412 research outputs found

    Nuevas especies de Cirratulidae (Polychaeta) del nordeste de los Estados Unidos

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    Polychaetes of the family Cirratulidae are common components of the benthic fauna of the northeastern United States. Although several species have been treated by Blake (1991), the true diversity of northeastern Atlantic cirratulids is underestimated since species remain largely undescribed or are erroneously assigned european names. The present paper provides descriptions of three new species of Chaetozone and one new species of Caulleriella. All four of these taxa were collected as part of environmental monitoring programmes in Long Island Sound, Boston Harbor, Massachusetts Bay, and/or Georges Bank from depths ranging from 10 to 200 m. In addition to traditional observations, details provided by the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and staining patterns revealed by Methyl Green are used to further define these taxa and to distinguish them from congeners. Formal descriptions of these new taxa will contribute to a larger understanding of the systematics and interrelationships of the bitentaculate Cirratulidae.Los poliquetos de la familia Cirratulidae son componentes comunes de la fauna bentónica del nordeste de los Estados Unidos. Aunque algunas especies han sido tratadas por Blake (1991), la diversidad real de especies de cirratúlidos en ell atlántico nororiental está subestimada pues muchas especies permanecen hoy en día por describir o están erróneamente referidas a nombres de especies europeas. En este trabajo se presenta la descripcíon de tres nuevas especies de Chaetozone y una nueva especie de Caulleriella. Los cuatro taxones fueron recolectados como parte de programas de control ambiental en el estrecho de Long Island, el puerto de Boston, la bahía de Massachusetts, y/o en el Banco Georges en profundidades entre 10 y 200 metros. Para la descripción de los taxones y su caracterización frente a especies próximas, junto a las observaciones tradicionales, se aportan observaciones realizadas al Miscroscopio Electrónico de Barrido así como sobre los patrones de teñido revelados por el Verde de Metilo. Las descripciones formales de estos taxones contribuirán a mejorar el conocimiento sobre la sistemática y las interrelaciones de los Cirratulidae bitentaculados. &nbsp

    Finite Element-Based Numerical Simulations to Evaluate the Influence of Wollastonite Microfibers on the Dynamic Compressive Behavior of Cementitious Composites

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    This paper investigates the dynamic compressive behavior of wollastonite fiber-reinforced cementitious mortars using multiscale numerical simulations. The rate dependent behavior of the multiphase heterogeneous systems is captured in a multiscale framework that implements continuum damage towards effective property prediction. The influence of wollastonite fiber content (% by mass) as cement replacement on the dynamic compressive strength and energy absorption capacity is thereafter elucidated. An average compressive strength gain of 40% is obtained for mortars with 10% wollastonite fiber content as cement replacement, as compared to the control mortar at a strain rate of 200/s. The rate dependent constitutive responses enable the computation of energy absorption, which serves as a comparative measure for elucidating the material resistance to impact loads. Approximately a 45% increase in the dynamic energy absorption capacity is observed for the mixture containing 10% wollastonite fibers, as compared to the control case. Overall, the study establishes wollastonite fibers as a sustainable and dynamic performance-enhanced alternative for partial cement replacement. Moreover, the multiscale numerical simulation approach for performance prediction can provide an efficient means for the materials designers and engineers to optimize the size and dosage of wollastonite fibers for desired mechanical performance under dynamic loading conditions

    Finite Element-Based Numerical Simulations to Evaluate the Influence of Wollastonite Microfibers on the Dynamic Compressive Behavior of Cementitious Composites

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    This paper investigates the dynamic compressive behavior of wollastonite fiber-reinforced cementitious mortars using multiscale numerical simulations. The rate dependent behavior of the multiphase heterogeneous systems is captured in a multiscale framework that implements continuum damage towards effective property prediction. The influence of wollastonite fiber content (% by mass) as cement replacement on the dynamic compressive strength and energy absorption capacity is thereafter elucidated. An average compressive strength gain of 40% is obtained for mortars with 10% wollastonite fiber content as cement replacement, as compared to the control mortar at a strain rate of 200/s. The rate dependent constitutive responses enable the computation of energy absorption, which serves as a comparative measure for elucidating the material resistance to impact loads. Approximately a 45% increase in the dynamic energy absorption capacity is observed for the mixture containing 10% wollastonite fibers, as compared to the control case. Overall, the study establishes wollastonite fibers as a sustainable and dynamic performance-enhanced alternative for partial cement replacement. Moreover, the multiscale numerical simulation approach for performance prediction can provide an efficient means for the materials designers and engineers to optimize the size and dosage of wollastonite fibers for desired mechanical performance under dynamic loading conditions

