178 research outputs found


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    The choice of an optimum method of surgical treatment in case of esophageal achalasia of III-IV stage is still a pressing problem. Geller's operation, balloon dilatation and other minimally invasive methods do not allow to achieve the desired effect of smoothing dysphagia. On the other hand, a number of surgeons in case of III-IV stage consider esophageal resection to be more preferable. Due to the attempt to find an optimum method of conservation of the esophagus in case of esophageal achalasia a laparoscopic esophagocardiofundoplasty operation with partial Hill fundoplication was developed. The aim of the research is to assess the long term results of the operation in terms of the quality of life and effectiveness of treatment. The cases of 51 patients suffering from esophageal achalasia of III-IV stage during the period from 2002 to 2016 were included in the research and these cases received special methods developed by the author. The quality of life was assessed with the help of specific questionnaires GERD-HRQL, GIQLI, the dynamics of changes in the weight of the body and the Eckardt scale of indicating the effectiveness of treatment. The results of the research show decrease of indicators on the Eckardt scale from 9.2 ± 0.5 to 1.9 ± 0.2 points, the GERD questionnaire from 17.3 ± 0.8 to 5.9 ± 0.7 points and increase of indicators according to the GIQLI questionnaire from 92.3 ± 1.2 to 122.9 ± 1.5 points and increase in the weight of the body from 22.9 ± 0.6 to 24.7 ± 0.6 kg

    Synthesis and characterization of MnCrO4, a new mixed-valence antiferromagnet

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    A new orthorhombic phase, MnCrO4, isostructural with MCrO 4 (M = Mg, Co, Ni, Cu, Cd) was prepared by evaporation of an aqueous solution, (NH4)2Cr2O7 + 2 Mn(NO 3)2, followed by calcination at 400 C. It is characterized by redox titration, Rietveld analysis of the X-ray diffraction pattern, Cr K edge and Mn K edge XANES, ESR, magnetic susceptibility, specific heat and resistivity measurements. In contrast to the high-pressure MnCrO4 phase where both cations are octahedral, the new phase contains Cr in a tetrahedral environment suggesting the charge balance Mn2+Cr 6+O4. However, the positions of both X-ray absorption K edges, the bond lengths and the ESR data suggest the occurrence of some mixed-valence character in which the mean oxidation state of Mn is higher than 2 and that of Cr is lower than 6. Both the magnetic susceptibility and the specific heat data indicate an onset of a three-dimensional antiferromagnetic order at TN ≈ 42 K, which was confirmed also by calculating the spin exchange interactions on the basis of first principles density functional calculations. Dynamic magnetic studies (ESR) corroborate this scenario and indicate appreciable short-range correlations at temperatures far above T N. MnCrO4 is a semiconductor with activation energy of 0.27 eV; it loses oxygen on heating above 400 C to form first Cr 2O3 plus Mn3O4 and then Mn 1.5Cr1.5O4 spinel. © 2013 American Chemical Society

    Preparation and characterization of metastable trigonal layered MSb2O6 phases (M = Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, and Mg) and considerations on FeSb2O6

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    MSb2O6 compounds (M = Mg, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn) are known in the tetragonal trirutile forms, slightly distorted monoclinically with M = Cu due to the Jahn-Teller effect. In this study, using a low-temperature exchange reaction between ilmenite-type NaSbO3 and molten MSO4-KCl (or MgCl2-KCl) mixtures, these five compositions were prepared for the first time as trigonal layered rosiaite (PbSb2O6)-type phases. Upon heating, they irreversibly transform to the known phases via amorphous intermediates, in contrast to previously studied isostructural MnSb2O6, where the stable phase is structurally related to the metastable phase. The same method was found to be applicable for preparing stable rosiaite-type CdSb2O6. The formula volumes of the new phases show an excellent correlation with the ionic radii (except for M = Cu, for which a Jahn-Teller distortion is suspected) and are 2-3% larger than those for the known forms although all coordination numbers are the same. The crystal structure of CoSb2O6 was refined via the Rietveld method: P31m, a = 5.1318(3) Å, and c = 4.5520(3) Å. Compounds with M = Co and Ni antiferromagnetically order at 11 and 15 K, respectively, whereas the copper compound does not show long-range magnetic order down to 1.5 K. A comparison between the magnetic behavior of the metastable and stable polymorphs was carried out. FeSb2O6 could not be prepared because of the 2Fe2+ + Sb5+ = 2Fe3+ + Sb3+ redox reaction. This electron transfer produces an additional 5s2 shell for Sb and results in a volume increase. A comparison of the formula volume for the stable mixture FeSbO4 + 0.5Sb2O4 with that extrapolated for FeSb2O6 predicted that the trirutile-type FeSb2O6 can be stabilized at high pressures. © 2017 The Royal Society of Chemistry.The work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research under the grant 14-03-01122. A. N. V. acknowledges the support in part from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in the framework of Increase Competitiveness Program of NUST (no. K2-2016-066) and by Act 211 of the Government of Russian Federation, contract no. 02.A03.21.0006

