58 research outputs found

    Les cellulites cervico-faciales d’origine dentaire: a propos de 150 cas

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    Les cellulites cervico-faciales d’origine dentaire sont des infections des tissus cellulo-adipeux, de la face et du cou, ayant des potentialitĂ©s extensives pouvant parfois ĂȘtre graves et engager le pronostic vital. Le but de ce travail est d’étudier le profil Ă©pidĂ©mioclinique et paraclinique de nos patients, d’évaluer leur prise en charge thĂ©rapeutique et leur Ă©volution. Notre Ă©tude est rĂ©trospective et a portĂ© sur 150 cas de cellulites cervico-faciales d’origine dentaire colligĂ©s sur 10 ans entre 1997 et 2006. La prise en charge thĂ©rapeutique Ă©tait mĂ©dico-hirurgicale. Les cellulites cervico-faciales d’origine dentaire sont une pathologie potentiellement grave dont la prise en charge est coĂ»teuse et les rĂ©percussions socio-professionnelles et Ă©conomiques sont lourdes d’oĂč l’intĂ©rĂȘt d’une politique de prĂ©vention efficace et ciblĂ©e visant Ă  rĂ©duire la morbiditĂ© liĂ©e Ă  ces infections.Mots clĂ©s : cellulites cervicale et faciale, infections dentaire, prĂ©vention

    La baisse de la densitĂ© osseuse au cours des maladies inflammatoires chroniques de l’intestin : prĂ©valence et facteurs de risquĂ©

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    Introduction: La baisse de la densité minérale osseuse représente la principale manifestation osseuse décrite au cours des maladies inflammatoires chroniques de l'intestin. En Tunisie, trÚs peu d'études ont rapportés sa prévalence et ses facteurs de risque. Le but de ce travail était de déterminer la prévalence de la perte osseuse au cours des maladies inflammatoires chroniques de l'intestin, et rechercher ses facteurs de risque. Méthodes: Patients et méthodes: étude ouverte transversale, réalisée de 2007 jusqu'à 2012. Résultats: 146 cas étaient colligés, dont 105 avaient une maladie de Crohn (71,9%) et 41 avaient une rectocolite hémorragique (28,1%). Il s'agissait de 62 hommes et 84 femmes. L'ùge moyen était de 33,18 ans. La perte osseuse était trouvée chez 85 patients (58,2%). Il s'agissait d'une ostéopénie dans 57 cas et d'ostéoporose dans 28 cas. Les facteurs de risque de perte osseuse étaient une activité physique limitée  (p=0,013), un indice de masse corporel '20 kg/m2 (p=0,015), une maladie active (p=0,035), l'étendue de l'atteinte intestinale (p=0,006) et une dose cumulée de corticothérapie dépassant 4,5g de Prednisone (p=0,003). Conclusion: La déminéralisation osseuse est une complication fréquente mais non constante. Ceci justifie un dépistage précoce chez les patients à risque, qui pourront ainsi bénéficier d'un traitement substitutif.Key words: Maladie de Crohn, recto-colite hémorragique, densité minérale osseuse, ostéopénie, ostéoporos

