25 research outputs found

    Иммунология и перспективы иммунотерапии злокачественных глиом: использование факторов гуморального иммунитета

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    High-grade gliomas are aggressive brain tumors with limited survival rates. To date the maximum of survival benefit of conventional therapeutic options has been already reached and innovative treatment strategies, based on tumor biology are urgently needed. Generally, malignant gliomas, including glioblastoma, are immunologically “cold: neoplasms, with weak anti-tumor immune response and peritumoral inflammation, caused by reduced expression of neoantigens by tumor cells and restricted immunoreactivity of the microenvironment. The reduced immunogenicity of brain structures is conditioned by the absence of homing molecules for white blood cells on them, as well as the suppression of activated (CD178+) T cells by brain gangliosides. The cell population infiltrating malignant glioma is impoverished with cytotoxic T cells (CD8+ FOXP3–) and oppositely enriched with regulatory T cells and type 2 macrophages (M2). An effective anti-glioma immune response is resulted in increasing the total number of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes and the CD8+ cell content; switching the functional activity of macrophages from M2 to M1 type. Integration of immunotherapeutic technologies (vaccines and monoclonal antibodies) into treatment strategies of malignant gliomas is relevant and promising approach based on biological features of the tumor.Глиомы высокой степени злокачественности – агрессивные опухоли центральной нервной системы. Стандартная химиолучевая терапия данных новообразований не является куративной опцией, поэтому попытки усиления и индивидуализации их лечения на сегодняшний день предполагают воздействие на патогенетические механизмы роста опухоли на клеточном и молекулярно-генетическом уровнях. Злокачественные глиомы, в первую очередь глиобластомы, являются «холодными» опухолями, в которых иммунный ответ и перитуморальное воспаление проявляются слабо. Это объясняется сниженной экспрессией неоантигенов опухолевыми клетками и низкой иммунореактивностью микроокружения. Клетки центральной нервной системы лишены молекул для хоминга лейкоцитов, а поверхностные соединения – ганглиозиды – оказывают прямое ингибирующее воздействие на CD178+-цитотоксические Т-лимфоциты. Это приводит к тому, что популяция лейкоцитов, инфильтрирующих опухоль, представлена в основном клетками, отрицательно регулирующими иммунный ответ (регуляторными (CD4+ CD25+ FOXP3+) T-лимфоцитами и макрофагами 2-го типа). Макрофаги 2-го типа ингибируют клеточный иммунный ответ, стимулируют неоангиогенез и создают условия для метастатического распространения клеток опухоли.Интеграция в лечении опухолей центральной нервной системы иммунотерапевтических подходов, в том числе применение вакцин и моноклональных антител, является актуальной стратегией, основанной на биологических свойствах опухолевой ткани

    Перспективы таргетной терапии глиом низкой степени злокачественности у детей

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    Low grade gliomas are the most common brain tumors in children. Total resection for operable lesion helps to achieve local and system control. Nevertheless, for inaccessible tumors are required more effective treatment both to overcome the refractory course of the disease, and to mi nimize toxicity with conventional adjuvant chemotherapy and various types of radiation therapy. In recent years, there has been an accelerated understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of some tumors in children, including low grade gliomas. Given the fact that the basis of the molecular pathogenesis of the low grade gliomas is the activation of signaling pathways MARK (mitogen activated protein kinase) and mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin), the most promising targeted agents are BRAF, MEK and mTOR inhibitors. Nevertheless, a number of other agents have been studied to find promising targeted therapy for this tumors type. This article summarizes the latest literature evaluating new drugs in low grade glioma.Глиомы низкой степени злокачественности являются преобладающим большинством в структуре опухолей головного мозга у детей. Достичь локального и системного контроля над опухолью возможно при полном удалении образования. Сложная локализация глубоко расположенных и диффузно растущих опухолей ограничивает объем оперативного вмешательства и требует поиска, а также совершенствования методов консервативного лечения данной нозологической группы. Необходимы более эффективные виды лечения как для преодоления рефрактерного течения заболевания, так и для минимизации токсичности, связанной с обычной адъювантной химиотерапией и различными видами лучевой терапии. С учетом того, что в основе молекулярного патогенеза большинства глиом низкой степени злокачественности лежит активация сигнальных путей МАРК (mitogen activated protein kinase) и mTOR (мишени рапамицина млекопитающих), наиболее перспективными агентами – таргетными препаратами являются BRAF, MEK и mTOR-ингибиторы. Тем не менее целый ряд других соединений был исследован в целях поиска перспективных агентов для таргетной терапии при опухолях указанного типа. Обзор суммирует новейшие данные литературы, посвященной новым препаратам при глиоме низкой степени злокачественности

    Анализ генетических аберраций в глиомах высокой степени злокачественности у детей

