154 research outputs found

    Room temperature spin filtering in epitaxial cobalt-ferrite tunnel barriers

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    We report direct experimental evidence of room temperature spin filtering in magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs) containing CoFe2O4 tunnel barriers via tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) measurements. Pt(111)/CoFe2O4(111)/gamma-Al2O3(111)/Co(0001) fully epitaxial MTJs were grown in order to obtain a high quality system, capable of functioning at room temperature. Spin polarized transport measurements reveal significant TMR values of -18% at 2 K and -3% at 290 K. In addition, the TMR ratio follows a unique bias voltage dependence that has been theoretically predicted to be the signature of spin filtering in MTJs containing magnetic barriers. CoFe2O4 tunnel barriers therefore provide a model system to investigate spin filtering in a wide range of temperatures.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Incidence sérologique des anticorps anti-brucelliques chez les animaux domestiques de l'homme en Iran

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    Elastic strains at interfaces in InAs/AlSb multilayer structures for quantum cascade lasers

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    InAs/AlSb multilayers similar to those used in quantum cascade lasers have been grown by molecular beam epitaxy on (001) InAs substrates. Elastic strain is investigated by high resolution transmission electron microscopy. Thin interfacial regions with lattice distortions significantly different from the strain of the AlSb layers themselves are revealed from the geometrical phase analysis. Strain profiles are qualitatively compared to the chemical contrast of high angle annular dark field images obtained by scanning transmission electron microscopy. The strain and chemical profiles are correlated with the growth sequences used to form the interfaces. Tensile strained AlAs-like interfaces tend to form predominantly due to the high thermal stability of AlAs. Strongly asymmetric interfaces, AlAs-rich and (Al, In)Sb, respectively, can also be achieved by using appropriate growth sequences

    Experimental application of sum rules for electron energy loss magnetic chiral dichroism

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    We present a derivation of the orbital and spin sum rules for magnetic circular dichroic spectra measured by electron energy loss spectroscopy in a transmission electron microscope. These sum rules are obtained from the differential cross section calculated for symmetric positions in the diffraction pattern. Orbital and spin magnetic moments are expressed explicitly in terms of experimental spectra and dynamical diffraction coefficients. We estimate the ratio of spin to orbital magnetic moments and discuss first experimental results for the Fe L_{2,3} edge.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    A Novel Triterpenoid Induces Transforming Growth Factor β Production by Intraepithelial Lymphocytes to Prevent Ileitis

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    The loss of homeostasis is a hallmark of inflammatory bowel disease. Oral infection of susceptible mice with Toxoplasma gondii results in an acute lethal ileitis characterized by increased interferon γ, tumor necrosis factor α, and inducible nitric oxide synthase; homeostasis results from transforming growth factor β production by intraepithelial lymphocytes. The synthetic oleanane triterpenoid 2-cyano-3,12-dioxooleana-1,9-dien-28-oic acid (CDDO) is a potent anti-inflammatory molecule previously shown in vitro to suppress the de novo synthesis of inducible nitric oxide synthase and to induce the transcription and activation of genes from the transforming growth factor β signaling pathway. We evaluated the immune response in the small intestine and by intraepithelial lymphocytes after a single intraperitoneal dose of CDDO at the time of T. gondii oral infection. We abrogated the homeostatic effects of CDDO by blocking transforming growth factor β in vivo

    3D magnetic induction maps of nanoscale materials revealed by electron holographic tomography

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    This is an open access article published under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) License.-- et al.The investigation of three-dimensional (3D) ferromagnetic nanoscale materials constitutes one of the key research areas of the current magnetism roadmap and carries great potential to impact areas such as data storage, sensing, and biomagnetism. The properties of such nanostructures are closely connected with their 3D magnetic nanostructure, making their determination highly valuable. Up to now, quantitative 3D maps providing both the internal magnetic and electric configuration of the same specimen with high spatial resolution are missing. Here, we demonstrate the quantitative 3D reconstruction of the dominant axial component of the magnetic induction and electrostatic potential within a cobalt nanowire (NW) of 100 nm in diameter with spatial resolution below 10 nm by applying electron holographic tomography. The tomogram was obtained using a dedicated TEM sample holder for acquisition, in combination with advanced alignment and tomographic reconstruction routines. The powerful approach presented here is widely applicable to a broad range of 3D magnetic nanostructures and may trigger the progress of novel spintronic nonplanar nanodevices.This work was supported by the European Union under the Seventh Framework Program under a contract for an Integrated Infrastructure Initiative Reference 312483-ESTEEM2. S.B. and A.B. gratefully acknowledge funding by ERC Starting grants number 335078 COLOURATOMS and number 278510 VORTEX. A.F.-P. acknowledges an EPSRC Early Career fellowship and support from the Winton Foundation. E.S., C.G., and L.A.R. acknowledge the French ANR program for support though the project EMMA. J.M.D.T. and C. M. acknowledge the Spanish MINECO projects MAT2014-51982- C2-1-R and MAT2014-51982-C2-2-R, respectively.Peer Reviewe

    Probing microwave fields and enabling in-situ experiments in a transmission electron microscope.

