122 research outputs found

    Semantic Transformation of Precedent Names in Japanese Songs

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    The paper attempts to identify semantic transformations of precedent names in Japanese songs. Material of practical research is based on the texts of 62 songs modern Japanese electronic band 水曜日のカンパネラ (Suiyoubi no Kanpanera). The choice of this artist is due to the current popularity of the groups among the number of new wave Japanese artists of the 2010s. The authors offer their thematic classification of precedent names in the song’s lyrics. In the course of the research, the authors come to the conclusion that not all precedent names remain in the original, primordial meaning, but can have either several meanings or radically change the meaning. The authors see the main reason for semantic transformations in the dynamically changing everyday life of the Japanese and their communication, as well as in the admirers of these songs, which are usually young people and adolescents. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020

    Improving the production technology of drilling and blasting operations by blasting of high ledges

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    In modern economic conditions, the issue of improving the efficiency of mining enterprises is very relevant. One of the key processes isdrilling and blasting operations (DBO), which determine the efficiency of the entire complex of mining operations. One of the main methods of controlling the explosion energy is the diameter of the blast wells. According to the recommendations of prof. B N Kutuzov the diameter of blast wells is correlated with the fracturing and strength of the exploding rocks. With increasing blockage and rock strength to achieve the required quality of explosive crushing preference is given to drilling equipment with a small diameter of wells. By blasting of high ledges, especially large-block rocks with a strength coefficient of more than 15 on the M M Protodyakonov scale; the use of high-performance drilling equipment for drilling small-diameter blast wells is difficult. This is due to the fact that the calculated value of the resistance line along sole (RLAS) does not pass the safety condition for drilling the first row of wells. In this regard, the paper proposes and justifies the use of extensions of the lower parts of wells using mechanical expanders. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Synthesis of Fatty-Acid Ethanolamides from Linum catharticum Oils and Cololabis saira Fats

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    Ethanolamides of polyunsaturated fatty acids (9Z,12Z,15Z-octadecatrienoic; 5Z,8Z,11Z,14Z,17Z-eicosapentaenoic; and 4Z,7Z,10Z,13Z,16Z,19Z-docosahexaenoic) and mixtures of ethanolamides of fatty acids from natural fats (oils) were synthesized. It was found that the polyunsaturated fatty acids did not isomerize under the proposed conditions for aminolysis of the ester bond. Conditions for analyzing the complicated mixtures of ethanolamides of fatty acids by HPLC-MS were determined.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/41528/1/10600_2004_Article_495514.pd

    Measurement of the response of a gallium metal solar neutrino experiment to neutrinos from a [Formula Presented] source

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    The neutrino capture rate measured by the Russian-American Gallium Experiment is well below that predicted by solar models. To check the response of this experiment to low-energy neutrinos, a 517 kCi source of [Formula Presented]Cr was produced by irradiating 512.7 g of 92.4%-enriched [Formula Presented]Cr in a high-flux fast neutron reactor. This source, which mainly emits monoenergetic 747-keV neutrinos, was placed at the center of a 13.1 ton target of liquid gallium and the cross section for the production of [Formula Presented]Ge by the inverse beta decay [Formula Presented] was measured to be [Formula Presented] The ratio of this cross section to the theoretical cross section of Bahcall for this reaction is 0.95 ±0.12 [Formula Presented] (theor) and to the cross section of Haxton is 0.87±0.11 (expt)±0.09 (theor). This good agreement between prediction and observation implies that the overall experimental efficiency is correctly determined and provides considerable evidence for the reliability of the solar neutrino measurement. © 1999 The American Physical Society

    Preliminary results from the Russian-American Gallium Experiment Cr-neutrino source measurement

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    The Russian-American Gallium Experiment has been collecting solar neutrino data since early 1990. The flux measurement of solar neutrinos is well below that expected from solar models. We discuss the initial results of a measurement of experimental efficiencies by exposing the gallium target to neutrinos from an artificial source. The capture rate of neutrinos from this source is very close to that which is expected. The result can be expressed as a ratio of the measured capture rate to the anticipated rate from the source activity. This ratio is 0.93 + 0.15, - 0.17 where the systematic and statistical errors have been combined. To first order the experimental efficiencies are in agreement with those determined during solar neutrino measurements and in previous auxiliary measurements. One must conclude that the discrepancy between the measured solar neutrino flux and that predicted by the solar models can not arise from an experimental artifact

    The russian-american gallium experiment (sage) cr neutrino source measurement

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    The solar neutrino capture rate measured by SAGE is well below that predicted by solar models. To check the overall experimental efficiency, we exposed 13 tonnes of Ga metal to a reactor-produced 517 kCi source of 51Cr. The ratio of the measured production rate to that predicted from the source activity is 0.95+/-0.11statstat+0.05/-0.08systsyst. This agreement verifies that the experimental efficiency is measured correctly, establishes that there are no unknown systematic errors at the 10% level, and provides considerable evidence for the reliability of the solar neutrino measurement. © 1996 The American Physical Society

