634 research outputs found

    Radar studies of the planets

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    The radar measurements phase of the lunar studies involving reflectivity and topographic mapping of the visible lunar surface was ended in December 1972, but studies of the data and production of maps have continued. This work was supported by Manned Spacecraft Center, Houston. Topographic mapping of the equatorial regions of Mars has been carried out during the period of each opposition since that of 1967. The method comprised extended precise traveling time measurements to a small area centered on the subradar point. As measurements continued, planetary motions caused this point to sweep out extensive areas in both latitude and longitude permitting the development of a fairly extensive topographical map in the equatorial region. Radar observations of Mercury and Venus have also been made over the past few years. Refinements of planetary motions, reflectivity maps and determinations of rotation rates have resulted

    Spitzer/IRAC Observations of the Variability of Sgr A* and the Object G2 at 4.5 microns

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    We present the first detection from the Spitzer Space Telescope of 4.5 micron variability from Sgr A*, the emitting source associated with the Milky Way's central black hole. The >23 hour continuous light curve was obtained with the IRAC instrument in 2013 December. The result characterizes the variability of Sgr A* prior to the closest approach of the G2 object, a putative infalling gas cloud that orbits close to Sgr A*. The high stellar density at the location of Sgr A* produces a background of ~250 mJy at 4.5 microns in each pixel with a large pixel-to-pixel gradient, but the light curve for the highly variable Sgr A* source was successfully measured by modeling and removing the variations due to pointing wobble. The observed flux densities range from the noise level of ~0.7 mJy rms in a 6.4-s measurement to ~10 mJy. Emission was seen above the noise level ~34% of the time. The light curve characteristics, including the flux density distribution and structure function, are consistent with those previously derived at shorter infrared wavelengths. We see no evidence in the light curve for activity attributable to the G2 interaction at the observing epoch, ~100 days before the expected G2 periapsis passage. The IRAC light curve is more than a factor of two longer than any previous infrared observation, improving constraints on the timescale of the break in the power spectral distribution of Sgr A* flux densities. The data favor the longer of the two previously published values for the timescale.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in the Ap

    Commercial-off-the-shelf simulation package interoperability: Issues and futures

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    Commercial-Off-The-Shelf Simulation Packages (CSPs) are widely used in industry to simulate discrete-event models. Interoperability of CSPs requires the use of distributed simulation techniques. Literature presents us with many examples of achieving CSP interoperability using bespoke solutions. However, for the wider adoption of CSP-based distributed simulation it is essential that, first and foremost, a standard for CSP interoperability be created, and secondly, these standards are adhered to by the CSP vendors. This advanced tutorial is on an emerging standard relating to CSP interoperability. It gives an overview of this standard and presents case studies that implement some of the proposed standards. Furthermore, interoperability is discussed in relation to large and complex models developed using CSPs that require large amount of computing resources. It is hoped that this tutorial will inform the simulation community of the issues associated with CSP interoperability, the importance of these standards and its future

    Physical State of Molecular Gas in High Galactic Latitude Translucent Clouds

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    The rotational transitions of carbon monoxide (CO) are the primary means of investigating the density and velocity structure of the molecular interstellar medium. Here we study the lowest four rotational transitions of CO towards high-latitude translucent molecular clouds (HLCs). We report new observations of the J = (4-3), (2-1), and (1-0) transitions of CO towards eight high-latitude clouds. The new observations are combined with data from the literature to show that the emission from all observed CO transitions is linearly correlated. This implies that the excitation conditions which lead to emission in these transitions are uniform throughout the clouds. Observed 13CO/12CO (1-0) integrated intensity ratios are generally much greater than the expected abundance ratio of the two species, indicating that the regions which emit 12CO (1-0) radiation are optically thick. We develop a statistical method to compare the observed line ratios with models of CO excitation and radiative transfer. This enables us to determine the most likely portion of the physical parameter space which is compatible with the observations. The model enables us to rule out CO gas temperatures greater than 30K since the most likely high-temperature configurations are 1 pc-sized structures aligned along the line of sight. The most probable solution is a high density and low temperature (HDLT) solution. The CO cell size is approximately 0.01 pc (2000 AU). These cells are thus tiny fragments within the 100 times larger CO-emitting extent of a typical high-latitude cloud. We discuss the physical implications of HDLT cells, and we suggest ways to test for their existence.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures, 2 tables, emulateapj To be published in The Astrophysical Journa

    Spitzer Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) Pipeline: final modifications and lessons learned

