157 research outputs found

    Application of Biotests for the Determination of Soil Ecotoxicity after Exposure to Biodegradable Plastics

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    Biodegradable plastics are mostly applied in packaging materials (e.g., shopping bags), waste collection bags, catering products, and agricultural applications. In this last case, degradation takes place directly in soil where biodegradable plastic products are intentionally left after use (e.g., mulch films for weeds control). Due to the growing volumes of biodegradable polymers and plastics, interest in their environmental safety is increasing and more research is carried out. Some attempt has been made to apply biotests, used in other sectors of environmental sciences, in the assessment of biodegradable plastics safety. In this work, the quality of soils after biodegradation of the bioplastics Mater-Bi has been assessed with a large array of biotests based on model organisms representative of the different trophic levels in the food chains of the edaphic and aquatic ecosystems. Mater-Bi was degraded under controlled conditions for 6 months at a 1% concentration. The selected organisms included bacteria and protozoa (Vibrio fischeri and Dictyostelium discoideum, respectively), the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata, plants (the monocotyledon Sorghum saccharatum and the dicotyledon Lepidium sativum), and invertebrates animals (Daphnia magna, a freshwater crustacean, and the Oligochaeta earthworm Eisenia andrei), using both acute and chronic endpoints. The results of the applied ecotoxicological tests showed that the Mater-Bi materials tested at very high doses did not affect the soil quality. Soil exposed to Mater-Bi has no noxious effects on edaphic organisms; in particular, mono and dicotyledon plants results, indicate that Mater-Bi plastic products are innocuous for agricultural uses. The use of more sensitive chronic endpoints allows to exclude possible effects at population level. This is the first time that such a comprehensive approach is applied to the assessment of possible ecotoxicity effects induced by biodegradable plastics in soil and represents a possible starting point for improved standardized testing schemes

    Reaching truckers in Brazil with non-stigmatizing and effective HIV/STI services

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    Research with mobile populations has demonstrated that men in the mobile workforce tend to be exposed to greater HIV risk, and have higher sexually transmitted infection (STI) and HIV prevalence, than those in less mobile or non-mobile professions. At the request of the Brazilian Ministry of Health and with support from USAID/Brazil, the Population Council conducted an assessment in Brazilian border areas to determine which populations were most in need of HIV prevention activities. The research revealed the presence of an extremely mobile, international truck driver community with little to no access to HIV prevention, testing, and treatment services. The intervention strategy of placing a health unit inside the customs station and offering HIV/STI-related services with other services to meet the general health needs of truckers was successful for reaching truckers, was acceptable and well received, and promoted some important HIV-related behavior change

    The Resolved Asteroid Program - Size, shape, and pole of (52) Europa

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    With the adaptive optics (AO) system on the 10 m Keck-II telescope, we acquired a high quality set of 84 images at 14 epochs of asteroid (52) Europa on 2005 January 20. The epochs covered its rotation period and, by following its changing shape and orientation on the plane of sky, we obtained its triaxial ellipsoid dimensions and spin pole location. An independent determination from images at three epochs obtained in 2007 is in good agreement with these results. By combining these two data sets, along with a single epoch data set obtained in 2003, we have derived a global fit for (52) Europa of diameters (379x330x249) +/- (16x8x10) km, yielding a volume-equivalent spherical-diameter of 315 +/- 7 km, and a rotational pole within 7 deg of [RA; Dec] = [257,+12] in an Equatorial J2000 reference frame (ECJ2000: 255,+35). Using the average of all mass determinations available forEuropa, we derive a density of 1.5 +/- 0.4, typical of C-type asteroids. Comparing our images with the shape model of Michalowski et al. (A&A 416, 2004), derived from optical lightcurves, illustrates excellent agreement, although several edge features visible in the images are not rendered by the model. We therefore derived a complete 3-D description of Europa's shape using the KOALA algorithm by combining our imaging epochs with 4 stellar occultations and 49 lightcurves. We use this 3-D shape model to assess these departures from ellipsoidal shape. Flat facets (possible giant craters) appear to be less distinct on (52) Europa than on other C-types that have been imaged in detail. We show that fewer giant craters, or smaller craters, is consistent with its expected impact history. Overall, asteroid (52) Europa is still well modeled as a smooth triaxial ellipsoid with dimensions constrained by observations obtained over several apparitions.Comment: Accepted for publication in Icaru

