262 research outputs found

    Molecular genetic characteristics of gastric cancers from the surgeon’s point of view

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    Dubinina V. G., Mashukov A. A., Lukyanchuk O. V., Bilenko A. A., Zgura A. N., Raciborsky D. V., Lee S. N. Molecular genetic characteristics of gastric cancers from the surgeon’s point of view. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(11):592-621. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.200394 http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/4063 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 755 (23.12.2015). 755 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7 © The Author (s) 2016; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 02.11.2016. Revised 22.11.2016. Accepted: 30.11.2016. MOLECULAR GENETIC CHARACTERISTICS OF GASTRIC CANCERS FROM THE SURGEON’S POINT OF VIEW V. G. Dubinina1, A. A. Mashukov2, O. V. Lukyanchuk2, A. A. Bilenko1, A. N. Zgura2, D. V. Raciborsky2, S. N. Lee2 1Odessa National Medical university 2Odessa Regional Oncology center Summary A study on the expression of oncoproteins in stomach` carcinomas, has been turned into a real research basically due to the abundance of results and their comprehensive interpretations. The study carried out on the abdominal onco-surgical department of Odessa Regional Oncology Center, included a study of 188 patients operated on for gastric cancer (GC) between 2007-2011. In all cases was performed the so-called lymphadenectomy for the principal reason of extensive preventive biopsy of visually unchanged lymph nodes. We spend a multivariate analysis of interactions between the expression of oncoproteins p53, VEGFR-3, erbB2, Ki67 and micro involvement of tumor vasculature (ly, v), the local growth (T), the presence of residual tumor tissue (the R), the degree of tumor differentiation (the G) the degree of regional lymph nodes involvement (N) and type of infiltration (Inf α, β, Inf Υ). Keywords: Stomach cancer, Immunohistochemistry and Oncoproteins

    Some novel ways of gastric cancer patients treatment personification

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    In this paper the authors perform the analysis of molecular and morphological factors influencing the survival of patients with gastric cancer (n = 221). They analyzed the survival rate in this group of patients based on the analysis of molecular markers VEGFR, p53, Her2, Ki-67. Measured role in the survival such factors as the degree of differentiation of primary gastric tumors, the presence of microscopic tumor involvement of perineural and perivascular spaces, the degree of invasion to gastric wall by T1 = 1 and to T4a = 4, T4b = 5, number of regional lymph nodes affected by metastasis, and other factors. As an arbitrator used survival curves calculated by the method of R. J. Cox, time of lifespan, measured in months, as well as a comparison of the areas under the curves of survival

    Analysis of survival after radical surgery for stomach cancer in odessa regional cancer center

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    The survival of patients with the locally advanced stage of stomach cancer (SC), who underwent various variants of preventive lymphatic nodes dissection, was considered. The survival of patients was compared with the stage and T, N indexes. Lymphadenectomy D2 were effective and increased cumulative survival in patient`s group T4aNoMo, stage IIB and T4aN1Mo, stage III A, and in groups of patients where D2 lymphadenectomy were ineffective - T4bNoMo, stage ІІІB, T4bN1Мo, stage ІІІB and T4aN2Мo, stage IIIB. D2 were more efficient operation in the case of tumor serosa invasion and invasion to the peritoneal cavity (SE) in the absence of multiple metastases to the regional lymph nodes (N1 according to the 7th revision of the classification - 1-2 metastatic lymph nodes), and when the tumor infiltrated the surrounding organs (SI) and the presence of multiple regional metastases, D2 lymphodissection did not gave positive results, comparising with D1

    Применение β-функции в фитоиндикации для учета асимметрии кривых отклика видов растений

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    В работе предложен подход для фитоиндикационной оценки экологических факторов на основе диапазональных шкал с учетом значений кардинальных точек и вероятной асимметрии кривых отклика видов растений. Экологические факторы моделируются фитоиндикационными шкалами, диапазон варьирования которых ограничен. В центральной части диапазона фактора кривая отклика вида имеет форму, которую можно надежно аппроксимировать нормальным законом Гаусса. Это позволяет полностью обосновано с помощью кардинальных точек, которые непосредственно обозначаются индикаторными значениями вида, вычислять оценки экологического оптимума вида. Усредненные значения оценок экологических оптимумов видов сообщества, взвешенных с учетом их проективного покрытия, дают фитоиндикационную оценку экологического фактора. При приближении к маргинальным позициям градиента происходит увеличение асимметричности распределения видов. Такое явление наблюдается при исследовании реальных градиентов. Эти явления также являются следствием математических свойств экологических шкал. Для моделирования кривых отклика распределения видов в качестве альтернативы симметричной гауссовой модели применяется β-функция. Эта функция может моделировать как симметричные, так и асимметричные распределения. Так как фитоиндикация выполняет обратную задачу в сравнении с моделированием кривых отклика, то вполне уместно β-функцию также применить для решения задач фитоиндикации. Применение β-функции позволило оценить зону оптимума вида на основе его кардинальных точек с учетом вероятной асимметрии распределения кривой отклика вида. Также моделирование кривой распределения вида дает возможность сузить диапазон возможных значений экологического фактора, в условиях которого вид может демонстрировать наблюдаемое обилие в сообществе. Соответственно, это увеличивает информационную ценность видов в сообществе и таким образом позволяет достичь большей надежности фитоиндикационных оценок

    Impact of sex on the adaptation of adult mice to long consumption of sweet-fat diet

