231 research outputs found

    Hiding its age: the case for a younger bulge

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    The determination of the age of the bulge has led to two contradictory results. On the one side, the color-magnitude diagrams in different bulge fields seem to indicate a uniformly old (>>10 Gyr) population. On the other side, individual ages derived from dwarfs observed through microlensing events seem to indicate a large spread, from ∼\sim 2 to ∼\sim 13 Gyr. Because the bulge is now recognised as being mainly a boxy peanut-shaped bar, it is suggested that disk stars are one of its main constituents, and therefore also stars with ages significantly younger than 10 Gyr. Other arguments as well point to the fact that the bulge cannot be exclusively old, and in particular cannot be a burst population, as it is usually expected if the bulge was the fossil remnant of a merger phase in the early Galaxy. In the present study, we show that given the range of metallicities observed in the bulge, a uniformly old population would be reflected into a significant spread in color at the turn-off which is not observed. Inversely, we demonstrate that the correlation between age and metallicity expected to hold for the inner disk would conspire to form a color-magnitude diagram with a remarkably small spread in color, thus mimicking the color-magnitude diagram of a uniformly old population. If stars younger than 10 Gyr are part of the bulge, as must be the case if the bulge has been mainly formed through dynamical instabilities in the disk, then a very small spread at the turn-off is expected, as seen in the observations.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    The Hottest Horizontal-Branch Stars in omega Centauri - Late Hot Flasher vs. Helium Enrichment

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    UV observations of some massive globular clusters uncovered a significant population of very hot stars below the hot end of the horizontal branch (HB), the so-called blue hook stars. This feature might be explained either as results of the late hot flasher scenario where stars experience the helium flash while on the white dwarf cooling curve or by the progeny of the helium-enriched sub-population recently postulated to exist in some clusters. Moderately high resolution spectra of stars at the hot end of the blue HB in omega Cen were analysed for atmospheric parameters and abundances using LTE and Non-LTE model atmospheres. In the temperature range 30,000K to 50,000K we find that 35% of our stars are helium-poor (log(n_He/n_H) < -2), 51% have solar helium abundance within a factor of 3 (-1.5 <= log(n_He/n_H) <= -0.5) and 14% are helium-rich (log(n_He/n_H)> -0.4). We also find carbon enrichment in step with helium enrichment, with a maximum carbon enrichment of 3% by mass. At least 14% of the hottest HB stars in omega Cen show helium abundances well above the highest predictions from the helium enrichment scenario (Y = 0.42 corresponding to log(n_He/n_H) ~ -0.74). In addition, the most helium-rich stars show strong carbon enrichment as predicted by the late hot flasher scenario. We conclude that the helium-rich HB stars in omega Cen cannot be explained solely by the helium-enrichment scenario invoked to explain the blue main sequence. (Abridged)Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, uses aa.cls (enclosed), accepted as A&A Lette

    Just how hot are the ω\omega Centauri extreme horizontal branch pulsators?

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    Past studies based on optical spectroscopy suggest that the five ω\omega Cen pulsators form a rather homogeneous group of hydrogen-rich subdwarf O stars with effective temperatures of around 50 000 K. This places the stars below the red edge of the theoretical instability strip in the log gg −- Teff diagram, where no pulsation modes are predicted to be excited. Our goal is to determine whether this temperature discrepancy is real, or whether the stars' effective temperatures were simply underestimated. We present a spectral analysis of two rapidly pulsating extreme horizontal branch (EHB) stars found in ω\omega Cen. We obtained Hubble Space Telescope/COS UV spectra of two ω\omega Cen pulsators, V1 and V5, and used the ionisation equilibrium of UV metallic lines to better constrain their effective temperatures. As a by-product we also obtained FUV lightcurves of the two pulsators. Using the relative strength of the N IV and N V lines as a temperature indicator yields Teff values close to 60 000 K, significantly hotter than the temperatures previously derived. From the FUV light curves we were able to confirm the main pulsation periods known from optical data. With the UV spectra indicating higher effective temperatures than previously assumed, the sdO stars would now be found within the predicted instability strip. Such higher temperatures also provide consistent spectroscopic masses for both the cool and hot EHB stars of our previously studied sample.Comment: 9 pages, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    A new visual-near-infrared diagnostic to estimate the metallicity of cluster and field dwarf stars

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    We present a theoretical calibration of a new metallicity diagnostic based on the Strömgren index m1 and on visual-near-infrared (NIR) colors to estimate the global metal abundance of cluster and field dwarf stars. To perform the metallicity calibratio

    Discovery of a rapidly pulsating subdwarf B star candidate in omega Cen

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    We report the discovery of the first variable extreme horizontal branch star in a globular cluster (omega Cen). The oscillation uncovered has a period of 114 s and an amplitude of 32 mmags. A comparison between horizontal branch models and observed optical colours indicates an effective temperature of 31,500+-6,300 K for this star, placing it within the instability strip for rapidly oscillating B subdwarfs. The time scale and amplitude of the pulsation detected are also in line with what is expected for this type of variable, thus strengthening the case for the discovery of a new subdwarf B pulsator.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures; accepted for publication in A&
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