3,018 research outputs found

    The Dynamics of Abell 2125

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    We present 371 galaxy velocities in the field of the very rich cluster Abell 2125 (z~0.25). These were determined using optical spectroscopy collected over several years from both the WIYN 3.5m telescope and NOAO Mayall 4m telescope. Prior studies at a variety of wavelengths (radio, optical, and X-ray) have indicated that A2125 is a likely cluster-cluster merger, a scenario which we are able to test using our large velocity database. We identified 224 cluster galaxies, which were subjected to a broad range of statistical tests using both positional and velocity information to evaluate the cluster dynamics and substructure. The tests confirmed the presence of substructures within the Abell 2125 system at high significance, demonstrating that A2125 is a complex dynamical system. Comparison of the test results with existing simulations strengthens the merger hypothesis, and provides clues about the merger geometry and stage. The merger model for the system can reconcile A2125's low X-ray temperature and luminosity with its apparently high richness, and might also explain A2125's high fraction of active galaxies identified in prior radio and optical studies.Comment: 34 pages, including tables and 3 color figures; to appear in Ap

    The Metallicity of Pre-Galactic Globular Clusters: Observational consequences of the first stars

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    We explore a scenario where metal-poor globular clusters (GCs) are enriched by the first supernovae in the Universe. If the first stars in a 10^7 Msun dark halo were very massive (>180 Msun), then a pair instability supernova from a single massive star can produce sufficient iron to enrich 10^6 Msun of pristine, primordial gas to [Fe/H] ~ -2. In such a scenario, where a single massive star acts as a seed for halo GCs, the accurate abundance analysis of GC stars would allow a direct measurement of the Population III initial mass. Using the latest theoretical yields for zero metallicity stars in the mass range 140-260 Msun, we find that the metals expelled from a ~230 Msun star are consistent with [Si/Fe] and [Ca/Fe] observed in GC stars. However, no single star in this mass range can simultaneously explain all halo GC heavy-element abundance ratios, such as [V/Fe], [Ti/Fe] and [Ni/Fe]. These require a combination masses for the Population III stellar progenitors. The various observational consequences of this scenario are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Lette

    The Far-Infrared/Radio Correlation in Nearby Abell Clusters

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    A comprehensive study of the effect of the cluster environment on the far- infrared (FIR)/radio correlation in nearby Abell clusters is presented. Using the cluster radio galaxy database from Miller & Owen (2001) and optical spectroscopy and high resolution radio images to remove AGN, we assess the FIR/radio correlation of cluster galaxies from the centers of the clusters out well past the classical Abell radius. The FIR/radio correlation is shown to hold quite well for star forming galaxies, and the FIR and radio fluxes for cluster AGN are also well correlated. In the case of AGN, the relative radio- to-FIR fluxes are greater and the scatter in the correlation is larger than those seen for star forming galaxies. We also find that there is a rare but statistically significant excess of star forming galaxies with enhanced radio emission in the centers of the clusters, and that the degree of this enhancement is typically a factor of two or three. The FIR/radio correlation for cluster star forming galaxies is also tested against line-of-sight velocity relative to the cluster systemic velocities, but no significant correlation is found. While the radial dependence of the FIR/radio correlation is consistent with the model wherein ram pressure increases the cluster galaxies' magnetic field strengths through compression, the velocity data do not confirm this model. Although a contribution from ram pressure can not be ruled out, the thermal pressure due to the ICM alone is an equally viable alternative. The high resolution radio images largely reject the hypothesis that the increased radio emission arises from an AGN component, strengthening the claim that the change in the correlation is caused by a change in the environment of the galaxies.Comment: 26 pages, including 5 figures (uses AASTeX 5.0). Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    A Comprehensive Radio and Optical Study of Abell 2256: Activity from an Infalling Group

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    Abell 2256 is a nearby (z~0.06), rich cluster of galaxies with fascinating observed properties across a range of wavelengths. Long believed to represent a cluster merger, recent X-ray and optical results have suggested that in addition to the primary cluster and subcluster there is evidence for a third, poorer system. We present wide-field, high sensitivity 1.4 GHz VLA radio observations of Abell 2256 in conjunction with optical imaging and additional spectroscopy. Over 40 cluster radio galaxies are identified, with optical spectroscopy indicating the emission source (star formation or AGN) for most of them. While the overall fraction of galaxies exhibiting radio emission is consistent with a large sample of other nearby clusters, we find an increase in the activity level of galaxies belonging to the third system (hereafter, the ``Group''). Specifically, the Group has relatively more star formation than both the primary cluster and main subcluster. The position of the Group is also coincident with the observed cluster radio relic. We suggest that the Group recently (~0.3 Gyr) merged with the primary cluster and that this merger, not the ongoing merger of the primary and the main subcluster, might be responsible for many of the unusual radio properties of Abell 2256. Furthermore, the greater star formation activity of the Group suggests that the infall of groups is an important driver of galaxy evolution in clusters.Comment: 21 pages plus 13 JPEG figures; to appear in the Astronomical Journa

