133 research outputs found

    Differences in the Rearing System Toward Bali Cattle Gastrointestinal Helminths Infestation in Prafi District, Manokwari Regency, West Papua Province, Indonesia

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    Helminthic disease is a disease that attacks cattle at various ages. The cattlerearing influence the development of parasitic disease agents. The objective of this study was carried out to determine the extent to which level of parasites infestation towards different cattle rearing system through examination of cattle feces. Coprological techniques, simple flotation, and simple sedimentation were used to detect gastrointestinal helminths in Bali cattle. A total of 369 rectal fecal samples were collected from Bali cattle on semi-intensively reared, and non-intensively reared in Prafi District, Manokwari Regency, West Papua Province, Indonesia. Fecal samples were used for qualitative and quantitative coprological examination. Eggs worms were identified based on morphology. Meanwhile, the relationship between rearing system to the prevalence of helminthic diseases was analyzed by Chi-square test. Descriptive analyses results showed that the overall prevalence was 57.45 % of gastrointestinal (GI) helminths and the prevalent helminthes eggs identified were Strongyle (22.22 %),Strongyloides (0.81 %), Fasciola (34.96 %), Paramphistomum (10.03 %), Toxocara (5.96 %), Trichuris (2.44 %), and Moniezia (0.81 %). The result showed that there was no association (P < 0.05) between rearing system and the prevalence of gastrointestinal helminth infestation. Keywords: Bali cattle, Gastrointestinal helminths, Manokwari Regency, Prevalence, Rearing syste

    Impact of Conventional Cattle Farming Systems on Farmer Awareness, Livestock Output and Household Income

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    Cattle was introduced in Papua a long time ago. However, it was unpredictable to adapt to raise cattle.An explorative field study was performed in fifteen villages using participatory research to betterunderstand the dynamics of cattle performances. Cattle farming system has been categorized in threetypes, i.e. small- and medium-sized systems. They used ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis to analyze data. Thefinding of this research was that the three sizes of cattle farming in many components of good farmingpractices were similar (p>0.05). No large gap was found along the lines of farmers, cattle, and economicperformance. West New Guinea’s Tropical Livestock Unit was low and has the potential to increase dueto agribusiness potential. Better government services and other related stakeholders should narrow thelack of good agricultural practices

    Tingkat Kepuasan Pengunjung Objek Wisata Sea World Indonesia

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    The existence of a tour object is affected by the amount of the incoming visitor. Sea World Indonesia as one of the wisata aquatik objects in Indonesia also has to be able to see visitors as a detennining factor and as a main priority. It means without the visitors, the existence of the tour object means nothing. Therefore the best service and the adequate medium in enjoying Sea World Indonesia deserve an attention from the company it self. This research is aimed to identify any kinds of attribute that satisfied the visitors, how big is the satisfaction level of the visitors and the priorities that must be conducted by the company. The research method used in this research is a case study with the visitors of Sea World of Indonesia as the set of the case and, the visitor´s satisfaction level Sea World Indonesia as the object researched. The validity test and reliabilities test is done to see the validity and the reliability of the questioner as a main instrument of a data intake. Data analyze method used is Descriptive Analysis, Cochran Q Test Analysis, Importance and Pelformance Analysis. Result of the research showed that there are fourteen attributes that is capable to give satisfaction to the visitors which is; the diversity of the sea aquarium attritiute, the diversity of the freshwater aquarium, the main aquarium, the dugong aquarium, the touch pool, the nameplate of each species, the incoming ticket price, the sanitation of the location, the freshness of the location, the security of the location, the security officer, the toilet, the parking area and the access to the location, The incoming ticket price attribute, the divefsity of the freshwater aquarium and the parking area gives a low satisfaction. The attribute of sea aquarium diversity, the main aquarium, the species nameplate, the freshness of the location, the toilet and the access to the location showed medium satisfaction level The dugong aquarium attribute, the touch pool, the sanitation of the location, the security of the location and the security officer have given high satisfaction for the visitors of Sea World Indonesia

