11 research outputs found

    Methodological tests of the use of trace elements as tracers to assess root activity

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    peer-reviewedN.J.H. was funded by the Irish Research Council, co-funded by Marie Curie Actions under FP7. The field experiments A, B and G were supported by the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under the grant agreements FP7-266018 (AnimalChange) and FP7- 244983 (MultiSward). Experiment F was supported by the German Science Foundation (FOR 456).Background and aims There is increasing interest in how resource utilisation in grassland ecosystems is affected by changes in plant diversity and abiotic conditions. Research to date has mainly focussed on aboveground responses and there is limited insight into belowground processes. The aim of this study was to test a number of assumptions for the valid use of the trace elements caesium, lithium, rubidium and strontium as tracers to assess the root activity of several grassland species. Methods We carried out a series of experiments addressing the reliability of soil labelling, injection density, incubation time, application rate and the comparability of different tracers in a multiple tracer method. Results The results indicate that it is possible to achieve a reliable labelling of soil depths. Tracer injection density affected the variability but not the mean level of plant tracer concentrations. Tracer application rates should be based on pilot studies, because of site- and species-specific responses. The trace elements did not meet prerequisites to be used in a multiple tracer method. Conclusions The use of trace elements as tracers is potentially a very useful tool to give insight into plant root activity at different soil depths. This work highlights some of the main benefits and pitfalls of the method and provides specific recommendations to assist the design of tracer experiments and interpretation of the results.N.J.H. was funded by the Irish Research Council, co-funded by Marie Curie Actions under FP7. The field experiments A, B and G were supported by the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under the grant agreements FP7-266018 (AnimalChange) and FP7- 244983 (MultiSward). Experiment F was supported by the German Science Foundation (FOR 456).European Unio

    Plant diversity generates enhanced soil microbial access to recently photosynthesized carbon in the rhizosphere

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    Plant diversity positively impacts ecosystem services such as biomass production and soil organic matter (SOM) storage. Both processes counteract increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration and global warming and consequently need better understanding. In general it is assumed that complementary resource use is driving the positive biomass effect and that the rhizospheric microbial community provides the necessary nutrients mineralizing SOM. So far however, it remains unclear how this link between the above and the belowground system is functioning; in detail it remains unclear if a more efficient CO2 uptake at higher diversity levels leads to higher root exudation that stimulate the microbial mineralization. Contrastingly we show here for the first time that more diverse grassland communities provide a better access to root exudates for the rhizospheric community. We applied a continuous (CO2)-C-13 label in a controlled environment (The Montpellier European Ecotron) to ecosystem monoliths from the long-term The Jena Experiment and showed analyzing the delta C-13 content of phospholipid fatty acids and neutral lipid fatty acid that plant diversity increased the plant-derived C uptake of Gram negative bacteria and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). Root biomass but not the amount and delta C-13 content of root sugars positively influenced the plant diversity effect observed on Gram negative bacteria whereas the specific interaction between plant and AMF was independent from any plant trait. Our results demonstrate that plant diversity facilitated the accessibility of plant derived C but not the above-belowground transfer rates. This facilitating effect enabled more diverse plant communities to use complementary C and most likely nutrient resources both from soil organic matter mineralization for better growth. We anticipate from our results that plant diversity effects are less driven by the performance of individuals in mixtures (trait plasticity) but by the combination of individuals that interact independently (trait complementarity). (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Methodological tests of the use of trace elements as tracers to assess root activity

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    Background and aims There is increasing interest in how resource utilisation in grassland ecosystems is affected by changes in plant diversity and abiotic conditions. Research to date has mainly focussed on aboveground responses and there is limited insight into belowground processes. The aim of this study was to test a number of assumptions for the valid use of the trace elements caesium, lithium, rubidium and strontium as tracers to assess the root activity of several grassland species. Methods We carried out a series of experiments addressing the reliability of soil labelling, injection density, incubation time, application rate and the comparability of different tracers in a multiple tracer method. Results The results indicate that it is possible to achieve a reliable labelling of soil depths. Tracer injection density affected the variability but not the mean level of plant tracer concentrations. Tracer application rates should be based on pilot studies, because of site- and species-specific responses. The trace elements did not meet prerequisites to be used in a multiple tracer method. Conclusions The use of trace elements as tracers is potentially a very useful tool to give insight into plant root activity at different soil depths. This work highlights some of the main benefits and pitfalls of the method and provides specific recommendations to assist the design of tracer experiments and interpretation of the results.ISSN:0032-079XISSN:1573-503

    Plant functional diversity increases grassland productivity‐related water vapor fluxes: an Ecotron and modeling approach