    Fracture response of wollastonite fiber-reinforced cementitious composites: Evaluation using micro-indentation and finite element simulation

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    The paper presents indentation studies on wollastonite fiber incorporated cementitious systems. The acicular nature of the fibers is poised to delay the coalescence of micro-cracks in such systems thus leading to tougher building materials. Towards that end, load-penetration depth results from the indentation studies are employed to ascertain elastic and fracture properties of wollastonite-incorporated cementitious composites. While up to 10% mass-based cement-replacement by wollastonite results in comparable elastic moduli as compared to conventional binders, the fracture toughness increases by as much as 33%. In order to gain insights into the toughening mechanisms brought about by the fine fibers, a microstructure-guided numerical simulation strategy is adopted towards effective fracture performance prediction. The performance enhancement of the wollastonite systems is corroborated by the finite element-based simulations carried out on the virtual microstructures that accurately capture the heterogeneity of such systems. Besides fracture performance enhancement, the wollastonite-incorporated cementitious systems also contribute towards development of sustainable cement replacing compositions. Moreover, the micromechanical predictive tool developed in this study facilitate efficient means to tune the materials structure for desired performance

    Elucidating the auxetic behavior of cementitious cellular composites using finite element analysis and interpretable machine learning

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    With the advent of 3D printing, auxetic cellular cementitious composites (ACCCs) have recently garnered significant attention owing to their unique mechanical performance. To enable seamless performance prediction of the ACCCs, interpretable machine learning (ML)-based approaches can provide efficient means. However, the prediction of Poisson’s ratio using such ML approaches requires large and consistent datasets which is not readily available for ACCCs. To address this challenge, this paper synergistically integrates a finite element analysis (FEA)-based framework with ML to predict the Poisson’s ratios. In particular, the FEA-based approach is used to generate a dataset containing 850 combinations of different mesoscale architectural void features. The dataset is leveraged to develop an ML-based prediction tool using a feed-forward multilayer perceptron-based neural network (NN) approach which shows excellent prediction efficacy. To shed light on the relative influence of the design parameters on the auxetic behavior of the ACCCs, Shapley additive explanations (SHAP) is employed, which establishes the volume fraction of voids as the most influential parameter in inducing auxetic behavior. Overall, this paper develops an efficient approach to evaluate geometry-dependent auxetic behaviors for cementitious materials which can be used as a starting point toward the design and development of auxetic behavior in cementitious composites

    Porphyry Cu-Mo-(Au) Mineralization at Paraga Area, Nakhchivan District, Azerbaijan: Evidence from Mineral Paragenesis, Hyrothermal Alteration and Geochemical Studies

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    The Paraga area is located at the extreme eastern part of Nakhchivan district at the boundary with Armenia. The field study is situated at Ordubad region placed in 9 km from Paraga village and stays at 2300-2800 m height over sea level. It lies within a region of low-grade metamorphic porphyritic volcanic and plutonic rocks. The detailed field studies revealed that this area composed mainly of metagabbro-diorite intrusive rocks with porphyritic character emplaced into meta-andesitic rocks. This complex is later intruded by unmapped olivine gabbroic rocks. The Cu-Mo-(Au) mineralization at Paraga deposit is vein-type mineralization that is essentially related to quartz veins stockwork which cut the dioritic rocks and concentrated at the eastern and northeastern parts of the area with different directions N80W, N25W, N70E and N45E. Also, this mineralization is associated with two shearing zones directed N75W and N15E. The host porphyritic rocks were affected by intense sulfidation, carbonatization, sericitization and silicification with pervasive hematitic alterations accompanied with mineralized quartz veins and quartz-carbonate veins. Sulfide minerals which are chalcopyrite, pyrite, arsenopyrite and sphalerite occurred in two cases either inside these mineralized quartz veins or disseminated in the highly altered rocks as well as molybdenite and also at the peripheries between the altered host rock and veins. Gold found as inclusion disseminated in arsenopyrite and pyrite as well as in their cracks