    The Quality Of Life Of Toddler Post Colostomy In Bandung

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    Congenital abnormalities in children are still quite high in Indonesia such as hirschsprung disease and anorectal malformations which require the fabrication of colostomy as bowel decompression and faecal expenditure alternatives. Stoma fabrication can have a physical or psychosocial impact on a child's life. This study aimed to determine the perception of parents on the quality of life in toddler-aged children with post colostomy. The method of this research was quantitative descriptive with 35 respondents obtained by consecutive sampling technique. The participants involved in this study were the parents of toddler-aged children who had experienced colostomy surgery. The data were collected using a Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (Peds QL) questionnaire. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics. The results showed that 19 people (54.28%) of toddler-aged children who had experienced colostomy surgery had poor quality of life with the lowest score on cognitive function. The conclusions of this study indicated that most of parents perceived the quality of life of toddler-aged children who had experinced colostomy surgery in the bad category. The poor quality of life can affect the child growth. One of the efforts to improve the quality of life of children is by providing psychological therapy to help children deal with negative emotions and providing psychoeducation to parents about the importance of providing stimulus in toddler-aged childern so that children can have a better quality of life

    Tingkat Kepuasan Pelanggan terhadap Mutu Pelayanan Rumah Makan Pemancingan Lumintu 1001

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    Competition in business of fishing restaurant is highly increasing. In this situation, customer have more better bargaining position. This condition give them opportunity to choose the best one fishing restaurant that give them satisfaction. Therefore, satisfied the customer is the best way to be the winner in the fishing restaurant business competition. This research is aimed to identify attributes of Lumintu 1001 quality of service that influenced the customer satisfaction, to identify the level of customer satisfaction toward attributes of Lumintu 1001 quality of service, to get the information of the priority attributes to improve. Result of the research showed 16 attributes quality of service in Lumintu 1001 fishing restaurant. There were sanitary kit, waiter appearance, room layout, room neatness, tasted of food and beverage, atmospheriC of fishing restaurant, suitability of food and beverage, fishing facility, quickness of service, waiter response to the problems, convenience toward payment, friendly of service, availability of foood and beverage written in the list of menu, security of availability of food and beverage, staff skill and knowledge to explain of menu, waiter availability to communication to the customer. Customer assessed attributes of quality of service based on the level of importance and satisfaction each attributes. Customer Satisfaction index showed that quality of service in Lumintu 1001 fishing restaurant gave the satisfaction to the customer. The range of satisfaction is between satisfaction enough to satisfaction. Attributes of quality of service that give priority to improve are quickness of service and room neatness

    Pengelompokan Pasien Demam Berdarah RSUD Dr. Soehadi Prijonegoro Dengan Metode Analisis Kelas Laten

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    The degree of disease dengue patients in early at the hospital is latent or unknown directly. Therefore it needs an indicator variables such as the examination of hematocrit, leukocytes and platelets to classify patients with dengue fever into classes according to the degree of disease. In this study, the method used to classify patients with dengue fever is a latent class analysis method. The purpose of this study is to establish a latent class model and describes profile of the class on cases of grouping dengue fever patients in dr. Soehadi Prijonegoro Sragen. The results from latent class analysis showed that the latent class model formed is two latent class model. There are two classes formed is class 0 for disease dengue infection with danger signs have criteria a normal hematocrit, abnormal leukocyte and platelet abnormal and class 1 for disease dengue infection without signs of danger have criteria a normal hematocrit, normal leukocytes and normal platelets

    Studi Komparasi Pembelajaran Think Pair Share (Tps) Dilengkapi Dengan Media Key Relation-chart (Kr-chart) Dan Lks Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Siswa Pada Materi Termokimia Kelas XI Semester Ganjil SMA N 1 Sukoharjo Tahun Ajaran 2013/2014

