69 research outputs found

    Infection dynamics of two renal myxozoans in hatchery reared fry and juvenile Atlantic cod Gadus morhua L.

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    In order to study the infection dynamics of 2 renal myxozoans, Zschokkella hildae Auerbach, 1910 and Gadimyxa atlantica Køie, Karlsbakk and Nylund, 2007 in cultured Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua L. aged 3–19 months, a specific single-round PCR assay and a double-label in situ hybridization protocol were developed. The results demonstrated that the 2 myxozoans show spatial separation of their development with regard to spore formation inside the renal tubules versus the collecting ducts and ureters, as well as temporal separation with Z. hildae proliferating and developing spores only once the G. atlantica infection decreases, despite the presence of both myxozoans in the smallest fry studied. These results strongly suggest within-host competition of the 2 myxozoans with potential suppression of Z. hildae by G. atlantica until G. morhua acquires immunity against G. atlantica. The quantification of the G. atlantica infection inside the renal tubules before and after a 29-day experimental growth performance study using fry from hatcheries with differing filtration systems showed that the intensity of infection with G. atlantica seems to be controlled if prolonged exposure to the myxozoan transmission stages takes place from hatching onwards. Surprisingly, growth rates in the trial were inversely affected suggesting that G. atlantica does not negatively influence cod fry growth performance

    Disturbance of the stato-dynamic function in patients with foot amputation defects and their compensation by prosthetic orthopedic products

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    Material and methods The article discusses the features of the changes in the dynamic characteristics of the foot-support interaction in patients with foot amputation defects that reflect the state of their stato-dynamic function and the success of compensating of its disorders with prosthetic orthopedic products. The importance of this issue is due to a large number of patients with this pathology, difficulties in their prosthetic fitting, lack of a unified approach to prosthetic orthopedic support and subsequent evaluation of its quality. Result The results of locomotion disorders in patients with a unilateral foot stump and the effect of a prosthetic orthopedic shoe insole were estimated using the method of intra-footwear dynamobaroplantography. Conclusion Instrumental biomechanical studies allowed obtaining objective data on local overloads of the foot stump, bilateral asymmetry of load distribution and partial compensation of them with the use of prosthetic orthopedic products

    Патогенетичні фактори розвитку аутоімунних захворювань. Сучасні підходи до їх лікування

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    In experimental models of pathologies of autoimmune genesis there was grounded the possibility and confirmed the efficiency of using the products of fetoplacental complex. There was tested their ability to activate T-regulatory immunity link and normalize cell indices in experimental animals. More pronounced immune correcting potential of cryopreserved material has been shown at cell and molecular levels. На экспериментальных моделях патологий аутоиммунного генеза обоснована возможность и доказана эффективность применения продуктов фетоплацентарного комплекса. Продемонстрирована их способность к  активации Т-регуляторного звена иммунитета и нормализации клинических показателей экспериментальных животных. Показан более выраженный  иммунокорригирующий потенциал криоконсервированного материала на клеточном и молекулярном уровнях.На експериментальних моделях патологій аутоімунного генезу обгрунтована можливість і доведена ефективність застосування продуктів фетоплацентарного комплексу. Продемонстровано їхню здатність до активації Т-регуляторної ланки імунітету і нормалізації клінічних показників експериментальних тварин. Показано більш виражений імунокоригуючий потенціал кріоконсервованого матеріалу на клітинному і молекулярному рівнях

    Organizational and Functional Reassignment of a Scientific Plague Control Institution of the Rospotrebnadzor under Conditions of Coronavirus Infection Pandemic

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    The aim of the work was to summarize the experience of the Rostov-on-Don Research Anti-Plague Institute in the organizational and functional response aimed at ensuring the implementation of a complex of on-going and scheduled anti-epidemic (preventive) measures at different territorial levels in the context of COVID-19 pandemic. Stage-wise reassignment of scientific and operational subdivisions of the facility was carried out in a timely manner in a flexible mode for a prompt response to the challenges that arose from community transmission of the new coronavirus infection in the territory of the Russian Federation. It allowed an effective distribution of the forces and assets without damage for specialized functioning in the main areas of scientific and practical activities. Realized was an effective interdepartmental interaction with territorial scientific and practical institutions of the Rospotrebnadzor and specialized medical organizations. Practical, methodological and advisory assistance was provided to personnel of specialized medical institutions within the framework of conversing in-patient facilities into hospitals for the treatment of patients with COVID-19. Priority research to study the level of the humoral and cellular immune response to SARS-CoV-2 among the population of the Rostov Region, the etiological spectrum of the causative agents of community-acquired pneumonia associated with COVID-19, full genome sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 isolates was carried out. Specialists of the task forces reinforced human resources of individual laboratory facilities in Moscow city, the Republic of Crimea and the Rostov Region. Complex objective of effective functioning has been implemented: in an operational mode – participation in anti-epidemic (preventive) measures in the face of changes in the dynamics and intensity of the epidemic manifestations of new coronavirus infection; in scheduled mode – the implementation of activities in the main areas of the scientific work of the organization

    Some features of the epidemic spread of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) in the Rostov Region

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    Purpose: to analyze the epidemiological situation for a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19), to identify some regional features of the Rostov region that contribute to spread of infection.Materials and methods: when assessing the epidemiological situation for a new coronavirus infection in the Rostov region, we used information provided by the Department of the Federal service for supervision of consumer protection and human welfare in the Rostov region. Processing of statistical data was performed by means of generally accepted method.Results: the spreading of a new coronavirus infection in the Rostov region is uneven in nature. When differentiating the territories of the region we identified groups of municipalities with a very high, medium and low number of patients. The administrative territories division of the Rostov region into the “Rostov urban agglomeration” and cluster of municipalities in which pronounced factors and conditions determining the “pendulum” migration of the population are absent, allow analyzing the specific features of the region and identification of territory with the highest risk of epidemic process intensification of a new coronavirus infection.Conclusions: the carried out differentiation of municipalities made it possible to identify and analyze some territorial features of the Rostov region, contributing to the spread of a new coronavirus infection. The obtained results could be used for development of measures aimed at reducing intensification of the epidemic process COVID-19 in condition infection