74 research outputs found

    One consensual depression diagnosis tool to serve many countries: a challenge! A RAND/UCLA methodology

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    Objective From a systematic literature review (SLR), it became clear that a consensually validated tool was needed by European General Practitioner (GP) researchers in order to allow multi-centred collaborative research, in daily practice, throughout Europe. Which diagnostic tool for depression, validated against psychiatric examination according to the DSM, would GPs select as the best for use in clinical research, taking into account the combination of effectiveness, reliability and ergonomics? A RAND/UCLA, which combines the qualities of the Delphi process and of the nominal group, was used. GP researchers from different European countries were selected. The SLR extracted tools were validated against the DSM. The Youden index was used as an effectiveness criterion and Cronbach’s alpha as a reliability criterion. Ergonomics data were extracted from the literature. Ergonomics were tested face-to-face. Results The SLR extracted 7 tools. Two instruments were considered sufficiently effective and reliable for use: the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and the Hopkins Symptoms Checklist-25 (HSCL-25). After testing face-to-face, HSCL-25 was selected. A multicultural consensus on one diagnostic tool for depression was obtained for the HSCL-25. This tool will provide the opportunity to select homogeneous populations for European collaborative research in daily practice

    1. - Evaluation des ressources en eau dans le Nord-Ouest de la Côte d’ivoire. Extension aux bassins versants non jaugés

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    All the developing projects realized in the North of Ivory Coast need a good water resources management. It is the reason why rainfall-runoff modelization has been performed over 16 catchments (100 to 4500 km2). The aim was to characterize the values of the parameters of the models, so that these algorithms can be used for simulations over ungauged catchments. The significance of the land use is clearly demonstrated. The variables which characterize the land use are always part of the equations that predetermine the values of the models parameters. These relations have been tested. They allow a good fit between observed and calculated annual hydrograms.Les différents projets de développement élaborés et réalisés dans le Nord de la Côte d’ivoire nécessitent une bonne maîtrise de la gestion des ressources en eau. C'est dans cette optique qu'ont été réalisés des travaux de modélisation de la relation pluie-débit sur 16 bassins versants (100 à 4500 km2). L'objectif était de caractériser les valeurs des paramètres après calage, afin de pouvoir utiliser ces algorithmes en simulation sur des bassins versants non jaugés ou mal connus. L'importance de l'occupation des sols apparaît clairement. Les variables qui la caractérisent entrent systématiquement dans les relations établies pour prédéterminer les valeurs des paramètres des modèles, permettant d'améliorer très sensiblement la validité de ces relations et donc la qualité des résultats qui en découlent. Ces relations ont été validées et testées. Elles présentent un niveau d'adéquation satisfaisant entre hydrogrammes annuels observés et calculés.Servat E., Dezetter A. 1. - Evaluation des ressources en eau dans le Nord-Ouest de la Côte d’ivoire. Extension aux bassins versants non jaugés. In: L'avenir de l'eau. Quelques réponses des sciences hydrotechniques à une inquiétude mondiale. Vingt deuxièmes journées de l'hydraulique. Paris, 15-17 septembre 1992. Tome 3, 1992

    Sensitivity analysis of hydrological modelling to climate forcing in a semi-arid mountainous catchment.

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    International audienceThis study analyses the sensitivity of a hydrological model to different ways of interpolatingclimate forcing on the Elqui basin (5660 km2) in the Chilean Andes. A 36-year period (1976–2011) waschosen in order to account for the hydro-climatic variability. Precipitation and using the inverse distanceweighted methods were interpolated on a 5 × 5 km grid based on 12 and eight stations, respectively. Elevation effects on precipitation and temperature distribution were considered using a digital elevationmodel. Two precipitation datasets (with and without a mean altitudinal gradient) and three temperaturedatasets (using constant or monthly lapse rates based on altitudinal bands) were computed. All datasetcombinations were assessed through the calibration of the GR4j model including a snow reservoir.Calibration was performed by the succession of Rosenbrock and simplex algorithms using a multi-objectivefunction. Results show that the dataset based on a constant lapse rate of 6.5°C/km for temperature and noelevation effects for precipitation is sufficient to accurately simulate discharge and the snowmelt regime ofthe catchment over the last 30 years

    Rainfall-runoff modelling of water resources in the upper Senegal River basin

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    The streamflow series for the upstream basin of the Senegal River is marked by considerable gaps. The objective of this article is to simulate and extend hydrological data, using the GR2M rainfall-runoff model. A sensitivity analysis of the model to rainfall and water holding capacity input data was performed. This analysis was performed after calculating catchment rainfall, mean potential evapotranspiration, and maximum, minimum and mean water holding capacity. The best combination of input data was chosen by catchment based on the Nash-Sutcliffe criterion. Then cross calibration-validation tests were performed, using the selected input data to choose model parameter sets

    8. - Gestion des ressources en eau en milieu insulaire tropical. Le cas de la Guadeloupe

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    Given the growing complexity of water resource systems in Guadeloupe, particularly for irrigation, and the high space-time variability of rainfall, ORSTOM decided to propose the development of a decision support system in water resources management. One of the original features of the proposed software is its ability to interactively construct water systems, thereby allowing to envisage easily future scenarii. Based on the comparison between requirements and resources, this tool allows the hydrological simulation of the water system and provides a synthetic analysis of the results. Due to the choice of an object-oriented software construction, all extensions which are necessary to an effective water resources management can be considered.La complexité croissante des systèmes d’eau en Guadeloupe, notamment pour l'irrigation, et la forte variabilité spatio-temporelle des précipitations ont conduit l'ORSTOM à proposer l'élaboration d'un outil d'aide à la décision dans l'aménagement des eaux. Une des originalités du logiciel réside dans la construction interactive des systèmes permettant d’envisager facilement différents scénarios de développement. En se basant sur la confrontation des besoins et des ressources, l'outil permet de simuler le fonctionnement hydrologique des aménagements et de fournir des analyses synthétiques des résultats. Le choix de la conception et programmation par objets autorise toutes les extensions nécessaires pour envisager les multiples facettes d'une gestion rationnelle des ressources en eau.Pouget J. C., Dezetter A., Morell M. 8. - Gestion des ressources en eau en milieu insulaire tropical. Le cas de la Guadeloupe. In: L'avenir de l'eau. Quelques réponses des sciences hydrotechniques à une inquiétude mondiale. Vingt deuxièmes journées de l'hydraulique. Paris, 15-17 septembre 1992. Tome 3, 1992