    Magnetic and quantum entanglement properties of the distorted diamond chain model for azurite

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    We present the results of magnetic properties and entanglement of the distorted diamond chain model for azurite using pure quantum exchange interactions. The magnetic properties and concurrence as a measure of pairwise thermal entanglement have been studied by means of variational mean-field like treatment based on Gibbs-Bogoliubov inequality. Such a system can be considered as an approximation of the natural material azurite, Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2. For values of exchange parameters, which are taken from experimental results, we study the thermodynamic properties, such as azurite specific heat and magnetic susceptibility. We also have studied the thermal entanglement properties and magnetization plateau of the distorted diamond chain model for azurite

    MnSnTeO6: A Chiral Antiferromagnet Prepared by a Two-Step Topotactic Transformation

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    MnSnTeO6, a new chiral antiferromagnet, was prepared both by topotactic transformation of the metastable rosiaite-type polymorph and by direct synthesis from coprecipitated hydroxides. Its structure and its static and dynamic magnetic properties were studied comprehensively both experimentally (through X-ray and neutron powder diffraction, magnetization, specific heat, dielectric permittivity, and ESR techniques) and theoretically (by means of ab initio density functional theory (DFT) calculations within the spin-polarized generalized gradient approximation). MnSnTeO6 is isostructural with MnSb2O6 (space group P321) and does not show any structural transition between 3 and 300 K. The magnetic susceptibility and specific heat exhibit an antiferromagnetic ordering at TN ≈ 9.8 K, which is confirmed by low-temperature neutron data. At the same time, the thermodynamic parameters demonstrate an additional anomaly on the temperature dependences of magnetic susceptibility χ(T), specific heat Cp(T) and dielectric permittivity ϵ(T) at T∗ ≈ 4.9 K, which is characterized by significant temperature hysteresis. Clear enhancement of the dielectric permittivity at T∗ is most likely to reflect the coupling of dielectric and magnetic subsystems leading to development of electric polarization. It was established that the ground state of MnSnTeO6 is stabilized by seven exchange parameters, and neutron diffraction revealed incommensurate magnetic structure with propagation vector k = (0, 0, 0.183) analogous to that of MnSb2O6. Ab initio DFT calculations demonstrate that the strongest exchange coupling occurs between planes along diagonals. All exchange parameters are antiferromagnetic and reveal moderate frustration. Copyright © 2020 American Chemical Society.The reported study was funded by Russian Science Foundation according to the research project nos. 18-12-00375 (A.K. and M.K.) for neutron studies and 17-12-01207 (E.Z. and S.S.) for magnetic, dielectric and specific heat studies as well as theoretical calculations. Sample preparation and diffraction studies by M.E., M.K., A.K., and V.N. were supported by the grant 18-03-00714 from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. V.N. thanks the International Centre for Diffraction Data for Grant-in-Aid 00-15. A.V. and S.S. acknowledge the support by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation through NUST MISiS grant K2-2017-084 and by the Act 211 of the Government of Russia, contracts 02.A03.21.0004, 02.A03.21.0011, and 02.A03.21.0006. We thank Dr. Yu.V. Popov (SFU’s Shared Use Centre “Research in Mineral Resources and Environment”) for the EDX analysis


