239 research outputs found

    New algorithm and results for the three-dimensional random field Ising Model

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    The random field Ising model with Gaussian disorder is studied using a new Monte Carlo algorithm. The algorithm combines the advantanges of the replica exchange method and the two-replica cluster method and is much more efficient than the Metropolis algorithm for some disorder realizations. Three-dimensional sytems of size 24324^3 are studied. Each realization of disorder is simulated at a value of temperature and uniform field that is adjusted to the phase transition region for that disorder realization. Energy and magnetization distributions show large variations from one realization of disorder to another. For some realizations of disorder there are three well separated peaks in the magnetization distribution and two well separated peaks in the energy distribution suggesting a first-order transition.Comment: 24 pages, 23 figure

    Monte Carlo study of the random-field Ising model

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    Using a cluster-flipping Monte Carlo algorithm combined with a generalization of the histogram reweighting scheme of Ferrenberg and Swendsen, we have studied the equilibrium properties of the thermal random-field Ising model on a cubic lattice in three dimensions. We have equilibrated systems of LxLxL spins, with values of L up to 32, and for these systems the cluster-flipping method appears to a large extent to overcome the slow equilibration seen in single-spin-flip methods. From the results of our simulations we have extracted values for the critical exponents and the critical temperature and randomness of the model by finite size scaling. For the exponents we find nu = 1.02 +/- 0.06, beta = 0.06 +/- 0.07, gamma = 1.9 +/- 0.2, and gammabar = 2.9 +/- 0.2.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, self-expanding uuencoded compressed PostScript fil


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    The aim of this work was to obtain the series of composite polymeric materials based on poly-L-lactide (PLLA) with different contents of hydrophilic nanocrystalline cellulose (NCC) and modified with poly(glutamic acid) (PGlu) nanocrystalline cellulose (NCC-PGlu) (5, 10 and 15 wt%) as fillers. For this purpose several methods for modifying NCC with poly(glutamic acid) were tested. The best result was demonstrated by the partial oxidation of the NCC and the subsequent interaction of the obtained aldehyde NCC groups with the terminal amino groups of PGlu.The research was carried out with the use of some equipment of the Research Park of St. Petersburg State University: “Interdisciplinary Center for Nanotechnology” and “Center for Chemical Analysis and Materials Research”

    Critical behavior of a fluid in a disordered porous matrix: An Ornstein-Zernike approach

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    Using a liquid-state approach based on Ornstein-Zernike equations, we study the behavior of a fluid inside a porous disordered matrix near the liquid-gas critical point.The results obtained within various standard approximation schemes such as lowest-order γ\gamma-ordering and the mean-spherical approximation suggest that the critical behavior is closely related to that of the random-field Ising model (RFIM).Comment: 10 pages, revtex, to appear in Physical Review Letter

    Lower Neutrino Mass Bound from SN1987A Data and Quantum Geometry

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    A lower bound on the light neutrino mass mνm_\nu is derived in the framework of a geometrical interpretation of quantum mechanics. Using this model and the time of flight delay data for neutrinos coming from SN1987A, we find that the neutrino masses are bounded from below by mν104103m_\nu\gtrsim 10^{-4}-10^{-3}eV, in agreement with the upper bound mνm_\nu\lesssim (O(0.1)O(1))({\cal O}(0.1) - {\cal O} (1)) eV currently available. When the model is applied to photons with effective mass, we obtain a lower limit on the electron density in intergalactic space that is compatible with recent baryon density measurements.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figure

    Ground state numerical study of the three-dimensional random field Ising model

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    The random field Ising model in three dimensions with Gaussian random fields is studied at zero temperature for system sizes up to 60^3. For each realization of the normalized random fields, the strength of the random field, Delta and a uniform external, H is adjusted to find the finite-size critical point. The finite-size critical point is identified as the point in the H-Delta plane where three degenerate ground states have the largest discontinuities in the magnetization. The discontinuities in the magnetization and bond energy between these ground states are used to calculate the magnetization and specific heat critical exponents and both exponents are found to be near zero.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures; new references and small changes to tex

    Specific-Heat Exponent of Random-Field Systems via Ground-State Calculations

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    Exact ground states of three-dimensional random field Ising magnets (RFIM) with Gaussian distribution of the disorder are calculated using graph-theoretical algorithms. Systems for different strengths h of the random fields and sizes up to N=96^3 are considered. By numerically differentiating the bond-energy with respect to h a specific-heat like quantity is obtained, which does not appear to diverge at the critical point but rather exhibits a cusp. We also consider the effect of a small uniform magnetic field, which allows us to calculate the T=0 susceptibility. From a finite-size scaling analysis, we obtain the critical exponents \nu=1.32(7), \alpha=-0.63(7), \eta=0.50(3) and find that the critical strength of the random field is h_c=2.28(1). We discuss the significance of the result that \alpha appears to be strongly negative.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, 1 table, revtex revised version, slightly extende

    Power-law correlations and orientational glass in random-field Heisenberg models

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    Monte Carlo simulations have been used to study a discretized Heisenberg ferromagnet (FM) in a random field on simple cubic lattices. The spin variable on each site is chosen from the twelve [110] directions. The random field has infinite strength and a random direction on a fraction x of the sites of the lattice, and is zero on the remaining sites. For x = 0 there are two phase transitions. At low temperatures there is a [110] FM phase, and at intermediate temperature there is a [111] FM phase. For x > 0 there is an intermediate phase between the paramagnet and the ferromagnet, which is characterized by a |k|^(-3) decay of two-spin correlations, but no true FM order. The [111] FM phase becomes unstable at a small value of x. At x = 1/8 the [110] FM phase has disappeared, but the power-law correlated phase survives.Comment: 8 pages, 12 Postscript figure

    Equilibrium random-field Ising critical scattering in the antiferromagnet Fe(0.93)Zn(0.07)F2

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    It has long been believed that equilibrium random-field Ising model (RFIM) critical scattering studies are not feasible in dilute antiferromagnets close to and below Tc(H) because of severe non-equilibrium effects. The high magnetic concentration Ising antiferromagnet Fe(0.93)Zn(0.07)F2, however, does provide equilibrium behavior. We have employed scaling techniques to extract the universal equilibrium scattering line shape, critical exponents nu = 0.87 +- 0.07 and eta = 0.20 +- 0.05, and amplitude ratios of this RFIM system.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, minor revision

    Anderson-Mott transition as a quantum glass problem

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    We combine a recent mapping of the Anderson-Mott metal-insulator transition on a random-field problem with scaling concepts for random-field magnets to argue that disordered electrons near an Anderson-Mott transition show glass-like behavior. We first discuss attempts to interpret experimental results in terms of a conventional scaling picture, and argue that some of the difficulties encountered point towards a glassy nature of the electrons. We then develop a general scaling theory for a quantum glass, and discuss critical properties of both thermodynamic and transport variables in terms of it. Our most important conclusions are that for a correct interpretation of experiments one must distinguish between self-averaging and non-self averaging observables, and that dynamical or temperature scaling is not of power-law type but rather activated, i.e. given by a generalized Vogel-Fulcher law. Recent mutually contradicting experimental results on Si:P are discussed in the light of this, and new experiments are proposed to test the predictions of our quantum glass scaling theory.Comment: 25pp, REVTeX, 5 ps figs, final version as publishe