436 research outputs found

    Joseph Schacht dan Transformasi Hadis Tentang Hukum Islam dalam Konteks Dunia Timur

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    Hadith studies have not only become the focus of Islamic scholars' attention, but have also become material for orientalist studies. So from this, there are many western scientists and scholars who chose the path of researching hadith. Starting from Ignaz Goldziher to leading scholars of hadith from Germany, Harald Motzki also graces the list of western scholars who are competent in the study of hadith. The long history of hadith in the west is evidence of the proliferation of hadith studies. In contrast to Muslims, western people study hadith departs from their distrust of hadith. Surely this is a different portrait of the traditions of the eastern people. Therefore, various theories and methods they used to justify that the hadith did not come from the Prophet Muhammad, but was made by people after him. This article is in the form of an attempt to explain at length the theory proposed by Joseph Schacht in order to undermine the authenticity of the hadith itself, and some of its weaknesses, which are based on the views of Islamic scholars'.      &nbsp

    Hubungan antara Karakteristik Ibu dan Keluarga dengan Praktik Keluarga Sehat di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Lasem Kabupaten Rembang

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    Keluarga Sehat approach is a new program of Health Ministry that will be used to measure family health in 2017. Family health in work area of Puskesmas Lasem based on PHBS approach in 2015 is 34,1%, fewer than national target 80%. The aim of this research is to analyze the correlation between characteristic of housewife and family with practice of keluarga sehat in work area of Puskesmas Lasem. This analytic-survey research uses cross sectional study and combains quantitative method used quetionnair guide and qualitative method used in-depth interview. Population is 2.793 families that has toddler and sampel is 120 choosen propotional randomly. Bivariat analysis is counted by chi square test with 95% of significancy between characteristic of housewife and family with practice of keluarga sehat. The result showed that respondents are in healthy reproduction age (20-35 years old)(76,7%), elementary educated (75,8%), not employer (79,2%), having family member ≤4 (79,2%), and having revenue ≥ UMR (75,8%). Bivariat test showed that there is no correlation between housewife age, housewife education level, housewife occupation status, and total of family member with practice of keluarga sehat. There is correlation between family revenue with practice of keluarga sehat. It is recomended that Puskesmas Lasem analyze the need of resource that support Keluarga Sehat program and manage sosialization by associating with family characteristic


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    [EN] We introduce a study focused on procedural modeling papers that use methods of structural analysis, especially in its application to historic buildings such as churches and cathedrals. Moreover, we have taken a geometric structure of one of these papers and studied their behavior in a generic simulation tool, thus showing the feasibility of its analysis with non-specialized tools.[ES] Introducimos un estudio centrado en aquellos trabajos de modelado procedural que utilizan métodos de análisis estructural, especialmente en su aplicación para edificios históricos como iglesias y catedrales. Por otra parte, hemos tomado una estructura geométrica de uno de estos artículos y estudiado su comportamiento en una herramienta de simulación genérica, mostrando su factibilidad para realizar análisis con herramientas no especializadas.Fita, JL.; Besuievsky, G.; Patow, GA. (2016). A PERSPECTIVE ON PROCEDURAL MODELING BASED ON STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS. En 8th International congress on archaeology, computer graphics, cultural heritage and innovation. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 264-266. https://doi.org/10.4995/arqueologica8.2015.304526426

    Sistem Tanam Dan Umur Bibit Pada Tanaman Padi Sawah (Oryza Sativa L.) Varietas Inpari 13

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    Penelitian dengan tujuan mempelajari pengaruh sistem tanam dan umur bibit yang tepat sehingga dapat meningkatkan produksi padi sawah (Oryza sativa L.) Varietas Inpari 13. Percobaan dilaksanakan di Desa Kalianyar, Kecamatan Kertosono, Kabupaten Nganjuk. Terletak pada ketinggian ± 40 meter di atas permukaan laut dengan suhu rata-rata harian 29-320C. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret 2012 – Juli 2012. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Petak Terbagi (RPT) dengan 8 perlakuan dan 3 kali ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak terjadi interaksi antara sistem tanam dan umur bibit. Sistem tanam legowo memberikan hasil lebih baik pada jumlah anakan, indeks luas daun dan produksi gabah ton ha-1 bila dibandingkan dengan sistem tanam tegel. Tanaman padi dengan perlakuan umur bibit 14 hari mampu meningkatkan produksi padi sawah dan tidak berbeda nyata dengan perlakuan umur bibit 7 hari . Hal ini terlihat dari hasil jumlah anakan, luas daun, indeks luas daun, bobot kering total tanaman, laju pertumbuhan, jumlah malai/rumpun, produksi gabah ton ha-1, bobot gabah per rumpun dan indeks panen yang lebih baik daripada umur bibit 21 dan 28 hari