    Reaching truckers in Brazil with non-stigmatizing and effective HIV/STI services

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    A study conducted by the Population Council in 2001 found that truckers crossing Brazil’s southern border had easy access to commercial sex and extremely limited access to health services, condoms, HIV testing and counseling, and HIV/STI prevention messages. In response, the Population Council’s Horizons Program conducted an intervention study from 2002 to 2005. The study examined the feasibility, acceptability, and impact of providing a range of health services to truckers at a health post inside a customs station, where truckers wait anywhere from one day to a week for documents and cargo to clear customs. As noted in this brief, truckers responded positively to HIV-related services offered together with other health services, such as blood pressure and glucose screening. Truckers passing through the intervention site reported greater uptake of HIV counseling and testing, as well as increased condom use and partner communication compared to truckers surveyed at the comparison site. These data suggest that the strategy was successful in reducing HIV risk among truckers

    Postępowanie w niewydolności serca u osób starszych

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    Wstęp: Celem pracy był przegląd aktualnie dostêpnej wiedzy dotyczącej objawów oraz cech klinicznych i postêpowania w niewydolności serca (HF) u osób starszych. Metody: Autorzy dokładnie przeszukali kilka źródeł informacji opartych na dowodach naukowych, obejmujących Cochrane Database of Systemic Reviews, Clinical Evidence, wytyczne oparte na dowodach naukowych z National Guidelines Clearinghouse, zaś w bazie MEDLINE sprawdzili takie terminy, jak "niewydolność serca", "osoby starsze" oraz "postępowanie". Wyniki: Różne cechy związane z procesem starzenia mogą predysponowaæ osoby starsze do HF i upośledzać ich zdolność do reakcji na uszkodzenie. Inną cechą charakterystyczną u starszych pacjentów jest rosnąca częstość występowania wielu towarzyszących chorób przewlekłych i zespołów geriatrycznych, które mogą wikłać obraz kliniczny i rozwój HF. Kryteria diagnostyczne nie zmieniają się u osób starszych, mimo że rozpoznanie może stanowić wyzwanie z powodu często atypowych objawów i manifestacji klinicznej, a choroby towarzyszące mogą naśladować lub wikłać obraz kliniczny. Farmakoterapia nie różni się znacząco od tej zalecanej u młodszych pacjentów i w dużym stopniu pozostaje empiryczna, ponieważ zwykle wyklucza się osoby starsze oraz osoby z chorobami współistniejącymi z prób klinicznych. Programy postępowania mogą potencjalnie przyczynią się do zmniejszenia chorobowości i śmiertelności pacjentów z HF. Wnioski: Niewydolność serca jest najczęstszą przyczyną hospitalizacji i rehospitalizacji osób starszych. Wykazuje ona szczególne cechy u starszych pacjentów i jest zwykle powikłana chorobami towarzyszącymi, stanowiąc na całym świecie ogromne obciążenie finansowe. Pomimo to osoby starsze zwykle wykluczano z prób klinicznych i dlatego postępowanie w dużym stopniu pozostaje empiryczne i oparte na dowodach naukowych dotyczących osób z młodszych grup wiekowych

    Connective tissue anomalies in patients with spontaneous cervical artery dissection.

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the prevalence of connective tissue abnormalities in patients with spontaneous cervical artery dissections (sCeAD). METHODS: We systematically assessed clinically detectable signs of connective tissue aberration in a series of consecutive patients with sCeAD and of age- and sex-matched patients with ischemic stroke unrelated to CeAD (non-CeAD IS) by a standard examination protocol including 68 items, and performed extensive molecular investigation for hereditary connective tissue disorders in all patients with sCeAD. RESULTS: The study group included 84 patients with sCeAD (mean age, 44.5 ± 7.8 years; 66.7% men) and 84 patients with non-CeAD IS. None of the patients with sCeAD met clinical or molecular diagnostic criteria for established hereditary connective tissue disorder. Connective tissue abnormalities were detected more frequently in the group of patients with sCeAD than in the group of those with non-CeAD IS (mean number of pathologic findings, 4.5 ± 3.5 vs 1.9 ± 2.3; p < 0.001). Eighty-one patients (96.4%) in the sCeAD group had at least one detectable sign compared with 55 patients (66.7%) in the group with non-CeAD IS (p < 0.001). Skeletal, ocular, and skin abnormalities, as well as craniofacial dysmorphisms, were the clinical signs more strongly associated with sCeAD. Signs suggesting connective tissue abnormality were also more frequently represented in patients with sCeAD than in patients with traumatic CeAD (28.6%, p < 0.001; mean number of pathologic findings, 1.7 ± 3.7, p = 0.045). CONCLUSIONS: Connective tissue abnormalities are frequent in patients with sCeAD. This reinforces the hypothesis that systemic aberrations of the connective tissue might be implicated in the pathogenesis of the disease