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    A technique is presented whereby the performance of a microwave device is evaluated by mapping local field distributions using Lorentz transmission electron microscopy (L-TEM). We demonstrate the method by measuring the polarisation state of the electromagnetic fields produced by a microstrip waveguide as a function of its gigahertz operating frequency. The forward and backward propagating electromagnetic fields produced by the waveguide, in a specimen-free experiment, exert Lorentz forces on the propagating electron beam. Importantly, in addition to the mapping of dynamic fields, this novel method allows detection of effects of microwave fields on specimens, such as observing ferromagnetic materials at resonance

    An ensemble-based approach for pumping optimization in an island aquifer considering parameter, observation and climate uncertainty

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    In coastal zones, a major objective of groundwater management is often to determine sustainable pumping rates which avoid well salinization. Understanding how model and climate uncertainties affect optimal management solutions is essential for providing groundwater managers with information about salinization risk and is facilitated by the use of optimization under uncertainty (OUU) methods. However, guidelines are missing for the widespread implementation of OUU in real-world coastal aquifers and for the incorporation of climate uncertainty into OUU approaches. An ensemble-based OUU approach was developed considering parameter, observation and climate uncertainty and was implemented in a real-world island aquifer in the Magdalen Islands (Quebec, Canada). A sharp-interface seawater intrusion model was developed using MODFLOW-SWI2 and a prior parameter ensemble was generated containing multiple equally plausible realizations. Ensemble-based history matching was conducted using an iterative ensemble smoother which yielded a posterior parameter ensemble conveying both parameter and observation uncertainty. Sea level and recharge ensembles were generated for the year 2050 and were then used to generate a predictive parameter ensemble conveying parameter, observation and climate uncertainty. Multi-objective OUU was then conducted, aiming to both maximize pumping rates and minimize the probability of well salinization. As a result, the optimal trade-off between pumping and the probability of salinization was quantified considering parameter, historical observation and future climate uncertainty simultaneously. The multi-objective, ensemble-based OUU led to optimal pumping rates that were very different from a previous deterministic OUU and close to the current and projected water demand for risk-averse stances. Incorporating climate uncertainty into the OUU was also critical since it reduced the maximum allowable pumping rates for users with a risk-averse stance. The workflow used tools adapted to very high-dimensional, nonlinear models and optimization problems to facilitate its implementation in a wide range of real-world settings.</p

    Susceptibility to re-infection in C57BL/6 mice with recombinant strains of Toxoplasma gondii

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    AbstractThis work reports results of re-infection of BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice with different recombinant strains of Toxoplasma gondii. Mice were prime-infected with the non-virulent D8 strain and challenged with virulent strains. PCR–RFLP of cS10-A6 genetic marker of T. gondii demonstrated that BALB/c mice were re-infected with the EGS strain, while C57BL/6 mice were re-infected with the EGS and CH3 strains. Levels of IFN-γ and IL-10 after D8 prime-infection were lower in C57BL/6 than in BALB/c mice. Brain inflammation after D8 prime-infection was more intense in C57BL/6 than in BALB/c mice. It was shown that re-infection depends on mice lineage and genotype of the strain used in the challenge

    MIF Participates in Toxoplasma gondii-Induced Pathology Following Oral Infection

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    BACKGROUND: Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is essential for controlling parasite burden and survival in a model of systemic Toxoplasma gondii infection. Peroral T. gondii infection induces small intestine necrosis and death in susceptible hosts, and in many aspects resembles inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Considering the critical role of MIF in the pathogenesis of IBD, we hypothesized that MIF participates in the inflammatory response induced by oral infection with T. gondii. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Mif deficient (Mif(-/-)) and wild-type mice in the C57Bl/6 background were orally infected with T. gondii strain ME49. Mif(-/-) mice had reduced lethality, ileal inflammation and tissue damage despite of an increased intestinal parasite load compared to wt mice. Lack of MIF caused a reduction of TNF-α, IL-12, IFN-γ and IL-23 and an increased expression of IL-22 in ileal mucosa. Moreover, suppressed pro-inflammatory responses at the ileal mucosa observed in Mif(-/-) mice was not due to upregulation of IL-4, IL-10 or TGF-β. MIF also affected the expression of matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) but not MMP-2 in the intestine of infected mice. Signs of systemic inflammation including the increased concentrations of inflammatory cytokines in the plasma and liver damage were less pronounced in Mif(-/-) mice compared to wild-type mice. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: In conclusion, our data suggested that in susceptible hosts MIF controls T. gondii infection with the cost of increasing local and systemic inflammation, tissue damage and death