2,949 research outputs found

    Residents\u27 Perceptions and Attitudes Towards Native American Gaming (NAG) in Kansas: Proximity and Number of Trips to NAG Activity

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    This study assessed the perceptions and attitudes toward Native American Gaming (NAG) development in the State of Kansas. By using the resident support for tourism model developed by Perdue, Long, and Allen (1990), this study assessed perceptions and attitudes of residents in relation to their proximity to NAG activity and their number of visits to Native American casinos in the last 12 months. A survey was administered to 1038 households on a population proportionate basis in Brown County (35.65%), Doniphan County (25.30%), and Jackson County (39.05%) in the State of Kansas. Significant differences were found between distance from NAG activity and the perception of overcrowding in the county. Additionally, significant differences were noted between number of visits and the perception of income benefits, employment opportunities, condition of the local economy, quality of life in the county, entertainment opportunities, illegal drug activities, standard of living, meeting interesting people, social opportunities and overall quality of life

    Residents\u27 Perceptions And Attitudes Towards Native American Gaming (NAG) In Kansas: Demographics, Policies & Future Development

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    This study applies a tourism model developed by Perdue, Long, and Allen ( 1990) to investigate residents\u27 perceptions of Native American Gambling in Kansas. A survey was administered to 1038 households, on a population proportionate basis, in Brown County (35 .65% ), Doniphan County (25.30% ), and Jackson County (39.05% ). Results indicated several relationships among perceived impacts of NAG development, including the respondent\u27s gender, gaming trips, age, employment status, and income level. Additionally, this study identified an association or dependence between the resident\u27s perceived future of the community and support for additional NAG development, support for restrictive NAG development policies, and support for additional taxes

    Development of a watershed and stream-reach spawning habitat model for river herring Alosa pseudoharengus and Alosa aestivalis

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    This research develops a model to identify indicators of potential suitable spawning habitat for river herring, Alosa pseudoharengus and A. aestivalis, using watershed and stream-reach metrics. The results of icthyoplankton samples collected from thirty-four streams feeding into the Rappahannock River below the Embree Dam at Fredericksburg indicate where river herring spawning occurred. Watershed and stream-reach metrics were either measured in the field or derived from digital data in a GIS. Benthic macroinvertebrate analysis was used to compare habitat quality among sites. Streams were classified as either absence or presence of herring eggs or larvae based on the results of the ichthyoplankton samples. Depending on the distributions of the metrics, T-tests or Mann-Whitney U tests determined which metrics were significantly different between the absence and presence groups. Variables from Principal Component Analyses were used in discriminant analyses to examine the relative importance of watershed and stream-reach metrics in predicting suitable spawning habitat. The results of the analyses show that river herring tend to spawn in larger, elongated watersheds with greater mean elevations and habitat complexity. River herring prefer watersheds with greater percentages of deciduous forest and less grassland areas and stream reaches with less organic matter and less fine sediment in the substrate, and more canopy cover and snags. The discriminant analysis using watershed metrics has a better predication ability, 88.2%, than other discriminant models using stream-reach metrics. Except for two metrics, the ratios of %Chironomous to %Chironomidae and %Chironomous to %Chironomini, most of the benthic macroinvertebrate metrics indicate that the presence group has a more degraded environment. This model could be used to target restoration efforts not only in the Rappahannock River but elsewhere in the Chesapeake Bay. Furthermore, the multi-scale model design could be used to target management efforts for other aquatic species

    Sex Ratios and Gender Role Perceptions

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    This research investigated whether altering perceived sex ratios, defined as the number of men per 100 women, influenced gender role perceptions among college students. The specific area of interest within sex ratios was the effect of high versus low sex ratios. Existing work on the topic of sex ratios focused on demographic data. The focus of these studies was the impact of changing sex ratios on the individual, specifically participants’ perceptions of romance, dating and women’s gender roles. I hypothesized that for high sex ratios, participants would endorse statements of traditional dating and romance schemes, traditional women’s roles, and socially conservative statements in general. For low sex ratios, I hypothesized that participants would report relaxed notions of dating and romance, egalitarian women’s gender roles, and less social conservatism. In the pilot study, participants were exposed to a written manipulation presenting a fictional environment with an imbalanced sex ratio. Participants were asked about traditional romantic gestures, women’s roles, and family structure. Results indicated that participants were responsive to the manipulation as hypothesized, although the effect was weak. Subsequent studies used a strengthened audio presentation of the information about sex ratios. For studies two and three a fictional island society was created that had either an excess of men or women. In study two, the manipulation focused on a fictional female character’s choices regarding marriage, motherhood and career. In the third study, the manipulation focused on romance, dating, and careers without a central character. The outcome of these studies was as hypothesized; participants in the high sex ratio condition reported greater support for traditional romance and more constrained women’s gender roles while low sex ratio condition participants reported less valuing of romance and formal dating behavior and less restricted gender roles. The overall results supported a theory of how unbalanced sex ratios affect society that was developed by Guttentag and Secord, but that has never previously been subjected to an experimental test. Implications of the outcome were discussed at the individual, local and global level. Advisor: Richard Dienstbie

