1,806 research outputs found

    Application of second-order turbulent modeling to the prediction of radiated aerodynamic sound

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    The Ribner formulation of the generation of aerodynamic sound is coupled with predictions of second-order velocity correlations and integral scale to estimate the sound radiated from several complicated jet flows. In particular, it is shown that the sound radiated from a cold swirling jet is greater than from its nonswirling equal thrust counterpart. The noise radiated from the flow field of a multitube suppressor was estimated and compared with an equal thrust diameter Gaussian jet. It is shown that the multitube concept is indeed quieter

    Atmospheric-wake vortex interactions

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    The interactions of a vortex wake with a turbulent stratified atmosphere are investigated with the computer code WAKE. It is shown that atmospheric shear, turbulence, and stratification can provide the dominant mechanisms by which vortex wakes decay. Computations included the interaction of a vortex wake with a viscous ground plane. The observed phenomenon of vortex bounce is explained in terms of secondary vorticity produced on the ground. This vorticity is swept off the ground and advected about the vortex pair, thereby altering the classic hyperbolic trajectory. The phenomenon of the solitary vortex is explained as an interaction of a vortex with crosswind shear. Here, the vortex having the sign opposite that of the sign of the vorticity in the shear is dispersed by a convective instability. This instability results in the rapid production of turbulence which in turn disperses the smoke marking the vortex

    To what extent do the Classical Equations of Motion Determine the Quantization Scheme?

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    A simple example of one particle moving in a (1+1) space-time is considered. As an example we take the harmonic oscillator. We confirm the statement that the classical Equations of Motion do not determine at all the quantization scheme. To this aim we use two inequivalent Lagrange functions, yielding Euler-Lagrange Equations, having the same set of solutions. We present in detail the calculations of both cases to emphasize the differences occuring between them.Comment: LaTeX 20 page

    Magnon-Paramagnon Effective Theory of Itinerant Ferromagnets

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    The present work is devoted to the derivation of an effective magnon-paramagnon theory starting from a microscopic lattice model of ferromagnetic metals. For some values of the microscopic parameters it reproduces the Heisenberg theory of localized spins. For small magnetization the effective model describes the physics of weak ferromagnets in accordance with the experimental results. It is written in a way which keeps O(3) symmetry manifest,and describes both the order and disordered phases of the system. Analytical expression for the Curie temperature,which takes the magnon fluctuations into account exactly, is obtained. For weak ferromagnets TcT_c is well below the Stoner's critical temperature and the critical temperature obtained within Moriya's theory.Comment: 14 pages, changed content,new result

    C-axis Optical Sum Rule in Josephson Coupled Vortex State

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    Observed violations of the cc-axis optical sum rule can give important information on deviations from in-plane Fermi liquid behavior and on the nature of interlayer coupling between adjacent copper oxide planes. Application of a magnetic field perpendicular to these planes is another way to probe in-plane dynamics. We find that the optical sum rule is considerably modified in the presence of the cc-axis magnetic field. Interlayer correlation of pancake vortices is involved in the sum rule modification; however, details of the vortex distribution in the plane are less important.Comment: one figure. To be published in PRB (Sep. 20001

    A comparison of race-related pain stereotypes held by White and Black individuals

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    Pain judgments are the basis for pain management. The purpose of this study was to assess Black and White participants’ race-related pain stereotypes. Undergraduates (n=551) rated the pain sensitivity and willingness to report pain for the typical Black person, White person, and themselves. Participants, regardless of race, rated the typical White person as being more pain sensitive and more willing to report pain than the typical Black person. White participants rated themselves as less sensitive and less willing to report pain than same-race peers; however, Black participants rated themselves as more pain sensitive and more willing to report pain than same-race peers. These findings highlight similarities and differences in racial stereotypic pain beliefs held by Black and White individuals

    Acceptance and commitment therapy for symptom interference in metastatic breast cancer patients: a pilot randomized trial