    Constraints on UV Absorption in the Intracluster Medium of Abell 1030

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    We present results from an extensive HST spectroscopic search for UV absorption lines in the spectrum of the quasar B2~1028+313, which is associated with the central dominant galaxy in the cluster Abell~1030 (z=0.178z=0.178). This is one of the brightest known UV continuum sources located in a cluster, and therefore provides an ideal opportunity to obtain stringent constraints on the column densities of any cool absorbing gas that may be associated with the intracluster medium (ICM). Our HST spectra were obtained with the FOS and GHRS, and provide continuous coverage at rest-frame wavelengths from ∌975\sim 975 to 4060~\AA, thereby allowing the investigation of many different elements and ionization levels. We utilize a new technique that involves simultaneous fitting of large numbers of different transitions for each species, thereby yielding more robust constraints on column densities than can be obtained from a single transition. This method yields upper limits of â‰Č1011−1013\lesssim 10^{11} - 10^{13} cm−2^{-2} on the column densities of a wide range of molecular, atomic and ionized species that may be associated with the ICM. We also discuss a possible \Lya and C IV absorption system associated with the quasar. We discuss the implications of the upper limits on cool intracluster gas in the context of the physical properties of the ICM and its relationship to the quasar.Comment: Astrophysical Journal, in press, 19 pages, includes 5 PostScript figures. Latex format, uses aas2pp4.sty and epsfig.sty file

    Researching "British [Muslim] Values": Vernacular politics, digital storytelling, and participant researchers

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    This article reflects on methodological decisions, strategies, and challenges from a recent interdisciplinary project on the relationship between ‘British values’ and Islam. The project employed digital storytelling to access ‘everyday’ conceptions and constructions of this contentious relationship. The research was undertaken by participant researchers recruited from Muslim communities in the UK’s East Anglia region, working with academics from media studies and political science. In this article we offer a detailed account of key moments relating especially to recruitment, retention, and the production of digital content. It offers two contributions. First, methodological guidance for researchers interested in combining participatory research with digital storytelling. And, second, rationale for so doing given the methodology’s scope for producing rich visual content with capacity (i) to deepen and disrupt established knowledge, and (ii) to change the views, ideas and aspirations of those involved in the content’s creation

    The X-ray Luminosity Function of Nearby Rich and Poor Clusters of Galaxies: A Cosmological Probe

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    In this letter, we present a new determination of the local (z<0.09) X-ray luminosity function (XLF) using a large, statistical sample of 294 Abell clusters and the ROSAT All-Sky-Survey. Given our large sample size, we have reduced errors by a factor of two for L(X)(0.5-2keV)>10^43 ergs/sec. We combine our data with previous work in order to explore possible constraints imposed by the shape of the XLF on cosmological models. A set of currently viable cosmologies is used to construct theoretical XLFs assuming Lx is proportional to M^p and a sigma_8-Omega_0 constraint (from Viana & Liddle 1996) based on the local X-ray temperature function. We fit these models to our observed XLF and verify that the simplest adiabatic, analytic scaling relation (e.g. Kaiser 1986) disagrees strongly with observations. If we assume that clusters can be described by the pre-heated, constant core-entropy models of Evrard & Henry (1991) then the observed XLF is consistent only with 0.1 < Omega_0 < 0.4 if the energy per unit mass in galaxies is roughly equal to the gas energy (ie if beta=1). (abridged)Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letters. uses emulateapj.st

    Variation in Seagrass-Associated Macroinvertebrate Communities Along the Gulf Coast of Peninsular Florida: An Exploration of Patterns and Ecological Consequences

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    Seagrasses form vast meadows of structurally complex habitat that support faunal communities with greater numbers of species and individuals than nearby unstructured habitats. The Gulf coast of peninsular Florida represents a natural laboratory ideally suited to the study of processes that shape seagrass-associated invertebrate and fish communities within meadows of a single species of seagrass, Thalassia testudinum. This suitability arises from a pronounced structural and chemical gradient that exists over ecologically relevant spatial and temporal scales, as revealed by extensive monitoring of water quality and seagrass. We hypothesized that seagrass-associated invertebrate communities would vary across five estuarine systems spread along a spatial gradient in phosphorus concentration, an important driver of seagrass and phytoplankton growth in this region. The quantitative results based on data acquired at 25 stations (75 samples, 52,086 specimens, and 161 taxa) indicated that each of the five estuarine systems were distinct with regard to species composition and differences among systems were driven by abundant or relatively common species. In addition, we found evidence to indicate food webs in seagrass meadows along this gradient may differ, especially in the relative dominance of algal grazers and predatory invertebrates. These changes in species composition and trophic roles could be driven by phosphorus directly, through increases in rates of primary production with higher concentrations of phosphorus, or indirectly, through nutrient-mediated changes in the physical structure of the seagrass canopy. Our results suggest that differences in the habitat created by T. testudinum under differing phosphorus supplies lead to ecologically significant shifts in macroinvertebrate communities