    L’ectopie des glandes parathyroides dans la chirurgie de l’hyperparathyroidie

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    Introduction : L’ectopie parathyroĂŻdienne est la cause d’échec la plus frĂ©quente de la chirurgie de l’hyperparathyroĂŻdie, entrainant le plus souvent des reprises chirurgicales. Son diagnostic topographique prĂ©-opĂ©ratoire reste difficile malgrĂ© le progrĂšs dans les diffĂ©rentes explorations radiologiques. Le diagnostic per-opĂ©ratoire doit ĂȘtre guidĂ© par une stratĂ©gie de dissection de rĂ©fĂ©rence. Le but de travail est d’étudier la stratĂ©gie de recherche des parathyroides lors de leur chirurgie.MatĂ©riels et mĂ©thodes : Il s’agit d’une Ă©tude rĂ©trospective Ă  propos de 137 patients (162 glandes parathyroĂŻdes ectopiques) parmi 572 patients opĂ©rĂ©s d’une hyperparathyroĂŻdie, colligĂ©s sur une pĂ©riode de 11 ans (Janvier 2001-DĂ©cembre 2011). Tous les patients ont bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© d’une imagerie prĂ©-opĂ©ratoire et ont Ă©tĂ© opĂ©rĂ©s sous anesthĂ©sie gĂ©nĂ©rale.RĂ©sultats : L’ñge moyen Ă©tait de 49 ans (11-71 ans) et le sex-ratio de 1,04. Une hyperparathyroĂŻdie primaire Ă©tait prĂ©sente chez 26 patients (18,98%) et une hyperparathyroĂŻdie secondaire Ă  une insuffisance rĂ©nale chronique chez 111 patients (81,02%).Une cervicotomie par voie classique avec exploration des 2 loges thyroĂŻdiennes a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e dans 136 cas. Dans les cas oĂč la parathyroĂŻde n’a pas Ă©tĂ© retrouvĂ©e, un geste opĂ©ratoire a Ă©tĂ© associĂ©. Ce geste consistait en un curage mĂ©diastino-rĂ©currentiel (15 cas), une thymectomie (12 cas) et une lobectomie thyroĂŻdienne (9 cas). Un seul patient a eu une thoracotomie en chirurgie thoracique, sans abord cervical classique. Sur les 162 glandes parathyroĂŻdes ectopiques retenues dans l’étude, 68 Ă©taient des glandes parathyroĂŻdes infĂ©rieures. Les localisations de celles-ci Ă©taient par ordre de frĂ©quence le thymus (26 cas), le ligament thyro-thymique (14 cas), le mĂ©diastin antĂ©ro-supĂ©rieur (5 cas) et la gaine carotidienne (3 cas). Vingt glandes parathyroĂŻdes infĂ©rieures n’ont pas Ă©tĂ© retrouvĂ©es sur les 68 (29,41%). Le nombre des glandes parathyroĂŻdes supĂ©rieures ectopiques Ă©tait de 94 sur 162. Leurs localisations Ă©taient par ordre de frĂ©quence le pĂŽle supĂ©rieur (33 cas), le pĂ©dicule supĂ©rieur (20 cas), la rĂ©gion rĂ©tro-oesophagienne (15 cas), la gaine carotidienne (11 cas), intra-thyroĂŻdienne (5 cas) et le mĂ©diastin postĂ©ro-supĂ©rieur (2 cas). Huit glandes parathyroĂŻdes supĂ©rieures n’ont pas Ă©tĂ© trouvĂ©es sur les 94 (8,51%). Au total, sur les 162 glandes parathyroĂŻdes ectopiques, 28 n’ont pas Ă©tĂ© retrouvĂ©es (17,28%).Conclusion : L’imagerie est un moyen incontournable Ă  la recherche d’une glande parathyroĂŻde ectopique. Lorsqu’elle n’est pas retrouvĂ©e dans sa localisation habituelle, la stratĂ©gie de dissection chirurgicale doit ĂȘtre mĂ©thodique.Mots-clĂ©s : glande parathyroĂŻde, ectopie, hyperparathyroĂŻdie, imagerie, parathyroĂŻdectomieIntroduction: The ectopic parathyroid is the most common cause of failure of hyperparathyroidism surgery, resulting often in reoperations. Its preoperative topographic diagnosis remains difficult despite advances in various imaging studies. The intraoperative diagnosis should be guided by a reference strategy of dissection.Materials and Methods: This is a retrospective study of 137 patients (162 ectopic parathyroid glands) among 572 patients undergoing hyperparathyroidism surgery, collected over a 11-year period (January 2001-December 2011). All patients underwent preoperative imaging and were operated under general anesthesia.Results: The mean age was 49 years (11-71 years) and the sex-ratio 1.04. Primary hyperparathyroidism was present in 26 patients (18.98%) and hyperparathyroidism secondary to chronic renal failure in 111 patients (81.02%). Cervicotomy through traditional approach with bilateral exploration was performed in 136 cases. In cases where the parathyroid was not found, a surgical procedure was performed. This act consisted in mediastinal-recurrential lymphadenectomy (15 cases), thymectomy (12 cases) and thyroid lobectomy (9 cases). One patient had a thoracotomy in thoracic surgery department without conventional cervical approach. Among the 162 ectopic parathyroid glands included in the study, 68 were inferior parathyroid glands. The locations of these were in order of frequency the thymus (26 cases), the thyro-thymic ligament (14 cases), the antero-superior mediastinum (5 cases) and the carotid sheath (3 cases). Twenty inferior parathyroid glands were not found among the 68 (29,41%). The number of ectopic superior parathyroid glands was 94 of 162. Their locations were in order of frequency the upper pole (33 cases), the superior pedicle (20 cases), the retro-esophageal region (15 cases), the carotid sheath (11 cases), intra-thyroid (5 cases) and the postero-superior mediastinum (2 cases). Eight superior parathyroid glands were not found among the 94 (8.51%). In total, among 162 ectopic parathyroid glands, 28 were not found (17,28%).Conclusion: Imaging is essential to search an ectopic parathyroid gland. When not found in its usual location, the strategy of surgical dissection should be methodical.Keywords: parathyroid gland, ectopia, hyperparathyroidism, imaging, parathyroidectom

