52 research outputs found

    Establishment of detailed reference values for luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, estradiol, and progesterone during different phases of the menstrual cycle on the Abbott ARCHITECTÂź analyzer

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    During a normal menstrual cycle, serum levels of luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), estradiol, and progesterone can vary widely between cycles for the same woman, as well as between different woman. Reliable reference values based on the local population are important for correct interpretation of laboratory results. The purpose of our study was to determine detailed reference values for these hormones throughout the menstrual cycle using the Abbott ARCHITECT system. From 20 volunteers (age 20-36years) with normal cycles and no use of oral contraceptives, samples were taken every day during their cycle. Volunteers received three vaginal ultrasound examinations (days 10 and 13, and 1 or 2days after ovulation) to measure follicular and corpus luteum development. Hormone levels were measured using the corresponding ARCHITECT assay and were synchronized to the LH peak. Median, and 5th and 95th percentile values were determined for each day of the cycle, as well as for early follicular (days −15 to −6), late follicular (days −5 to −1), LH peak (day 0), early luteal (+1 to +4), mid-luteal (days +5 to +9), and late luteal (days +10 to +14) phases of the cycle. Based on our data, we were able to establish detailed reference values for LH, FSH, estradiol, and progesterone, which should aid in the interpretation of results for these reproductive hormones in a variety of circumstances. Clin Chem Lab Med 2006;44:883-

    Clinico-pathological considerations in a 48-years-old female with acute kidney injury: is it lupus nephritis, ANCA-associated vasculitis or something else?

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    BACKGROUND: The value of ANCA positivity in the setting of systemic lupus erythematous and their pathogenicity remains uncertain. CASE PRESENTATION: We report the case of a 48-year-old female with rapidly progressive kidney failure, arthro-myalgia and weight loss. Auto-immune screening showed anti-dsDNA antibodies, complement consumption and triple ANCA positivity. A first kidney biopsy done at presentation highlighted class IV-G glomerulonephritis with elective extra-capillary involvement and mainly C1q glomerular deposition at immunofluorescence study. After three months of a regimen combining steroids and cyclophosphamide, a second biopsy was performed and showed class IV-G glomerulonephritis with mainly endocapillary proliferation. CONCLUSION: This case is atypical in view of immunological profile and kidney histopathological presentation and evolution and gives rise to discussion in view of recent data on ANCA value in lupus nephritis, and suggests that different auto-immune pathways may be involved in lupus nephritis

    Apport des tests de quantification de la libĂ©ration d’interfĂ©ron gamma par les lymphocytes T sensibilisĂ©s pour le diagnostic des infections tuberculeuses

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    RĂ©sumĂ©L’intradermorĂ©action cutanĂ©e Ă  la tuberculine, couramment utilisĂ©e depuis un siĂšcle pour le diagnostic d’infection tuberculeuse, prĂ©sente de nombreux inconvĂ©nients. De nouveaux tests diagnostiques ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©cemment introduits. Ils mesurent soit la production d’interfĂ©ron-Îł dans le sang total, soit le nombre de lymphocytes T producteurs d’interfĂ©ron-Îł aprĂšs stimulation in vitro par des protĂ©ines spĂ©cifiques de M. tuberculosis, absentes du BCG et de la plupart des mycobactĂ©ries atypiques. Le gain en spĂ©cificitĂ© permet de rĂ©duire les rĂ©sultats faux positifs chez les sujets vaccinĂ©s, Ă©vitant ainsi le coĂ»t de chimioprophylaxies inutiles et potentiellement toxiques. Le gain en sensibilitĂ©, identifiant les infections tuberculeuses latentes parmi les sujets ayant une IDR faussement nĂ©gative, permet d’accroĂźtre les performances diagnostiques dans les populations les plus Ă  risques de progresser vers la tuberculose maladie, Ă  savoir les patients immunodĂ©primĂ©s. L’évaluation de ces tests doit dĂ©sormais se focaliser sur certains points qui restent Ă  prĂ©ciser : leur sensibilitĂ© chez l’enfant et le sujet immunodĂ©primĂ©, leurs valeurs prĂ©dictives positive et nĂ©gative et l’interprĂ©tation de leur variation Ă©ventuelle au cours du temps, que les patients soient traitĂ©s ou non

    Apport diagnostique du dosage des chaßnes légÚres libres sériques d'immunoglobulines pour l'exploration des gammapathies monoconales