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    Objektive is to identify the place of hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO) in complex therapy of children’s wounds. Materials and methods. The HBO method in complex therapy of wounds has been used for 106 children aged 9 ± 4,5. In the 1st group (n = 66) HBO was conducted at presurgery stage; in the 2nd group (n = 40) – at post-surgery stage. Therapeutic sessions were conducted in the intensive care altitude chamber Sechrist-3200 (USA), 10 (9,4 %) children were on artificial lungs ventilation. HBO sessions were carried out with pressure during the period of 1,2–1,5 АТА isopresssure, with course from 8 to 15 sessions. Findings. The use of HBO before surgery (1st group) promotes acceleration of demarcation of devitalized tissues, improvement of trophism of surviving tissues, which enables identification of surgical tactics in earlier stage and preparation for plastic closure. Use of HBO in post-surgery treatment of wounds (2nd group) increases the survival rate of mobilized and implanted tissues, stimulates marginal epithelialization, decreases soft tissues oedema, promotes formation of elastic cicatricial tissue and retention of traumatized limb function. Conclusion. Implementation of HBO sessions under conditions of reanimation altitude chamber proves to be an effective method in combination therapy of major wound defects in pre-surgery as well as post-surgery stages regardless of child’s condition and period of the wound. Цель исследования – определить место гипербарической оксигенации (ГБО) в комплексном лечении ран у детей. Материалы и методы. Метод ГБО в комплексном лечении ран использовался у 106 детей в возрасте 9 ± 4,5 года. В 1-й группе (n = 66) ГБО проводилась в предоперационном периоде; во 2-й группе (n = 40) – после операции. Лечебные сеансы проводились в реанимационной барокамере Sechrist-3200 (США), 10 (9,4 %) детей были на искусственной вентиляции легких. Сеансы ГБО проводились с давлением в период изопрессии 1,2–1,5 АТА, курсом от 8 до 15 сеансов. Результаты. Использование ГБО перед операцией (1-я группа) способствует ускорению демаркации нежизнеспособных тканей, улучшению трофики сохранившихся, что позволяет в более ранние сроки определиться с хирургической тактикой и подготовить рану к пластическому закрытию. Применение ГБО в лечении ран после пластических операций (2-я группа) повышает выжива- емость мобилизованных и пересаженных тканей, стимулирует краевую эпителизацию, уменьшает отек мягких тканей, способ- ствует формированию эластичного рубца и сохранению функции травмированной конечности. Заключение. Проведение сеансов ГБО в условиях реанимационной барокамеры является эффективным методом в комплексной терапии обширных раневых дефектов как в предоперационном, так и в послеоперационном периодах вне зависимости от тяже- сти состояния ребенка и сроков травмы.

    Defects, Dopants and Sodium Mobility in Na<sub>2</sub>MnSiO<sub>4</sub>

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    Sodium manganese orthosilicate, Na2MnSiO4, is a promising positive electrode material in rechargeable sodium ion batteries. Atomistic scale simulations are used to study the defects, doping behaviour and sodium migration paths in Na2MnSiO4. The most favourable intrinsic defect type is the cation anti-site (0.44 eV/defect), in which, Na and Mn exchange their positions. The second most favourable defect energy process is found to be the Na Frenkel (1.60 eV/defect) indicating that Na diffusion is assisted by the formation of Na vacancies via the vacancy mechanism. Long range sodium paths via vacancy mechanism were constructed and it is confirmed that the lowest activation energy (0.81 eV) migration path is three dimensional with zig-zag pattern. Subvalent doping by Al on the Si site is energetically favourable suggesting that this defect engineering stratergy to increase the Na content in Na2MnSiO4 warrants experimental verification

    Ретроспективный анализ анестезиологического обеспечения пострадавшим при землетрясении в Непале

