80 research outputs found

    Tomorrow’s accounting and society’s future

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    Despite the growing trend towards greater corporate accountability and increasing revival of social accounting there remains a significant gap between what organisations do, what they are willing to report, and the rights of society. In this concluding chapter, we consider the realities and myths of social accounting in relation to tomorrow’s accounting and society’s future. The chapter begins with a discussion of accounting as a social and institutional practice. It then moves on to consider the issues raised throughout the book and reflects on how the public sector, third sector, cooperatives and family businesses need to adapt and respond to demands for increased social responsibility and demonstrate this through a social accounting and accountability system. The chapter concludes with a discussion of the changing nature of accountability and social accounting, future directions and potential developments within the social accounting arena

    New proposed method for traceability dissemination of capacitance measurements

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    Capacitance measurements at the National Institute of Standards (NIS), Egypt, are traceable to the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM). It calibrates the main NIS standard capacitors, AH11A. In this paper, traceability of the BIPM capacitance measurements could be used to evaluate a new accurate measurement method through an Ultra-Precision Capacitance Bridge. The new method is carefully described by introducing some necessary equations and a demonstrating chart. Verification of this new method has been realized by comparing its results for the 10 pF and 100 pF capacitance standards with the results obtained by the conventional substitution method at 1 kHz and 1.592 kHz. The relative differences between the two methods are about 0.3 µF/F, which reflect the accuracy of the new measurement method. For higher capacitance ranges, the new measurement method has been applied for the capacitance measurements up to 1 μF at 1 kHz. The relative differences between the two methods are in the range of 5.5 µF/F on the average which proves the acceptable accuracy and the reliability of the new method to be used

    One-stage lingual augmented urethroplasty in repair of distal penile hypospadias

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    AbstractObjectivesTo evaluate the outcome of augmentation of shallow urethral plate by lingual graft in repair of distal penile hypospadias.Patients and methodsBetween June 2008 and May 2011, the procedure was performed on 23 patients with mean age 2.3 years (range 1–3). All patients had distal penile hypospadias; 11 sub coronal and 12 coronal. The urethral plate was less than 8mm in all patients and 3 of them had history of previous hypospadias surgery. All procedures were carried out under general anesthesia using 4× magnifying loupe. After penile degloving and dorsal incision of the urethral plate, the lingual graft was harvested and sutured to the edges of the incised urethral plate from the hypospadias opening to the tip of the penis. The neourethra was closed and an intervening flap was fixed over the neourethra as a barrier against fistula formation.ResultsSuccess rate was 87% as 20/23 patients were cured without any permanent complication throughout the follow up period. None of patients suffered meatal stenosis or required regular urethral dilatation. Three patients developed urethrocutaneous fistula, of which two closed spontaneously and one required surgical repair 6 months later. Two patients had failed procedures and delayed re-intervention was performed due to complete loss of the graft in one of them and repair disruption following infection in the other. Two patients had post-operative pain in the graft harvesting site which disappeared within days.ConclusionThe one-stage lingual augmented urethral plate urethroplasty offers promising outcomes for repair of distal penile hypospadias with narrow urethral plate

    Cancer Risk Assessment and Geochemical Features of Granitoids at Nikeiba, Southeastern Desert, Egypt

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    Different rock types (syenogranite, alkali feldspar granite and quartz syenite intruded by microgranite dikes and quartz veins) were investigated in the Nikeiba region in Egypt. The main components of the studied intrusive rocks, comprised of granites and quartz syenite, are plagioclase, amphibole, biotite, quartz and K-feldspar in different proportions. Ground gamma ray measurements show that syenogranite, quartz syenite and microgranite dikes have the highest radioactivity (K, eU, eTh and their ratios) in comparison with alkali feldspar granite. Geochemically, syenogranite, alkali feldspar granite and quartz syenite are enriched with large-ion lithophile elements (LILE; Ba, Rb, Sr) and high field-strength elements (HFSE; Y, Zr and Nb), but have decreased Ce, reflecting their alkaline affinity. These rocks reveal calc–alkaline affinity, metaluminous characteristics, A-type granites and post-collision geochemical signatures, which indicates emplacement in within-plate environments under an extensional regime. U and Th are increased in syenogranite and quartz syenite, whereas alkali feldspar granite shows a marked decrease in U and Th. The highest average values of AU (131 ± 49 Bq·kg−1), ATh (164 ± 35) and AK (1402 ± 239) in the syenogranite samples are higher than the recommended worldwide average. The radioactivity levels found in the samples are the result of the alteration of radioactive carrying minerals found inside granite faults. The public’s radioactive risk from the radionuclides found in the investigated granitoid samples is estimated by calculating radiological risks. The excess lifetime cancer (ELCR) values exceed the permissible limit. Therefore, the granitoids are unsuitable for use as infrastructure materials. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Radiological Investigation on Sediments: A Case Study of Wadi Rod Elsayalla the Southeastern Desert of Egypt

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    The presence of heavy radioactive minerals in the studied granitoids from which the Wadi sediments leads to the study of the exposure to emitted gamma rays from the terrestrial radionuclides, such as238 U,232 Th, and40 K. The geological study revealed that the Wadi sediments derived from the surrounding granitoids, such as syenogranite, alkali feldspar granite, and quartz syenite. The mineral analysis confirmed that the granitoids were enriched with radioactive minerals, such as uranothorite as well as monazite, zircon, yttrocolumbite, and allanite. The mean activity of the238 U,232 Th, and40 K concentrations are 62.2 ± 20.8, 84.2 ± 23.3, and 949.4 ± 172.5 Bq kg−1, respectively, for the investigated Wadi sediments, exceeding the reported limit of 33, 45 and 412 Bq kg−1, respectively. Public exposure to emitted gamma radiation is detected by estimating many radiological hazard indices, such as the radium equivalent content (Raeq), external and internal hazard indices (Hex and Hin), annual effective dose (AED), annual gonadal dose equivalent (AGDE), and excess lifetime cancer (ELCR). The obtained results of the radiological hazards parameters showed that public exposure to emitted gamma radiation can induce various dangerous health effects. Thus, the application of the investigated sediments in different building materials and infrastructures fields is not safe. A multivariate statistical analysis (MSA) was applied to detect radionuclide correlations with the radiological hazard parameters estimated in the granite samples. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.The authors acknowledge the support of Taif University Researchers Supporting Project number (TURSP-2020/127), Taif University, Taif, Saudi Arabia