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    PURPOSE: Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer mortality in women worldwide. With medical advances, metastatic breast cancer (MBC) patients often live for years with many symptoms that interfere with activities. However, there is a paucity of efficacious interventions to address symptom-related suffering and functional interference. Thus, this study examined the feasibility and preliminary efficacy of telephone-based acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) for symptom interference with functioning in MBC patients. METHODS: Symptomatic MBC patients (N = 47) were randomly assigned to six telephone sessions of ACT or six telephone sessions of education/support. Patients completed measures of symptom interference and measures assessing the severity of pain, fatigue, sleep disturbance, depressive symptoms, and anxiety. RESULTS: The eligibility screening rate (64%) and high retention (83% at 8 weeks post-baseline) demonstrated feasibility. When examining within-group change, ACT participants showed decreases in symptom interference (i.e., fatigue interference and sleep-related impairment; Cohen's d range = - 0.23 to - 0.31) at 8 and 12 weeks post-baseline, whereas education/support participants showed minimal change in these outcomes (d range = - 0.03 to 0.07). Additionally, at 12 weeks post-baseline, ACT participants showed moderate decreases in fatigue and sleep disturbance (both ds = - 0.43), whereas education/support participants showed small decreases in these outcomes (ds = - 0.24 and - 0.18 for fatigue and sleep disturbance, respectively). Both the ACT and education/support groups showed reductions in depressive symptoms (ds = - 0.27 and - 0.28) at 12 weeks post-baseline. Group differences in all outcomes were not statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS: ACT shows feasibility and promise in improving fatigue and sleep-related outcomes in MBC patients and warrants further investigation

    Continuous symmetry of C60 fullerene and its derivatives

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    Conventionally, the Ih symmetry of fullerene C60 is accepted which is supported by numerous calculations. However, this conclusion results from the consideration of the molecule electron system, of its odd electrons in particular, in a close-shell approximation without taking the electron spin into account. Passing to the open-shell approximation has lead to both the energy and the symmetry lowering up to Ci. Seemingly contradicting to a high-symmetry pattern of experimental recording, particularly concerning the molecule electronic spectra, the finding is considered in the current paper from the continuous symmetry viewpoint. Exploiting both continuous symmetry measure and continuous symmetry content, was shown that formal Ci symmetry of the molecule is by 99.99% Ih. A similar continuous symmetry analysis of the fullerene monoderivatives gives a reasonable explanation of a large variety of their optical spectra patterns within the framework of the same C1 formal symmetry exhibiting a strong stability of the C60 skeleton.Comment: 11 pages. 5 figures. 6 table

    Fractional Generalization of Gradient Systems

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    We consider a fractional generalization of gradient systems. We use differential forms and exterior derivatives of fractional orders. Examples of fractional gradient systems are considered. We describe the stationary states of these systems.Comment: 11 pages, LaTe

    High Temperature Superconductivity: the explanation

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    Soon after the discovery of the first high temperature superconductor by Georg Bednorz and Alex Mueller in 1986 the late Sir Nevill Mott answering his own question "Is there an explanation?" [Nature v 327 (1987) 185] expressed a view that the Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) of small bipolarons, predicted by us in 1981, could be the one. Several authors then contemplated BEC of real space tightly bound pairs, but with a purely electronic mechanism of pairing rather than with the electron-phonon interaction (EPI). However, a number of other researchers criticized the bipolaron (or any real-space pairing) scenario as incompatible with some angle-resolved photoemission spectra (ARPES), with experimentally determined effective masses of carriers and unconventional symmetry of the superconducting order parameter in cuprates. Since then the controversial issue of whether the electron-phonon interaction (EPI) is crucial for high-temperature superconductivity or weak and inessential has been one of the most challenging problems of contemporary condensed matter physics. Here I outline some developments in the bipolaron theory suggesting that the true origin of high-temperature superconductivity is found in a proper combination of strong electron-electron correlations with a significant finite-range (Froehlich) EPI, and that the theory is fully compatible with the key experiments.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, invited comment to Physica Script
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