5 research outputs found

    Nastanak zamorne pukotine iz mikrostrukturno malih vickersovih otisaka

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    The resistivity of a coarse grain steel against fatigue crack initiation in presence of micro-defects is discussed. Samples of material with martensitic microstructure were prepared by adequate thermal treatment. Microstructurally small Vickers indentations were used as artificial micro-defect. The compressive residual stresses are due to the irreversibility of plastic deformation. The moment of indenting enables to prepare samples with and without effects of residual stresses. The stress level for crack initiation depends on the actual indentation size. The location of initiated cracks is affected by the presence and character of residual stresses.Proučavana je otpornost grubozrnatog dijela zone utjecaja topline na nastanak zamorne pukotine u prisustvu mikro greški. Uzorci materijala s martenzitnom grubozrnatom mikrostrukturom pripremljeni su odgovarajućom toplinskom obradom. Kao umjetne mikro greške upotrijebljene su mikrostrukturno mali Vickers otisci. Tlačna zaostala naprezanja pojave se zbog nepovratnosti plastične deformacije. Moment kad se napravi otisak omogućava pripremu uzoraka s i bez efekata zaostalih naprezanja. Kritičkna razina naprezanja za nastanak pukotine zavisi od stvarne veličine otiska. Na lokaciju nastanka pukotine utječe i prisutnost te vrsta zaostalih naprezanja

    Practical value of the semi-quantitative Rainsford-Davies test for the determination of phenol in the urine of workers exposed to benzene vapour

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    Ispitana je vrijednost semikvantitativnog fenol testa u odnosu na kvantitativne analize. Istraživanja su provedena na grupi od 50 radnika eksponiranih parama benzena jedne zagrebačke tvornice lijekova. Kontrolna grupa bilo je 20 radnika iste tvornice. Reakcija testa se temelji na stvaranju plave boje između prisutnog fenola i 2,6-diklorkinon-4-klorimida (Gibbsov reagens) u lužnatom mediju (pH 10,15). Intenzitet boje je linearno proporcionalan koncentraciji fenola u urinu, odnosno koncentraciji benzena u zraku. Rezultati su pokazali da semikvantitativno određivanje daje vrlo dobar uvid u grupnu i individualnu ekspoziciju parama benzena. Zbog jednostavnosti i brzine izvođenja, ta metoda ima praktičnu prednost pred drugima.The value of the semi-quantitative phenol test in relation to quantitative analysis was analysed in a group of 50 workers of a Zagreb pharmaceutical works exposed to benzene vapour. The control group consisted of 20 workers of the same factory. The reaction of the test is based on the production of a blue colour by phenol and 2,6-dichloroquinone-4-chloroimide (the Gibbs reagent) in an alkaline medium (pH 10.15). The colour intensity is in a linear proportion to the concentration of phenol in the urine and of benzene in the air, respectively. The results have shown that the semi-quantitative determination of phenol in relation to the quantitative one gives a very good insight into the colective and individual exposure to benzene vapour. The procedure is simple and quick, and for this reason of more practical value than other methods

    Response of Quercus robur L. seedlings to north-south asymmetry of light within gaps in floodplain forests of Slovenia

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    To examine Quercus robur establishment and growth in low to intermediate light levels, we analysed regeneration in different microsites created by light asymmetry within gaps in two main floodplain forest regions of Slovenia: Dolinsko and Krakovo. Four years after a mast year in 1995, we installed systematic grids of 1×\times1 m plots in 11 gaps (0.03–0.40 ha) on wet and dry site variants. In 256 plots, seedling species, cover, density, height, height increment, browsing damage, tree architecture, understory vegetation species and cover, and direct and diffuse light were measured. The average seedling density in all gaps was 15/m2^{2}, but the highest densities were found in gap positions with low diffuse light levels (10–20%). Competing understory vegetation was more abundant in positions with high diffuse light. In gaps on dry site variants a combination of low diffuse and high direct light was favourable for regeneration. The results indicated that Q. robur can successfully establish in gaps. Here, both light components were sources of within gap resource heterogeneity, therefore knowledge of light asymmetry can improve regeneration success.Réponse des semis de Quercus robur L. à l'asymétrie de lumière Nord–Sud dans les trouées des forêts inondables en Slovénie. Pour examiner l'installation et la croissance de Quercus robur, sous des niveaux d'éclairement faibles à moyens, nous avons analysé la régénération dans différents microsites affectés par l'asymétrie da la lumière dans des trouées en forêts inondables en Slovénie : Dolinsko et Krakovo. Quatre années après une forte glandée en 1995, nous avons installé des placettes d'observation suivant une grille de 1×\times1 m dans 11 trouées (0.03–0.40 ha) de stations sèches et humides. Les paramètres suivants ont été mesurés sur 256 emplacements : l'espèce  des semis, l'abondance relative, la densité, la hauteur l'accroissement en hauteur, les dommages d'abroutissement, l'architecture des arbres, les espèces du sous-bois, l'éclairement direct et diffus. La densité moyenne des semis de toutes les trouées était de 15/m2^{2}, mais les plus fortes densités ont été trouvées dans les trouées aux expositions caractérisées par des faibles niveaux d'éclairement diffus (10–20%). La végétation compétitrice du sous-bois était plus abondante dans les situations à niveau élevé de lumière diffuse. Dans les variantes sèches des trouées, une combinaison de faible niveau de lumière diffuse et de fort éclairement direct était favorable à la régénération. Les résultats indiquent que Quercus robur peut s'installer avec succès dans les trouées. Ici, les deux composantes de l'éclairement ont été sources d'hétérogénéité dans les ressources des trouées, par conséquent la connaissance de l'asymétrie de l'éclairement peut améliorer le succès de la régénération

    Part 1. Bibliographies and Other Research and Reference Guides, Including Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Grammars and Phrase Books

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