    Informes da avaliação de genótipos de girassol 2011/2012 e 2012.

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    Características gerais da Rede de Ensaios de Avaliação de Genótipos de Girassol. Resultados dos Ensaios Finais de Primeiro e Segundo Ano ? safra 2011/2012: Encruzilhada do Sul (RS), Vacaria (RS), Hulha Negra (RS), Caxias do Sul (RS), Londrina (PR), Curitiba (RS). Locais não considerados na análise conjunta. Análise conjunta. Resultados dos Ensaios Finais de Primeiro e Segundo Ano ? safra 2011/2012: Passo Fundo (RS), Rio Pardo (RS), São Gabriel (RS), Veranópolis (RS), Londrina (PR), Campo Mourão (PR), Umuarama (PR). Locais não considerados na análise conjunta . Análise conjunta. Resultados do Ensaios Finais de Segundo Ano ? safrinha 2012: Projeto Jaíba (MG), Planaltina (DF), Rio Verde (GO), Vilhena (RO) Ensaio A, Vilhena (RO) Ensaio B, Teresina (PI), Uruçuí (PI), São João do Piauí (PI), Mata Roma (MA), Colinas (MA). Locais não considerados na análise conjunta. Análise conjunta. Resultados dos Ensaios Finais de Primeiro Ano ? safrinha 2012: Nova Porteirinha (MG), Uberlândia (MG), Planaltina (DF), Palmas (TO), Vilhena (RO) Ensaio A, Vilhena (RO) Ensaio B, Vilhena (RO) Ensaio C. Locais não considerados na análise conjunta. Análise conjunta. Lista dos genótipos de girassol avaliados e registrados no Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento ? MAPA.bitstream/item/97782/1/Ana-Doc-340-baixa.pd

    Good prognosis for pericarditis with and without myocardial involvement: Results from a multicenter, prospective cohort study

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    Background The natural history of myopericarditis/perimyocarditis is poorly known, and recently published studies have presented contrasting data on their outcomes. The aim of the present article is to assess the prognosis of myopericarditis/perimyocarditis in a multicenter, prospective cohort study. Methods and Results A total of 486 patients (median age, 39 years; range, 18-83 years; 300 men) with acute pericarditis or a myopericardial inflammatory syndrome (myopericarditis/perimyocarditis; 85% idiopathic, 11% connective tissue disease or inflammatory bowel disease, 5% infective) were prospectively evaluated from January 2007 to December 2011. The diagnosis of acute pericarditis was based on the presence of 2 of 4 clinical criteria (chest pain, pericardial rubs, widespread ST-segment elevation or PR depression, and new or worsening pericardial effusion). Myopericardial inflammatory involvement was suspected with atypical ECG changes for pericarditis, arrhythmias, and cardiac troponin elevation or new or worsening ventricular dysfunction on echocardiography and confirmed by cardiac magnetic resonance. After a median follow-up of 36 months, normalization of left ventricular function was achieved in >90% of patients with myopericarditis/perimyocarditis. No deaths were recorded, as well as evolution to heart failure or symptomatic left ventricular dysfunction. Recurrences (mainly as recurrent pericarditis) were the most common complication during follow-up and were recorded more frequently in patients with acute pericarditis (32%) than in those with myopericarditis (11%) or perimyocarditis (12%; P<0.001). Troponin elevation was not associated with an increase in complications. Conclusions The outcome of myopericardial inflammatory syndromes is good. Unlike acute coronary syndromes, troponin elevation is not a negative prognostic marker in this setting