19 research outputs found

    Measurement of nitric oxide in exhaled air in primary school children in Ružomberok.

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    Nowadays, there are a number of respiratory illnesses that directly affect children. Exhaled nitric oxide measurement (FeNO) is one of the modern methods of investigation used for diagnosing and controlling allergic eosinophilic airway inflammation. It is a simple, painless and time-saving method for the patient. Because of its non-invasiveness and simplicity, it is a valuable diagnostic method, especially in younger children. Measurement of FeNO is a recognized biomarker and an accurate quantitative indicator in the detection, assessment and monitoring of airway inflammation, including asthma. However, only a few studies assess the relationship between FeNO and level of air pollution. The aim of our study is to determine the relationship between FeNO in third-grade students of primary schools and the level of air pollution in Ruzomberok. 146 children aged 8-10 years were included in the research. This is the first stage of a wider research project involving FeNO measurements in children at different times of the year. The goal of the research is to determine the concentration of FeNO in the studied group of children in the autumn when air pollution is lower than in second stage which is observed in winter. The study showed elevated values of FeNO>20 ppb in 11% of the tested children and correct values <20 ppb in 89% of them. Level of average air pollution in survey days for PM10 ranged from 23 to 40 μg/m3 and for NO2 – from 28 to 44 μg/m3. The study shows that the significant majority of children have normal levels of nitric oxide in the exhaled air when air pollution is low. Analysis of the second phase of FeNO measurements in winter, when air pollution was higher, will allow to compare the results and assess the correlation between the FeNO value and air pollution

    Datos en tiempos de pandemia: la urgencia de un nuevo pacto. Reflexiones desde América Latina y el Caribe

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    Los avances de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) permiten acceder en tiempo real a una cantidad ingente de datos, a través de los cuales es posible conocer el comportamiento de hechos sociales. En este escenario, la actual pandemia por SARS-CoV-2 ha permitido, bajo cuestionables criterios de inmediatez y urgencia, circular información que genera realidad e impacta en la toma de decisiones; y, además, ha favorecido la apropiación del dato, exponiendo a las personas a violaciones de sus derechos fundamentales. Ambos asuntos son sensibles para América Latina y el Caribe, región que hoy se presenta no sólo como el epicentro de la pandemia sino también de las desigualdades. La contribución que desde la reflexión y deliberación bioética puede realizarse en esta materia, adquiere especial relevancia con vistas a generar un nuevo pacto para el tratamiento de los datos.

    Histofluorescent and ultrastructural demonstration of biogenic amines in daughter sporocyst of

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    The aminergic neurons in D. pseudospathaceum daughter sporocysts were studied by fluorescence histochemistry and electron microscopy. Green fluorescence showing the presence of catecholamines was present in the central and peripheral nervous systems. Ultrastructurally different types of vesicles were identified on the basis of their size and morphology. Their possible function was discussed