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    In rodents, the most adequate model of human diet-induced obesity is obesity caused by the consumption of a sweet-fat diet (SFD), which causes more pronounced adiposity in females than in males. The aim of this work was to determine the sex-associated effect of SFD on the expression of genes related to carbohydrate-lipid metabolism in adult mice. For 10 weeks, male and female С57Bl mice were fed a standard laboratory chow (Control group) or a diet, which consisted of laboratory chow supplemented with sweet cookies, sunflower seeds and lard (SFD group). Weights of body, liver and fat depots, blood concentrations of hormones and metabolites, liver fat, and mRNA levels of genes involved in regulation of energy metabolism in the liver, perigonadal and subcutaneous white adipose tissue (pgWAT, scWAT) and brown adipose tissue (BAT) were measured. SFD increased body weight and insulin resistance in mice of both sexes. Female mice that consumed SFD (SFD females) had a greater increase in adiposity than SFD males. SFD females showed a decreased expression of genes related to lipogenesis (Lpl) and glucose metabolism (G6pc, Pklr) in liver, as well as lipogenesis (Lpl, Slca4) and lipolysis (Lipe) in pgWAT, suggesting reduced energy expenditure. In contrast, SFD males showed increased lean mass gain, plasma insulin and FGF21 levels, expressions of Cpt1α gene in pgWAT and scWAT and Pklr gene in liver, suggesting enhanced lipid and glucose oxidation in these organs. Thus, in mice, there are sex-dependent differences in adaptation to SFD at the transcriptional level, which can help to explain higher adiposity in females under SFD consumtion

    Evaluation advanced lymph node dissection impact on long-term survival rate of gastric cancer patients. Journal of Education

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    Over a period of 2007-2011 188 stomach cancer (SC) patients have been included in the research in abdominal oncosurgical department of Odessa regional oncological dispensary. It was retrospective, one-center, nonrandomized research. Volume of lymph node dissections differed by quantity of lymph nodes to be removed. All patients were divided into three groups. Patients with D1 or D1+ lymph node dissections have been performed, totally 90 patients are included in group of historical control. The main group includes 33 patients to whom D3 lymph node dissections is executed and, finally, control group – 65 patients dissected up to the D2 volume. In all cases so-called lymph node dissections for principal reasons have been executed. The multifactorial analysis of patients survival is implemented depending on a type of a lymph node dissections, a stage of the cancer, number of involved lymph nodes, involvement of the tumoral microcirculatory net (ly is carried out, v) signs of a perinevral invasion (Nev), availability of residual tumoral tissue (R), degree of a differentiation (G). Regardless of a disease stage, SC at 60% of patients, represented with initially hematologicaly disseminated disease. 40% of SC`s had no signs of intratumoral microcirculatory net involvement even in case of more than 15 regional lymph nodes are involved. In the absence of a SC perinevral invasion appeared to be the most precise predictive marker. The conclusion is made some brand new additional53 prognostic factors could play a crucial role in more accurate patients selection for expanded lymph node dissections

    Novel data according Will Roger`s phenomenon in stomach cancer patients

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    Mostly Will Roger`s phenomenon means existence of so-called "jumping" or "jumping over the stages" regional metastases in the stomach cancer patients. N1 in the 6th edition means 16 regional lymph nodes involvement, while the N1 seventh edition – only 1-2 of regional lymph nodes involvement. This means that T1N1Mo \ 6th and T1N1Mo \ 7th - not quite the same, and the survival of the two groups will be different. The study, made on the abdominal oncosurgical department of Odessa Regional Oncology Center, included 188 patients operated for gastric cancer in the period 2007-2011. The study included only radically treated patients. Comparison of survival in patients with gastric cancer between 6th revision groups of 7th has been reviewed. The classification mission is to provide differences in the survival rates between the groups. Regression multivariate Cox analysis showed that 7th UICC classification showed different capability of stratifying survival groups of UICC N classification (P \ 0.01)

    Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system in ISIAH rats with stressinduced arterial hypertension

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    Because the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) has a wide range of opportunities in the regulation of fluid and electrolyte balance and arterial pressure, it is currently hypothesized that alterations in systemic circulating or local tissue RAS are some of the most important pathogenetic factors in the development of essential hypertension. The aim of the study was to investigate circulating and local tissue RAS activities in ISIAH rats with stress-induced arterial hypertension. We estimated the serum levels of renin, the angiotensin-converting enzyme, angiotensin II and aldosterone by an enzymelinked immunosorbent assay, and mRNA expression of RAS genes in kidney, adrenals and brain tissues was measured by the real-time polymerase chain reaction. The mRNA expression of the renin gene (Ren) in the ISIAH rats was significantly decreased as compared to the normotensive WAG rats, but plasma renin concentrations had no difference. At the same time, the serum levels of angiotensin II and aldosterone in the ISIAH rats were enhanced, which suggests the existence of an ectopic site of angiotensin synthesis. Expression of RAS genes in the adrenals of hypertensive rats was unchanged. By contrast, a significant increase of RAS genes expression was found in the brain tissues. The mRNA of the Ren gene was increased in the hypothalamus, and the mRNA of Ace gene was increased in the brain stem of the ISIAH rats. This may be indicative of a local increase of RAS activity in the brain tissues of ISIAH rats. Nevertheless, the results of the study define ISIAH rat strain as a model of human low-renin hypertension