1,098 research outputs found

    Self-reported energy intake by FFQ compared with actual energy intake to maintain body weight in 516 adults

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    It is generally assumed that a FFQ is not suitable to estimate the absolute levels of individual energy intake. However, in epidemiological studies, reported nutrients by FFQ are often corrected for this intake. The objective of the present study was to assess how accurately participants report their energy intakes by FFQ. We compared reported energy intake with actual energy intake needed to maintain stable body weights during eleven controlled dietary trials. FFQ were developed to capture at least 90 % of energy intake. Participants, 342 women and 174 men, with a mean BMI of 22·8 (sd 3·1) kg/m2 filled out the FFQ just before the trials. Energy intakes during the trials were calculated from provided foods and reported free-food items, representing 90 and 10 % of energy intake, respectively. Mean reported energy intake was 97·5 (sd 12·7) % of actual energy intake during the trials; it was 98·9 (sd 15·2) % for women and 94·7 (sd 16·3) % for men (P = 0·004 for difference between sexes). Correlation coefficients between reported and actual energy intakes were 0·82 for all participants, 0·74 for women and 0·80 for men. Individual reported energy intake as a percentage of actual intake ranged from 56·3 to 159·6 % in women and from 43·8 to 151·0 % in men. In conclusion, the FFQ appeared to be accurate for estimating the mean level of energy intakes of these participants and for ranking them according to their intake. However, the large differences found on the individual level may affect the results of epidemiological studies in an unknown direction if nutrients are corrected for energy intakes reported by FF

    Online discussion compensates for suboptimal timing of supportive information presentation in a digitally supported learning environment

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    This study used a sequential set-up to investigate the consecutive effects of timing of supportive information presentation (information before vs. information during the learning task clusters) in interactive digital learning materials (IDLMs) and type of collaboration (personal discussion vs. online discussion) in computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) on student knowledge construction. Students (N = 87) were first randomly assigned to the two information presentation conditions to work individually on a case-based assignment in IDLM. Students who received information during learning task clusters tended to show better results on knowledge construction than those who received information only before each cluster. The students within the two separate information presentation conditions were then randomly assigned to pairs to discuss the outcomes of their assignments under either the personal discussion or online discussion condition in CSCL. When supportive information had been presented before each learning task cluster, online discussion led to better results than personal discussion. When supportive information had been presented during the learning task clusters, however, the online and personal discussion conditions had no differential effect on knowledge construction. Online discussion in CSCL appeared to compensate for suboptimal timing of presentation of supportive information before the learning task clusters in IDLM

    REACH implementation costs in the Belgian food industry:a semi-qualitative study

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    In this paper we discuss how companies in the Belgian food industry are affected by the REACH legislation and whether their competitiveness is weakened as a result. The study has been carried out through an extensive literature study, an electronic survey, in-depth interviews and a case-study. No indication is observed of REACH compliance significantly hampering the competitive position of Belgian food industry. The overall cost burden seems to be relatively low. In contrast with the chemical industry, large food companies bear the highest costs, whereas the financial impact on small and medium-sized food companies remains limited.<br

    Humane risicobeoordeling in zicht : een inventarisatie van de mogelijkheden voor het optimaliseren van het gebruik van humane data bij de risicobeoordeling van chemische stoffen in de voeding

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    Het doel van deze studie was het identificeren van visies op het huidige risicobeoordelingsproces, het optimaliseren van het gebruik van humane data en de samenwerking tussen toxicologie en epidemiologie. Gegevens zijn verkregen middels 23 semigestructureerde interview

    On Binary Matroid Minors and Applications to Data Storage over Small Fields

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    Locally repairable codes for distributed storage systems have gained a lot of interest recently, and various constructions can be found in the literature. However, most of the constructions result in either large field sizes and hence too high computational complexity for practical implementation, or in low rates translating into waste of the available storage space. In this paper we address this issue by developing theory towards code existence and design over a given field. This is done via exploiting recently established connections between linear locally repairable codes and matroids, and using matroid-theoretic characterisations of linearity over small fields. In particular, nonexistence can be shown by finding certain forbidden uniform minors within the lattice of cyclic flats. It is shown that the lattice of cyclic flats of binary matroids have additional structure that significantly restricts the possible locality properties of F2\mathbb{F}_{2}-linear storage codes. Moreover, a collection of criteria for detecting uniform minors from the lattice of cyclic flats of a given matroid is given, which is interesting in its own right.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure

    On the odd-minor variant of Hadwiger's conjecture

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    A {\it KlK_l -expansion} consists of ll vertex-disjoint trees, every two of which are joined by an edge. We call such an expansion {\it odd} if its vertices can be two-coloured so that the edges of the trees are bichromatic but the edges between trees are monochromatic. We show that, for every ll, if a graph contains no odd KlK_l -expansion then its chromatic number is O(llogl)O(l \sqrt{\log l}). In doing so, we obtain a characterization of graphs which contain no odd KlK_l -expansion which is of independent interest. We also prove that given a graph and a subset SS of its vertex set, either there are kk vertex-disjoint odd paths with endpoints in SS, or there is a set X of at most 2k22k − 2 vertices such that every odd path with both ends in SS contains a vertex in XX. Finally, we discuss the algorithmic implications of these results

    On the odd-minor variant of Hadwiger's conjecture

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    A {\it KlK_l -expansion} consists of ll vertex-disjoint trees, every two of which are joined by an edge. We call such an expansion {\it odd} if its vertices can be two-coloured so that the edges of the trees are bichromatic but the edges between trees are monochromatic. We show that, for every ll, if a graph contains no odd KlK_l -expansion then its chromatic number is O(llogl)O(l \sqrt{\log l}). In doing so, we obtain a characterization of graphs which contain no odd KlK_l -expansion which is of independent interest. We also prove that given a graph and a subset SS of its vertex set, either there are kk vertex-disjoint odd paths with endpoints in SS, or there is a set X of at most 2k22k − 2 vertices such that every odd path with both ends in SS contains a vertex in XX. Finally, we discuss the algorithmic implications of these results

    Vascular uptake of rehydration fluids in hypohydrated men at rest and exercise

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    The purpose of this study was to formulate and to evaluate rehydration drinks, which would restore total body water and plasma volume (PV), for astronauts to consume before and during extravehicular activity, a few hours before reentry, and immediately after landing. In the first experiment (rest, sitting), five healthy men (23-41 yr), previously dehydrated for 24 hr., drank six (1a, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7) fluid formulations (one each at weekly intervals) and then sat for 70 min. Pre-test PV were measured with Evans blue dye and changes in PV were calculated with the hematocrit-hemoglobin transformation equation. This rest experiment simulated hypohydrated astronauts preparing for reentry. The second experiment (exercise, supine) followed the same protocol except four healthy men (30-46 yr) worked for 70 min. in the supine position on a cycle ergometer at a mean load of 71+/-1 percent of their peak aerobic work capacity. This exercise experiment simulated conditions for astronauts with reduced total body water engaging in extravehicular activity