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    Background. High-grade gliomas are characterized by a wide range of genetic abnormalities. The heterogeneous genomic landscape of pediatric high-grade gliomas allows identifying distinct subgroups of the disease in children and young adults. Most importantly, these subgroups differ by clinical course and prognosis, as well as treatment response to standard therapy.Objective: to assess the profile of molecular genetic markers of high-grade gliomas in children.Materials and methods. In the current study, we examine the frequency of H3F3A, Hist1H3B, BRAF, IDH1 / 2 mutations, the copy number alterations of CDKN2A / 2B genes and the expression of ETV6‑NTRK3 fusion gene in a cohort of 53 pediatric high-grade gliomas.Results. Driver mutations and CDKN2A / 2B deletions were observed in 24 (45 %) and 15 (28 %) of 53 tumors, respectively. Overall, the studied high-grade gliomas harbored 41 genetic aberrations including 24 (58.5 %) somatic missense mutations, 1 (2.4 %) genetic variant of unknown clinical significance, 1 (2.4 %) oncogenic fusion gene and 15 (36.6 %) deletions of the tumor suppressor genes.Conclusion. These findings point to the importance of molecular profiling of tumors for the optimal clinical care and development of new approaches to treatment aimed at molecular targets for personalized anticancer therapies.Введение. Высокозлокачественные глиомы характеризуются широким спектром генетических аномалий. Различия в молекулярно-генетическом профиле позволяют выделить несколько основных подгрупп глиом высокой степени злокачественности у детей и подростков, которые различаются как по клиническому течению заболевания, его прогнозу, так и по ответу на стандартные схемы терапии.Цель исследования – оценить профиль молекулярно-генетических маркеров глиом высокой степени злокачественности у детей.Материалы и методы. В исследование были включены 53 образца глиом высокой степени злокачественности у детей. Были проанализированы мутации в генах H3F3A, Hist1H3B, BRAF, IDH1/2, а также аномалии числа копий генов CDKN2A/2B и экспрессия химерного гена ETV6‑NTRK3.Результаты. В 24 (45 %) из 53 проанализированных случаев выявлена драйверная мутация в ткани опухоли, в 15 (28 %) – потеря копии CDKN2A / 2B, которая может выступать как второе мутационное событие. В общей сложности обнаружена 41 генетическая аберрация, из них 24 (58,5 %) составляют соматические миссенс-мутации, 1 (2,4 %) – вариант с неясным клиническим значением, 1 (2,4 %) – химерный онкоген и 15 (36,6 %) – делеции генов-онкосупрессоров.Заключение. Полученные данные свидетельствуют о важности углубленного изучения генетического профиля опухоли для определения тактики ведения пациентов, а также подбора персонализированной терапии для больных злокачественными глиомами

    Standard of morphological and molecular biological investigations in neuroblastoma

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    87 cases of primary neuroblastoma verified according to current standards of morphological and molecular genetic diagnostics are reviewed in the paper. Morphological variants and diagnostics criteria of tumor as well as risk groups stratification criteria are summarized. MYCN gene amplification and 1p deletion are designated as adverse molecular genetic features. Prognostic impact of genetic aberrations and unfavorable histology were calculated using event-free and overall survival values.В статье приведены результаты морфологического и молекулярно-биологического исследования 87 случаев нейробластомы у детей, верифицированных с учетом принятых стандартов исследования данной опухоли. Приведены морфологические варианты и критерии диагностики нейробластомы в рамках современных классификаций, а также современные подходы к стратификации больных нейробластомой на группы риска для проведения селективной риск-адаптированной терапии. Амплификация гена MYCN и делеция короткого плеча хромосомы 1 в клетках нейробластомы являются неблагоприятными прогностическими факторами и используются в различных схемах стратификации пациентов на группы риска. Проанализирована бессобытийная выживаемость (БСВ) и общая выживаемость (ОБ) в группах пациентов при наличии генетических аберраций и при неблагоприятной гистологической форме опухоли

    Transluminal angioplasty in postsurgical stenosis of the extracranial carotid artery.

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    Transluminal angioplasty of the common carotid artery was beneficial in a patient with postendarterectomy recurrent stenosis due to fibrous myointimal hyperplasia. This lesion is the major cause of restenosis within the first 24 postoperative months and has histologic characteristics quite favorable for angioplasty with minimal possibility for embolic complications. Since surgery is a proven procedure with low morbidity/mortality for most patients, the authors believe transluminal angioplasty for carotid restenosis should be limited to surgically inaccessible lesions or patients presenting unacceptable operative risk, as in the case described

    Promises of targeted therapy for low grade gliomas in children

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    Low grade gliomas are the most common brain tumors in children. Total resection for operable lesion helps to achieve local and system control. Nevertheless, for inaccessible tumors are required more effective treatment both to overcome the refractory course of the disease, and to mi nimize toxicity with conventional adjuvant chemotherapy and various types of radiation therapy. In recent years, there has been an accelerated understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of some tumors in children, including low grade gliomas. Given the fact that the basis of the molecular pathogenesis of the low grade gliomas is the activation of signaling pathways MARK (mitogen activated protein kinase) and mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin), the most promising targeted agents are BRAF, MEK and mTOR inhibitors. Nevertheless, a number of other agents have been studied to find promising targeted therapy for this tumors type. This article summarizes the latest literature evaluating new drugs in low grade glioma

