128 research outputs found

    Goal-conflict detection based on temporal satisfiability checking

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    Goal-oriented requirements engineering approaches propose capturing how a system should behave through the speci ca- tion of high-level goals, from which requirements can then be systematically derived. Goals may however admit subtle situations that make them diverge, i.e., not be satis able as a whole under speci c circumstances feasible within the domain, called boundary conditions . While previous work al- lows one to identify boundary conditions for con icting goals written in LTL, it does so through a pattern-based approach, that supports a limited set of patterns, and only produces pre-determined formulations of boundary conditions. We present a novel automated approach to compute bound- ary conditions for general classes of con icting goals expressed in LTL, using a tableaux-based LTL satis ability procedure. A tableau for an LTL formula is a nite representation of all its satisfying models, which we process to produce boundary conditions that violate the formula, indicating divergence situations. We show that our technique can automatically produce boundary conditions that are more general than those obtainable through existing previous pattern-based approaches, and can also generate boundary conditions for goals that are not captured by these patterns

    Automated Analysis in Feature Modelling and Product Configuration

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    The automated analysis of feature models is one of the thriving topics of research in the software product line and variability management communities that has attracted more attention in the last years. A recent literature review reported that more than 30 analysis operations have been identi ed and di erent analysis mechanisms have been proposed. Product con guration is a well established research eld with more than 30 years of successful applications in di erent industrial domains. Our hypothesis, that is not really new, is that these two independent areas of research have interesting synergies that have not been fully explored. To try to explore the potential synergies systematically, in this paper we provide a rapid review to bring together these previously disparate streams of work. We de ne a set of research questions and give a preliminary answer to some of them. We conclude that there are many research opportunities in the synergy of these independent areas.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2009- 07366Junta de Andalucía TIC-590

    Experience in Using RDF in Agent-Mediated Knowledge Architectures

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    We report on experience with using RDF to provide a rich content language for use with FIPA agent toolkits, and on RDFS as a metadata language. We emphasise their utility for programmers working in agent applica-tions and their value in Agent-Oriented Software En-gineering. Agent applications covered include Intelli-gent Information Agents, and agents forming Virtual Organisations. We believe our experience vindicates more direct use of RDF, including use of RDF triples, in programming knowledge architectures for a variety of applications

    Improving MCS Enumeration via Caching

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    Enumeration of minimal correction sets (MCSes) of conjunctive normal form formulas is a central and highly intractable problem in infeasibility analysis of constraint systems. Often complete enumeration of MCSes is impossible due to both high computational cost and worst-case exponential number of MCSes. In such cases partial enumeration is sought for, finding applications in various domains, including axiom pinpointing in description logics among others. In this work we propose caching as a means of further improving the practical efficiency of current MCS enumeration approaches, and show the potential of caching via an empirical evaluation.Peer reviewe

    e-Tourism: a tourist recommendation and planning application

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    e-Tourism is a tourist recommendation and planning application to assist users on the organization of a leisure and tourist agenda. First, a recommender system offers the user a list of the city places that are likely of interest to the user. This list takes into account the user demographic classification, the user likes in former trips and the preferences for the current visit. Second, a planning module schedules the list of recommended places according to their temporal characteristics as well as the user restrictions; that is the planning system determines how and when to realize the recommended activities. Having the list of recommended activities organized as an agenda (i.e. an executable plan), is a relevant characteristic that most recommender systems lack.This work has been partially funded by Consolider Ingenio 2010 CSD2007-00022 project, by the Spanish Government MICINN TIN2008-6701-C03-01 project and by the Valencian Government GVPRE/2008/384 project. We thank J. Benton for having provided us with the system Sapa to execute our experiments.Sebastiá Tarín, L.; García García, I.; Onaindia De La Rivaherrera, E.; Gúzman Álvarez, CA. (2009). e-Tourism: a tourist recommendation and planning application. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools. 18(5):717-738. https://doi.org/10.1142/S0218213009000378S71773818