powstania na powierzchni warstewki hydratacyjnej. Badania zwil偶alno艣ci metodami STM (atomowej mikroskopii tunelowej) i AFM (mikroskopii si艂 atomowych) szybko rozszerzaj膮 nasz膮 wiedz臋 i w bliskiej przysz艂o艣ci powinny ujednolici膰 pogl膮dy na teori臋 i praktyk臋 zwil偶alno艣ci, a w szczeg贸lno艣ci rozwi膮za膰 problem histerezy zwil偶ania, zwi膮zuj膮c go ze struktur膮 warstewek wody przylegaj膮cych bezpo艣rednio do powierzchni cia艂 sta艂ych.Recent studies on wetting lead to the two most important conclusions: 1) description (estimation) of wettability needs the knowledge of not only the macroscopic wetting angle but also of the nature of molecular aqueous films that occupy surfaces of all solids; 2) mechanical equilibrium of the wetting process is generally much more rapidly established than the thermodynamic equilibrium of the whole system. In consequence, the macroscopically measured wetting angle is different from the equilibrium angle, when the thermodynamic equilibrium and the formation of the molecular water film on the solid are not attained. Rapidly proceeding investigations of molecular wettability, carried out with the use of AFM (atomic force microscopy), will lead in the near future to unification of the theory and practice of wetting, and in particular will solve the question of the hysteresis of wetting, resulting from changes in the structure of water, directly adjacent to the surfaces of solids

    Tribological properties of Cu based composite materials strengthened with Al2O3 particles

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    In the present work copper was strenghtened with 20 and 30 vol. % of alumina particles characterized by diameter of 3-6渭m. The copperbased composite materials were manufactured by the squeeze casting method. Preheated preforms made from Al2O3 particles were placedin the desired place in the heated cast die and the squeeze casting process with liquid copper was performed applying the infiltrationpressure of 90MPa and pressure was kept for 10-15s until solidification was complete. The microstructure and physical properties: Brinell hardness (HBW) and density were characterized. Metallografic examinations showed that alumina particles were uniformly distributed in the copper matrix. Hardness of 208 HBW for composite materials containing 30 vol.% of particles was achieved. Wear investigations were performed applying the tribological pin-on-disc tester. Friction forces between copper based composite materials containing 20 and 30 vol. % of Al2O3 particles and cast iron were registered and wear was determined on the base of the specimen mass loss after 1.0, 3.5 and 8.5 km friction distance

    Physical Properties of Copper Based MMC Strengthened with Alumina

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    The aim of this work is the development of Cu-Al2O3 composites of copper Cu-ETP matrix composite materials reinforced by 20 and 30 vol.% Al2O3 particles and study of some chosen physical properties. Squeeze casting technique of porous compacts with liquid copper was applied at the pressure of 110 MPa. Introduction of alumina particles into copper matrix affected on the significant increase of hardness and in the case of Cu-30 vol. % of alumina particles to 128 HBW. Electrical resistivity was strongly affected by the ceramic alumina particles and addition of 20 vol. % of particles caused diminishing of electrical conductivity to 20 S/m (34.5% IACS). Thermal conductivity tests were performed applying two methods and it was ascertained that this parameter strongly depends on the ceramic particles content, diminishing it to 100 Wm-1K-1 for the composite material containing 30 vol.% of ceramic particles comparing to 400 Wm-1K-1 for the unreinforced copper. Microstructural analysis was carried out using SEM microscopy and indicates that Al2O3 particles are homogeneously distributed in the copper matrix. EDS analysis shows remains of silicon on the surface of ceramic particles after binding agent used during preparation of ceramic preforms

    Physical Properties of Copper Based MMC Strengthened with Alumina

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    The aim of this work is the development of Cu-Al2O3 composites of copper Cu-ETP matrix composite materials reinforced by 20 and 30 vol.% Al2O3 particles and study of some chosen physical properties. Squeeze casting technique of porous compacts with liquid copper was applied at the pressure of 110 MPa. Introduction of alumina particles into copper matrix affected on the significant increase of hardness and in the case of Cu-30 vol. % of alumina particles to 128 HBW. Electrical resistivity was strongly affected by the ceramic alumina particles and addition of 20 vol. % of particles caused diminishing of electrical conductivity to 20 S/m (34.5% IACS). Thermal conductivity tests were performed applying two methods and it was ascertained that this parameter strongly depends on the ceramic particles content, diminishing it to 100 Wm-1K-1 for the composite material containing 30 vol.% of ceramic particles comparing to 400 Wm-1K-1 for the unreinforced copper. Microstructural analysis was carried out using SEM microscopy and indicates that Al2O3 particles are homogeneously distributed in the copper matrix. EDS analysis shows remains of silicon on the surface of ceramic particles after binding agent used during preparation of ceramic preforms