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah prestasi belajar siswa di kelas yang menerapkan pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Think Pair Share (TPS) dilengkapi dengan penggunaan Key Relation-Chart lebih baik dari pada kelas yang menerapkan pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Think Pair Share (TPS) yang dilengkapi dengan penggunaan LKS dalam pembelajaran kimia materi termokimia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen, sampel terdiri dari 2 kelas, data prestasi kognitif menggunakan tes, prestasi afektif menggunakan angket, uji hipotesis menggunakan uji t-pihak kanan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan metode pembelajaran Think Pair Share (TPS) dengan media Key Relation-Chart memberikan hasil belajar yang lebih baik dibandingkan penggunaan metode pembelajaran Think Pair Share (TPS) dengan Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) baik kognitif maupun afektif pada materi pokok Termokimia. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan hasil perhitungan menggunakan uji t-pihak kanan dengan taraf signifikan 5%. Dimana hasil uji t-pihak kanan untuk prestasi belajar kognitif dan afektif masing-masing diperoleh thitung = 1,806 > ttabel = 1,671 dan thitung = 1,792 > ttabel = 1,671

    Produksi dan Pemanfaatan Arang dan Cuka Kayu dari Serbuk Gergaji Kayu Campuran

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    Penelitian produksi terpadu arang dan cuka kayu menggunakan serbuk gergaji kayu campuran asal hutan alam dan hutan tanaman dilakukan pada tungku sakuraba dan tungku blower. Arang serbuk dimanfaatkan untuk bahan baku produksi arang aktif dan cuka kayunya untuk budidaya tanaman padi. Hasilnya sebagai berikut ;Produksi terpadu arang dan cuka kayu 'crude'dari serbuk gergaji kayu campuran hutan alam dan hutan tanaman pada tungku sakuraba masing-masing 292,68 kg/ton dan 232,24 kg/ton dan pada tungku blower 344,76 kg/ton dan 323,07 kg/ton. Rendemen arang dan cuka kayu ke dua jenis serbuk gergaji relatif sama pada masing-masing tungku yaitu 20,6 dan 14,6% (sakuraba), 19,3% dan 22% (blower). Rendemen terpadunya pada tungku sakuraba 35,2% menunjukkan angka lebih rendah dari blower 41,3%. Oleh karena itu produksi terpadu pada tungku blower lebih baik dari sakuraba.Sifat arang dari tungku blower lebih baik dari sakuraba ditunjukan oleh kadar abu (2,2%) dan kadar zar mudah terbang (11,9%) yang lebih rendah, dan kadar karbon tertambat (86,7%) yang lebih tinggi. Cuka kayu 'crude' dari ke dua serbuk gergaji mengandung jenis komponen kimia yang sama pada kadar yang bervariasi, terdiri dari asam asetat, metanol, fenol, asetol, orto kreosol, para kreosol, furfural, alfa metil guaiakol, sikloheksana.Produksi arang aktif memenuhi SNI pada parameter daya serap iod (857,7 mg/g) diperoleh dari perlakuan aktifasi perendaman asam fosfat 20% dan uap air pada suhu 695OC dan aktifasi dengan uap panas tanpa asam fosfat pada suhu 605OC (789,7 mg/). Produksi arang aktif dengan mutu baik ini diperoleh setelah tungku aktifasi diredam emisi panasnya dengan gelas wol. Pemanfaatan cuka kayu distilasi 2,5% pada tanaman padi jenis ciherang dengan perlakuan penambahan pupuk NPK dapat menggantikan penggunaan bahan organik 2,5% dengan hasil gabah kering giling yang sama yaitu 5,75 ton/ha. Perlakuan tanpa pupuk NPK menghasilkan gabah kering giling paling tinggi pada cuka kayu yaitu 4,41 ton/ha, bahan organik 4,10 ton /ha dan kontrol 3,21 ton/ha. Penggunaan cuka kayu distilat 2,5% ini memberi petunjuk terhadap fungsinya sebagai pupuk dan merespon pertumbahan padi yang lebih baik
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