486 research outputs found

    Information gain versus state disturbance for a single qubit

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    The trade-off between the information gain and the state disturbance is derived for quantum operations on a single qubit prepared in a uniformly distributed pure state. The derivation is valid for a class of measures quantifying the state disturbance and the information gain which satisfy certain invariance conditions. This class includes in particular the Shannon entropy versus the operation fidelity. The central role in the derivation is played by efficient quantum operations, which leave the system in a pure output state for any measurement outcome. It is pointed out that the optimality of efficient quantum operations among those inducing a given operator-valued measure is related to Davies' characterization of convex invariant functions on hermitian operators.Comment: 17 pages, LaTeX, osid.sty. Substantially expanded and generalize

    Transition probabilities between quasifree states

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    We obtain a general formula for the transition probabilities between any state of the algebra of the canonical commutation relations (CCR-algebra) and a squeezed quasifree state. Applications of this formula are made for the case of multimode thermal squeezed states of quantum optics using a general canonical decomposition of the correlation matrix valid for any quasifree state. In the particular case of a one mode CCR-algebra we show that the transition probability between two quasifree squeezed states is a decreasing function of the geodesic distance between the points of the upper half plane representing these states. In the special case of the purification map it is shown that the transition probability between the state of the enlarged system and the product state of real and fictitious subsystems can be a measure for the entanglement.Comment: 13 pages, REVTeX, no figure

    Lower and upper bounds on the fidelity susceptibility

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    We derive upper and lower bounds on the fidelity susceptibility in terms of macroscopic thermodynamical quantities, like susceptibilities and thermal average values. The quality of the bounds is checked by the exact expressions for a single spin in an external magnetic field. Their usefulness is illustrated by two examples of many-particle models which are exactly solved in the thermodynamic limit: the Dicke superradiance model and the single impurity Kondo model. It is shown that as far as divergent behavior is considered, the fidelity susceptibility and the thermodynamic susceptibility are equivalent for a large class of models exhibiting critical behavior.Comment: 19 page

    New measure of electron correlation

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    We propose to quantify the "correlation" inherent in a many-electron (or many-fermion) wavefunction by comparing it to the unique uncorrelated state that has the same single-particle density operator as it does.Comment: Final version to appear in PR


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    Based on functional relationships established for binary mixes of container media, a mathematical model is proposed for ternary component mixtures. Shrinkage values are generated for three-component mixtures based on mathematical equations. Empirically observed shrinkage values for corresponding three-component mixtures are determined and used as the basis for assessing the reliability of the proposed mathematical model for characterizing shrinkage in mixtures of container media. . Regression equations were developed and compared for both theoretical and empirical results

    Berry phase and fidelity susceptibility of the three-qubit Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick ground state

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    Berry phases and quantum fidelities for interacting spins have attracted considerable attention, in particular in relation to entanglement properties of spin systems and quantum phase transitions. These efforts mainly focus either on spin pairs or the thermodynamic infinite spin limit, while studies of the multipartite case of a finite number of spins are rare. Here, we analyze Berry phases and quantum fidelities of the energetic ground state of a Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick (LMG) model consisting of three spin-1/2 particles (qubits). We find explicit expressions for the Berry phase and fidelity susceptibility of the full system as well as the mixed state Berry phase and partial-state fidelity susceptibility of its one- and two-qubit subsystems. We demonstrate a realization of a nontrivial magnetic monopole structure associated with local, coordinated rotations of the three-qubit system around the external magnetic field.Comment: The title of the paper has been changed in this versio

    Locating Overlap Information in Quantum Systems

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    When discussing the black hole information problem the term ``information flow'' is frequently used in a rather loose fashion. In this article I attempt to make this notion more concrete. I consider a Hilbert space which is constructed as a tensor product of two subspaces (representing for example inside and outside the black hole). I discuss how the system has the capacity to contain information which is in NEITHER of the subspaces. I attempt to quantify the amount of information located in each of the two subspaces, and elsewhere, and analyze the extent to which unitary evolution can correspond to ``information flow''. I define the notion of ``overlap information'' which appears to be well suited to the problem.Comment: 25 pages plain LaTeX, no figures. Imperial/TP/93-94/2

    Generating random density matrices

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    We study various methods to generate ensembles of random density matrices of a fixed size N, obtained by partial trace of pure states on composite systems. Structured ensembles of random pure states, invariant with respect to local unitary transformations are introduced. To analyze statistical properties of quantum entanglement in bi-partite systems we analyze the distribution of Schmidt coefficients of random pure states. Such a distribution is derived in the case of a superposition of k random maximally entangled states. For another ensemble, obtained by performing selective measurements in a maximally entangled basis on a multi--partite system, we show that this distribution is given by the Fuss-Catalan law and find the average entanglement entropy. A more general class of structured ensembles proposed, containing also the case of Bures, forms an extension of the standard ensemble of structureless random pure states, described asymptotically, as N \to \infty, by the Marchenko-Pastur distribution.Comment: 13 pages in latex with 8 figures include

    Statistical distinguishability between unitary operations

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    The problem of distinguishing two unitary transformations, or quantum gates, is analyzed and a function reflecting their statistical distinguishability is found. Given two unitary operations, U1U_1 and U2U_2, it is proved that there always exists a finite number NN such that U1⊗NU_1^{\otimes N} and U2⊗NU_2^{\otimes N} are perfectly distinguishable, although they were not in the single-copy case. This result can be extended to any finite set of unitary transformations. Finally, a fidelity for one-qubit gates, which satisfies many useful properties from the point of view of quantum information theory, is presented.Comment: 6 pages, REVTEX. The perfect distinguishability result is extended to any finite set of gate
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