    Penerapan Strategi Cooperative Script Dengan Media Komik Untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Kelas V Pada Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Di SD Negeri II Gedong Tahun Ajaran 2013/ 2014

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    The study aims to understand the students' learning motivation at Class V of the Indonesiancourse by applying a Cooperative Script strategy with comic media. It was aclass action research. The population included all the 17 students of the Class V at SDNegeri II Gedong Primary School. It consisted of two cycles. The data collection employedobservation and documentation. The technique of data analysis used a qualitativemethod with an interactive model, including data reduction, display data, and conclusion.The indicators were summarizing, listening, speaking, and expressing opinions.The class action research would be said to be successful if it met 80% of the indicatorsand 80% of the students achieved the KKM. The results of the study were summarizingat the early condition of 90.98%, cycle I of 74.51%, cycle II of 88.24%; listening at theearly condition of 50.98%, cycle I of 72.54%, cycle II of 90.20%; speaking at the earlycondition of 45.09%, cycle I of 64.71%, cycle II of 80.39%; and giving opinions at theearly condition of 43.20%, cycle I at 49.02%, cycle II of 80.39%. At the early condition,the students who achieved the KKM amounted to 9 people, at cycle I of 11 students, andat cycle II of 17 students (or 100%). At the cycle II, the students' motivation had achievedthe indicators. It could be concluded that applying a cooperative script strategy withcomic media could increase the students' Indonesian course

    Analysis of the environments of seven Mediterranean tropical-like storms using an axisymmetric, nonhydrostatic, cloud resolving model

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    Tropical-like storms on the Mediterranean Sea are occasionally observed on satellite images, often with a clear eye surrounded by an axysimmetric cloud structure. These storms sometimes attain hurricane intensity and can severely affect coastal lands. A deep, cut-off, cold-core low is usually observed at mid-upper tropospheric levels in association with the development of these tropical-like systems. In this study we attempt to apply some tools previously used in studies of tropical hurricanes to characterise the environments in which seven known Mediterranean events developed. In particular, an axisymmetric, nonhydrostatic, cloud resolving model is applied to simulate the tropical-like storm genesis and evolution. Results are compared to surface observations when landfall occurred and with satellite microwave derived wind speed measurements over the sea. Finally, sensitivities of the numerical simulations to different factors (e.g. sea surface temperature, vertical humidity profile and size of the initial precursor of the storm) are examined

    Diversidad en el contenido mineral de diferentes variedades botánicas de melón

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    El melón (Cucumis melo L.) es una especie con gran variabilidad intraespecífica distribuida entre sus dos subespecies, ssp. melo y ssp. agrestis. Esta diversidad se manifiesta en una enorme variedad de tipologías de fruto, fundamentales para la diversificación de mercados pero también en multitud de respuestas fisiológicas y tipologías vegetales. Además, esta diversidad puede ser utilizada para desarrollar variedades más adaptadas a los retos de la nueva agricultura, ser más eficiente y sostenible. En este sentido, conocer la capacidad de absorción y acumulación de nutrientes en diferentes variedades de melón es necesaria para diseñar programas de mejora dirigidos a incrementar la eficiencia en el aprovechamiento de los fertilizantes. En el presente trabajo se ha evaluado el contenido mineral en hojas de plantas adultas de 16 accesiones de melón representantes de los diferentes grupos botánicos cultivadas en invernadero con macetas y ciclo de verano. Dentro de la ssp. agrestis, la entrada de China ensayada fue la que mostró una mayor concentración de K (3,6%). Las entradas de melón Tendral y Amarillo, de la ssp. melo, destacaron por su baja concentración de Ca (alrededor de 1,5%), Mg (0,8%) y S (0,6%), junto con una alta concentración de K (alrededor de 4%) y P (0,9%), siendo su respuesta diferente a la de los otros tipos inodorus ensayados. Las entradas ameri, cantalupensis y reticulatus mostraron concentraciones de nutrientes similares. Los resultados mostraron que existen diferencias significativas en la concentración de minerales en hojas dentro de la especie, demostrando que existe diversidad genotípica en términos de aprovechamiento de fertilizantes. Los resultados obtenidos pueden servir como punto de partida para el desarrollo de variedades adaptadas a una agricultura más sostenible