    Osteomyelite atypique ou centrale de la base du crane d’origine sinusienne

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    Introduction : L’ostĂ©omyĂ©litede la base du crĂąne esttypiquement secondaire Ă  une otite externe nĂ©crosante chez des patients ĂągĂ©s, diabĂ©tiques. Elle atteint l’os temporal et est habituellement due au pseudomonasaeruginosa. Dans sa forme atypique, l’ostĂ©omyĂ©lite atteint les os sphĂ©noĂŻdal ou occipital sans otite externe associĂ©eet est beaucoup moins frĂ©quente. Le but de cette Ă©tude est d’analyser les caractĂ©ristiques cliniques et de dĂ©terminer les modalitĂ©s thĂ©rapeutiques de l’ostĂ©omyĂ©lite nonotologique de la base du crĂąne.MĂ©thodes : Nous avons revu rĂ©trospectivement deux casd’ostĂ©omyĂ©lite atypique de la base du crĂąne.RĂ©sultats : Les deux patients se sont prĂ©sentĂ©s dans un tableau d’altĂ©ration de l’état gĂ©nĂ©ral, une asthĂ©nie, des cĂ©phalĂ©es et de la fiĂšvre. Les signes rhinologiques Ă©taient discrets. Aucun des deux patients n’avait de dĂ©ficit neurologique. L’imagerie avait montrĂ© une destruction osseuse, la biologie a objectivĂ© un syndrome infectieux et une biopsie osseuse trans sphĂ©noĂŻdale a confirmĂ© le diagnostic d’ostĂ©omyĂ©lite. Un traitement antibiotique prolongĂ© a Ă©tĂ© instaurĂ© et les deux patients ont Ă©tĂ© guĂ©ris sans rĂ©cidive moyennant un recul de 12 mois.Conclusion : l’atteinte ostĂ©omyĂ©litique centrale de la base du crĂąne est une affection rare dont la prise en charge passe par un prĂ©lĂšvement osseux prĂ©coce et un traitement appropriĂ© afin de prĂ©venir ou limiter d’autres complications telles qu’une extension endocrĂąnienne, un empyĂšme, ou la mort.Mots ClĂ©s: OstĂ©omyĂ©lite; Base du crĂąne; sphenoĂŻdite; IRMIntroduction : Skull base osteomyelitis typically arises as a complication of ear infection in older diabetic patients, involves the temporal bone, and has Pseudomonas aeruginosaas the usual pathogen. Atypical skull base osteomyelitis arising from the sphenoid or occipital bones without associated external otitis occurs much less frequently. The purpose of this study was to review the clinical featuresand determine efficacy of treatment for nonotologic osteomyelitis of the skull base.Methods : We retrospectively reviewed two cases of central or atypical skull base osteomyelitis.Results : The two patients presented with asthenia, headache, and fever. No patient presented with neurologic deficits. Contrary to malignant otitis externa, our cases were not preceded by immediate external infections and had normal external ear examinations. One patient had an underlying immunocompromising condition. Imaging demonstrated bone destruction, subsequent microbiological analysis diagnosed infection and a biopsy proved diagnosis of osteomyelitis, a prolonged antibiotic treatment was instored. The two patients were cured with no recurrence of skull base infection over 12-month follow-up period.Conclusion : Central skull base osteomyelitis is a rare disease whose treatment requires an early bone biopsy and appropriate treatment to prevent or limit other complications such as intracranial extension, empyema, or dead.Key Words : Osteomyelitis; Skull base; sphenoĂŻditis; MR

    lynx1 Supports Neuronal Health in the Mouse Dorsal Striatum During Aging: an Ultrastructural Investigation

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    Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors have been shown to participate in neuroprotection in the aging brain. Lynx protein modulators dampen the activity of the cholinergic system through direct interaction with nicotinic receptors. Although lynx1 null mutant mice exhibit augmented learning and plasticity, they also exhibit macroscopic vacuolation in the dorsal striatum as they age, detectable at the optical microscope level. Despite the relevance of the lynx1 gene to brain function, little is known about the cellular ultrastructure of these age-related changes. In this study, we assessed degeneration in the dorsal striatum in 1-, 3-, 7-, and 13-month-old mice, using optical and transmission electron microscopy. We observed a loss of nerve fibers, a breakdown in nerve fiber bundles, and a loss of neuronal nuclei in the 13-month-old lynx1 null striatum. At higher magnification, these nerve fibers displayed intracellular vacuoles and disordered myelin sheaths. Few or none of these morphological alterations were present in younger lynx1 null mutant mice or in heterozygous lynx1 null mutant mice at any age. These data indicate that neuronal health can be maintained by titrating lynx1 dosage and that the lynx1 gene may participate in a trade-off between neuroprotection and augmented learning