    Suppressed miR-128-3p combined with TERT overexpression predicts dismal outcomes for neuroblastoma

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    BACKGROUND: Molecular and clinical diversity of neuroblastomas is notorious. The activating TERT rearrangements have been associated with dismal prognosis. Suppression of miR-128-3p may complement and enhance the adverse effects of TERT overexpression. OBJECTIVE: The study aimed at evaluation of prognostic significance of the miR-128-3p/TERT expression in patients with primary neuroblastoma. METHODS: RNA samples isolated from fresh-frozen tumor specimens (n= 103) were reverse transcribed for evaluation of miR-128-3p and TERT expression by qPCR. The normalized expression levels were tested for correlations with the event-free survival (EFS). ROC-analysis was used to establish threshold expression levels (TLs) for the possible best prediction of the outcomes. The median follow-up was 57 months. RESULTS: Both TERT overexpression and miR-128-3p downregulation were independently associated with superior rates of adverse events (p= 0.027, TL =-2.32 log10 and p= 0.080, TL =-1.33 log10, respectively). The MYCN single-copy patients were stratified into groups based on the character of alterations in expression of the studied transcripts. Five-year EFS in the groups of patients with elevated TERT/normal miR-128-3p expression and normal TERT/reduced miR-128-3p expression were 0.74 ± 0.08 and 0.60 ± 0.16, respectively. The patients with elevated TERT/reduced miR-128-3p expression had the worst outcomes, with 5-year EFS of 0.40 ± 0.16 compared with 0.91 ± 0.06 for the patients with unaltered levels of both transcripts (p< 0.001). Cumulative incidence of relapse/progression for the groups constituted 0.23 ± 0.08, 0.40 ± 0.16, 0.60 ± 0.16 and 0.09 ± 0.06, respectively. Moreover, the loss of miR-128-3p was qualified as independent adverse predictor which outperformed the conventional clinical and genetic risk factors in the multivariate Cox regression model of EFS. CONCLUSIONS: Combined expression levels of miR-128-3p and TERT represent a novel prognostic biomarker for neuroblastoma

    Analysis of genetic aberrations in pediatric high-grade gliomas

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    Background. High-grade gliomas are characterized by a wide range of genetic abnormalities. The heterogeneous genomic landscape of pediatric high-grade gliomas allows identifying distinct subgroups of the disease in children and young adults. Most importantly, these subgroups differ by clinical course and prognosis, as well as treatment response to standard therapy.Objective: to assess the profile of molecular genetic markers of high-grade gliomas in children.Materials and methods. In the current study, we examine the frequency of H3F3A, Hist1H3B, BRAF, IDH1 / 2 mutations, the copy number alterations of CDKN2A / 2B genes and the expression of ETV6‑NTRK3 fusion gene in a cohort of 53 pediatric high-grade gliomas.Results. Driver mutations and CDKN2A / 2B deletions were observed in 24 (45 %) and 15 (28 %) of 53 tumors, respectively. Overall, the studied high-grade gliomas harbored 41 genetic aberrations including 24 (58.5 %) somatic missense mutations, 1 (2.4 %) genetic variant of unknown clinical significance, 1 (2.4 %) oncogenic fusion gene and 15 (36.6 %) deletions of the tumor suppressor genes.Conclusion. These findings point to the importance of molecular profiling of tumors for the optimal clinical care and development of new approaches to treatment aimed at molecular targets for personalized anticancer therapies

    Congenital medulloblastoma: Fetal and postnatal longitudinal observation with quantitative MRI

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    Congenital medulloblastoma is extremely rare. MRI appearance of this tumor in the fetal brain has not been described. A case of congenital medulloblastoma initially observed by antenatal MRI with postnatal follow-up and treatment is presented. A pregnant female underwent fetal MRI on the 31st gestational week for routine indications. Midline cerebellar lesion of ≤2 cm in size with minor T2 hypointensity and T1 hyperintensity was identified. Additionally, quantitative MRI including apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) and fast macromolecular proton fraction (MPF) mapping was performed. The lesion showed a marked ADC decrease and MPF increase. MPF maps depicted the lesion most conspicuously. After term delivery, a male neonate presented with symptoms of increased intracranial pressure. Postnatal MRI identified obstructive hydrocephalus caused by a large posterior fossa mass. The child was treated by cerebrospinal fluid shunt placement. Follow-up quantitative MRI on the fifth month revealed tumor growth and vivid changes of its tissue contrast associated with brain maturation. The tumor appeared nearly isointense on T1- and T2-weighted images and slightly hypointense on the ADC map. MPF contrast showed the most remarkable change from hyper- to hypointensity due to brain myelination with stable MPF in the tumor. Subsequently, the child underwent partial tumor resection, and currently continues treatment with chemotherapy. The pathological diagnosis was desmoplastic/nodular medulloblastoma. The described case illustrates evolution of the tumor contrast in the course of fetal and postnatal brain development and highlights the added diagnostic value of MPF mapping in fetal and neonatal neuroimaging