1,572 research outputs found

    Wide-Ranging Temporal Variation in Transoceanic Movement and Population Mixing of Bluefin Tuna in the North Atlantic Ocean

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    Uncertainty regarding the movement and population exchange of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) from the two primary spawning areas (Gulf of Mexico, Mediterranean Sea) is increasingly implicated as a major impediment for the conservation of this species. Here, two mixture methods were applied to natural chemical markers (delta O-18 and delta C-13) in otoliths (ear stones) to comprehensively investigate the nature and degree of transoceanic movement and mixing of eastern and western populations in several areas of the North Atlantic Ocean that potentially represent mixing hotspots. Areas investigated occurred on both sides of the 45 degrees W management boundary as well as waters off the coast of Africa (Morocco, Canary Islands) where both populations are known to occur. Projections of population composition (i.e., natal or nursery origin) from a multinomial logistic regression (MLR) classification method with different probability thresholds were generally in agreement with maximum likelihood estimates from the commonly used mixed-population program HISEA; however, predicted contributions for the less abundant population were occasionally higher for MLR estimates. Both MLR and HISEA clearly showed that mixing of Atlantic bluefin tuna in the Central North Atlantic Ocean was highly variable from year to year with expatriates of eastern or western origin commonly crossing into the other management area. Pronounced transoceanic movement and mixing of western migrants was also present off the coast of Africa, with the occurrence of western migrants in the Canary Islands and Morocco ranging from zero to the majority of the individuals assayed for the years examined. Results indicate highly variable rates of movement and population exchange for Atlantic bluefin tuna, highlighting the need for temporally resolved estimates of natal origin in mixing hotspots to improve population models used to evaluate the status of this threatened species

    Reshaping dance through time: a critical appraisal of periodisation in relation to pedagogy and research.

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    Western history is organised into more-or-less distinct “periods” which give shape to our conception of the past. I offer an alternative way of conceptualising dance history which retains the long view but disturbs conventional periodisation. This is based on Corfield’s (2007) premise that time can be organised not only by distinguishing radical disjunctures, but also by “continuity” and “micro” change. If these concepts are applied to dance, many of the difficulties of time frame, hierarchy and value might be eroded. Furthermore, they expand the opportunities for pedagogy and research to address works or people who have been elided by traditional periodisation

    Practising dance history: reflections on the shared processes of dance historians and dance makers.

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    Recent trends have identified ways in which practitioners engage in research processes which are commensurate with those of traditional scholarship. Using historiography as an example, it is argued that scholarship is also, conversely, an artistic act in its use of 'expert intuition' and in the creation of its language and narrative fictions

    Analisis Pendapatan USAhatani Padi Sawah di Desa Buyumpondoli Kecamatan Pamona Puselemba Kabupaten Poso

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    This study aimed to determine the income of wetland rice farming in Buyumpondoli Village. The location of the research was purposively determined with 38 respondents selected from 250 farmers using the Slovin formula. The analysis used was the analysis of income. The analysis showed that the average rice production was 4793.51 kg/1.02ha or 4699.52kg/ha. The average revenue of the rice farming was IDR 28,761,081.08/1.02ha or IDR 28,197,138.31/ha with the average total cost of IDR 11,024,175.68/1.02ha or IDR 10,808,015.37/ha and the average income of IDR 17,653,229.73/ha or IDR 17,307,087.97/ha

    Misdiagnosing Melioidosis

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    Melioidosis is endemic in southern and Southeast Asia and northern Australia. Although relatively few indigenous cases are recognized in the Indian subcontinent, a substantial proportion of cases imported into the United Kingdom originate there, probably reflecting patterns of immigration and travel, and underdiagnosis within the Indian subcontinent

    Analisis Nilai Tambah Kopi Jahe pada Industri Sal-han di Kota Palu

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    Tingginya nilai tambah yang diperoleh para pelaku USAha agroindustri memicu persaingan yang semakin meningkat, baik dalam memperoleh bahan baku maupun pemasaran produk olahan. Peranan agroindustri dalam upaya mempertahankan produk primer menjadi produk olahan untuk meningkatkan nilai tambah sangat diperlukan. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkn nilai tambah adalah pengolahan biji kopi kering menjadi kopi jahe. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai tambah biji kopi kering yang diperoleh Perusahaan setelah diolah menjadi kopi jahe pada industri Sal-Han di Kota Palu. Responden dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 4 orang yang teridiri dari 1 orang pimpinan industri dan 3 orang karyawan dengan spesialisasi kerja tertentu. Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah Analisis Nilai Tambah menurut Metode Hayami. Hasil penelitian ini adalah nilai tambah merupakan selisih antara nilai output, sumbangan input lain dan harga bahan baku. Nilai tambah yang dihasilhan oleh industri Sal-Han sebesar Rp. 61.661,11 per kilogram, nilai output yang dihasilkan sebesar Rp 90.000,00, dan nilai sumbangan input lain sebesar Rp 8.338,89. Rasio nilai tambah merupakan persentase antara nilai tambah dengan nilai output. Besarnya rasio nilai tambah pada industri Sal-Han sebesar 68,51%, hal ini menunjukan bahwa dari setiap Rp 100 nilai produk kopi jahe akan diperoleh nilai tambah sebesar Rp. 68,5

    Analisis Pemasaran USAhatani Tomat di Desa Nupabomba Kecamatan Tanantovea Kabupaten Donggala

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    The aim of this research is to know the shape of tomato marketing channel, the amount of margin in each marketing channel, the price part received by the farmer in each marketing channel and the marketing efficiency of tomatoes in each marketing channel. The analysis showed that the marketing margin tomatoes were obtained for the 1 channel IDR 1,000 / Kg and channel 2 which is IDR 1,500 / Kg. The part of the price received by farmers in the channel 1 is 60.00%, and the second channel at 70.00%. Thus, the greatest part of the price received by farmers is on channel 2. Tomato marketing channels in Nupabomba village consists of two channels, namely: 1) Farmers → Trader Gatherer → Trader Retailer → Consumer, 2) Farmers → Traders Retailer → Consumer. In the first channel, part of the price received by farmers amounted to 60.00% efficiency value was 40.00%. On channel 2, section prices received by farmers amounted to 70.00% of the value of efficiency is 30.00%, resulting in more efficient marketing channel is the channel 2

    Noise reduction in commercial refrigerators - a practical approach

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    An Adande refrigeration unit originally designed for use in the commercial catering industry was redesigned for use in households. This sector is more sensitive to refrigeration noise, following the introduction of the EU noise labelling directive. A practical noise control ap-proach was taken consisting of benchmarking the existing commercial unit, diagnosing the primary noise sources, redesigning the system components without affecting the refrigera-tion performance and assessing improvements. The aim was to reduce noise emissions and improve sound quality to those of frost free household refrigerators. Value engineering was used to optimise the performance gains such that the new unit suitable for the domestic mar-ket would be also used in the commercial sector. The sound power reduction achieved was greater than 4 dB. The sound quality of both the existing standard refrigerator and the opti-mised prototype unit were evaluated by a jury in a real living environment. The subjective exercise showed that the optimised prototype was perceived as being quieter and of im-proved sound quality compared to the standard refrigerator
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