    Hopping conduction mechanism and impedance spectroscopy analyses of La0.70Sr0.25Na0.05Mn0.70Ti0.30O3 ceramic

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    The perovskite sample La0.7Sr0.25Na0.05Mn0.7Ti0.3O3 (LSNM0.70T0.30) was produced via a solid-state route process. The frequency dependence of electrical conduction plot established that according to the Jonscher law. The electrical conduction process was based on both theoretical conduction models assigned to the non-overlapping small polaron tunneling model at low temperatures and correlated barrier hopping mechanism at high temperatures. Detailed investigation of impedance data revealed a non-Debye-type relaxation occurring in the polycrystalline. In addition, the dielectric response confirmed the dominance of the Maxwell–Wagner model and Koop’s phenomenological theory effect in conduction phenomenon. The values of permittivity is high for LSNM0.70T0.30 were observed. These values make this composition interesting for microelectric applications. In the thermal study, the relaxation processes observed by electrical conductivity, impedance, and modulus are associated with singly and doubly ionized oxygen vacancies for the lower and higher temperature, respectively. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.Majmaah University, MU: R-2021-121The author would like to thank Deanship of Scientific Research at Majmaah University for supporting this work under Project Number No. R-2021-121

    A review of nanocomposite-modified electrochemical sensors for water quality monitoring

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    Electrochemical sensors play a significant role in detecting chemical ions, molecules, and pathogens in water and other applications. These sensors are sensitive, portable, fast, inexpensive, and suitable for online and in-situ measurements compared to other methods. They can provide the detection for any compound that can undergo certain transformations within a potential window. It enables applications in multiple ion detection, mainly since these sensors are primarily non-specific. In this paper, we provide a survey of electrochemical sensors for the detection of water contaminants, i.e., pesticides, nitrate, nitrite, phosphorus, water hardeners, disinfectant, and other emergent contaminants (phenol, estrogen, gallic acid etc.). We focus on the influence of surface modification of the working electrodes by carbon nanomaterials, metallic nanostructures, imprinted polymers and evaluate the corresponding sensing performance. Especially for pesticides, which are challenging and need special care, we highlight biosensors, such as enzymatic sensors, immunobiosensor, aptasensors, and biomimetic sensors. We discuss the sensors’ overall performance, especially concerning real-sample performance and the capability for actual field application

    The effects of male age on sperm analysis by motile sperm organelle morphology examination (MSOME)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>This study aimed to investigate the influence of age on sperm quality, as analysed by motile sperm organelle morphology examination (MSOME).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Semen samples were collected from 975 men undergoing evaluation or treatment for infertility. Sperm cells were evaluated at 8400× magnification using an inverted microscope equipped with Nomarski (differential interference contrast) optics. Two forms of spermatozoa were considered: normal spermatozoa and spermatozoa with large nuclear vacuoles (LNV, defined as vacuoles occupying > 50% of the sperm nuclear area). At least 200 spermatozoa per sample were evaluated, and the percentages of normal and LNV spermatozoa were determined. The subjects were divided into three groups according to age: Group I, less than or equal to 35 years; Group II, 36-40 years; and Group III, greater than or equal to 41 years.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There was no difference in the percentages of normal sperm between the two younger (I and II) groups (<it>P ></it>0.05). The percentage of normal sperm in the older group (III) was significantly lower than that in the younger (I and II) groups (<it>P </it>< 0.05). There was no difference in the percentage of LNV spermatozoa between the younger (I and II) groups (<it>P ></it>0.05). The percentage of LNV spermatozoa was significantly higher in the older group (III) than in the younger (I and II) groups (<it>P </it>< 0.05). Regression analysis demonstrated a significant decrease in the incidence of normal sperm with increasing age (<it>P </it>< 0.05; r = -0.10). However, there was a significant positive correlation between the percentage of spermatozoa with LNV and male age (<it>P </it>< 0.05, r = 0.10).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results demonstrated a consistent decline in semen quality, as reflected by morphological evaluation by MSOME, with increased age. Considering the relationship between nuclear vacuoles and DNA damage, these age-related changes predict that increased paternal age should be associated with unsuccessful or abnormal pregnancy as a consequence of fertilisation with damaged spermatozoa. Given that sperm nuclear vacuoles can be evaluated more precisely at high magnification, these results support the routine use of MSOME for ICSI as a criterion for semen analysis.</p

    Effects of increased paternal age on sperm quality, reproductive outcome and associated epigenetic risks to offspring

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