465 research outputs found

    Switching the magnetic configuration of a spin valve by current induced domain wall motion

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    We present experimental results on the displacement of a domain wall by injection of a dc current through the wall. The samples are 1 micron wide long stripes of a CoO/Co/Cu/NiFe classical spin valve structure. The stripes have been patterned by electron beam lithography. A neck has been defined at 1/3 of the total length of the stripe and is a pinning center for the domain walls, as shown by the steps of the giant magnetoresistance curves at intermediate levels (1/3 or 2/3) between the resistances corresponding to the parallel and antiparallel configurations. We show by electric transport measurements that, once a wall is trapped, it can be moved by injecting a dc current higher than a threshold current of the order of magnitude of 10^7 A/cm^2. We discuss the different possible origins of this effect, i.e. local magnetic field created by the current and/or spin transfer from spin polarized current.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    Switching a spin-valve back and forth by current-induced domain wall motion

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    We have studied the current-induced displacement of a domain wall (DW) in the permalloy (Py) layer of a Co/Cu/Py spin valve structure at zero and very small applied field. The displacement is in opposite direction for opposite dc currents, and the current density required to move DW is only of the order of 10^6 A/cm^2. For H = 3 Oe, a back and forth DW motion between two stable positions is observed. We also discuss the effect of an applied field on the DW motion.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Direct probing of band-structure Berry phase in diluted magnetic semiconductors

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    We report on experimental evidence of the Berry phase accumulated by the charge carrier wave function in single-domain nanowires made from a (Ga,Mn)(As,P) diluted ferromagnetic semiconductor layer. Its signature on the mesoscopic transport measurements is revealed as unusual patterns in the magnetoconductance, that are clearly distinguished from the universal conductance fluctuations. We show that these patterns appear in a magnetic field region where the magnetization rotates coherently and are related to a change in the band-structure Berry phase as the magnetization direction changes. They should be thus considered as a band structure Berry phase fingerprint of the effective magnetic monopoles in the momentum space. We argue that this is an efficient method to vary the band structure in a controlled way and to probe it directly. Hence, (Ga,Mn)As appears to be a very interesting test bench for new concepts based on this geometrical phase.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Noise dephasing in the edge states of the Integer Quantum Hall regime

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    An electronic Mach Zehnder interferometer is used in the integer quantum hall regime at filling factor 2, to study the dephasing of the interferences. This is found to be induced by the electrical noise existing in the edge states capacitively coupled to each others. Electrical shot noise created in one channel leads to phase randomization in the other, which destroys the interference pattern. These findings are extended to the dephasing induced by thermal noise instead of shot noise: it explains the underlying mechanism responsible for the finite temperature coherence time τϕ(T)\tau_\phi(T) of the edge states at filling factor 2, measured in a recent experiment. Finally, we present here a theory of the dephasing based on Gaussian noise, which is found in excellent agreement with our experimental results.Comment: ~4 pages, 4 figure

    Tuning decoherence with a voltage probe

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    We present an experiment where we tune the decoherence in a quantum interferometer using one of the simplest object available in the physic of quantum conductors : an ohmic contact. For that purpose, we designed an electronic Mach-Zehnder interferometer which has one of its two arms connected to an ohmic contact through a quantum point contact. At low temperature, we observe quantum interference patterns with a visibility up to 57%. Increasing the connection between one arm of the interferometer to the floating ohmic contact, the voltage probe, reduces quantum interferences as it probes the electron trajectory. This unique experimental realization of a voltage probe works as a trivial which-path detector whose efficiency can be simply tuned by a gate voltage

    Coupling efficiency for phase locking of a spin transfer oscillator to a microwave current

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    The phase locking behavior of spin transfer nano-oscillators (STNOs) to an external microwave signal is experimentally studied as a function of the STNO intrinsic parameters. We extract the coupling strength from our data using the derived phase dynamics of a forced STNO. The predicted trends on the coupling strength for phase locking as a function of intrinsic features of the oscillators i.e. power, linewidth, agility in current, are central to optimize the emitted power in arrays of mutually coupled STNOs

    Alterations of cardiovascular complexity during acute exposure to high altitude: A multiscale entropy approach

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    Stays at high altitude induce alterations in cardiovascular control and are a model of specific pathological cardiovascular derangements at sea level. However, high-altitude alterations of the complex cardiovascular dynamics remain an almost unexplored issue. Therefore, our aim is to describe the altered cardiovascular complexity at high altitude with a multiscale entropy (MSE) approach. We recorded the beat-by-beat series of systolic and diastolic blood pressure and heart rate in 20 participants for 15 min twice, at sea level and after arrival at 4554 m a.s.l. We estimated Sample Entropy and MSE at scales of up to 64 beats, deriving average MSE values over the scales corresponding to the high-frequency (MSEHF) and low-frequency (MSELF) bands of heart-rate variability. We found a significant loss of complexity at heart-rate and blood-pressure scales complementary to each other, with the decrease with high altitude being concentrated at Sample Entropy and at MSEHF for heart rate and at MSELF for blood pressure. These changes can be ascribed to the acutely increased chemoreflex sensitivity in hypoxia that causes sympathetic activation and hyperventilation. Considering high altitude as a model of pathological states like heart failure, our results suggest new ways for monitoring treatments and rehabilitation protocols