Practical value of the semi-quantitative Rainsford-Davies test for the determination of phenol in the urine of workers exposed to benzene vapour


Ispitana je vrijednost semikvantitativnog fenol testa u odnosu na kvantitativne analize. Istraživanja su provedena na grupi od 50 radnika eksponiranih parama benzena jedne zagrebačke tvornice lijekova. Kontrolna grupa bilo je 20 radnika iste tvornice. Reakcija testa se temelji na stvaranju plave boje između prisutnog fenola i 2,6-diklorkinon-4-klorimida (Gibbsov reagens) u lužnatom mediju (pH 10,15). Intenzitet boje je linearno proporcionalan koncentraciji fenola u urinu, odnosno koncentraciji benzena u zraku. Rezultati su pokazali da semikvantitativno određivanje daje vrlo dobar uvid u grupnu i individualnu ekspoziciju parama benzena. Zbog jednostavnosti i brzine izvođenja, ta metoda ima praktičnu prednost pred drugima.The value of the semi-quantitative phenol test in relation to quantitative analysis was analysed in a group of 50 workers of a Zagreb pharmaceutical works exposed to benzene vapour. The control group consisted of 20 workers of the same factory. The reaction of the test is based on the production of a blue colour by phenol and 2,6-dichloroquinone-4-chloroimide (the Gibbs reagent) in an alkaline medium (pH 10.15). The colour intensity is in a linear proportion to the concentration of phenol in the urine and of benzene in the air, respectively. The results have shown that the semi-quantitative determination of phenol in relation to the quantitative one gives a very good insight into the colective and individual exposure to benzene vapour. The procedure is simple and quick, and for this reason of more practical value than other methods

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