    With Apologies for Yet Another Icarus Poem

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    The Effects of Native American Gaming on Other Tourist Businesses

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    Native American gaming (NAG) has increased significantly over the Last several years since its Legalization in I988. Currently there are I70 Native American tribes that have some form of gaming. It has been estimated that NAG has become a 2 billion dollar industry for many states. In the next several years it could become one of the Largest industry throughout the United States. The overall impact of NAG has not been thoroughly studied due to its recent Legalization. This study examined the impact that the introduction of NAG has had on non-NAG businesses at a Wisconsin tourist destination area

    Joint Fires in Support Distributed Maritime Operations

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    NPS NRP Executive SummaryJoint Fires in Support Distributed Maritime OperationsN2/N6 - Information WarfareThis research is supported by funding from the Naval Postgraduate School, Naval Research Program (PE 0605853N/2098). https://nps.edu/nrpChief of Naval Operations (CNO)Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.

    Designing and Provisioning for a Consistent C2 Approach for Marine-Machine Teaming

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    NPS NRP Project PosterDesigning and Provisioning for a Consistent C2 Approach for Marine-Machine TeamingMarine Corps Warfighting Laboratory (MCWL)This research is supported by funding from the Naval Postgraduate School, Naval Research Program (PE 0605853N/2098). https://nps.edu/nrpChief of Naval Operations (CNO)Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.

    Designing and Provisioning for a Consistent C2 Approach for Marine-Machine Teaming

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    NPS NRP Executive SummaryDesigning and Provisioning for a Consistent C2 Approach for Marine-Machine TeamingMarine Corps Warfighting Laboratory (MCWL)This research is supported by funding from the Naval Postgraduate School, Naval Research Program (PE 0605853N/2098). https://nps.edu/nrpChief of Naval Operations (CNO)Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.

    Ситуационный анализ рынка грузовых перевозок и перспективы его развития

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    The relevance of conducting a situational analysis of the cargo transportation market is based on its overall strategic importance in the context of economic development of the Russian Federation. Namely, being actively involved in both domestic and foreign economic activity, cargo transportation is a key one in the supply of goods, resources, food, and other cargo.Such an analysis is of particular interest regarding the immediate pandemic and consequent period. It offers an opportunity to draw certain conclusions on change in quantitative indices (the total number of cargo transportation carried out decreased that somewhat complicated the situation of a number of business entities) as well as, to a certain extent, on adaptation of the tools of situational analysis to situations rather strongly influenced by unusual factors.The subject of study described in the article is the process of conducting a situational analysis of the cargo transportation market to identify the main patterns for road, rail, and sea transportation. Besides, the data obtained through the analysis are the basis for making basic forecasts for the future state of the entire cargo transportation sector.The study involved in its context methods of analysis and synthesis of economic and statistical sources of information; at the same time, the author relied also on several empirical research methods and a SWOT analysis.The results of the current study are ambiguous: on the one hand, one can observe overall development of the industry from the position of changing the structure composition of the market of cargo transportation, as well as note its sustainability relative to other areas. At the same time, the analysis of the state of cargo transportation that took shape during the pandemics can be considered as dependent to great extent on further impact of the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on the entire economy. It is nevertheless important that the cargo transportation has shown high adaptation ability regarding tuning of the activity under the conditions of fast changes in external economic environment and market situation.Актуальность проведения ситуационного анализа рынка грузовых перевозок заключается в их общей стратегической значимости в контексте экономического развития Российской Федерации. В частности, выступая в качестве активного участника экономической деятельности, в том числе и внешнеэкономической, сфера грузоперевозок является ключевой в осуществлении поставок товаров, ресурсов, продовольствия и иных грузов.Вместе с тем, представляет особый интерес такой анализ в отношении непосредственно периода и последствий пандемии. Он даёт возможность не только сделать выводы об изменении количественных показателей (общее количество осуществляемых грузоперевозок снизилось, что несколько осложнило положение ряда хозяйствующих субъектов), но и в определённой мере рассмотреть адаптацию инструментов ситуационного анализа для ситуаций с достаточно сильным влиянием нетипичных факторов.Предметом изучения в данной статье выступает процесс ситуационного анализа рынка грузовых перевозок с целью выявления основных закономерностей в сфере автомобильного, железнодорожного и морского транспорта. Кроме того, полученные посредством анализа данные являются основой для составления основных прогнозов дальнейшего состояния всей отрасли грузоперевозок.В контексте исследования были задействованы методы анализа и синтеза экономических и статистических источников информации; в то же время автор опирался на ряд эмпирических методов исследования и проведение SWOT-анализа.Результаты текущего исследования имеют неоднозначный характер – с одной стороны, можно наблюдать общее развитие отрасли с позиции изменения состава рынка, а также её устойчивость относительно других сфер. В то же время анализ сложившегося в период пандемии состояния грузоперевозок можно считать в большой степени зависящим от дальнейшего влияния последствий пандемии COVID-19 для экономики в целом. Важно, однако что отрасль продемонстрировала высокую адаптационную способность к перенастройке деятельности в условиях быстрого изменения внешнего экономического фона и конъюнктуры рынка