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    The impact of species richness and functional diversity of plants on ecosystem water vapor fluxes has been little investigated. To address this knowledge gap, we combined a lysimeter setup in a controlled environment facility (Ecotron) with large ecosystem samples/ monoliths originating from a long-term biodiversity experiment (“The Jena Experiment”) and a modelling approach. We aimed at (1) quantifying the impact of plant species richness (4 vs. 16 species) on day- and night-time ecosystem water vapor fluxes, (2) partitioning ecosystem evapotranspiration into evaporation and plant transpiration using the Shuttleworth and Accepted Article This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. Wallace (SW) energy partitioning model, and (3) identifying the most parsimonious predictors of water vapor fluxes using plant functional trait-based metrics such as functional diversity and community weighted means. Day-time measured and modeled evapotranspiration were significantly higher in the higher diversity treatment suggesting increased water acquisition. The SW model suggests that at low plant species richness, a higher proportion of the available energy was diverted to evaporation (a non-productive flux), while at higher species richness the proportion of ecosystem transpiration (a productivity-related water flux) increased. While it is well established that LAI controls ecosystem transpiration, here we also identified that the diversity of leaf nitrogen concentration among species in a community is a consistent predictor of ecosystem water vapor fluxes during day-time. The results provide evidence that, at the peak of the growing season, higher LAI and lower percentage of bare ground at high plant diversity diverts more of the available water to transpiration – a flux closely coupled with photosynthesis and productivity. Higher rates of transpiration presumably contribute to the positive effect of diversity on productivity

    Dynamic niche partitioning in root water uptake facilitates efficient water use in more diverse grassland plant communities

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    1.Efficient extraction of soil water is essential for the productivity of plant communities. However, research on the complementary use of resources in mixed plant communities, and especially the impact of plant species richness on root water uptake, is limited. So far, these investigations have been hindered by a lack of methods allowing for the estimation of root water uptake profiles. 2.The overarching aim of our study was to determine whether diverse grassland plant communities in general exploit soil water more deeply and whether this shift occurs all the time or only during times of enhanced water demand. 3.Root water uptake was derived by analyzing the diurnal decrease of soil water content separately at each measurement depth, thus yielding root water uptake profiles for 12 experimental grasslands communities with two different levels of species richness (4 and 16 sown species). Additional measurements of leaf water potential, stomatal conductance, and root traits were used to identify differences in water relations between plant functional groups. 4.Although the vertical root distribution did not differ between diversity levels, root water uptake shifted towards deeper layers (30 cm and 60 cm) in more diverse plots during periods of high vapor pressure deficit. Our results indicate that the more diverse communities were able to adjust their root water uptake, resulting in increased water uptake per root area compared to less diverse communities (52% at 20 cm, 118% at 30 cm, and 570% at 60 cm depth) and a more even distribution of water uptake over depth. Tall herbs, which had lower leaf water potential and higher stomatal conductance in more diverse mixtures, contributed disproportionately to dynamic niche partitioning in root water uptake. 5.This study underpins the role of diversity in stabilizing ecosystem function and mitigating drought stress effects during future climate change scenarios. Furthermore, the results provide evidence that root water uptake is not solely controlled by root length density distribution in communities with high plant diversity but also by spatial shifts in water acquisition

    Functional diversity of leaf nitrogen concentrations drives grassland carbon fluxes

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    Little is known about the role of plant functional diversity for ecosystem-level carbon (C) fluxes. To fill this knowledge gap, we translocated monoliths hosting communities with four and 16 sown species from a long-term grassland biodiversity experiment (‘The Jena Experiment’) into a controlled environment facility for ecosystem research (Ecotron). This allowed quantifying the effects of plant diversity on ecosystem C fluxes as well as three parameters of C uptake efficiency (water and nitrogen use efficiencies and apparent quantum yield). By combining data on ecosystem C fluxes with vegetation structure and functional trait-based predictors, we found that increasing plant species and functional diversity led to higher gross and net ecosystem C uptake rates. Path analyses and light response curves unravelled the diversity of leaf nitrogen concentration in the canopy as a key functional predictor of C fluxes, either directly or indirectly via LAI and aboveground biomass

    Data from: Belowground complementarity effects in a grassland biodiversity experiment are related to deep-rooting species

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    Item does not contain fulltext1. Belowground resource partitioning is often proposed as the underlying mechanism for the positive relationship between plant species richness and productivity. For example, if species have different root distributions, a mixture of plant species may be able to use the available resources more completely than the individual species in a monoculture. However, there is little experimental evidence for differentiation in vertical root distributions among species and its contribution to biodiversity effects. 2. We determined species-specific root standing biomass over depth using molecular techniques (real time-qPCR) in a large grassland biodiversity experiment (1-8 plant species mixtures), in two years. Species-specific root biomass data were used to disentangle the effects of positive interactions between species (complementarity effects) and effects due to dominance of productive species (selection effects) on root biomass in mixtures. In a next step, these biodiversity effects were linked to the diversity of rooting depths and the averaged rooting depth of the community. 3. Root biomass increased with species richness. This was mainly due to positive interactions (the complementarity effect), which increased with species richness belowground. In contrast, the selection effect decreased with species richness. Although there was considerable variation in vertical root distribution between species in monocultures, the diversity of rooting strategies did not explain the complementarity effect. Rather, the abundance of deep-rooting species in mixtures (i.e. high community weighted mean) was significantly related to the complementarity effect. Comparing the ‘predicted’ root distribution (based on monocultures) to the actual distribution in mixtures, we found that mixtures rooted deeper than expected, but this did not better explain the complementarity effect. 4. Synthesis: This study demonstrates that vertical root distributions of species provide only subtle evidence for resource partitioning. We found no evidence that functional diversity in vertical rooting patterns was important for the complementarity effect, in contrast to our expectation that the enhancement of productivity was due to resource partitioning. Alternatively, we found significant but weak relationships between the complementarity effect and deep-rooting communities, based on the community weighted mean root distribution. This suggests that factors other than belowground resource partitioning alone may drive the biodiversity-productivity relationship