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    In more than ten years of operations, the Spitzer Space Telescope has conducted a wide range of investigations from observing nearby asteroids to probing atmospheric properties of exoplanets to measuring masses of the most distance galaxies. Observations using the Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) at 3.6 and 4.5um will continue through mid-2019 when the James Webb Space Telescope will succeed Spitzer. In anticipation of the eventual end of the mission, the basic calibrated data reduction pipeline designed to produce flux-calibrated images has been finalized and used to reprocess all the data taken during the Spitzer warm mission. We discuss all final modifications made to the pipeline

    Intra-pixel gain variations and high-precision photometry with the Infrared Array Camera (IRAC)

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    The Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) on the Spitzer Space Telescope has been used to measure < 10^(-4) temporal variations in point sources (such as transiting extrasolar planets) at 3.6 and 4.5 ÎĽm. Due to the under-sampled nature of the PSF, the warm IRAC arrays show variations of as much as 8% in sensitivity as the center of the PSF moves across a pixel due to normal spacecraft pointing wobble and drift. These intra-pixel gain variations are the largest source of correlated noise in IRAC photometry. Usually this effect is removed by fitting a model to the science data themselves (self-calibration), which could result in the removal of astrophysically interesting signals. We describe a new technique for significantly reducing the gain variations and improving photometric precision in a given observation, without using the data to be corrected. This comprises: (1) an adaptive centroiding and repositioning method ("Peak-Up") that uses the Spitzer Pointing Control Reference Sensor (PCRS) to repeatedly position a target to within 0.1 IRAC pixels of an area of minimal gain variation; and (2) the high-precision, high-resolution measurement of the pixel gain structure using non-variable stars. We show that the technique currently allows the reduction of correlated noise by almost an order of magnitude over raw data, which is comparable to the improvement due to self-calibration. We discuss other possible sources of correlated noise, and proposals for reducing their impact on photometric precision

    A scene model of exosolar systems for use in planetary detection and characterisation simulations

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    Instrumental projects that will improve the direct optical finding and characterisation of exoplanets have advanced sufficiently to trigger organized investigation and development of corresponding signal processing algorithms. The first step is the availability of field-of-view (FOV) models. These can then be submitted to various instrumental models, which in turn produce simulated data, enabling the testing of processing algorithms. We aim to set the specifications of a physical model for typical FOVs of these instruments. The dynamic in resolution and flux between the various sources present in such a FOV imposes a multiscale, independent layer approach. From review of current literature and through extrapolations from currently available data and models, we derive the features of each source-type in the field of view likely to pass the instrumental filter at exo-Earth level. Stellar limb darkening is shown to cause bias in leakage calibration if unaccounted for. Occurrence of perturbing background stars or galaxies in the typical FOV is unlikely. We extract galactic interstellar medium background emissions for current target lists. Galactic background can be considered uniform over the FOV, and it should show no significant drift with parallax. Our model specifications have been embedded into a Java simulator, soon to be made open-source. We have also designed an associated FITS input/output format standard that we present here.Comment: 9 pages (+5 of appendices), 7 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    A Spitzer IRAC Measure of the Zodiacal Light

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    The dominant non-instrumental background source for space–based infrared observatories is the zodiacal light (ZL). We present Spitzer Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) measurements of the ZL at 3.6, 4.5, 5.8, and 8.0 μm, taken as part of the instrument calibrations. We measure the changing surface brightness levels in approximately weekly IRAC observations near the north ecliptic pole over the period of roughly 8.5 years. This long time baseline is crucial for measuring the annual sinusoidal variation in the signal levels due to the tilt of the dust disk with respect to the ecliptic, which is the true signal of the ZL. This is compared to both Cosmic Background Explorer Diffuse Infrared Background Experiment data and a ZL model based thereon. Our data show a few percent discrepancy from the Kelsall et al.(1998) model including a potential warping of the interplanetary dust disk and a previously detected overdensity in the dust cloud directly behind the Earth in its orbit. Accurate knowledge of the ZL is important for both extragalactic and Galactic astronomy including measurements of the cosmic infrared background, absolute measures of extended sources, and comparison to extrasolar interplanetary dust models. IRAC data can be used to further inform and test future ZL models

    Modifications to the warm Spitzer data reduction pipeline

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    The Spitzer Space Telescope Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) basic calibrated data reduction pipeline is designed to take a single raw frame from a single IRAC detector and produce a flux-calibrated image that has had all well-understood instrumental signatures removed. We discuss several modifications to the pipeline developed in the last two years in response to the Spitzer warm mission. Due to the different instrument characteristics in the warm mission, we have significantly changed pipeline procedures for masking residual images and mitigating column pulldown. In addition, the muxbleed correction was turned off, because it is not present in the warm data. Parameters relevant to linearity correction, bad pixels, and the photometric calibration have been updated and are continually monitored
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