587 research outputs found

    Center-Edge Asymmetry at Hadron Colliders

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    We investigate the possibility of using the center-edge asymmetry to distinguish graviton exchange from other new physics effects at hadron colliders. Specifically, we study lepton-pair production within the ADD and RS scenarios. At the Tevatron, the graviton-Z interference is the most important contribution to the center-edge asymmetry, whereas at the LHC, the dominant contribution comes from gluon fusion via graviton exchange, which has no analogue at e^+ e^- colliders. We find that spin-2 and spin-1 exchange can be distinguished up to an ADD cut-off scale, M_H, of about 5 TeV, at the 95% CL. In the RS scenario, spin-2 resonances can be identified in most of the favored parameter space.Comment: 23 pages, including figure

    Analysis And Optimization Of Exponential Queueing Networks By Means Of Parallel Calculations

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    The method of a finding of mean characteristics of an open exponential queueing network (QN) and solution of the problem of coasts optimization in such network by means of parallel calculations is considered. The software for solution of the formulated problems, developed with usage of technology of programming MPI and libraries PETSc is described

    Homoclinic standing waves in focussing DNLS equations --Variational approach via constrained optimization

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    We study focussing discrete nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equations and present a new variational existence proof for homoclinic standing waves (bright solitons). Our approach relies on the constrained maximization of an energy functional and provides the existence of two one-parameter families of waves with unimodal and even profile function for a wide class of nonlinearities. Finally, we illustrate our results by numerical simulations.Comment: new version with revised introduction and improved condition (A3); 16 pages, several figure

    Nearly frozen Coulomb Liquids

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    We show that very long range repulsive interactions of a generalized Coulomb-like form V(R)RαV(R)\sim R^{-\alpha}, with α<d\alpha<d (dd-dimensionality), typically introduce very strong frustration, resulting in extreme fragility of the charge-ordered state. An \textquotedbl{}almost frozen\textquotedbl{} liquid then survives in a broad dynamical range above the (very low) melting temperature TcT_{c} which is proportional to α\alpha. This \textquotedbl{}pseudogap\textquotedbl{} phase is characterized by unusual insulating-like, but very weakly temperature dependent transport, similar to experimental findings in certain low carrier density systems.Comment: 5 pages,4 figure

    Signals of Warped Extra Dimensions at the LHC

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    We discuss the signatures of the spin-2 graviton excitations predicted by the Randall-Sundrum model with one warped extra dimension, in dilepton and diphoton production at LHC. By using a specific angular analysis, we assess the ranges in mass and coupling constant where such gravitons can be discriminated against competitor spin-1 and spin-0 objects, that potentially could manifest themselves in these processes with the same mass and rate of events. Depending on the value of the coupling constant to quarks and leptons, the numerical results indicate graviton identification mass ranges up to 1.1-2.4 TeV and 1.6-3.2 TeV for LHC nominal energy of 14 TeV and time-integrated luminosity of 10 and 100~fb1{\rm fb}^{-1}, respectively.Comment: 8 pages, Talk given at QCD@Work - International Workshop on QCD - Theory and Experiment, 20 - 23 June, 2010, Martina Franca Ital

    Pecularities of Hall effect in GaAs/{\delta}<Mn>/GaAs/In\timesGa1-\timesAs/GaAs (\times {\approx} 0.2) heterostructures with high Mn content

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    Transport properties of GaAs/{\delta}/GaAs/In\timesGa1-\timesAs/GaAs structures containing InxGa1-xAs (\times {\approx} 0.2) quantum well (QW) and Mn delta layer (DL) with relatively high, about one Mn monolayer (ML) content, are studied. In these structures DL is separated from QW by GaAs spacer with the thickness ds = 2-5 nm. All structures possess a dielectric character of conductivity and demonstrate a maximum in the resistance temperature dependence Rxx(T) at the temperature {\approx} 46K which is usually associated with the Curie temperature Tc of ferromagnetic (FM) transition in DL. However, it is found that the Hall effect concentration of holes pH in QW does not decrease below TC as one ordinary expects in similar systems. On the contrary, the dependence pH(T) experiences a minimum at T = 80-100 K depending on the spacer thickness, then increases at low temperatures more strongly than ds is smaller and reaches a giant value pH = (1-2)\cdot10^13 cm^(-2). Obtained results are interpreted in the terms of magnetic proximity effect of DL on QW, leading to induce spin polarization of the holes in QW. Strong structural and magnetic disorder in DL and QW, leading to the phase segregation in them is taken into consideration. The high pH value is explained as a result of compensation of the positive sign normal Hall effect component by the negative sign anomalous Hall effect component.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure

    Pulse cathodo- and thermoluminescence of alumina ceramic with manganese

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    Alumina ceramics with manganese in concentration range 0.001-18 wt. % are synthesized. Luminescent properties of obtained ceramics at temperatures 1500-1700°C of sintering in vacuum are investigated. An increase in the manganese concentration leads to quenching of the pulse cathodoluminescence band at 420 nm and the main dosimetric peak at 460 K. The intensity of luminescence in the 676 nm band at manganese concentrations of more than 1 wt. % and the TL yield for all the observed peaks increase when annealing temperature rises. Sublinear increase in TL intensity with a growing dose is observed in the range of 3-1000 Gy in 460 and 620 K peaks. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.The reported study was funded by RFBR according to the research project № 18-33-00085

    Quantum spin chains with site dissipation

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    We use Monte Carlo simulations to study chains of Ising- and XY-spins with dissipation coupling to the site variables. The phase diagram and critical exponents of the dissipative Ising chain in a transverse magnetic field have been computed previously, and here we consider a universal ratio of susceptibilities. We furthermore present the phase diagram and exponents of the dissipative XY-chain, which exhibits a second order phase transition. All our results compare well with the predictions from a dissipative ϕ4\phi^4 field theory

    Action minimizing fronts in general FPU-type chains

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    We study atomic chains with nonlinear nearest neighbour interactions and prove the existence of fronts (heteroclinic travelling waves with constant asymptotic states). Generalizing recent results of Herrmann and Rademacher we allow for non-convex interaction potentials and find fronts with non-monotone profile. These fronts minimize an action integral and can only exists if the asymptotic states fulfil the macroscopic constraints and if the interaction potential satisfies a geometric graph condition. Finally, we illustrate our findings by numerical simulations.Comment: 19 pages, several figure