    Porphyry Cu-Mo-(Au) Mineralization at Paraga Area, Nakhchivan District, Azerbaijan: Evidence from Mineral Paragenesis, Hyrothermal Alteration and Geochemical Studies

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    The Paraga area is located at the extreme eastern part of Nakhchivan district at the boundary with Armenia. The field study is situated at Ordubad region placed in 9 km from Paraga village and stays at 2300-2800 m height over sea level. It lies within a region of low-grade metamorphic porphyritic volcanic and plutonic rocks. The detailed field studies revealed that this area composed mainly of metagabbro-diorite intrusive rocks with porphyritic character emplaced into meta-andesitic rocks. This complex is later intruded by unmapped olivine gabbroic rocks. The Cu-Mo-(Au) mineralization at Paraga deposit is vein-type mineralization that is essentially related to quartz veins stockwork which cut the dioritic rocks and concentrated at the eastern and northeastern parts of the area with different directions N80W, N25W, N70E and N45E. Also, this mineralization is associated with two shearing zones directed N75W and N15E. The host porphyritic rocks were affected by intense sulfidation, carbonatization, sericitization and silicification with pervasive hematitic alterations accompanied with mineralized quartz veins and quartz-carbonate veins. Sulfide minerals which are chalcopyrite, pyrite, arsenopyrite and sphalerite occurred in two cases either inside these mineralized quartz veins or disseminated in the highly altered rocks as well as molybdenite and also at the peripheries between the altered host rock and veins. Gold found as inclusion disseminated in arsenopyrite and pyrite as well as in their cracks

    The Deglaciation of Maine, USA

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    The glacial geology of Maine records the northward recession of the Late Wisconsinan Laurentide Ice Sheet, followed by development of a residual ice cap in the Maine-Québec border region due to marine transgression of the St. Lawrence Lowland in Canada. The pattern of deglaciation across southern Maine has been reconstructed from numerous end moraines, deltas and submarine fans deposited during marine transgression of the coastal lowland. Inland from the marine limit, a less-detailed sequence of deglaciation is recorded by striation patterns, meltwater channels, scattered moraines and waterlain deposits that constrain the trend of the ice margin. There is no evidence that the northern Maine ice cap extended as far south-west as the Boundary Mountains and New Hampshire border. Newly-obtained radiocarbon ages from marine and terrestrial ice-proximal environments have improved the chronology of glacial recession in Maine. Many of these ages were obtained by coring late-glacial sediments beneath ponds and lakes. Data from this study show that the state was deglaciated between about 14.5 and 11.0 ka BP (14C years). The coastal moraine belt in southern Maine was deposited by oscillatory ice-margin retreat during the cold pre-Bølling time. Rapid ice recession to northern Maine then occurred between 13 and 11 ka BP, during the warmer Bølling/Allerød chronozones. Radiocarbon-dated pond sediments in western and northern Maine show lithologic evidence of Younger Dryas climatic cooling and persistence of the northern ice cap into Younger Dryas time. A large discrepancy still exists between radiocarbon ages of deglaciation in coastal south-western Maine and the timing of ice retreat indicated by New England varve records in areas to the west. Part of this problem may stem from the uncertainty of reservoir corrections applied to the radiocarbon ages of marine organics

    Capturing MSO with One Quantifier

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    International audienceWe construct a single Lindström quantifier Q such that FO(Q), the extension of first-order logic with Q has the same expressive power as monadic second-order logic on the class of binary trees (with distinct left and right successors) and also on unranked trees with a sibling order. This resolves a conjecture by ten Cate and Segoufin. The quantifier Q is a variation of a quantifier expressing the Boolean satisfiability problem
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