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    Objective. Retrospective analysis of anesthesia service while rescuing specialized surgical and traumatological operation for earthquakestricken in Nepal (2015).Materials and methods. Team of Russian doctors of GBUZ NII NDHiT DZ of Moscow rescued specialized medical operation for earthquake-stricken in Nepal from 30.04.2015 to 18.05.2015. The team sonsisted of 7 doctors: 2 surgeons, 2 traumatologists, 1 neurosurgeon and 2 anesthesiologists. The last ones performed 235 anesthesia at 59 patients (32 adults at the age of 36 ± 14 years and 27 children at the age of 7,5 ± 4 years with different surgical pathology).Results. From the whole number of anesthesia, there were 98 (41,7 %) inhalational anesthesia; 44(18,7 %) intravenous anesthesia; 39 (16,6 %) combined (intravenous and inhalational with regional anesthesia); 36 (15,3 %) regional anesthesia; 18 (7,7 %) endotracheal anesthesia. At the phase of wound process preparation to plastic closing at children, mostly intravenous and inhalational anesthesia were used, and regional anesthesia at adults. At the phase of plastic closing of soft-tissue defects endotracheal or combined anesthesia were used. In presence of orthopedic trauma and reposition with osteosynthesis combined anesthesia was used - intravenous or inhalational anesthesia with regional anesthesia, endotracheal anesthesia in combination of epidural one. Infusion therapy, antibacterial therapy, anticoagulation reversal and anaesthesis were provided to all patients. Complications at anesthesia: arterial hypotension – 12 (5,1 %), “agitation” after anesthesia with Sevoflurane – 32 (13,6 %), long postanesthesia respiratory depression – 2 (0,9 %). No lethal outcomes.Conclusions. It’s up to anesthesiologist to choose the type of anesthesia, it depends on timelines of surgical help, seriousness of the case, combination, extensiveness and trauma localization. Цель. Проведение ретроспективного анализа анестезиологического обеспечения при оказании специализированной хирургической и травматологической помощи пострадавшим от землетрясения в Непале (2015).Материалы и методы. С 30.04.2015 г. по 18.05.2015 г. бригада российских врачей ГБУЗ «НИИ НДХиТ» ДЗМ оказывала специализированную медицинскую помощь пострадавшим в результате землетрясения в Непале. В состав бригады вошли 7 врачей: 2 хирурга, 2 травматолога, 1 нейрохирург и 2 анестезиолога-реаниматолога. Всего было проведено 235 анестезий у 59 пациентов (32 взрослых в возрасте 36 ± 14 лет и 27 детей в возрасте 7,5 ± 4 лет) с различной хирургической патологией.Результаты. Специалисты бригады провели 98 (41,7 %) ингаляционных, 44 (18,7 %) внутривенных, 39 (16,6 %) сочетанных — внутривенная или ингаляционная с регионарной, 36 (15,3 %) регионарных и 18 (7,7%) эндотрахеальных анестезий. На этапе подготовки раневого процесса к пластическому закрытию у детей использовали преимущественно ингаляционный или внутривенный, а у взрослых пациентов – регионарный метод анестезии. При пластическом закрытии мягкотканных дефектов предпочтение отдали комбинированной эндотрахеальной или сочетанной анестезии. У пациентов со скелетной травмой и при репозициях с металлоостеосинтезом использовали сочетанный метод, совмещая внутривенную или ингаляционную анестезию с регионарной, а эндотрахеальную с эпидуральной. Всем больным также назначили инфузионную, антибактериальную, гемостатическую терапию и обезболивание. В ходе анестезии были зафиксированы следующие осложнения: артериальная гипотензия – 12 (5,1 %) пациентов, «ажитация» после анестезии «Севофлураном» – 32 (13,6 %), длительная постнаркозная депрессия дыхания – 2 (0,9 %). Случаи с летальным исходом отсутствовали.Выводы. Выбор метода анестезии при массовых катастрофах является прерогативой анестезиолога и зависит от сроков оказания хирургической помощи, тяжести состояния пациента, сочетанности, обширности и локализации травмы.

    Low exposure long-baseline neutrino oscillation sensitivity of the DUNE experiment

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    The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) will produce world-leading neutrino oscillation measurements over the lifetime of the experiment. In this work, we explore DUNE's sensitivity to observe charge-parity violation (CPV) in the neutrino sector, and to resolve the mass ordering, for exposures of up to 100 kiloton-megawatt-years (kt-MW-yr). The analysis includes detailed uncertainties on the flux prediction, the neutrino interaction model, and detector effects. We demonstrate that DUNE will be able to unambiguously resolve the neutrino mass ordering at a 3σ\sigma (5σ\sigma) level, with a 66 (100) kt-MW-yr far detector exposure, and has the ability to make strong statements at significantly shorter exposures depending on the true value of other oscillation parameters. We also show that DUNE has the potential to make a robust measurement of CPV at a 3σ\sigma level with a 100 kt-MW-yr exposure for the maximally CP-violating values \delta_{\rm CP}} = \pm\pi/2. Additionally, the dependence of DUNE's sensitivity on the exposure taken in neutrino-enhanced and antineutrino-enhanced running is discussed. An equal fraction of exposure taken in each beam mode is found to be close to optimal when considered over the entire space of interest