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    RĂ©sumĂ©Les gammapathies monoclonales sont d\u27occurrence non nĂ©gligeable (3,2 %) chez les sujets de plus de 50 ans. Pour environ la moitiĂ© d\u27entre elles, elles correspondent, lors de leur dĂ©couverte, Ă  une gammapathie monoclonale de signification indĂ©terminĂ©e (ou MGUS en anglais pour monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance). Un peu plus du tiers sont des hĂ©mopathies lymphoĂŻdes B avĂ©rĂ©es (myĂ©lome multiple, maladie de Waldenström, amylose) qui reprĂ©sentent le stade ultime de progression des MGUS avec une incidence annuelle de 1 %. L\u27exploration biologique immunologique validĂ©e Ă  ce jour repose sur une analyse conjointe du sĂ©rum et des urines par immunoĂ©lectrophorĂšse/immunofixation qui vise Ă  typer l\u27immunoglobuline monoclonale. Depuis 2001, un nouveau dosage est proposĂ© pour la prise en charge diagnostique de ces patients : la dĂ©termination nĂ©phĂ©lĂ©mĂ©trique ou turbidimĂ©trique des chaĂźnes lĂ©gĂšres libres (CLL) d\u27immunoglobulines kappa et lambda Ă  l\u27aide d\u27anti-sĂ©rums spĂ©cifiques avec dĂ©termination du rapport Îș/λ dont le dĂ©sĂ©quilibre peut ĂȘtre indicateur d\u27un excĂšs de production monoclonale. Cela reste cependant un dosage quantitatif qui ne peut faire la preuve d\u27une anomalie qualitative (monoclonalitĂ©). L\u27apport pour le diagnostic et pour le suivi de ce dosage doit tenir compte des propriĂ©tĂ©s de la rĂ©action antigĂšne/anticorps en milieu liquide (phĂ©nomĂšne de zone), du mĂ©tabolisme rĂ©nal des chaĂźnes lĂ©gĂšres avec ses consĂ©quences en cas d\u27insuffisance rĂ©nale et des interfĂ©rences possibles avec les chaĂźnes lĂ©gĂšres liĂ©es des immunoglobulines intactes. L\u27apport diagnostique du dosage des CLL est patent dans les situations cliniques oĂč l\u27absence de marqueur monoclonal peut ĂȘtre un handicap : myĂ©lome Ă  chaĂźne lĂ©gĂšre, myĂ©lome apparemment non sĂ©crĂ©tant, amylose et maladie de dĂ©pĂŽt des chaĂźnes d\u27immunoglobulines. Dans les autres situations (myĂ©lome Ă  immunoglobuline intacte, MGUS), l\u27apport du dosage des CLL comme marqueur diagnostique ou comme indicateur de pronostic ou de suivi thĂ©rapeutique n\u27est pas encore prouvĂ©. Son Ă©valuation nĂ©cessitera des Ă©tudes prospectives particuliĂšrement rigoureuses

    Comparaison et intĂ©rĂȘt des dosages des facteurs rhumatoĂŻdes, des anticorps anti-filaggrine (anti-kĂ©ratine) et des anticorps anti-peptides cycliques citrullinĂ©s dans la polyarthrite rhumatoĂŻde

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    Objectifs : Ă©tudier la sensibilitĂ© et la spĂ©cificitĂ© du dosage sĂ©rique des facteurs rhumatoĂŻdes (FR), des anticorps anti-peptides cycliques citrullinĂ©s (PCC) et des anticorps antikĂ©ratine (AKA) vis-Ă -vis de la polyarthrite rhumatoĂŻde (PR) ; les pathologies autres que la PR oĂč au moins un de ces marqueurs est positif ; la signification de la fluorescence floconneuse des anticorps AKA en immunofluorescence indirecte (IFI). MĂ©thode : deux cent quarante-huit patients ont Ă©tĂ© recrutĂ©s de maniĂšre rĂ©trospective : 121 PR, 89 rhumatismes inflammatoires, 23 rhumatismes non inflammatoires et 15 affections non rhumatismales. Les FR ont Ă©tĂ© recherchĂ©s par nĂ©phĂ©lĂ©mĂ©trie, les anti-PCC par immunofluoromĂ©trie et les AKA par IFI sur Ɠsophage de rat. RĂ©sultats : les spĂ©cificitĂ©s et sensibilitĂ©s Ă©taient respectivement : 68 % et 83 % pour le FR, 95 % et 76 % pour les anti-PCC, 83 % et 40 % pour les AKA dans les PR d’évolution de moins d’un an. Les taux de concordances suivants ont Ă©tĂ© observĂ©s : FR versus PCC : 81 %, FR versus AKA : 57 %, PCC versus AKA : 73 %. Douze patients ayant une pathologie diffĂ©rente de la PR ont des anti-PCC ou des AKA positifs. Trente-trois pour cent des patients avec des anti-PCC supĂ©rieurs Ă  130 U/mL avaient des AKA floconneux contre seulement 5 % quand les anti-PCC sont infĂ©rieurs Ă  130 U/mL. Conclusion : les recherches des FR et des anti-PCC sont complĂ©mentaires dans la PR. D’autres pathologies auto-immunes et nĂ©oplasiques peuvent parfois ĂȘtre responsables de la positivitĂ© des anti-PCC et des AKA. L’aspect floconneux des AKA en IFI peut ĂȘtre associĂ© Ă  des concentrations Ă©levĂ©es en anti-PCC

    Increased cerebral blood flow velocities assessed by transcranial Doppler examination is associated with complement activation after cardiopulmonary bypass