    Минимизация стоимости применения комбинированных лекарственных препаратов вилантерол + умеклидиния бромид и олодатерол + тиотропия бромид для базовой поддерживающей терапии хронической обструктивной болезни легких тяжелого и крайне тяжелого течения

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    The recently introduced novel drug combinations for the treatment of COPD are based on long-acting beta-agonists (vilantererol / umeclidinum bromide) and long-acting anticholinergics (olodaterol / tiotropium bromide). In addition to their beneficial clinical effects, these medications have an impact on COPD treatment costs. Minimizing the costs of highly effective medications is necessary to improve the public medical care and drug supply.Objective: to identify the key differences between vilantererol / umeclidinum bromide and olodaterol / tiotropium bromide, and evaluate the ways of minimizing health budget expenditures.Materials and methods. We used the available information from research, clinical trials, and instructions for medical use to conduct a cost analysis that was based on the prices for these medications at different levels of drug supply. As a result, the impact on the healthcare budget was determined under conditions of choosing the least expansive medication and adding vilantererol / umeclidinum bromide in the list of VED.Results. According to the network meta-analysis, when compared with mono-component drugs, vilantererol / umeclidinum bromide showed a more favorable effect on cardiovascular events, as well as a more pronounced effect on the volume of forced exhalation in the first second (FEV1). For the olodaterol / tiotropium bromide combination, no such trend was seen. The costs of 12-month therapy with vilantererol / umeclidinum bromide and with olodaterol / tiotropium bromide were 27,541 and 36,120 rubles, respectively (a difference of 24%). The average direct medical costs were 32,753 and 41,333 rubles per patient per year, respectively. If the vilantererol / umeclidinum bromide combination is added to the VED list and the manufacturer’s maximum selling price is registered at the level of the reference countries, the savings can reach 3-5%.Conclusion. In patients with severe and extremely severe COPD, and also when COPD monotherapy in patients without severe symptoms (FEV1 ≥50%, CAT <10 scores, mMRC <2) or with mild to moderate symptoms (FEV1 ≥50%) is not effective, the use of vilantererol / umeclidinum bromide in place of olodaterol / tiotropium bromide is more promising in terms of minimizing health budget spending. В практику вошли современные комбинированные лекарственные препараты (ЛП) для лечения хронической обструктивной болезни легких (ХОБЛ) на основе длительно действующих бета агонистов (ДДБА) и длительно действующих антихолинергиков (ДДАХ): вилантерол + умеклидиния бромид и олодатерол + тиотропия бромид. Их применение приводит к улучшению исходов ХОБЛ, но также оказывает влияние на бюджет. Минимизация стоимости высокоэффективных ЛП является перспективным направлением совершенствования лекарственного обеспечения.Цель – определить ключевые различия комбинированных ЛП вилантерол + умеклидиния бромид и олодатерол + тиотропия бромид, а также направления и ожидаемые объемы минимизации затрат бюджета здравоохранения.Материалы и методы. Научный информационный поиск и анализ результатов клинических исследований, сведений из инструкций по медицинскому применению, анализ стоимости на основе информации о ценах ЛП на разных уровнях лекарственного обеспечения. Определяли размер экономии бюджета системы здравоохранения при выборе наименее затратного ЛП, а также при включении ЛП вилантерол + умеклидиния бромид в перечень ЖНВЛП.Результаты. По данным сетевого мета-анализа при сравнении с монокомпонентными ЛП применение вилантерола + умеклидиния бромид имело тенденцию к более благоприятному профилю сердечно-сосудистых событий, а также к более выраженному влиянию на объем форсированного выдоха в первую секунду (ОФВ1); для комбинации олодатерол + тиотропия бромид такой тенденции выявлено не было. Стоимость годового курса терапии ЛП умеклидиния бромид + вилантерол и ЛП олодатерол + тиотропия бромид составила 27541 и 36120 руб. соответственно (разница в 24%). Сумма прямых медицинских затрат составила 32753 и 41333 руб. в среднем на одного пациента в год при использовании умеклидиния бромида + вилантерол или олодатерол + тиотропия бромида соответственно. При включении комбинации вилантерол + умеклидиния бромид в перечень ЖНВЛП и последующей регистрации предельной отпускной цены производителя импортного лекарственного препарата на уровне референтных стран экономия может составить 3-5%.Заключение. В группе пациентов ХОБЛ тяжелого и крайне тяжелого течения, а также когда монотерапия ХОБЛ у пациентов без выраженных симптомов (ОФВ1 ≥50%; САТ <10 баллов; mMRC <2) и/или с легким и среднетяжелым течением (ОФВ1 ≥50%) не является достаточно эффективной, использование ЛП вилантерол + умеклидиния бромид вместо ЛП олодаторол + тиотропия бромид является более перспективным направлением минимизации затрат бюджета здравоохранения.