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    The role of complement activation on the cerebral vasculature after cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) is unclear. The goal of the study was to assess whether heparin-coated CPB reduces complement activation, and influences cerebral blood flow velocities (CBFV). Twenty-four patients undergoing coronary surgery were randomly allocated to non-coated (NC-group) or heparin-coated (HC-group) CPB. Complement activation was assessed by measuring sC5b-9. Transcranial Doppler (TCD) was performed on middle cerebral arteries before and after CPB. Systolic (SV), diastolic (DV) and mean (MV) CBFV were measured. Significant increase of sC5b-9 (p=0.003) was observed in the NC-group and CBFV increased after CPB (SV by 27%, p=0.05; DV by 40%, p=0.06; MV by 33%, p=0.04) whereas no changes were detected in the HC-group. TCD values were higher in the NC-group than in the HC-group (SV, p=0.04; DV, p=0.03; MV, p=0.03) although cardiac index, systemic vascular resistance, haematocrit and pCO2 were similar. Postoperative SV, DV and MV were significantly correlated with sC5b-9 (r=0.583, p=0.009; r=0.581, p=0.009; r=0.598, p=0.007, respectively). Increased CBFV after CPB are correlated to the level of complement activation and may be controlled by heparin-coated circuits

    CCR7 is involved in the migration of neutrophils to lymph nodes

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    Increasing evidence suggests that neutrophils may participate in the regulation of adaptive immune responses, and can reach draining lymph nodes and cross-prime naive T cells. The aim of this study was to identify the mechanism(s) involved in the migration of neutrophils to the draining lymph nodes. We demonstrate that a subpopulation of human and mouse neutrophils express CCR7. CCR7 is rapidly expressed at the membrane upon stimulation. In vitro, stimulated human neutrophils migrate in response to the CCR7 ligands CCL19 and CCL21. In vivo, injection of complete Freund adjuvant induces a rapid recruitment of neutrophils to the lymph nodes in wild-type mice but not in Ccr7−/− mice. Moreover, intradermally injected interleukin-17–and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor–stimulated neutrophils from wild-type mice, but not from Ccr7−/− mice, migrate to the draining lymph nodes. These results identify CCR7 as a chemokine receptor involved in the migration of neutrophils to the lymph nodes

    Hypogammaglobulinemia and risk of severe infection in kidney transplant recipients

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    Background Recent data have outlined a link between hypogammaglobulinemia (HGG) and infection risk and suggested that HGG correction may decrease post‐transplant infections. Methods We analyzed the risk factors of HGG and the relationship between HGG and the risk of severe infection in a cohort of 318 kidney transplant recipients (KTR) who were transplanted between 2003 and 2013. Immunoglobulin (Ig) concentration was measured prospectively at day 15 (D15), month 6 (M6), month 12 (M12), and month 24 (M24) post transplant. Results The prevalence of IgG HGG was 56% and 36.8% at D15 and M6, respectively. Age was the sole identified risk factors for D15 IgG HGG (odds ratio [OR] 1.02, P = 0.019). Risk factors for M6 IgG HGG were the presence of D15 IgG HGG (OR 6.41, P < 0.001) and treatment of acute rejection (OR 2.63, P = 0.014). Most infections occurred between D15 and M6 post transplant. Only age (hazard ratio 1.03, P < 0.001) was identified as a risk factor of infection between D15 and M6 post transplant. Survival free of infection (overall infections and bacterial or viral infections) did not differ significantly between patients with or without D15 IgG HGG. Only septicemia occurring between M6 and M12 post transplant was more frequently observed in patients with HGG. The low prevalence of severe HGG (<400 mg/dL) did not allow conclusions on the infectious risk associated with this patient subgroup. Conclusions This study does not support the existence of a strong link between post‐transplant HGG and the risk of severe infections in KTR. Correction of HGG to minimize the risk of severe infections in KTR is thus questionable and needs to be reevaluated in prospective studies

    Reproducibility of blood tests of liver fibrosis in clinical practice

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    Objectives:To evaluate the inter-laboratory reproducibility of blood test for liver fibrosis: FibroMeter, Fibrotest, APRI and their composites variables. Design and methods: Four studies, including 147 patients, were performed: study #1 included 2 metachronous blood samples and 2 laboratories; studies #2, #3 and #4 included synchronous samples with assays delayed at day 1 in 12 laboratories, at day 0 in 10 laboratories and at day 0 or 1 in 2 laboratories, respectively. Agreement was evaluated by the intraclass correlation coefficient (ric). Results: In studies #1, #2 and #4, ric for FibroMeter was 0.893, 0.942 and 0.991, respectively. In study #3, the ric were: FibroMeter: 0.963, Fibrotest: 0.984, APRI: 0.949. Large simulated variations in composite variables had a weak impact on FibroMeter. Conclusions: When blood marker limits are controlled, inter-laboratory agreement of blood tests is excellent in clinical practice conditions. Blood tests are robust against the variability of composite blood variables
